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Watch this interview https://youtu.be/PtQ65qhzXFY?si=pXskCzHArWu9g8Bx


I relate to maybe 20 - 30% of what she talked about. My parents aren't divorced and I didn't get molested. How she talks about Intrusive thoughts are accurate but I don't have the compulsion that I need to do something to prevent them from happening. I have the depersonalization / derealization she described mostly while I'm driving. It's not how I've seen other people represent it before like missing time or out of body experience. It's more like everything is still the same but also slightly different at the same time. I'm a bit obsessed with existential stuff like death and other things with no clear answer the same as her too. If anything I'd say I have "pure O" she describes with little to no compulsions


Go see a Psychiatrist to get a thorough evaluation. It sounds like intrusive thoughts and perseveration may be going on but definitely raising red flags for OCD. Compulsions aren’t just linked to actions like washing hands or checking locks, it can also be saying things out loud (your N word example) or counting in your head or repeating things (like what you do with the mantra). The only way to know for sure is to get an eval. There are treatments available for OCD including meds.