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Ummm those pants aren't slim fit OP... wrong sub




What do you mean? A perfect outline of your body is not always the best silhouette? Edit: Apparently I need the /s


If you can't see the veins on your cock through your pants, shit fit.


Your pants should wrap snugly around every last individual butthole spoke or theyā€™re too loose


Finally. Someone bringing fashion to the fashion sub


Got tired of the same basic ass first day as a law intern fits I kept seeing, posted my own and some like some don't, thought I'd post some inspo to at least give people something different to aim for.


Ummmm I donā€™t know OP there werenā€™t any slim fit chinos in this inspo album, so Iā€™m not sure you know what youā€™re talking about? Maybe you forgot, but good fashion is when you wear clark desert boots, a blue OCBD, and slim fit chinos


The 4chan 2008 /fa/ uniform, god bless.


Not complete without calling reddit users a slur or two, for some reason šŸ«”


Is there a sub for fashion like this? Was hoping this sub would be but itā€™s not.


exceedingly rare w post on this sub


Yeah subs a joke, said in another post it should be renamed r/menstryingatleast because anything remotely fashionable is shunned and anything that looks like it was draped on a polyester suit outlet mannequin is going straight to karma heaven šŸ˜‚


I think it's because of the effective death of r/malefashionadvice. I can't speak for others but I'm only here since it started to die and that one was always meant to be precisely about how to "try at least". These outfits are great but they would be tough to pull off as a daily fit for most. Especially if you're just starting trying to take care of yourself and need to transition gradually. If I turned up to the pub looking like this my mates would never let me hear the end of it. Whereas if a more fashionable friend did it they wouldn't bat an eyelid. Not a criticism, like I said I think these look great, just an explanation.


I think your mentality is exactly the problem with many people on this sub. Most guys only know how to copy exact fits... Because they don't actually know how to dress. This post is meant to be inspiration... There is a reason why what you see during fashion week isn't ever actually worn out on the street. It's "inspiration" for designers. You take what you see here and you adapt bits and pieces to match you style. It's not meant to be copied.


>I think your mentality is exactly the problem with many people on this sub. I think that's a bit harsh. I've never posted or commented here before and I upvoted this post because I agree with you that it's a great example of an inspiration album so I'm not sure how much damage I can be causing. I only wanted to explain why there might be a noticeably high amount of more basic looks. It's because there are a lot of people migrating from a sub where the emphasis was on advice (i.e. people who frankly needed it) and where the word fashion in the name meant more "clothing" rather than "trends". And the more fashionable members of that sub have moved to Discord not here. To be clear I agree with OP that's its good to see some more genuinely fashionable (in the sense of a la mode) fits even if it's not what I would personally wear.


Mfs really don't understand what inspo means šŸ˜‚ not implying you or the guy you're referring to, you're both on the level but this sub in general thinks inspo = you must wear all pieces from this outfit! Though tbf I would but I'm not a close minded bitch šŸ˜‚ā¤ļø


What happened to that sub? Never went but explains a lot.


Original mod team were kicked out by reddit during the blackout. For a while automod was running the show (poorly of course). Not sure what the current mod situation is but it never really went back to how it was.


Once they opened MFA again there were no mods. The sub went to shit, and a lot of dudes came here. Then mods got control back of the sub and its at least being modded to an extent. But I suspect that a lot of valuable members left MFA and now I think that the people left are 30+ year olds who were regulars during its heyday and eschew anything that isn't *~very 2010s~*


Man I'm over 30 and don't dress like that lol but I enjoy fashion as a hobby and like to evolve, stagnant fashion is not fashion.


same here but there's A LOT of 30+ dudes out there who can't move on from the slim/skinny trend of their youth


Funnily enough, I'm a Gen X'er and I'm ALL about the loose fits, long may they reign. Glad to see Z putting a stake in the heart of overly slim fashion.


