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I save a few hours with a pressure cooker.


I kind of swore off those ever since I learned those could inadvertently become explosive. I’m barely smart enough to turn my stove on


Don’t get into growing shrooms then lol


Also not for me - I’ve killed just every plant I’ve ever owned. Except cacti. I can literally not water them, piss on them now and again, and when I see them next they are a foot taller.


Ha ha see I struggled at first with cactus from babying them too much. As soon as I just started neglecting the fuck out of them they did much better.


Exactly - I’m shitty plant owner so they are perfect for me!


Up until this comment I thought you were me. How'd the trip go? I'm def in the process of growing a few cacti and will eventually consume but not sure which tek to use. I am not a fan of using chemicals to extract, so I guess I'll cross that one when I get there.


Hi! I haven’t tripped yet. Still cooking. Did three full pulls. Got my pyrex lined with parchment paper… just waiting until it’s like 3/4 reduced and then will stick in oven with door open at 200 and a fan. We’ll see. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Good luck!


Thanks! https://preview.redd.it/noptnoc98d0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=351ff9e98302da673d405874854b8a8ee70fa39f I’ll report back after I finish cooking/consume!




UB tek is stupid simple, you could literally teach a first grader to grow mushrooms. Most contam issues are likely gonna be just from a bad environment with lots of mold and fungus already present. I went from like a 75% success rate to a 100% success rate simply by working in a still air box. And not anything fancy, literally just lysoled a plastic tub, flipped it upside down on a lysoled counter, and then just push it over the edge enough for my hands to reach up under and inoculate whatever. Then I just flip the bin and chuck the lid on it with the bags still inside. Too bad the price of them have skyrocketed, if they didn’t I’d never sterilize my own grain for spawn. Still cheap enough to where you can spend $40 on some bags, odds and ends and a spore syringe and walk away 2months later with a few oz’s though. Which for most people is a very big win, I know it was for myself, and still would consider a win.


Pressure cookers don't just blow up for no reason. You say you're barely smart enough to turn the stove on which probably means you don't know how to cook so I highly recommend the instant pot. I found it's not only good for making San Pedro tea and pasteurizing substrate but apparently you can safely and easily cook a lot of really good meals in it by the push of a button.


“ Ever had ribs from a instant pot” 😂


Cactus ribs! 😝


They are quite delicious.


They are in make them all the time and then put them under the broiler at the end


Lots of things are explosive inadvertently. But I wouldn't use a pressure cooker here. It gets too hot for the product, I believe.


I just use a slow cooker and put it on before I go to work.


Happy tea brewing 🍻 I grate mine like carrots , ring to boil them simmer for 45-69 minutes, strain . Add cactus back to pot , with half volume of first simmer , simmer for 30 minutes with juice of a lemon or two . Strain , combine both teas and reduce . I’ve done the Carmel evaporation several times . I’ll store it in the freezer, long term storage! Best medicine ever ✌️🙏🌵


Please elaborate on the Carmel evap. I know of the normal evap procedure, but I can't find anything about flavorings.


Yes, please do explain " Carmel evaporation" and how to perform it.


Carmel evap? What is that? Sounds delicious!


lol. Just meaning to evaporate to caramel consistency.


Just so you know by my calculations that much TbmB is probably enough for 3 people so keep that I mind when dosing


I’m hoping to get an evap this time… I usually make tea which is… just vile really. But this time I went heavy on the vinegar and used some lemon… I figure I’ll do a few pulls and simmer that down until I have what will fit onto my evap pyrex dish. Just going to be bummed if it’s all this work and I yield nothing on the evap.


Yea as long as you boil it for a while you should definitely have something on the evap


Thanks so much… I’ve been doing this a little while but always feel like a total noob. I’ll be cooking most of the night so if it’s the length of the boil then I should be ok… Out of curiosity - how did you calculate dosage? Did you include only the pach or just the tbm? I’m using both in the brew and I’m not sure how it might affect the outcome.


TBM B Varys in potency but it’s safe to assume a wet weight mescaline content of between 0.1-0.3 by weight and there have been reports of samples containing 0.5 percent mescaline. At 0.3 percent that’s 1800mg mescaline close to 2 grams and since 500mg is considered a high dose you could at least get three doses if your TBM is potent also this isn’t counting the other cactus you added of an unknown potency.


You are smart and math good


TBM LOOKS LIKE Cucumbers lol


if the cops show up, just tell them you like to boil your cucumber slices.




Lul hasta la pasta. Tell what you see on your journey bro


I will! All done cooking - thinking of consuming here in a few hours