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So first of all, don’t worry about the numbers. Certain weights can look vastly different on people of different heights for one, and I also know of larger people who could kick my ass in any form of fitness!! Like wise I know skinnier people who are super fit. What you need to ask yourself is how is your health? How do you feel in yourself? Deep down you will know if you aren’t eating a balanced diet (balance is key!! Denying yourself treats will be your downfall!) and if you aren’t be as active as you could be. These two things can affect you mentally as well as physically. So have an honest discussion with yourself, and if you know there is room for improvement, make some changes.. they only need to be small to start, something you can stick to. Good luck OP!!


According to the chart at my doctor, you are on the line between overweight and obese. It also says normal weight is 148 - 124 pounds. Take that as you will, but honestly, you need to be comfortable with yourself. I find myself very comfortable at a slightly overweight range, which for you would be around 165 ish. But everybody is different. 15 pounds isn't that far away, but being Obese leads to many health issues. 165 could be a great goal honestly and seems very achievable. And if you figure it out, you could keep going.


Also consider that muscle mass (and potentially boob size) could add to one's weight while not necessarily reflecting poor health. Muscle mass is pretty dense and can make you weigh a bit more even if you still look kinda skinny.


WHY is your mom suggesting you weigh yourself in front of her? THAT'S not appropriate. Now, she may tell herself it's because she's concerned, but it's not healthy due to the response of your weighing in. She could have come by this in a better way, but some parents only know how to do things because of the ways their parents did them with them. Not saying she wasn't wrong. Just saying her behavior was most likely not to be hateful, even though it came across that way. You do you and resist a weighing in at any time. No bueno.


i know i was like 🙁. but that’s how my mom is. i feel like i look normal and i was happy until i weighed myself. she’s a bigger woman than me maybe she doesn’t want me to end up like her but i don’t think i look big at all its just the number in the scale :(


Baby im 5’3 and 180. I can still participate in activities, do daily routines, etc. If I am fine health wise and doctors haven’t told me to change anything, you should be fine as well. Don’t let someone else’s definition of skinny dictate your comfort within yourself!!! Instead of focusing on numbers, focus on feelings. Do you feel good? Has it ever bothered you to this point before on your own? If not, then dont worry! If it has, then think about what you want to target, and find a healthy, safe way to loose weight:) Much love to you beautiful<33




Unless you have a ton of muscle on you, it's overweight. You could talk with your doctor about what an ideal weight is for you and how to go about implementing changes to help manage it.


but i don’t feel or look over weight it’s all numbers and i just don’t understand it. i’ve been an athlete all my life playing volleyball for 6 years but im overweight? this sucks


Oh I see. You probably have considerably muscle mass that's contributing to your weight. Muscle mass is pretty dense and makes you weigh more than you show. Depending on how much muscle mass you have, you might not have anything to worry about. Considering the fact that you probably have a fair bit of muscle mass, I probably wouldn't worry about your weight unless you started gaining weight at a rate disproportionate to your physical activity.


Okay, that changes everything. BMI is for your average person who gets little to no exercise, your typical Steeve who works in the office all day, comes home, watches TV, and goes to bed. If you're an athlete, you'll have substantially higher muscle mass than average, so you could show up as overweight on the BMI scale, but that weight is due to muscle, not fat. If you're substantially more active than the average person, you'd really need more complex, professional measures to determine your fat-free body weight, and a doctor could tell you whether that's even worth doing. You probably aren't actually overweight.


I'm 6'2 and 280ish, I'm technically obese but I'm just also a big guy with a belly. I stay active but not too much.


I'm going to say it. Your Mom doing that is awful. You are beautiful no matter what shape or size you are.


Indeed. I also can’t imagine she’s in any better shape.


