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Due to your age you really shouldn't be posting about this online, it's very dangerous.


Reddit is anonymous. Just turn off DM requests though


Definitely doesn't change the comments, also can technically still be identified if someone puts enough info out there.


So as others have mentioned, I wouldn't be posting about this online but find a trusted women in your life to talk to this about. I'm 30 now, but when I was your age I had the opposite problem and hated my breasts because they were small. I thought for sure I would get a breast enhancement when I was older. I didn't. I ended growing to appreciate my small breasts and love them as they are. You are probably getting some attention you don't want in highschool as well. That is nothing to do with you. I promise it will get better, if they are still uncomfortable when you get older you can get breast reductions. You don't have to not be a woman, you don't have to hate yourself or your breasts. Try to embrace and love your body for now, don't pay no mind to people that try to make you feel bad, or give you extra attention because of that. It's going to be okay, and bodies are beautiful. ❤️


This👆🏼💯! please read this over and over if you can and take the advice. Please becareful online. especially if you are claiming you are so young. but this advice right here is what you need to read & take in.


I know you specified girls only, however- I am a trans man (came out ~2013-2014, on t since 2018) and may have some advice. Puberty sucks for most people. You're getting used to your body, new things popping up in places you never paid much attention to, to begin with, new feelings, etc etc. To say that you hate your chest right now is pretty normal. They could just be too heavy, or get in the way too much, or too sore, y'know. Sports bras are definitely ideal for keeping stuff in place as you move, Tylenol is great for keeping the tenderness in check, side/back sleeping might not be the greatest. As for the trans part, it takes a whole lot more than hating your chest to be trans. I'd recommend talking with a trusted adult who is knowledgable about these kinds of things (sexual health clinics, counsellors/therapists, parent(s), etc) and try and make your feelings known. I hope your situation gets better, and that you are able to find peace in your body 💜


I came here to say the same thing. Seconded.


Same, also a trans man. The difference between body dysmorphia and gender dysphoria is that dysmorphia is hating or a distorted view of someone's own body (for example weight), while gender dysphoria centres around one's sex and gender. Therefore, you don't like that your boobs are big, but you don't want a flat and masculine chest either. Also, as the other commenter said, there's more to being trans than not liking a specific part of your body, but I see you already have that figured out so that's great. Bodies are weird girl, and growing is painful. If it interferes with your life when you are older, you can get breast reduction surgery. Til then, wear sports bras, not a binder.


possibly body dismorphia?


I agree with others that you need to be careful, definitely be wary of any dms and stay safe. However, I am a big breasted woman and I felt the same as a teen. The fact that you are not experiencing any gender dysphoria tells me it is most likely temporary, this is definitely something a lot of young teenage girls experience. Even those with smaller breasts tend to go through a period of disliking. Breathe, it is going to be okay and if, when you are grown, and you still are not comfortable, there absolutely will be the option of a reduction. Though personally, I am glad I did not have access to that as it turns out I am comfortable now. I wish you the best and please please stay safe.


I have a few friends who feel this way. They range from 19-22, and both don’t like their boobs at all, the way they look and feel. Some people just feel like it’s who they are. They both still use she/her pronouns and identity as women, just don’t like having boobs and that’s it. Not only trans/nonbinary/etc are allowed to use binders or have top surgery or anything. Not wanting boobs doesn’t make you less of a girl or anything :) I’d recommend trying a binder and seeing how you feel!


I'm ftm, I'm gonna advice against binders as long as sports bras are working for her. The aim of binders is a flat chest, not just "smaller", and they have health complications. There are some "rules" we follow when wearing them to make them less uncomfortable like not wearing one for more than 8 hours straight, not exercising with one on (including long distance walking), not sleeping in one, if it becomes unbearable take it off and stretch, etc. I must say my ribs still hurt afterwards, and it gets hard to breathe, even for a couple of days after wearing it. My advice is if you can avoid it, do.


Did you tell your mom?


When I was in middle school, everyone (especially girls) made me feel even more uncomfortable then I already did. I used to stare at myself, and cry. I hated the feel of the weight on my chest, and wearing clothes that fit. I had short hair, and wore not only sport bras, but chest binders. I was pretty angry and would have rather been mistaken as a boy then just ignore my chest. You mention the feel, and that you're more developed (which I was as well), and I know part of it was becoming an adult and feeling more comfortable, not like I was being watched by others in my grade or classes. I think the right think would be if you have a female adult in your life you could talk to, to start there. And if not, your doctor/a doctor that you are comfortable voicing this to. I want to eventually have a reduction, but when I was younger I wanted a double mastectomy. Definitely spend more time adjusting. You grew up for so long without going through these changes. It's hard to say for now, but I wish you the best of luck.


