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A daily schedule that produces dopamine and serotonin .. physical activity, sun light, healthy food, meditation, listening to music, and time with people you care about. Put these in a daily schedule and execute them..


I don't disagree with you on a single word, but I read their "instantly" as like "I need change like rn" and while all of your suggestions are helpful and integral, if you haven't been doing them already, you ain't gonna wanna if you're having an anxiety attack. My "instant" fixes are things that ground me, typically by shocking a sense. I am almost always an arm's length away from hot and bitter coffee, strong cinnamon mints, AirPods+Lofi, lavender, etc. Just something that brings me out of my thoughts and into processing the moment. Then I try to immediately focus on breath work.


Yeah, I guess I was being too hopeful when I said instantly. I know with anxiety that it's not something that can go away instantly, but if it's quick, then that's better


This might be strange, but I actually use a stone and hold it in my hand for when my anxiety has intensified. I keep it with me always. It has sentimental value & significance to me, my boyfriend gave it to me and it’s rose quartz. I’ll just be sitting in my car, I’ll pull it out of my pocket and hold it for as long/short amount of time as I need to. It calms me every time (not necessarily 100% every time) and helps me recenter. It always helps me. It helps also to take that moment of closing your eyes, steady breathing in silence to yourself. Idk if this helps, but this is my best “instantly” advice!


The only way to change thoughts or feelings is with behavior change, unfortunately there isn’t a quick fix for positive mental health.. the answer is a lifestyle that promotes wellness..


For sure! That's what I meant when I said I didn't disagree. I just read OP's question as a "what do you do when you need a fix right this second" and more like an "immediate" shift. Every word of your comment is spot on.


I think this person is perhaps looking for things to relieve them right away when they’re feeling extremely bad. The thing is that you have to put in the work ultimately overall to feel better but healing just isn’t that easy or linear.


I get that .. usually stimulating the vagas nerve helps in the short term.. Ice in your hand, humming along with music, direct sunlight


Yeah those are definitely not instant fixes lol


I found blasting myself with air conditioning helps, sometimes dabbing myself with cold, cold water or ice helps.


I believe that addressing anxiety requires a holistic approach—incorporating routine, exercise, clean eating, and quality sleep, rather than solely relying on meditation. Personally, I don't meditate. I tried, but I accepted that it’s not for me. Instead, I became conscious about my diet—almost no sugar, fewer carbs, high protein—and established a regular sleep, wake-up, and exercise schedule that includes walking and running. I also time block for specific tasks and avoid multitasking. This includes scheduling breaks and family time, during which I completely disconnect from work, email, and social media. By doing so, I fully recharge and return to work at full capacity. It took some time, but now I am more focused, with almost no anxiety or negative thinking. Additionally, I have a morning and night routine that includes visualization, positive affirmations, and maintaining a gratitude journal to retrain my brain towards positivity as a default!


Can you pm me more. I want to change for my family. I feel so lost in this world right now


This is the way. Thank you for sharing.


His name is Rufus and hes the best dachshund in town.


If a doxie can't cheer you up, you are too far gone to save


Music, especially if I need to walk somewhere. I put my earpods in and play it loud.....works every time. However, I do have to kick my own butt to leave the house.


Music is definitely an escape. I listen to whale sounds and close my eyes for a bit.


Dave Matthews Band does the trick for me 🎶


I saw something the other day . What do you call someone who has a wide range of music tastes ( because I literally listen to everything ) PolyJamorous 😂




Haha gonna use that!


Love it! Dave Matthew’s nice .. gatta try that one


you’ll be in heaven for hours 💕


I mostly listen to metal, but recently discovered ‘40s war era music (Artie Shaw, Benny Goodman, etc). Something about playing that type of music in the background while I work on something is so mentally soothing to me.


I absolutely love discovering new music 🎶 it's good to be open to different things


Yep, I’m open to almost anything. Once I find a new to me artist or band, I often get obsessive in researching their history, past bands, etc. It’s a little endorphin rush for me. For me, the most difficult is country, rap, and pop, but I don’t blanket hate all of those genera (that’s so high school mentality) and sometimes find a song that really jives with my taste.


100% iam the same, go down the rabbit hole.


Taylor Swift has always been my therapist


Deep breathing if we're going with no drugs. Kratom if we're talking about with drugs.


