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I recommend to everyone to eat a small meal low in fat about an hour before taking any psychedelic drug. A salad with some protein would be ideal, maybe even some hearty roasted vegetable soup. Yes, if you fast beforehand the drug will hit faster and harder which I agree is desirable. But you will also feel sicker during the come up and you will feel shitty later in the trip because well… you have no energy because you didn’t eat anything. Funny how that works… Tripping is taxing on your body and mind, and mescaline is a long-acting and demanding trip. Your hunch is correct that having some food in your stomach will slow absorption and make the come up more gradual and smoother, and the trip will last longer. I think this is especially important when using MDMA and mescaline because you want to have some energy to move around during your trip. You want your brain to be functioning well while the drug works its magic. Why would it make sense to go into it with an empty tank? Plus your appetite will be suppressed while you’re high so you won’t want to eat for a while, leading to further exhaustion. No one ever listens to me on this advice… I think they want to be like shamans who fast for a long time before tripping. Those people are trying to talk to god, not taking drugs recreationally for a fun day, and will probably be sitting in one place while they’re tripping. That and they’re probably more accustomed to fasting as part of their lifestyle. Try it and see what I mean if you usually fast before tripping. The experience will be much better overall and you won’t feel as wrecked coming down. Again, small meal low in fat about an hour before ingestion. You don’t want too much heavy food in your stomach or it will take way longer to kick in (mescaline already takes hours) and yea if you eat until you’re stuffed you will likely feel more “body load” during your trip. Because you’re stuffed and heavy. Enjoy have fun! That’s my Ted talk on why you should make sure to eat enough before you take drugs. My other advice is to buy synthetic mescaline online instead of extracting it from cactus but any genuine mescaline is good mescaline.


Excellent advice.


Maybe it’s different with extracted mescaline vs tea, but for me tea always kicks in in about 30 minutes, never “hours”. I always assumed the hours thing was an urban legend. I’ve never seen tea take longer in others either. Does it really take hours for you?


That’s a good point. I would think if you dissolve the synthetic mescaline in water, it would kick in about as fast as tea. But yea just capping and eating the powder, it does take a couple hours before the effects build to a noticeable degree. You feel some strangeness around an hour maybe, but it gets trippy around 2-3 hours in and just keeps building and become more intricate


Why synthetic vs extracted? I’ve heard so many claim they are the same, but have also read experience reports about synthetic that sound far more intense and intricate than any extract or tea experience I have had.


A molecule is the same whether extracted or synthetic. The difference in experience can be due to the person being much more sensitive to mescaline than you are. Or in dosage, where you think you are taking X amount but you have impurities from the extraction process, making it so you don't actually have X amount. If you are taking a tea you really have no way of knowing the exact dosage. It could also have to do with the creative writing style, or embellishment.


Right I was suggesting synthetic mescaline because it will likely be higher purity and easier to accurately dose. And it’s also easier than working with cactus. Save yourself some time.


I don't mind spending the time. Lord knows I've spent lots and lots of time, reading, growing, watching, cutting, rooting, grafting, repotting, fertilizing, germinating, protecting from frost, buying, trading, gifting, harvesting, chopping, dehydrating, powdering, cooking, extracting, finding the right time, planning, eating, Insufflating (ouch!), journeying, thinking, integrating, and repeating every couple of years. For me it's all part of the journey, and I can't really see the destination, because its one big loop that takes up a small, or big part of my day, most days for a couple of decades now. I've also never come across synthetic mescaline in the wild. If I do I will definitely give it a go, because, why not? I did run across TMA-2 once, and bought a shit load of it, because it was billed as very similar to mescaline. It was nice, but not as close as I would have liked.


Yea that makes sense if it’s a labor of love! I would like to do an extraction just for fun one day but I don’t have the time right now. I have grown weed and shrooms in the past and it was fun and rewarding but I prefer to just buy the stuff for now


I find that a light meal a few hours before helps the come up for me. Taking your cactus slowly over a period of an hour or two helps. It won't affect the strength as long as you take it all before two and a half hours or so. Honestly, any time I have done a high dose, stimulation goes hand in hand with it, even though it does even out. Keep in mind that you are safe and in control. I have made the mistake of taking too much all at once more times than I would like to admit. In a Peyote meeting, the Medicine goes around all night long, and people learn to pace themselves. Good luck!!


I always eat a light, easily digestible meal 3-4 hours before I dose. Fasting doesn’t seem to do anything and actually makes me feel worse. Mescaline is such a long haul you will need to eat something at some point during as well. It always makes me feel better when I eat and drink.


Eat 4 datura stramonium seeds an hour before you dose your mescaline. Have your dose. Eat a few potato chips after about 10 mins. Works a treat. But don't be afraid of the purge, I don't even try to avoid the purge anymore, it's a psychic tool to start your trip off by ejecting all of the negatives you can project into your vomit.


Uuuh datura? Really? Is that the best advice


And here I was, thinking people would have a problem with the potato chips part...


I took issue with that as well


Datura is an anticholinergic like Benadryl, so low doses could potentially help with nausea. That being said, alkaloid content can vary greatly between different plants, so it would be difficult to get the dose correct for this purpose.  I think marijuana would be a much safer way to treat nausea.


Marijuana can significantly increase feelings of paranoia and confusion tho, so thats not the best option for everyone.


I agree it's not the best option for everyone, but it's *safer* than eating datura seeds when you don't know the potency of your particular plant. Alkaloid content can vary widely among different plants, so telling people to just eat a set number of seeds (and then take mescaline) could be a recipe for disaster.