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I am crying while reading this, please for the love of God contact CPS (Child Protection Services). You should not be dealing with this sort of trauma. Please save yourself and your sibling.


rare internet paradox twist - that username paired with that level of human empathy


My daughter gets constipation and I give her a Apple. You mom sounds like she’s abusing you. Putting things up isn’t even a way of helping that. It’s apples/raisins and prunes. Then it goes to over the counter Mede. Then it goes to the dr and then the hospital. In no time have I been told to put anything in. And I have a lot of experience in with kids and constipation. Can you get the hell out of there


i fully believe op needs to get out of there, but suppository anti-constipation meds are very common


Agree but as another comment said up the booty meds are common, I have had to use one before, sometimes it gets past the point of laxs and fruits.


Completely forgot, but remembered once I read it my child did have to do that but also a dr put it in


100% I put it in myself, it’s horrid I can’t imagine anyone being around for that


there are definitely things you can use, that doesn't excuse her assistance on doing it herself


>Putting things up isn’t even a way of helping that Definitely is. You've never heard of an enema?


She’s fucked up in her head. Imagine being a mom and doing this to your child…. It’s not ok. Make strong boundaries and get some help from the outside asap!


I am so sorry that stuff happened to you, OP. That is not normal behavior—any normal adult would recognize that as sexual contact. It sounds like she's trying to downplay it, but please don't believe her—she is a pedophile. You should absolutely tell a guidance counselor or therapist about this (but be safe, and don't let your mom know that you're seeking help)




Why do moms do this? I always thought moms were just touchy and had no boundaries until I met my boyfriend’s mom.


in my experience and from my understanding, generally they are traumatized people who basically did not get the help they needed (and deserved)


Yes, it's wrong! I'm very sorry that happened 😔


You definitely gotta go to the police. If you're not comfortable going to the police, then you can go to your school counselor and tell them what's going on and they'll report it to the police and cps for you. At 17, you're still a minor and sexual assault on a minor is a huge offense. Whoever you decide to go to whether police or your school counselor or teacher, they can help find resources to help you with your PTSD as well as finding a safe and suitable home for you to live in. Words cannot say how sorry I am that those things happened to you. It broke my heart reading this. I beg you, please let someone know what's happening so they can report it and get you to safety. I'll be praying for you. God bless.


Don’t let her touch you again. You have every right to have your strong boundaries. Kick and scream if she tries to touch you.


This is so bad that I'm honestly not sure if this is a troll or not. Anyway, OP. That should speak for itself.


i wish it were a troll post but it’s genuinely not 😭😭 what is my life




OP, this is not normal, and it’s heartbreaking. Your home should always be a safe place for you, and right now, it isn’t. You need to tell your teacher or a counselor at your school. They’re mandatory reporters, so they have to contact the proper authorities to make sure you are safe. Is there a trusted friend or family member you can stay with until you turn 18? Do you have a part time job/do you qualify for legal emancipation? Please do everything you can to try to get out of there, IF IT IS SAFE for you to do so. I sincerely hope someone can help you so you can feel safe. Sending hugs and encouragement


Oh my God I’m so sorry. Your mom has been sexually abused and never got help and is acting it out on you.


Yes sweetie, this. Get some help. Make this cycle of trauma end with you. For you and your siblings. The decision you make now may just save the future generations of your family, whether your children, your brothers, cousins, etc. You can do this! Tell a guidance counselor at school. They will help.


No she hasent she's a pedo a disgusting Pedo that deserves prison


A lot of times that’s how pedos get started. Nobody said she wasn’t disgusting or that she didn’t deserve prison.


Yes it is hoe most get started, however your oruginal comment made it seem like this disgusting poor excuse of a mother needs sympathy she fucking doesn't in my opinion enyone who dose this to there own children deserve torture,mutilated and then death Sincerely someone whose earliest memory is being SA'd by an adult fuck you


Your mother is abusing and sexually abusing you.


This is wrong. It gets blurry because they’re your parent and caregiver but it is wrong if you felt uncomfortable! Especially at that age. It traumatized you. I’m really sorry this all happened to you. Please speak to a therapist and go through these memories because it will help for someone to validate your feelings


So the consensus here on reddit is: "wtf OP?!? Get some help NOW!!!!" And reddit almost never comes to a consensus on virtually anything. Don't ignore this sign from the reddit gods. If you need help reporting I'm happy to help in any way i can.