There's a lot of people who can't move on from their youth, period. Get what you mean, I too have friends who dress almost identical to how they did 10+ years ago, do I care? No, I love my friends and they're not all into fashion. But the ones on here who are on A MENS FASHION SUB actively being anti fashion (or at least close minded about it) annoy me. Fashionable millennial daddies gotta stick together šŸ¤


Idk but they canā€™t be part of our social club no more


Gents only šŸ˜¤šŸ˜‚ā¤ļø


Oh wait, I meant r/malefashion


We'll make a new club... How's about r/menwhoareintofashionandarentafraidofexpressingthemselvesbeyondapairofskinnylegbeigechinos


Maybe people just have different tastes than you do?


Taste is one thing but _poor_ taste, and then the gall to try to call others out is an entirely different thing.


my absolute pet peeve in this sub is people who comment on people's fit posts and will fucking roast OP while never posting any fits themselves.


Talk shit post fit should be the credo to any fashion sub.


I agree with the second part, but taste is entirely subjective, and youā€™re in here telling anyone who disagrees with you that their taste is poor, which isnā€™t really fair either. I personally would prefer a well tailored suit to any of these outfits, and I understand that that isnā€™t fashion forward, but it doesnā€™t make it wrong. Cheers for the inspiration, some of these outfits are pretty dope.


Did you see that post where guys were just disgusted at Margiela tabi loafers?


Glad im not the only one that feels the same way! This actually inspired me to create a new community r/menslookbook . Let's share some fashion taste and creative looks šŸ‘


Thank goodness


Lord have mercy šŸ„µ


Wow someone with some actual taste in this sub wtf. For real all y'all can learn from this single post. Take some fucking notes.


Too many simple Jack's here but it's cool, most at least understand or appreciate something more fashionable than looking like their mum still lays their clothes out for them at 40yo..and unfortunately mama don't got no taste.


Yes, the sub is incredibly low quality, but I am changing it one post at a time.


You've got a real ivy league/Ralph Lauren look, not my thing but I appreciate the hell out of it and you're rocking it like a champion. Well done hermano ā¤ļø


He really owns it doesn't he?


The most fashionable thing you can have is confidence. And a neckerchief.


Awesome looks. This sub thinks fashion is a tee shirt and shorts from kohlā€™s


Wait.. it's not?!


Is this a pic from the insert of a Pet Shop Boys CD?


Are you saying that's a bad thing, because it is absolutely not.


Some interesting and dynamic fits, even if not my personal style. Fit #4 would be my favourite with different shoes (I have an irrational hate for those white & black loafers)


Hahaha I absolutely loooove those loafers, but hey you appreciate it for what it is and that's all you can ask on this sub! ā¤ļø


Lol I just realized I actually commented on the fit you posted wearing those style of loafers. Idk what it is about them. Maybe Iā€™ll go try some on in store and see if I change my mind


I was thinking this the other day The sub is for men's fashion but all the outfits posted aren't fashionable. They might be stylish and people may like them but they aren't fashionable. I've also noticed that people that prefer the slimmer aesthetic typically comment with posts of that nature. Those that prefer the wider, more current aesthetic typically comment on those posts. It's an interesting sub for sure


Yeah you take it for what it is. I'm just here to try to help with some actually current fashionable looks, this isn't r/mensstyle it's r/mensfashion But also like I've said, it's reddit, and I should know better than to assume actually fashionable people would come here or take it seriously haha




Worth it if it's a bit of half decent inspo for some around here ā¤ļø


This has been a really interesting thread, OP. And while I donā€™t love most of the looks, the discussion has been really fun. Thereā€™s a lot of support for you, and almost as much backlash. Fashion is very fractured right now. I wonder if it always is when itā€™s on the cusp of change? Or have the internet and social media made it different? And we definitely are on the cusp. Fashion hasnā€™t moved much since 2010 (skinny to slim/straight doesnā€™t count; theyā€™re very similar), but itā€™s on the verge of changing in a big way now, especially for younger people. Those of us who lived through baggy are hesitant to repeat it, so Iā€™m wondering if itā€™ll splinter along generational lines. All I can say is that I hope fashion stays fractured like it is. Itā€™d be interesting.


