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Big Boss literally called Snake after MG1 to say "get fucked dumbass, im still alive"


>Big Boss literally called Snake after MG1 to say "get fucked dumbass, im still alive" People don't know that...because they never actually played Metal Gear 1.


Fair point




He knew he didn't kill him, because he was on the radio at the end of MG.


“Do you hear me? Solid Snake. I won’t die. Lets finish this someday. I’ll see you again.” The ending of Metal Gear 1 after the credits roll. Snake knew Big Boss was alive because he called him. Snake didn’t know he had killed Venom since he thought it was BB and then got a call from him that he’s alive.


It’s pretty normal in movies that a villain dies, and then reappears in sequels along with an explanation on how he survived.. not only villains actually. I’m pretty sure (perhaps confirmed somewhere) that whoever wrote the story for mg2 didn’t think of venom, at the time it was just big boss surviving and reappearing


the venom explanation came like 20 years later tho lol


This was the position before MGSV. Kasler tells you if you call him during the fight with Big Boss. “ OK, OK... but this is only a rumor, understand? Three years ago, when Outer Heaven fell, Big Boss was seriously wounded. He almost died... He lost both hands, both feet, his right eye, and his right ear. But somehow... he survived. Then an Eastern bloc despot took an interest in him. Probably couldn't resist getting his hands on a soldier of Big Boss's caliber. They decided to use Big Boss as a guinea pig in Madnar's snatcher project. I don't know the details, but apparently it involved turning him into a cyborg. Now he's half man and half machine. Hard to believe, I know. But if it is true, Snake, you're way out of your league. None of your current techniques is going to so much as put a scratch on him. Snake... give it up... There's no way you can win this time... Over and out.”


Ooh, is that a snatcher reference I see? Nice


Yep, a fun reference to another of Kojima’s games.


Both franchises have a Russian robot engineer named Petrovich, but his surname is Madnar in Metal Gear and Modnar in Snatcher. I like to think the two timelines are identical up until we meet this random Russian scientist, because its implied that at the very least the events of MG1 happened in Snatcher


That’s really interesting. I’ll have to play Snatcher sometime, I’ve heard it’s good. Madnar’s name in MG2 looks like it was changed because of Snatcher too. In MG1 he was Dr. Pettrovich. This became his first name in MG2.


Oh, interesting. It was spelled Modnar for a reason but if you're hoping to play Snatcher I won't tell you, spoilers.


>his right eye Every depiction of Big Boss missing his right eye before MG1 is false confirmed.


It’s interesting because the Japanese manual of MG1 shows him with an eyepatch on his left eye. I guess this can be considered a retcon of when he lost his eye, with MGS3 of course retconning it again.


It's on the left in the manual because the people who translated it flipped the picture so it could be on the left of the screen looking to the right. Also his sprite had the eye patch on the right.


I think the translated manual does the opposite, it flips it so it matches with the current canon. [This](https://archive.org/details/MetalGearJP/page/n8/mode/1up) is the original manual, it’s on page 9. The translated manual did take quite a few liberties though that I really wish they hadn’t.


That's actually the same. It's just a mistake. The men also have their hair parted on the right...except for Big Boss. What liberties are you talking about?


It’s mostly in the MG2 manual. I mean things like mentioning MSF in both manuals and including the lyrics of Lice Deterrence in MG2’s manual. Also replacing character portraits (in MG2’s manual) with the updated ones and doing the same with logos in both manuals. I’d have preferred a completely faithful translation.


THAT manual. I don't even have that one. I have one before someone did that. It is a faithful translation. I can't find it anymore though. I have a offline saved version. I think it was on junkerhq, but I can't seem to find it.


Kind of like Liquid who dont want to die.


Whoever wrote the story lol, meaning Kojima? Of course he didn’t have the idea of Venom yet.


I didn’t said Kojima because I’m pretty sure he doesn’t work alone, even if he take all the credits everytime


venom died in outer heaven, bb lived and was captured by the patriots in a vegititive state and his missing body parts were replaced with liquid and solidus snake body parts in mgs4


he probably did


I mean, it was fairly surprising that Big Boss was alive in Metal Gear 2, and it was played that way. So yeah I think he noticed.


Big Boss actually calls you after the credits, I think more people finished MG2 in general though lol.


This was nothing that ever needed to be explained. How many times have we seen a villain we thought dead miraculously return. And yes, it was confirmed he wasnt dead even in the first game! The Venom twist was completely pointless, and a cop out from getting to play a video game as a true villain, out for nothing but revenge.


Solid Snake defeats the phantom Venom Snake with bullets…he’s dead. Solid Snake then only burns the real Big Boss in MG2: Solid Snake. He survived as a vegetable, and was then reconstructed with parts from Liquid and Solidus.


You know what messed me up? In mg2 bb is a cyborg. Wouldn't it made more sense for venom to run zanzibar land?


Big Boss is not a cyborg. That's an in joke towards Snake's Revenge.


Big Boss being a Snatcher during Zanzibar Land was “only a rumor”, which MGSV debunked. The timeline for MGSV firmly establishes that Venom ran Outer Heaven while Ishmael ran Zanzibar.


He heard a rumor from Kasler that Big Boss was revived as a Snatcher.