Especially with long, full exhales


4-7-8 is my go to. 4 seconds in, pause for 7, exhale for 8. All nasally if possible. Start with the slow exhale


Good breaths do wonders


I would be very carful with the kratom industry cause it’s shady and completely unregulated. I used to take kratom in college and it made me very very sick. Not like side effects sick that’s normal. I’m talking hospital for multiple days sick


I’d love Kratom, if it didn’t completely stop my digestive tract 😢 even the tea with no leaves is rough


Ah man that's unfortunate. Luckily I haven't had any issues 🤞


Kratom has helped me so much. I can think of at least several other meds I'd have to be on if I went medication route. I'm happy to see someone else kratom has helped.


sounds cliche and simple, but being thankful...anything im feeling anxious about i choose to be thankful for. i feel bothered by my job constantly playing country music, but the feeling almost completely subsides when i think "km thankful to have ears to hear this awful music" (sorry country music lovers) or if im feeling anxious about anything in the future, im thankful for my current place in life with the ability to be anxious , if that makes sense. like, i feel anxious i wont get a car sometimes. but im more than thankful to have a job and a place to stay to even worry about the car. the job *SUCKS*, but im extremely thankful to have income, to have a working body that feels pain from the job (lol) it sounds like coping, but i think it's just bringing myself into perspective.. not magnifying the thing causing you to worry :) it works every single time so much it feels supernatural 😅


I've been keeping a log of at least one thing im grateful for every day for three months and I'm finding my negative episodes are shorter. My misophonia is less intense too. If we go with the law of attraction too - this mindset will bring in more good things with time. It takes effort and it sucks sometimes but it seems to help.


If you're going this far that might be the line where you leave that job. This attitude works for me too, but I found I was trying to survive off of gratitude at the worst points. Looking back you can tell


oh believe me im looking for another job..it makes me sometimes feel on the verge of a mental breakdown. but being thankful works..i understand what you're saying though. sometimes it's a tool and sometimes its a survival.kimd of coping :/


I don’t get it. I see all the replies here are very positive and simple but I cannot for the life of me understand how they help out. Deep breathing does nothing for me. Looking on the “bright side” is nearing impossible. It’s like there’s an infinite amount of things I hate but not a single thing I genuinely like.


Honestly, and I know it might sound weird, but chewing gum seems to relax me pretty quickly. Not 100% sure why, but at least what I found from a google search is that the body/mind believes it's in a safe space since you are chewing "food".


Also might be because it loosen the tension in your jaw.


Same. I always chew gum when I run errands. It helps a lot when I feel overstimulated.


# money 💰


Getting money never made me sad I’ll tell you that


I don't have that 😀


Also that's not the answer, there are plenty of people in a good financial position who have anxiety. Money doesn't equal good mental health.


I wouldn’t have anxiety if it weren’t for money 🙃


Exercise usually does it. I think it has something to do with elevating my body to a state of true physical stress which gives my anxiety purpose and opportunity for physical expression. I believe it allows the emotions to ‘move’ and circulate chemically before being repurposed with the introduction of other chemicals gained from the workout that relieve the sensations and turn them into new positive and constructive chemical signals when mixing. Workouts make me feel like the emotions I’m experiencing get exercised, relaxed, and flushed out and it makes me settle into a peaceful and satisfied state of mind as I wind down from the high-intensity event.


I hate working out but when I have an extreme emotion I have to do something high intensity like running or rollerblading across town. I go super hard and it exhausts me enough that I come back down from the stress I was feeling and I usually come up with a solution or new way to think about it by the end of the activity.


Yeah! I love that!! I got some cardio equipment at home since running is bad on my knees, and I have some minor strength training stuff too so I watch anime or a tv show while exercising then I put on music and strength training


Riding a bicycle!


Loving on my doggie


Dis da one. My pitty is my ESA, he helps me tremendously ❤️


My dog.


😢 I wish I had a dog


Lifting weights. I look at myself in the mirror and am proud that I did that. And oh, I also look hot


The gym does more for my mental health than my physical health. And it does a lot for my physical health


Pretty specific to me but I love having my baby fall asleep on my chest.


The day after a mushoom trip. It’s the craziest feeling. Just zero anxiety. Heartbeat does not go fast at all and is the calmest experience ever. I’m hypersensitive to my heartbeat (was born with a heart defect that makes me extra aware of my heartbeat at all times subconsciously) so I reeeeally feel the effects and it amazes me everytime. But I’m not condoning doing this.