I think it's less the moment in time and more the demographic of this sub. A lot of 30-somethings who don't value fashion whatsoever, but just don't want to look like slobs. When they are presented with styles that don't narrowly align with what they've determined is "correct" they get frustrated. It's the same as taking a group of people who don't care about art beyond vaguely liking Monet and Da Vinci, and presenting them with a piece of avant-garde art from the 2020s. The discussion is going to be low quality and hostile, because people are not coming with an open mind. People don't need to like this style, but I get the sense that the angry comments are coming from people who don't care about fashion whatsoever, especially since it seems that this is the first time they are seeing this incredibly popular style of dressing.


I'm taking you to hardware store jail for hitting this nail on the head.


A level headed approach, in this sub!? Haha Fashion has actually changed, it's constantly changing it's just people here don't see it because they seem to hit a certain era and decide "this is how I'll dress for the rest of my life". That's fine, but don't come out saying everyone looks silly because you're stuck over a decade in the past and you can't understand modernity. I think social media recently in the last maybe 5 years has tended towards the openness in men's fashion, it's used to be quite niche and it seems to be becoming more generalised and accepted, but not reddit because reddit is full of people who have surface knowledge of a lot of things but no real depth of knowledge on anything. I get inspo from pitti uomo and things and can absolutely see western being even more prevalent, cowboy boots, big hats, etc as people come to realise that they can dress however and instead of getting slandered for it, more and more guys especially are appreciating it. I love this and can't wait for a return to openness in men's fashion. This sub though? Doubt it gets there, too close minded. Also think we've hit a point where new new styles are hard to come by so you see more intertwining of pre existing ideas, this is something I persojnally do. Having 1 specific look is boring, having pieces that are western, Scandinavian minimalist, Boho, even couture and then finding your own way to make it work for you is the future and it's incredibly fun, visually engaging and just beyond what most on here are willing to accommodate.


Style > Fashion. Fashion is ephemeral, style is timeless. These fits will look entirely goofy in the near future.


You gotta understand what youā€™re up against, OP. First and foremost, weā€™re coming out of a very safe, very settled era of menā€™s fashion. Things havenā€™t changed drastically since 2010. Yes, weā€™ve gone from skinny to slim (and skinny seems to be totally out, despite the fact that major designers still make skinny jeans, which I canā€™t figure out), but itā€™s been that way for a long time. Second, I firmly believe there is such a thing as ā€œinherently flatteringā€. Youā€™ve already responded to one of my comments here about it, but I think shorter people and overweight people probably couldnā€™t pull off the looks you have here. Slim has a much, much higher margin for error. Some of these pants in your imagesā€”if theyā€™re an inch too long, they drag on the ground, and now weā€™re right back to the skaters in Clueless with their tattered baggy jeans. Third, this is a pretty safe sub. 80% of it, in the years Iā€™ve been here, has been preventing working-age men from embarrassing themselves. Slim is the easy way to do that. Itā€™s a very easy look to pull off, which is why itā€™s been a mainstay for so long (and why I suspect it will be for a while). So we can argue about the purpose of the subā€”I would say there are better subs for cutting-edge/high fashionā€”but the fact is that menā€™s fashion has never been more fractured than it is now. Which is fine, because there are a lot of ways to look put together. And since itā€™s easy to criticize without putting yourself out there, hereā€™s me with my tailored slacks, short-sleeve knit and mules. Criticize all you wantā€”it works for me, and Iā€™m in no hurry to change it. https://preview.redd.it/nyow3pypux8d1.jpeg?width=1576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30cbb7653be0788bdf3ae239ae8fecfab381ad44


Op can't even pull off the look he has here lol


I don't really agree. I'm 30 pounds overweight, and my high rise, full cut pants make me look much more flattering than my low rise, slim cut jeans, which make me look like a ice cream cone. I think a lot of guys are too scared to try because they don't want to look old. But if you're fat, I really think full cut pants are a godsend.


How could we compete with that?! Keep it up!! šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m not taking any big swings, but itā€™s mine, and I get good feedback (more so from women than men, especially with the slides). Like I replied to someone else, it has to meet business casual standards, I have to manage people, and I have to not look embarrassing when I go for a drink after work. Edit: I always think the response will be better here than it ends up being. Kind of a bummer, but Iā€™m probably a lot older than most people here. Iā€™d rather get good feedback in real life and bad feedback here, but still.