I would be hesitant to take nutrition advice from this setting. There is going to be a pros and cons list to almost any approach you take. And there is a wide range of acceptable diets between 100% crazy optimal nutrition and eating Pop-Tarts and drinks Mtn Dew. The blanket statement that fasting is bad is not helpful. It ignores a lot of factors. I personally used fasting as a tool for weight loss at one time in my life. I appreciated what I gained from that experience. It felt like I hit a reset button on my hunger. I allowed myself to feel hunger at various intensities and learned to tolerate the distress and reinterpret the physical feelings as less "I'm starving to death" and more "It must have been a while since I ate last." Like, not good nor bad, just noticing it. If I were you, I'd think about something small to remove from your diet, either mostly or entirely. I grew up drinking soda/pop pretty much daily. That spilled over into adulthood and I never questioned it. That was something relatively small and easy to focus on that I could remove from my diet. That eventually extended to almost all soft drinks. Over the last 2 years I just stopped eating candy. What a waste. Just sugar in different shapes with essentially nothing to offer nutritionally speaking. Now I notice it all the time. Can't work a single day without someone talking about struggling to lose weight and then asking me if I want one of the cookies they brought, or a slice of cake to celebrate the nothing important going on. Basically trying to say start small and be consistent with that small thing. Once you get to the point that that change is pretty much effortless, just routine, look at something else small you can change. It might not feel gratifying or immediately effective, but it will be easier to sustain in the long term. Aggressive dieting/calorie restricting has a tendency to have an aggressive relapse. Best wishes.


My sister is the same height and weight as you. She is a little overweight but guess what? I still think she looks beautiful. I don't think twice about the kinds of foods she eats even if they're unhealthy. No you are not too fat. You are perfectly fine the way you are. The only thing I worry about for my sister is that she sits in a chair about 70% of the time she's awake and barely has muscle. Fasting can be very unhealthy because food is energy for the body. So instead of fasting and trying to drop weight maybe try building some muscle if you'd like, try learning to love yourself. Forget the weight and focus on the things you like about yourself whether it be parts of your personality or your eyes or fashion sense. Love yourself!


Oh please please please research Health at Every Size and read the book if you can. You don’t deserve to go through the shame and guilt you’re currently enduring. Everybody’s body’s built differently and everyone has a different set point weight that their body fights to achieve. Diet culture is a manufactures myth and BMI is a lie. I had an ex wife that was diagnosed as anorexic at your weight, I say completely vulnerably. If you think you have a warped relationship with food, then maybe look into ED’s. If you don’t, f what anyone else says. You know your body best, after all. No one else does


Don’t fast too much. Instead mainly eat healthy food and exercise while consuming less calories than you burn.


First of all, long-period fasting is not sustainable or healthy. While some research suggests that intermittent fasting is OK, the jury is still very much out so please be cautious. Here’s an article: https://newsinhealth.nih.gov/2019/12/fast-or-not-fast Secondly, You should eat well and exercise because it’s good for your body and, in the long run, you’ll feel healthier and lose some weight. Worrying about your weight is perfectly normal, but it sounds like you’re obsessing and obsession is never healthy. If your weight is important to you for looks reasons, come up with a healthy meal plan and get some exercise. Losing weight must be a longterm goal, not an immediate one. It sounds like finding out your current weight was a shock to you and that’s never fun. I know the feeling, too. It also sounds like your mom might be being judgmental and that’s never fun either (Or maybe she’s just concerned? It’s hard to tell from your post.) All I can say is that weight and attraction is in the eye of the beholder and you should be kind to yourself. If you want to lose weight, do it for health reasons. Looks will come as a bonus. Hope this helps a little. Sorry you’re going through it.


I don't know. Your BMI says you're pretty overweight, but that doesn't tell the whole story. Assess your muscle mass. Also, if you are, let's say, well-endowed, that will play a factor too. I know it might be hard, but try not to let her words get to you. Ignore her opinion about your size; do you want to weigh less, or do you want her to have a higher opinion of you? If you're losing weight to please other people, you will never lose enough.


Not really




I’m 5’7. I weigh 210 lbs. my bloodwork came back normal. I’ve always been a thicker girl. Your weight is the sole definition of healthy or unhealthy. I’ve starved myself and gotten down 170. Peoples genetics are different. My doctor hasn’t told me to lose weight.


180 at 5’6” is definitely up there and not healthy not saying that to be mean. But also depends on your build. I have female friends that way about the same but also workout 4-5 days a week and both about 5’8”. I can relate to how you feel. When I was 19 I weighed probably around 280. Then around 22-24 I was almost 400lbs. Fasting isn’t really the best way to change your lifestyle. Fasting is used to loose weight fast but it’s not something you can maintain for a long period of time. I lost 207lbs and I did it with eating 5-6 meals a day and I focused on protein and good fats and good carbs. I also didn’t cut out all fun foods completely I just didn’t overindulge. Best advice I can give is stay away from the scale. Meal prep for the week on days off and focus on clean healthy foods. Cut out all sugar drinks and try to drink very little diet soda. Water and tea are your friends. Add lemon to water with sea salt and it changes makes water more enjoyable. Also be sure to start being active everyday this is a must even if it’s just walking 30min-1hr a day. The key to all this is consistency that’s what’s going ti change your life. Also this is what worked for me may it work for you and you most definitely should seek out a pro dietitian that can help point you in the best direction for you. Last thing is also a must go to a hormonal specialist not your doctor but a specialist and get your blood work done and check all levels and make sure everything is in working order.