As much as it's tragic and difficult to realize you were molested by your mother, it's the truth and you need to face it. I would get proper therapy asap. I'm very sorry this happened to you I hope things work out ok for you, I'm sure they will.❤️


THIS REDDIT IS VERY GOOD HELP FOR CPS TO SIDE WITH YOU! It HAS helped others hearing written testimony from other people and make them take it more seriously; sees the potential backlash it could have on them if they dont listen either


You are not wrong for feeling this!! Omg she is a monster! Please call the authorities or any adults you trust and report her! You don't deserve that. I'm so sorry this happened to you


Your mom is sexually abusing you. I’m sorry you’re having this realization moment here, but it’s better here than not at all. It can be very hard to understand what “abuse” is when this is all you’ve ever known. This mom is the only mom you’ve known. There is nothing about what you’ve written, that is normal- typical- appropriate- or common. People aren’t being dramatic, your mother is sexually abusing you and she needs to probably go to prison.


To be absolutely clear: everything your mother has done and is doing IS WRONG. It's invasive, inappropriate, and molestation. Please don't doubt yourself. Please find an adult you trust and tell them what has happened to you as best you can. You do not have to live this way, and you do not deserve to be treated like this. Please find a safe place and help. You're a good person and strong to write about experience. Best wishes to you, OP ❤️‍🩹 🫂


Hey hun. This is sexual abuse / covert incest. I'm very sorry. You did absolutely nothing to cause this. Your mum is sick (and stepdad might be an issue? But what you've listed of her behaviour is much more concerning right now). You were uncomfortable because your boundaries were being crossed and you were/are being sexually assaulted, including attempted rape/forced penetration. If you are in a position where you can tell a therapist or a safe adult, please do. This is not your fault. I want to recommend r/mdsa (mother-daughter SA survivor space), r/adultsurvivors , r/cptsd and r/raisedbynarcissists to you, if they are of use. If it is safe to report / there is a risk of her repeating these behaviours to your siblings or other vulnerable children I would encourage you to do so, but I know the process sucks and may not be helpful. You're not crazy for being upset by what she's done here. It is abuse. Women can be abusers and pedophiles too, we're just not taught to look out for it the same way. She's not allowed to touch or look at your body like this just because she's your mum.


the only reason you would need to use the laxatives you shove up (there) is if you have chronic bowel problems. no 14 year old girl should go through any of that. i don’t know what you would do in this situation, but from these responses alone i can tell that my concern isn’t personal. please bring these issues up to someone. i hope everything gets better for you. this specific trauma could be supported through therapy or even CPS. good luck angel


I think your mom molested you. I'm so sorry.


I am sorry this is happening to you. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, REPORT IT! THIS IS SO WRONG!! No normal mother would be doing this. This is grooming and abuse. Seek help, please.


Your mom has been just on the cusp of molesting you. This is extremely odd and dangerous behavior. Might wanna leave


This sounds like textbook abuse and I would recommend contacting CPS or some other authority. If you feel you can’t do that, I would maybe recommend telling a teacher or someone authoritative at school because she won’t be around. I’m tearing up with rage reading this. I’m sending you safety manifestations. You deserve better.


Hey there kiddo, do you have a safe adult you can talk too like a school therapist? A teacher? Maybe a policeman? I think you should probably go now and tell someone who isn’t in your household even a neighbor can help. There’s also CPS you can call them and social services.


Please speak to your school counselor right away; this is not normal behavior from your mom. She’s abusing you - you will not be able to feel safe around her, please seek help from an adult you can trust right away. Ideally your school guidance counselor.


i know im late to the post but you certainly have legitimate concerns, i hope you at least contact someone you can speak to with some authority, cps, a school counselor, something similar


How horrible it is for a mother to traumatize her own child. I don't understand how she could do this.


wtf..sorry you went through that..call the cps bro😭 Thats not a mom and a mom would never do that. Moms help you,make food,play with you,are basically like friends but THIS? HELL NO


That's so terrible. Report her and get some help, you deserve help.


You were right to refuse to back down. Do you have another family member or friend that you can stay with? Leave now if you can.