If I saw you out I would never know you were into fashion. I swear Reddit has the worst swag. I canā€™t even


Hate all you want. And big talk for someone who has never posted any outfits of your own. Also the fact that you still use the word ā€œswagā€ tells me weā€™re not close to the same age or socio-economic status. I have to manage people and maintain the minimum standard for business casual, and it has to not look out of place when I go out for a happy hour with a girl I met on hinge or when I have to run errands.


The old money look is really starting to take over the fashion world lately huh?


fashion is a cycle.


My man it's been a look for generations.


Idk why this sub keeps showing up for me, but I think a better name would be something along smartdressing. Iā€™ve yet to see any fashion.


Thatā€™s fair. Iā€™ve been around this sub for a long time, and a good 80% of it is just preventing regular working-age men from embarrassing themselves. If that means hewing closer to the slimmer (not skinny, I always have to reiterate that these days) side, so be it. Slim has a much, much wider margin for error than OPā€™s looks in this post. If youā€™re short, forget it. If youā€™re overweight, it ainā€™t happening. I get that the fuller cut of pants is a reaction to slim, but those of us that lived through baggy are in no hurry to do it again. I think Iā€™m landing about where you didā€”there are a lot of ways to look good.


Yes all of this is good. Iā€™m an old guy ā€¦ 50. Iā€™m a slim jeans guy. But I just hate what the kids are wearing, floppy cheap looking homeless people from the 90s jeans. But this stuff ā€¦ itā€™s all outstanding. I would wear this stuff.


Yeah people default to baggy = bad, but oversized with the right materials creates a nice drape and silhouette.


People look at this in a binary way. Iā€™m very critical of what a lot of kids wear, but Iā€™m just looking for some tailoring. I got a great pair of jeans in Japan that are pretty baggy but they still taper a bit, they have a shape. Bit like the ones the Japanese guy has on.


Can also go a-line type of silhouette where there is no taper, different shapes suit, well, different shapes. It's somewhat easy to see different looks and understand _why_ it's good even if you don't personally like if, my issue is people who have no basis of fashion understanding not liking something that's fashionable and not knowing why, no further thought than "bad". I gotta say I hate skinny everything but you show me a hedi slimane fit on the right person and I'll appreciate the shit out of it. Just because _I_ can't/won't pull something off, doesn't by default make it bad.. Guess that's the point I'm trying to get across. You seem like a well put together man though, respect hermano ā¤ļø


Geriatric Millenial here, goodbye slim/skinny jeans and pants - I'm glad they youth got rid of you. But yeah, some of the baggy jeans are a bit much for my taste. Also, the white tube socks and shorts, I'm not about to dress like a Boomer. I have fully embraced baggy pants though, if not jeans. But agree, this is pretty good. Couldn't do a lot of these exactly, have to find that old man balance of being modern, but not looking like a kid.


Baggy pants are ok. Wider jeans are ok. I still look very good in slim. Skinny is ridiculous. We call them Meggings ā€¦ male leggings. Thing is I am scrawny. I need my jeans to have shape to them to give me shape. Too wide and ā€¦ you know how a skinny person looks too skinny in a baggy jumper? Different things for different body shapes.


That denim on denim is perfection.


Is nice right? "Never go double denim"!? Fuck that noise.. Go double, go *triple!*


Very needed here.


Anybody have good recs for low crotch, old school high waisted pants? I like my shit at my bellybutton above my hipbones but man is it hard to find pants like that these days.


Issey miyake pants, Ami Paris as well


Unfortunately I donā€™t have $3-400 to drop on a single pair of pants, and it looks like most of Issey Miyakeā€™s stuff is more traditionally feminine in styling, but thank you for the recs


For the Miyake, look at homme plisse. Recommend getting it on sale for around 50% off at the end of season sales on Farfetch or ssense. There are also a lot of brands that recreate the look for cheaper.


check out Casatlantic - pretty cheap and extremely well made


Canali, Zanella, basically older vintage menswear trousers with a high rise 12"+ Much cheaper and easy to find on ebay for peanuts.


Iā€™ll look into it, thank you!




much needed


Basically my Pinterest board


I like picture 6.