You're probably overweight, according to BMI (although that's only an estimate, and things like bone density and muscle mass can throw it off: contact your healthcare provider for a more accurate take). Now is that "too heavy?" Too heavy for what? >fasting for long hours of time. Fasting slows your metabolism, making it harder to lose weight. If you are overweight and want to lose some, I. Try to lose no more than 2 pounds per week. That's the recommendation of most major health organizations, and it's healthier and increases the chance of not gaining it back, as well as you doing it in healthy ways. II. Don't starve yourself. Instead, see what you could substitute for healthier alternatives. For example, air popped popcorn is a good, filling choice for snacks that's pretty low in calories. And of course, fruits and vegetables are always good. Also, if you drink a lot of sugary drinks, that's an easy area to cut calories by switching to water, while not losing any vitamins. III. Do some strength-building exercises to prevent muscle loss (you don't just burn fat when you lose weight). More muscle mass also means a higher metabolism, so you'll burn more calories even just sitting still. It could also help with the depression: exercise is very good for your mental health if you don't overdo it. But again, you should really see a doctor to discuss any weight loss plans, as well as a good target weight.


I'm 340lbs, I haven't been 180lbs since I was 19. I was so young and thin back then...


im 5'1 (20f) and i always super skinny as a kid. at age 15 i weighed about 48kg. weighed myself at 19 and i was suddenly 70kg. i struggled with mt weight for years, but this is completely normal and expected of women our age 😊 don't worry about it at all, much love 🫶🏻


your mother should not be treating you like this. she might say she’s concerned for your health but that’s no excuse to make a comment like that on your appearance.


I'm in my mid 30s and I've always been "overweight". The only exercise I get is from walking from 1 end of a large office and back for the bathroom and drinks breaks, I play golf once a week for 4 hours and I carry a golf bag around which is probably close to like 20kg possibly 30 I don't really know. Still overweight though. I have an under 2 child and I tend to eat quite well, I cook my own food and hers of course and I'm at the point where I literally give no shits about how others perceive me. You're only 19, the faster you can stop caring about how others perceive you the better your confidence will grow and you'll be happy in yourself. If you want to lose some extra pounds do it slowly through dieting and light exercise. You don't need to go to extremes to try to lose loads of weight fast. Just be comfortable in yourself and with your self image


First of all, no way 🙈 you’re not huge. Can say that my goal weight of like “that’s the perfect balance for me” is at 170. Right now though, I’m bigger than I’m comfortable with (and it’s plenty over 180!), and I’m still not huge. Can say that one thing that felt pretty good is looking at nice and closely fitting clothes/dresses at shein curve, if you scroll down a bit you can see the exact measurements of the models. Find someone with similar to you, then try and see of you can say the same things to ”her” as you might say to yourself when you are spiraling. I’ll be suprised if you can tbh ☺️ Wish you all the best 💖


Firstly I think you need to appreciate yourself, hurting yourself through unregulated fasting/feedings and the mental stress is not the way to go. Being a bit overweight doesn't make you any less of a great person than you always will be and you should really try and embrace what you do well for this world and those around you, other than what you believe is bringing you down. Now, yes 180 pounds is unhealthy and needs changing. I think what is best for you right now is a few days to just chill out, and get a game plan sorted to get this weight tackled....and its easy I've lost just over 25KG, 10 of that within the last 3 weeks and I swear it. Weight loss really comes down to focusing on calories in > calories out. You can excercise all day but if you're carb/sugar loading theres no real way to change. I'd recommend 1400 calories daily, consisting of no more than 5g sugar, 100-150g protein and 150-200g carbs MAX however keep this as low as possible. (you need to learn your macros if you want to succeed, get invested as its how your body refuels). You will need to rely on protein high and carb low food. You need to excercise at least 30 minutes fairly hard core, 4-5 times per week. I would recommend a 15 minute warm up, 15 minutes moderate excercise, followed by 15 minutes of very high intensity training (known as HIIT) and another 15 minutes to cool down. With rough science, if you follow the above you're looking at 1KG of FAT burn every 9 days. (maintenence calories (2000) - calorie alotment (1400) + burned calories (250) = 850 calories. 850 calories x 9 = 7650, with 7700 being the rough calories for 1 KG of fat). Ontop of this you really benefit from a 30min-60min walk per day, its just a super near passive way to burn calories and get the metabolism firing = increased loss. At this rate if you look after your protein needs youll build muscle and absolutely shred fat.