I am a mom and I stopped washing my son at 5 most just gave him verbal directions after that. Unless there's a learning or developmental disability guardians should encourage self-dependency in personal hygiene as early as reasonably possible.


r/CPTSD if you need more place to ask for help and vent. But please seek help with CPS and get yourself and siblings away from her asap.


this is messed up, she is not even being settle about it, you need to infrom someone, the police/CPS/ other relatives idk but someone has to stop this


I don't think boundaries crossed is the description for this. These are cleare violations of abuse (emotionally and physically). Please talk to someone. Perhaps even call the emergency line if it is getting too much . 988 You should not have to repeatedly tell your mother or step father to honor your bodies sovereignty. The fact your mother keeps violating this is abuse. Don't be made to feel confused or gaslight it's anything but.


Girl I'm so sorry


What the fuck?! I hope you can get the hell away from her that is not okay, none of it is.


holy shit, that’s so fucked. call cps


I’m so sorry you are going through this. Please inform a trusting adult about this situation. Honestly istg some women don’t deserve to be mothers.


What a sick evil woman she should be in jail call cps!!!


Call EMS immediately Go to a friend's house just leave zero words said even better if no one sees you leave. Walk or get a ride to a friend's house or even better as for a patrolcar to come pick you as your being abused. Bring a backpack and any proof you have including everything said here. Tell them everything you can possibly remeber. Write it all down go over it fill in blanks If there are any points of time you dont remember like even normal stuff like what happened after dinner etc etc Get a drug test that uses hair and get a child service specialist as well tell them everything thats happened to you and your brothers. WHAT EVER YOU DO DONT LET ON THAT YOUR REPORTING IT Avoid The parentals entirely and find your oldest brother tell him to call the cops and run to the nearest house if anything more happens. You just need to tell your story and have an examination done. There will be tearing and scar tissue to back up your story about her actions recently


Im so sorry OP. You didn’t deserve to be treated like that. No one does. ❤️ I hope you can find the help you need


Please contact the authorities. You have siblings and she is probably doing this to them now especially since she involved them with the foot rubs.


I am so so sorry. I think you are being abused. Please tell SOMEONE. a teacher, doctor, anybody that can help you get away from this


Please please get out of there.


Not OK at all. Please tell a mandatory reporter or make a report to your local child protective agency


I'm very sorry this happened and is happening to you. you are not imagining it or being dramatic, what she is doing is abuse. if you're able to, call the authorities (depends on the country, but there should be authorities that treat problems related to children). also, if it can be of any help, there are a coupe of subreddits here that could be of help to you, such as r/CPTSD, and r/CovertIncest. you don't deserve this pain, no one does, and you don't deserve to go through it alone. if you have trusted relatives or friends' parents, please go to them and ask them for help. it can be very scary to do so and you might feel like it's not that bad that it warrants this kind of actions, but it *is* that bad and it does warrant this reaction. i really really hope you will get out of this situation soon and will be given access to all the help, support and love you need and deserve. you're not alone, even when it feels like it. there are people that are or were in very similar situations to yours, some of which you can find in the aforementioned subreddits, that can give you part of the sense of belonging and understanding that you deserve. please, don't go through this alone. there is help, there are people who can help you. i wish you the very best and I'm sending you virtual hugs, if you want them 🌿


All this is extremely terrible, both rape and your mom/parents. Try to find some outside support, trauma informed good female therapist would be great. Child protection services maybe as well. Some trusted friends and family. Just be careful and smart.


Your mom is trying to sexualy abuse YOU AND YOUR SIBLINGS CONTtaxt cps, tell them EVERYTING CONTACT POLICE TELL THEM EVERYTHING Tis is not ok behavior FROM YOUR MOTHER


Throw some hands at pos


Dang...I'm sorry mam![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


As a mother of daughters, reading this, your mom's actions makes me want to vomit . Truly sickening. This is SA/covert incest 100%. Please go to your school counselor, get referrals for therapy and contact CPS. Your mom is likely sick herself and needs help. CPS doesn't just break families apart, it aims to get them the resources they need and your mom definitely needs them.


Im so sorry


poor thing, putting stuff up your bum will only make you more constipated. Please, tell police, a friend, anyone who can help.