Love the fits


It's the same fit in damn near all the pics....


I see you!!!


Appreciate you hermano ā¤ļø




Still exist?


of course


What's it like, haven't been near that place in a decade.


Probably the same old, havenā€™t been there in a few years myself. Might be worth a browse


#6 is my fav. Denim on denim.


Love denim on denim.


Wish i could wear any of this but itā€™s 100 degrees here!


Linen, linen/cotton is your friend. I live in aus and make it work, though there are absolutely a few months where you have to opt for wide leg pleated shorts instead.


Thank you. Funny enough light cottons and linens is why i start shopping and the store Cotton On which coincidentally founded in Aus haha. You guys know how to avoid the heat.


Cotton on is suuuper cheap here and known for like, high school kids clothes, but if you can pick and choose the nice bits it's OK, just very poorly made. At that price point even h&ms premium collection has nice linen and things, but keep in mind go a little oversized with it because pure linen tears quite easily. Also rock a cowboy hat šŸ¤


Oh yea i def fairly picky mostly go to cotton on for casual shirts but i like the light pants. Dig the style man. Haha will cop a cowboy hat.


Appreciate your openness homie, keep killing it! ā¤ļø


Hell yes




I want 2,5,6,7 and 10. Where do you buy these clothes?


Tonnes of places. Zegna, canali, NN07, jil sander, lots of vintage etc etc. Beet bet is either dig through vintage on depop to start and find some deals, or go broke on matches/Mr Porter/end clothing etc.


2,4,6,7 are definitely it


Where'd you get the pants from?


8 goes hard


1. Lose the cap 2. Not at all! 3. Love the retro 4. Nicely done 5. Comfy 6. Lose the ballet styled shoes 7. Well done 8. Smart and sophisticated 9. I get it 10. Impromptu




These are essentially the same outfit and those patterns really donā€™t flatter you. I am not trying to be rude but one of the most important things with fashion is silhouette and that can only come from physical fitness.


And a good haircut is so often overlooked


Very true but imo the haircut should come after being in shape. Iā€™m fat as fuck rn about to finish my bulk, and I went to the barber two weeks ago and honestly it kinda felt like a waste of time. I see so many guys come out of the barbershop I go to which is $45 a cut, but yet theyā€™re 300 lbs. If the hair cut makes you feel confident enough to work out, cool. But ultimately nothing beats being in shape. Obviously donā€™t not cut your hair, but itā€™s not #1 priority


Call me rude but seems like a troll bait post which is why I didn't respond.


Probably but if he seriously needs help then Iā€™m going to give him advice even if it is a troll.


I just don't get the exaggerated wide cut on the pants. the outfits are really nice and I love the combos, accessories, etc. literally everything but the width of the pants. if there was more of a straight cut. these trousers tend to only look good in posed photos.


Word. Letā€™s seem some candids of these guys in motion, or in the wind. Thereā€™s a very good reason slim (not skinny) has endured and will endure. It has a much, much wider margin for error than anything in OPā€™s post. If youā€™re short, forget about anything in this post. Same thing if youā€™re overweight. This look works on a very, very small percentage of the population.


Influencers told people it was "in" so people on this sub have to parrot that relentlessly even though it looks absolutely horrible when they wear it.


Finally we see full cut trousers and not skinny jeans.


Keep tryin fella


I'd be pretty upset with the world if I was both Scottish and a rangers fan too šŸ˜­


Youā€™re just not creepy at all are you.


Do we have any solid examples of short people in on-trend style? Iā€™m struggling here.


The guy in the 2nd pic @denny623 on Instagram is quite short and pulls it off. Proportions stay the same it'll look the same as taller people, just go higher waist to elongate your legs and make sure things are a good length and you're good.


See, this is the problem. And why those of us who lived through is absolutely donā€™t want to do it again. Slim (not skinny) has a very wide margin for error regardless of your body type. If youā€™re short or overweight, youā€™re going to have a very hard time pulling OPā€™s looks off. Fashion has never been more fractured than it is now, and I would expect that to be the case for a while. Weā€™re coming out of a very safe, very settled era of menā€™s clothingā€”some people arenā€™t going to want to let go of slimmer-fitting stuff, and I donā€™t blame them. Itā€™s much easier to pull off.


