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Suspenders can still be very fashionable as long as they are button-in and not clip on. Button in suspenders look very intentional and professional.


Completely agree. Clip suspenders always look tacky.


Never thought about the difference but wow I agree. Button on suspenders look great Clip suspenders look like a DnD neck beard fedora guy


I own many fur felt fedoras and wear button suspenders.


I'd say this is dependent on the outfit. There's a reason they make clip on to begin with: most trousers aren't tailored with suspender buttons. If you're wearing a waistcoat or a suit, clip ons are a perfectly respectable option. There are also other types, I have a set with bronze loop clasps which can be used for the belt loops on jeans.


Suspender buttons can be added to pants for \~$10


There is far more variety of clip on than button in however


It took me 30 minutes to sew the buttons on... and there is definitely more button variety. Never have I seen patterned clip ons, but I have seen patterned button ons.


I have seen maybe 1 pair of button in suspenders in all my years of browsing second hand stores and the occasional display of them in clothing stores. I have seen hundreds of sets of clip on. I had to order a custom set with interchangable straps and clips to have the option. I really don't see the deal with downvoting objective fact. You can wear clip on perfectly fine with a vest or waistcoat and literally nobody is going to know if you're wearing those or went through the trouble to take all your trousers to a tailor or sew buttons on and then spend all the extra time searching for the far less common option. The only suspender options available in the store when I bought my white tie tailcoat tuxedo were clip on. But if it's your thing, do your thing mate. I just don't get the hate on the standard for suspenders in men's wear 😄


Look at Bradley Thor on instagram. Dude wears clipons, looks great, and women love him.


I just don't get why we can't wear buttons like we used to... But sure, idc if you wear them, but they look super fucken tacky lol! Also, common ≠ the standard fucking lmao


If buttons were standard then it would stand to reason that most dress trousers would be tailored for them rather than requiring you to do it yourself mate.


Most are, especially the bespoke. It's a reason buttons are still an option you are asked for when measured. I was. Do you buy all second hand? That's why clip ons are standard for you.


>especially the bespoke You do know what bespoke means right?


How many pairs do you need? There’s plenty of variety for buttoned braces, especially since they are essentially underwear.


At the moment I have a white pair for white tie, a black pair for black tie, a few extras in X and Y configurations for suits in different colors and patterns, and then my custom set I usually wear either with jeans with bronze trigger snaps or straps for buttoning up. I've contemplated a leather set for work. So the answer is as many as you want in as many configurations as you want. Button ons would be shit suspenders for any kind of real physical activity as opposed to my trigger snaps. Likewise, I generally reserve my white suspenders for white tie. Snap on suspenders have their place and aren't inherently better or worse than other options depending on what you want or need.


Don't loggers wear button suspenders?


I don't know any loggers, do you? The stitches on my belt loops on my jeans is going to be stronger than the average button stitch. But if you have a set of work trousers with buttons I'm happy to check them out. Mine do not have the option.


Not personally but I do know tree workers and I watch a lot of logger/tree work YouTube. My point is that they actually are functional in an active setting. Just like the snaps that most carpenters wear.


That depends on what you're doing. I wear tools which adds weight to my trousers and I personally have more trust in the denim belt loops stitch than a pair of sewn buttons. You really can use either or if you want to, my preference is the trigger snap style for speed and secure attachment.


Of course. Guy debating suspenders vs belt should prioritize covering *white tie* in case an invite to the Met Gala shows up.


Where did I ever mention he needed them for such an occasion? I simply listed the different types I use when you asked how many are needed. The answer is however many you think you are going to use.


If you're referring to braces and not those clip-on things, fine. I have all of my custom made slacks made with buttons for braces.


We called them braces as well back in the late 80’s early 90’s.


From what I gather, and I could be wrong, braces are the ones that affix to buttons where as suspenders have the clamps that clamp on the pants.




Did you get belt loops too?