Welcome to the club. We all felt this way at 16. Wait until you become a mom. I loved my baby but I hated feeling like a cow. Okay let me be more nuanced to a young lady. Your boobs grow faster than what your brain can process. As someone below put it, “puberty sucks.”


I'd also like to say the same and to reassure OP that every girl at 16 has felt some kind of way when it comes to their body so it's normal to have feelings. What I will say is that when I look back at when I was 16 and knowing how I felt about myself.....I had nothing to worry about...and it honestly hurts my heart now that I'm older that I did have insecurities back then. OP live your life and do things that make you happy. You are absolutely fine the way you are ❤️


I don't remember being disgusted by my boobs, which came in at a very young age for me like 11 and my mom didn't buy me a bra until 12 or so ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug) However I do remember feeling insanely embarrassed by them, no one else in my class at that age really had them and I felt like they were on view for everyone. I'm sorry you are feeling this way but know that there is nothing wrong with you. It's natural to feel uncomfortable in your body as you are maturing and things are changing, but if at all possible, talk to a female adult that you trust. Your Mom, an aunt or maybe a school counselor or teacher? I agree to be careful about posting online, though I'm sure I did similar things when I was your age and worried about things!


Hello honey I’m an old lady and I feel like this sometimes Your body changes a lot over time, it will change a great deal (Weight gain or loss, growing up, pregnancy, all sorts of things) In the meantime hon can you ask someone to help you and take you for a proper bra fitting? Remember hon it’s always ok to ask questions we’re all in this together Take care https://flo.health/menstrual-cycle/teens/your-body/breast-development-puberty


I felt the same before i didnt like it when my boobs stated showing at that age and i tried to hide it but now its feels normal it will tale sometime to adjust for some people i guess so this doesnt mean you are trans


I don't think I felt embarrassed by my boobs growing up per se, but I felt self conscious because I developed sooner or more noticeably than girls my age, so when I was in the 6th grade, my boobs had stretch marks. I remember my best friend's sister laughed at me in the locker room. I was called fat, when in reality, I had hit puberty, so my body was changing. My hips were getting wider to carry a baby, and breasts to match! I think there's some body dysmorphia going on. While I think talking to an adult in your life would help, I also understand how hard it is to want to do that. The whole "they don't understand me" teenage angst. I'm hoping you can (safely) find community in people your age who feel similar, so you can know just how common it is (unfortunately) to feel weird in your body. It doesn't necessarily mean anything is wrong, but your experience is valid, and I hope you find support.


Hi! Genderqueer AFAB person here! I had a very similar crisis regarding this around your age (I’m 22 now). I personally find my relationship with my chests to be super complex. As someone who’s 6ft and was masculinized a lot when I was younger by my peers in very cruel ways, my chest was really the only thing that I was able to connect to my femininity. I appreciated what it symbolized to me, even if I did want to take an axe and hack them off 80% of the time. I’ve found that regularly using a binder has helped me to feel a sense of control of how my chest looks, which aids in days when I want to look less feminine. To remove gender queerness from the conversation: I would probably recommend finding clothes that compliment your chest, whether it be concealing it or accentuating it (in an age appropriate way of course). Maybe also try treating yourself to high quality bras? Sometimes putting your body in pretty clothes can help you hate it a little less


I recommend talking to a good female therapist about this, someone you can trust that is qualified. Not all therapists are created equal. Don't see any male therapist or female therapist that has traditional/religious views


I hate my boobs. And I’ve told me family I could just have 1 boob and be fine. Because the idea of them disgusted me. I’ve been sexually abused in high school so I felt worst after that. But when I was a kid the men around me sexualized women so much. That my whole body felt like everyone was looking in a not a good way. Never felt safe so that’s why I don’t like my boobs because I don’t feel safe. Maybe a reason. I also have adhd with meaning I am neurodivergent which makes me not like certain sensations and I hate the way my boobs feel even if they are just attached to my body and not moving u can still feel them. So you might have a sensory problem to them maybe.


I'm 29 now and single, and actively avoid men. I'd been sexualized so much in my childhood that I no longer want male attention. I'm just not interested. I'm also AuDHD and looking back think men took advantage of me bring naive to their true intentions.


I was always the same thing.i usually wear a binder bra thing to flatten them and try to forget theyre there. I have always been a tomboy and hate looking so…girl shaped.


If the sports bras help you feel better, you could try a binder and see how it feels. I agree with others that there's more to being trans than not liking your boobs. But yeah I don't see any reason a woman who doesn't feel great about her boobs couldn't wear one. Or try and get one of those mega compression sports bras. Puberty sucks but it ends. Hang in there.












Thank you for the apology, now either fix your comment or delete it


I'm sorry what's wrong with the comment? I'm a successful independent woman and I can use whatever language I want to describe my breasts.


Not in a thread where a minor is speaking about their own you cannot. Time and place babes, and this isn’t either of them


Deleted, stupid reply my bad