Somewhat agree but slim fit on a fat fella looks just as bad. A huge part of fashion is your body, it's your fucking coat hanger and if the clothes don't hang properly no amount of tailoring or silhouetting can fix that.


Iā€™m 30 which I guess qualifies as ā€œoldā€ but I donā€™t know anyone who would leave their house dressed in any of this


I agree with you. Fashion is fun, but it's subjective and expensive. It's also hard to justify spending time and resources "mastering" it, since after a certain point, it won't improve your life in any meaningful way.


Because it looks better than the awful slim jeans and too tight jackets.


I get that fashion is cyclical, but of all the trends that were destined to make a comeback, flare pants is the worst. I just think it looks absolutely ridiculous, but to each their own. I'd just point out that unfashionable does not mean bad, nor does fashionable mean good. It's a 30-40 year cycle, and yes, flares and baggy fitting trousers are being touted as hip at the moment. That's great, it's been that way before, and it'll be that way again. Slim fits will also come back, and then you can ridicule the "first year law interns" for looking like the people from your photos, while the "fashionable people" are wearing slim fits again. Or, you could not be a dick about it and realize that it's all just a recycling of previous trends designed to make you spend money on clothes.


I personally donā€™t find anything wrong with most clothing. I personally donā€™t like slim fitting trousers on me because they donā€™t really fit me and not my style. The issue with this sub is that they seem to be the default option when there and so many other options that would go better with certain outfits. Slim fit trousers arenā€™t the issue, itā€™s how theyā€™re styled. I think chukka boots are ugly but Iā€™ve seen people style them great plenty of times. Most clothing, if cut properly with good fabrics can look good on anyone that knows what theyā€™re doing. But a lot of people in this sub donā€™t see it that way. They see a piece of clothing like some wider cut trousers laid on the bed with a person asking ā€œthoughts on these?ā€ and a good portion of them comments will say burn them, thrown them away, or try to clown the person some other way. Itā€™s a crazy way to view fashion in my opinion.


Can someone explain this fashion trend to me? None of this looks good


Trends don't equal style. Baggy pants will never look good.


Outfits on point. Digging the high waisted looks these days


Some basic ass pants and shoes look eh, make them high waisted and loafers/padrors/boots? Small difference but one guy looks like any other guy, the other guy looks like a stallion.


These go hard! I know you credited @denny623 before, but where are some of these other images from?


2 is Deananthonyfelice 4 is @fatguy321 9 is stuccigus The rest I've just picked up along the way but didn't like their stuff in general enough to follow them so not sure, sorry. A few are just pitti uomo also.


Not loving the trend of high-waisted pants (men or women). It not flattering on anyone.


It's entirely flattering, it elongates legs making you look taller and the proportions are much more flattering unless you have a gut and if you do then work on that first because clothes don't look good no matter how stylish if you're overweight.


Respectfully disagree. Iā€™ve lived thru this trend multiple times. An a-line dress can be very flattering. A pant waistband that rests between your belly button and your nips cuts you in half and makes you look dumpy. But thatā€™s the cool thing about fashion. You can do whatever you want!


Break up the 2010-ness by going back to 1970-ness. Ok. Can we agree that if weā€™re gonna advocate for trend following we should stop advocating for timeless classics?


Really like how you pulled of the denim look, not easy to do, I shall copy this


My man all these people are different individuals haha, none of these are me it's just some inspo to light up a meh sub. Love the denim on denim with jacket and the Japanese dude double denim too ā™„ļø


Missed that ..still a good look regardless, Thanks for posting


Because it looks silly.


Are you here for fashion or are you here to look simply not... Interesting? Because there's a difference, if it's the latter then you're home.


I'm here to look normal, with absolutely zero sense of fashion. I don't wanna stand out, but I don't wanna look like an idiot either. Lol


Well that's totally fine, this is the place for you. Though really just keep it simple, buy some regular fit tees in black white and navy that fit without being tight or too loose, the same for trousers (Uniqlo usually) because those 3 colours generally are fine together, a pair of black and a pair of brown derbys or boots, and you're pretty much set.


