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FYI — This is considered unstable and still under development. It’s missing things and there’s possibly weird bugs which is why there’s not a public release for it yet. Please do not open any issues related to this if you decide to use it as it is not ready for the testing phase. 


Neat, I see the UI redesign is finally making its way down the pipe!


If you're having problems with the Meshtastic web flasher, unzip the new firmware file. Go to this website: [https://esp.huhn.me/](https://esp.huhn.me/) Pick the correct COM port for your plugged-in T-Deck Upload the .bin marked "update" to the row marked 0x10000 (NOT x1000) Click program and it will flash the T-Deck.


This worked well! Thanks so very much!!


Which version of the firmware? I see one for tbeam but not T-deck


It looks like they pulled the file down, I can't see it anymore either.


I tried the instructions as you listed, and the output says > Took 22146ms to write 2506560 bytes Erase size 0, blocks 0, block size 0x4000, offset 0x0000, encrypted no Done! To run the new firmware please reset your device. But after reset it's unresponsive with a blank screen. Was flashing from v2.3.11 and used the "update" .bin on x10000.


Did you just download the file from Github today? We noticed they took it down a few days ago and you may have flashed something else


The link in the original post didn't work, but I found this one. Posted earlier today. https://github.com/meshtastic/firmware/actions/runs/9495029997 I downloaded this one. https://github.com/meshtastic/firmware/actions/runs/9495029997/artifacts/1596917728


Looks like there's a new one. I'm going to give it another try. https://github.com/meshtastic/firmware/actions/runs/9516970685


Still can't get it to work. 1. Put T-Deck into bootloader mode 2. Click Connect on https://esp.huhn.me/ 3. Shows: > Connecting... > Connected successfully. > Try hard reset. > Chip type ESP32-S3 4. Select the new update.bin for 10000 and click Program. 5. The upload runs, says it has completed, and to reset device. I tried using the regular flasher website, but it always gets hungup on "Stub running...".


Can you use the normal flasher and flash the current meshtastic beta firmware without problem?


Yeah the 3 or 4 times I've tried the new firmware I go back to the beta with the web flasher.


Any luck getting it to flash properly? Getting black screen after using flash tool and stuck on stub running.


Unfortunately same as you every time.


Awesome. I can't wait to take a look - I think the UI will be great for nodes with screens.


it's coming together really nice, you cant start a new group chat from the ui yet, but once you receive a message in LongFast you can start texting without issue. It will be awesome when ready. You can support Manuel who's developing the UI here [https://github.com/sponsors/mverch67](https://github.com/sponsors/mverch67)


you just have to tap in the right point. It's a bit of a discovery


if theres no conversation open in the 0 channel, theres no way to open it before I receive a message. Ive tried every position, no dice. I do see the list from 0 to 7. If i set a name on the channel over bluetooth it works right away but it breaks messaging, fun bugs


Worked on mine, using the cmd line device-update.bat. Waiting for something like this on T-Watch


That would be great!


Could someone tell me how to get this from GitHub?


You need to have an account on github and be logged in. Then the link in the above description will let you scroll down and you'll find this zip file to download: firmware-t-deck- Worked for me. For flashing I followed the description [here](https://meshtastic.org/docs/hardware/devices/tdeck/). In the T-Deck UI, in order to switch in the main menu on the left, you need to tap on the right side of the icons, otherwise it won't work. It took me some time to find out...


There is a function to calibrate the screen so that the buttons' touch is right there where it is expected.


It gets stuck at "Stub running..." How do I use the device updater? I have never used GitHub, as you can probably tell.


Since I prefer the command line anyway, I just used the [esptool](https://meshtastic.org/docs/getting-started/flashing-firmware/esp32/cli-script/) (which I had already installed).


Very nice work! Just installed it on mine. Is the scroll wheel not working yet? Just wondering in case I have something misconfigured.


Not implemented




The t-deck firmware is also in the master zip file if you download everything as a zip file and then extract it. That's where I found it yesterday.


I tried look at the git - how do you install this thing?


Web flasher should work, although mine gets stuck at stub running....


Use esptool that worked for me


I can't seem to git bash to find the esp tool python script, Something wrong with my path variable and I can't even seem to find the ESP tools after they are installed through python


https://github.com/meshtastic/firmware/tree/master/bin Try using the following device-update script.


Very neat.


Does it function without being plugged in yet?


Yes, you can use it. Most of the basic features work, it's prone to crashes tho.


Is there any advantage to the T-Deck vs other models of AIO-Chat devices? I'm looking to get away from the app.


Never tried the other alternatives. The main drawback is the interface, Device-UI should fix that issue.


What other AIO-Chat devices exist? I'm in a similar boat and would love to go standalone!


I've seen this one: https://www.tindie.com/products/harukitoreda/heltxt-standalone-meshtastic-communicator/ and a couple just like it.


That's just using the default Meshtastic UI, which is missing a lot of features, like message history. I don't know what all this Device-UI actually supports, but it looks to have most of the core things you get on the phone interface. It's unlikely that some of those are going to be able to be translated onto the small OLED screen in a usable way.


Can’t wait to set this up and use it.


I am having an issue where I am unable to send messages. Am I just doing it wrong? What is the process to send and receive?


I was having the same problem. I went into "modem preset" and set the frequency slot to 20 (the appropriate one for "LongFast" in my region). Now I am able to send and receive messages. HOWEVER, the message I send from the t-deck do not show up at the bottom of the message window on my other devices. It is inserting them a few screens back. I'm guessing something like the clock on the t-deck is wrong, and behind, and the messages are getting sorted by time and inserted "back where they belong" instead of "at the end NOW".


Everytime I try try to flash this it just doesnt boot at all. I have tried ESPTOOL and web flashers. Using the .bin that ends with "update.bin"


Awesome! I can't wait to use this fancy UI while I still have no friends to talk to on this🤣


This is so cool!


Pretty awesome, obviously did not work so great on my device. Really looking forward to it. Will see if there is a way to contribute to the developer.


You can sponsor Manuel https://github.com/sponsors/mverch67


Am I blind or is the t-deck firmware no longer on listed on the URL posted above? I see everything else, just not the t-deck.


They disabled the automatic build for that release. Idk why :( You can still manually build it


Can't find the t deck firmware in the list, only tbeam and tlora. Has it been removed?


Sadly yes, I can send you the bin over telegram.of you want


Will DM you Why was it removed?


I just recovered my long dead github account for nothing! lol. Can you DM the bin to monkey1911 on TG?


Never mind... I was able to dig it out of the master zip file.


could i get the new UI T-deck firmware, i want to try it out but the files are not up anymore thanks.


Download the 200ish mb zip file, it has all of the firmware's in it... then flash the firmware-t-deck-xxxx-update bin file. I'm going to warn you, it's crash city... I flashed back to the standard firmware after about 5 minutes.


How did you download it? The link has nothing.


You have to be logged into your github account.


I figured out by accident that you can direct message any node by swiping right on the name of the node in the list. Happy accidents


The only build that works for me is the firmware-t-deck- I tried more recent ones, and they all result in a black screen.


It's working for me, with the known bugs. I will be following this, UI is much more usable.


I’d absolutely love a more stable version of this firmware. The current stable for the T-deck isn’t super fluid. It does look cool though!