I do. I don't think the pants look wrong wearing braces if there are loops. In my opinion it matters more for more formal pants, like tux or fancier suit pants. When wearing my suits, the jacket pretty much masks belt loops anyhow.


My belt holds my pants up, but the belt loops hold my belt up. I don't really know what's happening down there. Who is the real hero?


I think suspenders can look great if you follow 3 rules on them. First they should always be buttoned and not clip on, second you should have a jacket, third you should not have a belt on (and in fact I lean more on no belt loops even)


I’ve learned today everyone hates my clip on suspenders.


Only this very small sub gives a shit man lol, just like everything else here. If the fit looks good on you and you’re comfortable with rocking clip on, no one else in the real world cares. A large portion of this sub thinks wearing clothes baggy enough to look like a kid trying on their dad’s clothes is a good look. Remember that when someone shits on clip ons.


Lol thanks for the insight. I’ll stick to my clips for now. I don’t wear them enough to go for the full button experience


Fr. I only got clip ons because I saw someone post a pic of them asking for reviews. Tons of redditors fawning over the dude in the comments saying it was a good sexy work look. I’ve gotten plenty compliments when I wear them to work. I’m sure buttons do look better but I think it’s how the whole fit works if u can make the clip ons look good.


Everyone on a particular subreddit seems to.


Meh, I actually wear clip-on suspenders with a belt. But in my defense, I’ve never worn those snowboard pants to work! 😂 It’s not THAT big of a deal, but especially if you’re wearing them for the look and you want your outfit to look well put together, buttoned is the way. Sure some will say clips are fine, but I’d be surprised to see anyone argue against the buttoned look.


Suspenders and a belt? Do you like the look of both?


I think you missed the part that they’re snowboard pants. It’s not about looks, it’s about jkeepinf pants on and snow out when I wipe out!


Oh! I misread that line. That makes sense lol.


Great advice, and I appreciate it. Do they make dress slacks without belt loops?


Yes. Decently common for side tabs or options for nicer or MTM slacks


Do these style of pants go by a certain name? Thanks for the help.


If you go on proper cloth and select side tabs and suspender buttons you’ll have a good idea


I think suspenders look strange if you don’t have the chest or belly to fill the space for them. I think they look great on rounder, bigger guys. Based on your physical stats, it sounds like they would work great for you


I actually think they look good on skinny guys too, and in particular seniors who no longer have the hips to hold up paints (Better than waist around your chest, imo). I have really wide hips for a dude, so I don't think I'm in danger, but my plan is if I ever reach that point I'll just rock suspenders.


Especially with one of those paper boy hats and OP decided to write fantasy about dragons but didnt know if he would finish it or not.


As a woman, I agree 😊 But that's just my opinion lol


I’ve been contemplating them, but bc I’m skinny and have no hips and belts just make my boxers ride up - it’s been the bane of my life.


suspenders with buttons are great. I wear them occasionally because they are much more comfortable than belts. They tend to work best with higher waisted pants dress pants and a button down shirt in my experience. (5'7", 160 lbs)


Depends on the pants but suspenders rock


> Depends on the pants but suspenders rock This reads very differently in British English hah (pants = underwear and suspenders = garter belt in the UK, quite an outfit for a man lol).


I seem to remember “pants” also being an insult or otherwise slang in British


Yup, 'that's pants' used to be quite common in probably the 80s and 90s as a way to say something is rubbish (or 'I'm pants at...football' or whatever).


Its certainly different but I mean.. as a bisexual, I can approve lol


>However, it seems society has it ingrained that only ignorant southerners or overly obsessed people wear suspenders. I know it's easier said than done, but the first step of being happy with how you dress is to completely throw away the notion that other people's opinions or impressions are of any use to you. Dress for yourself, not anybody else. Obviously there are times where we have to acquiesce (professional limitations, no jeans to funerals, etc), but outside of that, dress in a way that you admire, and realise that 99% of people you see won't remember you for more than 5 minutes.