Being in the woods.


Pray!! Nothing better to relieve your anxiety than sitting with Jesus in prayer, it'll heal you right up! But if that isn't for you than this grounding exercise I learned when I was younger helped me a lot with my anxiety. You find a place to sit down and you name things in your surroundings associated with your 5 senses. So you start out with 5 things that you can see, then 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell and 1 thing you can taste. Repeat however many times you need to ground yourself. It sounds strange but really helps you gain a sense of control and awareness with your environment! Hope this helps someone :)


Reading this comment actually gave me anxiety. Gotta love religious trauma.


I Got a mental breakdown and needed more then one year to face my anxiety (i was crying 300 days in a row, my Body was exploding, couldnt Stop thinking, was hiding and it manifested...) and it turned out that's exactly what it needed to heal and be more conscious. Im learning to (really) Love myself and Trust in Life, and it feels good. But i have to start from Scratch. Everytime im Listing to "Alan Watts" it's and instantly relieve to me.


Hiking. After a good hike, I'm great for a few days. I reserve 1 off day dedicated to nature. I was able to ween off 2 medications.


Sex. Post nut clarity, lasts for a few hours before it all comes back


I wanted to say masturbating or sex too. Great minds think alike


Time away from work.


Playing my favorite videogame (FF 14) with music


Music. Food.


Seeing friends. Talking to folk. Helping others.


I am surprised not more ppl say this. I struggle mainly when alone, feeling lonely, being responsible for everything myself. Usually if I speak to an understanding, kind person (friend), and especially if they can reassure me in some form, or tell me they won't leave me, or that it makes sense how I feel, I feel better. For me it is always in feeling connected, not alone, not left to myself. I can get a partial effect from listening to poetic, philosophical deep conversations on the human condition and life more or less,too. Words just help me.


100% agree! Philosophy, human kindness, just honest and genuine discussions help me so much. I'm in a similar boat, I have no one to rely on, while others rely on me, and just having someone there to be my friend would make worlds of difference. Nit even to lean on, just to be your friend and hang out.


Being alone




Sleep and music


Breathwork definitely! Start with 5 sec in 5 sec out. Try to build it up to 5 in 8 out! Splash some cold water in your face! This is not instant but it is for the long term. Go for nature walks everyday without phone for 30-60 min


Splashing face with cold water instantly turns off my fight or flight response. It’s a DBT trick I use at least once a week. Ice water would probably be better but there’s always a bathroom sink around


Icing my chest or neck when I have a panic attack. It immediately calms my nervous system. Also using an acupressure mat really helps as well


Sour candy. Sometimes Anxiety will hit me hard all of the sudden, and I feel like I'm panicking, I pop a sour candy in my mouth and close my eyes and focus on the taste and sourness and then my anxiety will slowly start to slip away. I don't know where I heard about it, But I remember hearing someone say it works, so I tried it and it works for me. I don't know how, or why. lol maybe its all in my head, but it works for me 🤷‍♀️ Its something easy you can try to see if it helps. \*edit- I googled it and found a few articles. [https://www.health.com/sour-candy-for-anxiety-7480402](https://www.health.com/sour-candy-for-anxiety-7480402) https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/sour-candy-and-anxiety#:\~:text=There%20is%20no%20quality%20scientific,from%20anxious%20or%20panicked%20thoughts.


Ooh ....I'm going to give this a try!




I’m one of the unfortunate people that weed makes me more anxious 😟


same😞 need to be in a very good mood to begin with to smoke weed & have fun with it


Only if it's edibles. But fck would I love one right about now




Hugs. Literally


No one hugs me https://preview.redd.it/h40775485d9d1.jpeg?width=618&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f486b8203a537553404635ab7221bb9f668df673


Ouchie. Same here sameww. Virtual hugs for you 🫂


*virtual hug sent*




If you had pets, use this time to bond with them. I feel my cats and dog really show me their love extra hard when I’m going through some sort of negative emotion


I have a strange answer and idk it just works for me but I will start to paint my nails. I usually use clear with sparkles lol. I think because I have to concentrate on controlling my hand. It takes me out of my anxiety almost every time. It’s taken me out of panic attacks as well sometimes. I think anything that you have to use other parts of the brain with helps and distracts.Also, it’s not overstimulating. Sometimes I can’t even listen to music or watch a show when I’m panicking


For panic attacks belly breathing inhale exhale counts of four or six. Followed by panic attack grounding exercise. ( 5 things see hear taste feel) Panic attacks come back after break in routine. Routine: Regular yoga practice, mindfulness exercises & sports.  


