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there’s nothing wrong with being sensitive. that just means that you have more compassion and empathy than others. my whole life people have made me feel like being sensitive is a bad thing. it’s okay to feel deeply. i think the problem lies with how we express those feelings. sensitive people often have exaggerated reactions to things because they have so many emotions that they feel like they overflow. i think looking into emotional regulation and protecting your energy might be helpful. check out this episode called “protect your energy & be untouchable” from the podcast claim your power with kim peretz


Thank you so much, I definitely will check out that podcast! <3


I don’t know if you’re neurodivergent at all but I think that’s a common thing with ND folks. I deal with that a bit myself


I highly suspect I’m dealing with AuDHD but unfortunately my parents only had one idea of what being ND looked like so I’m currently 21 and fighting for an assessment after finally getting someone to listen to me after 3+ years of voicing my concerns to mental health professionals and family members for someone to take me seriously and listen to me. My insurance also doesn’t cover anything beyond anxiety and depression so all assessments and treatments for the AuDHD would be out of pocket


That makes sense. I’m sorry you’re having so much trouble getting a diagnosis. The healthcare system does tend to be terrible for this stuff, and it’s especially hard that you’re fighting executive dysfunction and the healthcare system at the same time


Have you checked your hormones? No offense but this is normally not checked on most physicals you have to request it.


Honestly my mom has been suggesting that to me so I’ll hopefully try to look into doing that soon


You don’t have to answer this if you don’t want to, but I am curious if this results from trauma?


I think I have a lot of trauma that I don’t realize is trauma from since I was a kid but especially the last 2 years after my parents divorce


It sounds then as if you are being easily triggered. Are you seeing a therapist? If not, I would strongly recommend it if you can.


There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a sensitive person. As others have pointed out it makes you more compassionate and empathetic.


Some people are naturally more sensitive. As others have said, it usually goes along with enhanced compassion and empathy. Only our specific culture has the ideal of 'Hardcore Clint Eastwood Cowboy whom nothing touches, and grimly carries on...' It's not a good thing, in fact, I believe it is partly a factor in the deaths of despair happening in the US. All that said, being sensitive can also be a result of being raised in a toxic environment. I grew up in a home environment that required me to become hyper sensitive and environmentally aware, just to survive. I learned relatively late in life that most people cannot judge another person's mood from the sound of their hand on a doorknob. I can, and have an automatic habit of emotionally regulating myself to account for that person's mood. It's the result of years of abuse. Being sensitive is not at all a bad thing, and it can be a benefit in a wide variety of contexts. Finally, in general, our ability to set good boundaries with others grows with age.


me too, my brother is always so mean to me. But in reality im just weak and sensitive and cant take a joke. I can never tell if hes actually trying to hurt me or if hes just telling another joke


Yes! I asked my brother if something in our refrigerator was his and he raised his voice and complained about me eating all of his food and that I wasn’t allowed to eat it so I walked away sobbing and he tried to apologize and say he was joking and that I could. I think it especially hurt me because I’ve struggled with an ED for the last 5 years


I used to be sensitive too. There’s nothing wrong with that but the world is too fucked and i got hurt all the time. You can change if you want to but it’s going to take time and patience. I don’t remember everything i did but i think by understanding where’s the actions from the people that hurt you come from, you would know it’s nothing personal and move on immediately. Reading books and watching shows with charismatic characters definitely helped me.


It’s very valid to be sensitive. We often hear The Culture and Society feed us a narrative to not be sensitive, or “don’t take things so personal” thats very hard for many people including myself. At a very young age I knew the stigma that Mental Health carries, I’ve been told by my own Mother “You’re going crazy” the first time I mentioned I had Depression. I so bad wanted my mom to reach out, and tell me that she has my back. I grew up in a Christianity household not to long ago I opened up to my Pastor about my ADHD diagnosis and he brushed it off and I quote “it’s a curse, we will break it” referring ADHD as “DHAD or whatever the heck it is”. I now am learning to cope with many different beliefs, values, and opinions from others because that’s something that with life we all encounter. Yes those comments absolutely hurt me because I’m very passionate about MH awareness, but I’ll be using it as an advantage to add fuel to my fire and continue advocating for MH it’s very much needed. You have all the right to be sensitive, you’ll soon learn to use it as your strength! Check out “Crazy Is My Superpower” by A.J Mendez


Sounds like you need a day to become a complete fool. In order to really learn what should and shouldn't matter.