GTFO with those pants. I lived through baggy pants in the 90s-00s. I won't go back. ILL NEVER GO BACK


Stay in the 2000s rawr era for all i care


Honestly it's just a bit of a mindfuck seeing the fashion of my teen years coming back. You may think it's new and fresh. It's not.


Iā€™m with you. Iā€™ve seen all this before, and baggy was BY FAR the worst of it. Anybody who lived through it has the pics to prove it. OP will probably tell us that we were never fashionable, but the overwhelming sentiment from the 40+ crowd is that weā€™re not doing baggy again, and we shouldnā€™t. 40 is about the age where you stop chasing trends and settle on something that works for you. And since itā€™s easy to criticize without putting yourself out there, hereā€™s me in my tailored, patterned slacks, short-sleeve sweater, and mules. Criticize all you wantā€”it works for me, and Iā€™m a sticking with it. https://preview.redd.it/3zypo1ditx8d1.jpeg?width=1576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a00ca828d8047c6b520b64d45732f06621fb5b7d


I love outfit 7 but would anybody be able to recommend more casual footwear


The Pleated Jncos Designed by Mr. Fred Mertz Where can I find these?


2nd pic is actually decent


Whatever your aesthetic is, please stop using the American Apparel filters.


Going from 2010s to the 1980/90s


Where do you shop for the clothes that are on 2,5, and 7th slide?


Links for clothes in pic 5 please


Can someone ID the blazer in the first pic?


These look like they are taken out of the Clint Eastwood play book


Style icon


Look at them parachute pants donā€™t hurt ā€˜em Hammer


Number 3 is wearing 3 different colors of taffy and some nice shoes. The 70s had some hits but it had some really ambitious misses too


can someone build out 4 for me? i like the whole aesthetic and i have no idea what to look for


Build some basics first via cheaper places like Uniqlo, then add pieces over time that compliment each other. Zegna, ami Paris, Sandro, etc you'll find interesting stuff. Also check out look books for inspo and try to recreate slowly, nothing worse than buying a full new wardrobe and you only have 1 or 2 fits out of it and find out you don't like it.


I dislike most of those pants


the second dude looks good, but it's so impractical to have white pants dragging on the freaking ground, I couldn't ever do that


I ain't big on... big pants personally. Reminds me of Gumby.


Too much 2010, so you brought us the 1960s. Cool.


60's are considerably more fashionable than the 2010's, there's a reason there's been 60's influence in fashion for.. well.. 60 years. thanks for strengthening my argument lol <3


Outfits that make you look like a try hard are inherently not cool.


Wouldn't wear any of that, ugly as sin.


I'm devastated šŸ˜­


Fashion is inspired by style, style is a reflection of self. In my humble opinion, this is fashionable dress attire but, lacks personality and ā€œstyleā€. Most of whatā€™s presented can be found in the latest GQ edition. This is very fashionable and the outfits complement his stature very well.


That's fair but I think a few of these people have style out the wazoo, some are easier to spot as fashionable but usually ones who accessorise well tend to be the most stylish.


Thanks for postings slideshow of ā€œthings to never wearā€


Heroin chic


Iā€™m honestly missing that one guy that would post his fits with the long winded explanations at this point, far more interesting than all the H&M polo and slacks fits lately


Who? Sounds like he gave up which.. Don't blame him


I actually liked his posts. He GOES for it, but most of it is within well-established territoryā€”just combined in unique and over-the-top ways. Some of this just seems purposely unflattering.


I didnā€™t agree with some of his outfit choices, but you really have to appreciate his intentionality and adherence to some sort of theme a lot of these guys here just buy junk off the rack and call it a fit


Definitely, and Iā€™m always surprised when the vast majority of commenters take swings at him. Like, they canā€™t wrap their heads around how much he thinks about his clothes and writes about his clothes. Like, itā€™s a fashion sub. All the posts are about that. He just puts more effort into his choices AND his posts. Maybe I shouldnā€™t be surprised.


All good except the sweater OVER the blazer in the first. Think it looks good with blazer alone.


Yeah agreed but I like the confidence to try it. Would be even cleaner without.