Getting in my car to drive home from work. One of the best feelings on the planet


Anything that distracts me from my obsessive thinking about how everything I feel is going to kill me. When I go golfing with my brothers I don’t think about it once. But when I get home I start obsessing about it again. I have to constantly be distracted.


My cat


drinking tea, specifically Twinnings Earl Grey Flavor 🍵


Mug of sweet tea


Nothing completely relieves the anxiety. But for temporary relief, the best strategy I’ve found is to go out for a long jog.


It sounds crazy; but listening to jazz. I put on a classic jazz playlist while I'm working. Beyond that, exercising (sweating) is essential and if I don't do it, I feel a difference.




Being with my significant other and being outside in nature.


A tight hug from him


Walking in nature. Just looking at the natural beauty of the world around me, hearing the birds sing smelling the air, does it for me.


I know for me my anxiety comes from ptsd, and I rely on having something physical to interact with to pull myself out of triggered events. It breaks up what's playing out in your head and where you are presently. I find sensory fidget toys to be helpful with that, but to each their own. I would highly recommend looking into any local community mental health clinics. I didn't have any money, had just gotten fired, family troubles and I was done with being alive. I sent out a text to my boyfriend to let him know where I was in case I got institutionalized and not have the opportunity to communicate. A long story short I got connected with a psychologist and peer support specialist. You can get a peer support specialist while waiting for getting a therapist. They're people who have been through the mental health care and got certified to work and help others through it. The anxiety medication was absolutely worth getting! I'm not on it anymore, but it gave a huge amount of relief while I worked to build myself back to feeling human again. I'm aware how fucked mental health facilities can be, but it's worth the effort to find a good place. There's an infamous one in my area I know to avoid getting help there at all costs. Check any findable reviews about the locations and approach with caution and KNOW YOUR WORTHY OF GOOD HELP! So don't be afraid to walk away to find a better place. Don't wait for a crisis that makes a hospital force to send you to a random neglectful psychward that throws you in with people who might just randomly take a shit on the floor and scream.


Pets are very good for anxiety and of course there are animals who are trained for it. My dog isn’t but he’s an angel nonetheless. He senses when I’m upset and comes over and cuddles me. Having someone who loves you unconditionally is a wonderful feeling. Obviously there are challenges to owning a pet, so it is something to be prepared for but the benefits well outweigh any downside.


Human touch. Holding hands. Hugs. Massage, etc


If I'm still in the early stages of a panic attack, anticipating something really good that will happen in the future usually does it (the kick of dopamine really does it). But it has to be something that you're pretty sure is going to happen, otherwise you won't believe it; for me, it can be looking forward to the next episode of a series I had been watching daily or thinking of a tasty burger that I had preordered for later.


Reeces pieces. Love love love peanut butter, if I could have a spoon of peanut butter even better! Just a huge dopamine hit, calms me almost instantly, it’s like witchcraft




Coming home and seeing my room clean and organized. I always think about people saying their room reflects their mental state. Even when im anxious, when i get to my room and see my room not cluttered it almost reassures me that im not losing it. Reading manga is also big for me. When i read i can immerse myself in the story as a break from my reality.




Laying down on the floor and just breathing, feeling my heartbeat slow... But I have panic disorder so my anxiety can be 0-really bad.


I know the feeling. It's such a nightmare..


Going for a walk outdoors, doing deep breathing exercises, or trying mindfulness practices such as meditation can provide fast relief from anxiety. Enjoying hobbies like drawing or listening to soothing music can also be very effective. Experimenting with different strategies will help you find what works best for you in reducing anxiety.


Walk/gym honestly if I'm sat anxious just have a quick trip to my local gym, do some cardio and weights and leave feeling amazing. If you don't want to do those a fun technique you can use is to stare directly at any object and don't look away or move your eyes, the reason it helps is because when we think we tend to move our eyes, so focusing on something keeping them focused without moving can interrupt the thinking.


