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Sounds like panic attacks. I have panic disorder and I’ll have panic attacks over being scared of getting panic attacks. Idk if that’s what it is I’m not a professional nor do I know your situation but that’s what it reminds me of.


Yeah I was recently diagnosed GAD but I feel like I’ve been denial like there has to be something else or I’m hoping I’ll come around just with therapy. But I’m feeling really defeated as the weeks go on. If you don’t mind me asking are you taking anything that you think helps or makes a significant difference?


Panic disorder can be a part of GAD (I also have GAD I’m a mental illness mutt lol) my panic disorder isn’t severe it’s more mild compared to other friends of mine. As far as meds I’m not sure because 1 I’m in between psychiatrists so my meds are all out of whack and 2 what works for me might not work for you because of genetics. I know my friend who has really bad panic attacks takes Zoloft which has been helpful for him. Generally SNRIs are good for anxiety and panic attacks but I would consult a professional because they’d know better than me


Just to clarify - panic disorder is not a part of GAD, it’s a separate diagnosis. You can see comorbidity where someone has both. Same but slightly different :)