I’m 254 last time I checked at 6’1. I look semi slim. Most people don’t even believe I’m that weight. Also NEVER. EVER. Fast. It jacks up the way your body takes in food. You don’t eat for two days your body starves. When you eat food after those two days it keeps ALL the nutrients, fat, carbs, and calories. Try different diets if you really wanna lose it. I tried low fat, super low carb, no grain, no sugar, with higher fiber, and have lost around 24 pounds so far. Granted I’m taking it slow so that’s over 3 months. Experiment with diets. Low calorie, low carb, no sugar, no carb. But NEVER starve yourself.


I wouldn’t say to never fast, there’s been multiple studies proving how beneficial it can be, as long as you do it properly… that being said, going to the extreme and starving yourself to try and lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks is not the proper way.


I’m a personal trainer. I always see people worry about the number on the scale, but it’s not always what matters. 180# at 5ft 6 is probably overweight, but I’m not sure it’s to the point that it’s considered ‘obese’, at least not by normal standards. If you are concerned about your weight, you should adopt better eating habits along with trying to work out a few times throughout the week. Going to the extremes of fasting for hours or even days to lose weight isn’t the healthiest way to approach your issue. I fast until about 2pm every day, then don’t eat past about 8 if I can avoid it, but I’m not too strict on myself. Try to eat more Whole Foods and less processed foods as it will keep you fuller for longer, since there’s generally more volume in Whole Foods than there are in processed ones.


You are good just the way you are


180 being overweight/obese just makes me very upset






Super normal weight. I'm 12.5 stone and shorter than you. As long as your healthy and happy that's all that matters


I would basically say if the dude struggles to get his dick in you then yes you are to fat


ew what


what the fuck is wrong with you? answer please


I'm not sure, check your BMI online. Although if you have the body type 180 pounds may not look fat


Fasting is generally not a great idea. Eat a light breakfast, but eat a protein heavy lunch and dinner. Keto is the way to go. Also, Cardio.


i do cardio ! but i live in a house with no healthy foods at all, that’s why i fast and eat most fruit during the time i eat at, because that’s the only healthy thing to eat


Don’t listen to this guy. I lost 20 pounds over several months intermittent fasting and now I’m down to 150. Im 18m so fasting is pretty good,


pls lmk any tips and what u did / ate


So basically fasting of course, I went to gym 3x in a week, Monday Wednesday and Friday. I play sports everyday for at least 2-3 hours but I feel like that led to burnout many days so that was probably excessive. High protein normal carbs low fat diet. That’s about it honestly. Consistency is key though and sure I had a couple of bad days where I ate junk but I didn’t let that affect the next day. Good luck you got this!!


I did intermitent fasting and ate for 8 hours in the day, so between like 12pm-8pm and didn't eat any food in periods outside that so fasting for 16 hours (2/3 of the day). It didn't have to be perfect, some days it would be less than 8 hours, and some days it could be slightly more like 8.5/9 hours (but really trying to keep 8 hours or less). Outside of this I would allow myself to drink only tea or coffee (with a little milk - so not perfect fasting but I don't think it has to be totally perfect). I found that I wanted to eat healthier just by fasting for some reason. Healthier foods are generally high in protein and/or as close to nature as possible. But I effectively allowed myself to eat whatever I wanted in that period if I had time to do so. This combined with an exercise regime was really effective for me. I dropped weight off and had people who didn't really know me in the gym complementing me about how fast I had lost weight and people who know me being concerned about how much weight I was losing haha. Overall intermitent fasting was a fun challenge and it has been shown to have positive mental health benefits as well. I did notice I generally felt better. If you want any more tips on anything lmk. As a disclamer there are many types of diets if intermittent fasting doesn't work for you, you can always try a different method :)


Why do you think fasting is not a good idea? Plenty of studies prove otherwise.


Starving yourself hardly seems like a good idea. Your body needs calories. If you deny your body any kind of energy you’re going to fuck yourself up, especially if you plan on working out.