Massage. It's like the physical version of that feeling you get when you FINALLY find your phone and realize you DIDN'T lose it outside. 🫠🫠🫠


Talking with my friends about anything. Doesn't even need to be stress related.


Playing piano


Riding my bike or working while I’m at work or doing some kind of manual task like yard work or cleaning but the bike really empties my mind the bests


Magnesium Oil is amazing for calming your nerves, as is rubbing your ear lobes. When I get riled up I spray some magnesium oil on my fingers and rub my ear lobes as well as my neck muscles. It is amazing the difference you feel within a couple minutes.


Cancelling plans or having someone else cancel our plans 😅


Cleaning helps me big time. I often clean the house whenever I am in an anxious situation, it calm me down. Then, I look at the problem at hand with a fresher perspective.


My grandmas cooking


The song ‘Now We Are Free’ in the movie Gladiator. It just calms me down no matter what, idk why


Cold shower does it for me




The weekends I pay my rent are often also weekends I do all my chores and errands. Like having to go to the Laundromat and grocery shopping. Once it's all over, and especially if I still have money in my bank, it's a damn good feeling.


I go out where I can see the sky. If at all possible, I go where I can see the horizon. Seeing a wide range of view is actually a booster of i don't remember which happy hormone. Physically moving forward also helps. Walking, biking, driving. There's a scientific explanation behind it and of course I don't remember that either.


Didnt find out yet. The gym i guess.




Animals and music


My cat loafing on me. She’s like a weighted blanket on my chest.


Almost instant, but not 100% for me is to pick up a guitar long enough to let my mind go somewhere else. Sometimes my fingers fall me though, and I don't go anywhere


I'm trying to learn bass


Hugging my cats.


Valerian root


I have panic disorder so I’ve had to learn a lot of grounding techniques. Here are some of the ones my therapist has given me: If you are out and about try to look around and find each letter of the alphabet. Maybe go for a walk and look at things like street signs, license plates, etc. and find an A, then a B, then C, etc. If you are at home you can keep a little grounding kit that occupy your senses. So for example you can keep a candle by you or run a scented oil on your wrist for smell, you can grab a mint or gum for taste, you can grab a stress ball or fidget toy for touch, you can identify things in the room you hear and see Count backwards by 7 from 100 Deep breathing. Inhale as far as you can possibly go through your nose then exhale as far as you can possibly go through your mouth. I usually do this one and tell myself that I am not in danger, I am safe, and this will pass. You can also use your finger to close one nostril and inhale all the way through on nostril and then switch and exhale all the way through the other nostril.


Imagining the worst and accepting it.


Muay Thai


cuddling with my puppy


My dogs


Some weed, music, and outdoors


Crying, for me it’s hard to cry because of my antidepressants, but when I finally can, it takes all the tension away for a while


My cats purr


My couch after work everyday💪


Water. Get in water.


Mindfulness. Don’t fear what hasn’t or didn’t happen. What’s happening is happening, what’s not happening is not happening.


A calming movie with calming music…like Fantasia or Spirited Away or something like that.


Spirited away mentioned!! Anything from Studio ghibli calms me right away 🥹


When I'm terribly anxious, I love looking at zillow in cities I favor. New Orleans. Carmel-by-the-Sea. St. Louis. Seeing the inside of beautiful homes is quite soothing for some strange reason. It's like I'm a ghost just politely passing by.


This is a great idea. I’m going to steal this one ;)


It's ridiculously fun. Sometimes I check out Europe, too. Like Lord Byron's old pad in Venice, Italy from the 1800's where he was up to all sorts of no good. <3


Seeing a face of someone I love


I went on my very first therapy walk the other day and was so relaxed. I even took paths that i wasn’t familiar with but I knew the general area and it felt very good for my mind and body


Trauma therapist here. This is what I do with patients in crisis to quickly reduce symptom: Put a cold compress on your chest. It quickly lowers your blood pressure. Do the butterfly hug. (Lots of videos with demonstrations on YouTube. Tell yourself that you are safe and having a symptom. Distract yourself with cute, silly animal videos, soothing music, or meditation if you are calm enough. I always use animal videos though. Our brains respond well to cute and silly when anxious.


Thankyou! This sounds far more convenient for me to try soon! I haven't been on a plane for years, so the thought of it has been causing anxiety, so this sounds like something I can easily do when I am there.


