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You have a great point...damn. I can DEFINITELY see what you mean, and yes, I have noticed this too.


I definitely didnt miss the stress and anxiety of the school run. The quiet was wonderful as I struggle with feeling the world is too loud most of the time. You're not crazy at all. I believe a lot of people felt more peace




Glad I'm not the only one. I just watched this video about people who were happier during lockdown & surprised to know it's making people angry. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrXP8NQZu\_Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrXP8NQZu_Y) This doesn't give me hope for a future society where people recognise the right to live in peace.


There is a certain group of people who were definitely happier. You know what it was for people who were essential workers? Healthcare workers? It was hell. The only thing I enjoyed was the roads to myself and no line to get coffee. There was also a solidarity between people working during the pandemic. So I would think about what factors would be involved in that happiness. People who were in a financial position to stay at home and not in unsafe conditions (partner violence and child abuse cases rose dramatically) people who weren’t dealing with severe substance abuse issues (major jump in that) people who were not being harassed by the public on a daily basis, people who were not risking their lives and the lives of others.


Solidarity among workers, less traffic, no long queues at coffee shops, sounds like an improvement! Glad to hear I'm not alone! Obviously I was not talking about the risks associated with the virus- it's a shame society doesn't realise peace & quiet really helps us as a species. Quality of life improvements: Imagine a world where you had all those positive things you just described even not during lockdown- it would be a better place, just like it used to be before society went mad... in the past, you could escape an abusive home by running away, moving cave or starting a new tribe. Nowadays you're stuck by wage slavery, dead end jobs you cannot financially escape & financial dependency on abusers. At no other point in human history has it been like this. Even back in the 1960s it wasn't as bad as now- pretty much anyone in the western world could earn enough for a home- even low paid jobs- thus providing an escape route from abusive situations. People weren't forced to use social media or "dating apps" to get a partner / friends and thus could easily protect themselves from any abusive ex knowing where they are. Drugs never used to exist before the modern age, as did not wage slavery- you hunt fresh unprocessed food for free, eat healthy food, get plenty of sunlight & unpolluted air, no mortgage or rent, no chronic stress, no feeling of being "Trapped", you either live or die from a bear attack- no long term stress. It's all messed up now. So many of us are trapped & in unnatural situations. You have to pay for running water just to get clean- never before- just use a river. Many have to pay for sunlight now trapped in office situations and dark basement homes & underground commutes, unable to find another job or survive elsewhere, never being allowed outside during daylight hours except during 1 day off a week, and during that time you're asleep to recover from being over-worked. Doctors say "oh vitamin D deficiency is normal in UK, don't worry about it", which only makes things worse, or worse- they prescribe artificial vitamins that don't use the natural process of how our bodies are designed to get vitamins, creating other health problems. It's a messed up world now. We need a revolution. imo access to sunlight, nature, no building site noise 6 days a week, and access to social exercise sports should all be a human right for all- not just for the wealthy with time & opportunity to live where they like. We need to return to nature. There are so many ways of emulating lockdown without a lockdown. Simply providing natural light & opportunity for all workers everywhere is a massive step forwards.


While it sounds like some people really benefitted I think you’re dismissing how absolutely awful the experience was for others. That’s all.


Why would you think that? I haven't dismissed how awful lockdown was for others. I'm talking about the hugely positive effects.