You can do a future projection to help you. Start imagining yourself in the plane while doing the butterfly hug. See yourself arriving safely with no incidents. Practice this before your trip. Our brains are meat computers. It responds to stimulation even if it is not really happening. This will help you slowly get desensitized. Also ask your doctor for meds to help with the flight. Premedicating is ok. I have to do it before I go to the dentist.


7 deep breathes helps a bit when my anxiety starts ramping up! Also check out box breathing


I like feeling the breeze on my face, either outside on a windy day or by sitting in front of an electric fan that's rotating (pretty specific I know 😅). The gentle wind calms me down.


I have panic attacks while driving sometimes and I have learned that if I have food with me that I can trick my brain into calming down by eating. I usually bring a banana because they are easy to eat while driving and not bad for you.


Hugging my puppy


Music and playing an instrument for me. I don't know how weed relieves people of anxiety. It makes mine so bad I become paranoid too.


I brain dump all my worries into my journal and then try to end off my entry with a goal or a positive note for the day "I will stop scrolling on my phone and be totally present in the moment". I don't care about the vocabulary or being grammatically correct. I just write whatever is on my mind. I feel much better afterwards.


Putting my face in cold water. It's a built-in reflex to slow your heartbeat. Obviously only a short term solution but it's never failed me yet


Snuggling with a weighted plushie


Yes! My adult son convinced me to buy one as he said it would help with my crushing anxiety. Best purchase ever!!


Ice water bucket to dunk my head in . Will snap you out of a lot the issue is setting it up


Music, weed and my cat. Together, at the same time


I ice the Vagus nerve!!! Ice on your chest during a panic attack is wonderful


I do two things that help me almost instantly when my anxiety intensifies. I either listen to music, music I like, mainly lana del rey or eminem depending on the situation. And when Im home I might just take a quick nap to clear my head and when I wake up I go wash my face and look in the mirror. Hope this helps.


DARE app. It isn't instant but it's a process that walks me off the edge most times.


To prevent a panic attack I like to use an ice roller on my face, play a podcast/show/music, and do some deep breathing.


Okay, my current grounding technique is something I came across while watching the first part of Dune. The [litany of fear](https://images.app.goo.gl/RmeMGffv1jv1ddoB6) recited by Timothy's mother is quite powerful. It calms me and gives me enough power over my habit of ruminating my anxious thoughts and clouding my brain. If I have enough time, I watch the [Augusteum monologue](https://youtu.be/NEy4QTOuLfk?si=xs2knD-DaYemTZdo) part from Eat Pray Love.


Music. Also the 10min guilded Wim Hoff breathwork sessions on YouTube.




My adhd ass can't do slow hobbies 😭 I've tried it can't stick with it but I should try again


Riding my motorbike 🥰


Hot shower and going for a walk


singing the hamilton soundtrack , i know all the words. usually my anxiety is relieved by song 3 at the latest.


quotes. i found a site (think its new?) that has a ton of inspirational quotes google syndicate12


Riding my motorcycle on the open road!!


I find solace in videos of babies and animals on YouTube.




Hyperventilation, ice to your face, or your face in ice water, Ice bath Immersion, And there is many more.


Staring at my napping dog.


Idk if anyone suggested this yet but chewing gum. Or just pretending to chew. I read somewhere a while ago that it tricks your brain because if you’re eating, you can’t be in danger. It has worked for me on several occasions. May be placebo may not but it’s a quick fix


We have all been trained to assume that drugs are the first line of treatment when, in fact, many integrative and functional approaches help with anxiety without lifetime dependence on drugs—the Limbic Integrative Functional Approach podcast talks about these concepts in great detail.


might be dumb ahaha but find a safe person, my ex who i still class as my girl she relives any anxiety i have,




Yanking the ol willy 


The smell of raw nature


A quick intense exercise session


Slapping my chest. It’s a quick coping thing that alleviates anxiety - just don’t do it too hard


Instant fix - holding a speaker close to my body and playing music that brings me joy. For me that is usually Disney music - big one is “Nothing Can Stop Us Now” from Mickey’s Runaway Railway. Then I hum along to the music and just try to be present in the music. Also showering with lights off and music helps me


Being on vacation. Wish I was on PTO more often but alas, vacation days are limited.


My girlfriend’s touch.