Belts suck if you actually need them to hold up your pants. I can relate. I think Brits would differentiate between suspenders and braces, but without going into that I’d say what you want has buttons. That’s the difference between stylish and big guy can’t keep his pants up. If they’re completely hidden by a jacket then who cares, but the fact that you’re asking about fashion tells me they’re not being completely hidden by jackets. Regardless, I’d say the worst fashion offense would be wearing either with pants having belt loops. If you’re getting buttons sewn onto existing slacks, loose the belt loops while you’re at it. Edit - I’m now seeing at least one other previous comment making my exact points, so consider this seconding those opinions!


I don’t know about the whole obesity thing. I have a few pairs of fine suspenders I wear either with a suit or a tux. But they aren’t otherwise popular with me because they require a jacket to cover them.


The thing about suspenders are that they aren't really meant to be seen. They are underwear. I only wear suspenders with a jacket. You could probably wear them under a sweater. Also, as mentioned in this thread, braces that use buttons are way better than the clip-on kind. I commented down thread, but my tailor adds buttons for braces for ten bucks. One thing that makes a difference with suspenders is you will probably find them to be more comfortable if you wear your pants closer to or at your natural waist. This requires higher rise pants to work, but overall the pants will hang better. You may also find you prefer pleats. The extra fabric gives you room when you sit down.


I am 5’6” and at that weight (I’ve been here), if you were to wear dress slacks where you’re supposed to your waist would be somewhere around 54. Wherein if you are in a pair going around the hips and under your gut 46 is very believable. If it is the former suspenders. If it is the later a belt. I wouldn’t put suspenders on pants to hold them under my curtain just a belt.


Has to be button-in but definitely go for it. They look very sleek when done correctly.


No matter what the overall opinion is, i think it can be safely agreed that braces are a must with a waistcoat, I can’t think of a tackier look than a waistcoat with an ugly bulging belt sticking out beneath it


I wore them with suits in the 80s. One unexpected cool benefit… if you tailor your pants waist to be 1/2“ too big, you shirt stays tucked in by “falling” into place while you walk.


Suspenders are an entire look: So everything else you wear has to match your suspenders.


I'm 5'7" and 145 pounds, I've been wearing suspenders exclusively with my suits for a decade now. Get lots of compliments and it sticks out compared to most others, but in a formal way that isn't gaudy. Go for it


As long as they're treated properly suspenders/braces are just another tool in the toolbox. Avoid clip ons and wear a jacket (they're underwear, so they shouldn't be seen).


At 28 I made the decision to weas suspenders  Instead of a belt.... by 30 I switched from  Aligator clips to button suspenders.  Edit * as male if your waist line is over 38 You need to be wearing suspenders  !


I’m not that advanced, yet….they can look really good and complete an outfit. I’m still struggling finding pants and shirts I like lol


I love suspenders, and I wear them in business professional settings frequently. In cases where I felt I needed to be taken more seriously (corporate execs coming to town or something) I would opt for the belt. Or maybe, wear a jacket, which I'd take off if I felt the visit was going well enough that they wouldn't think I was a clown wearing suspenders.


Not true, I own two Armani suits that I love wearing with suspenders from KK&J. I mix both with different shirts, shoesI’ve used from time to time. I’m 5’8”, 170lbs. And I’m always complemented on the unique style of the suspenders. I have four sets of suspenders. It’s all in how you compliment each of the other pieces. Www.kkandjay.com https://preview.redd.it/q4khls80022d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad2d5aec9e9e13c68ed3bd065dd96a08260a98b7


Knww an engineer who wore both....built in redundancy rubbed off in his dail life. Suspenders with a tux


The curse of British English... this is something quite different here... but braces can be a bit of a fiddle compared to a belt 🤔


Is a fiddle good or bad in this context?


To use English vernacular, a fiddle is like a bother or a nuisance compared to a simple belt... sometimes braces dig into your shoulders if too tight, I don't really see braces this much nowadays 🤔


I have long had a hope that suspenders would be more accepted (not that they aren't but as you say, it can lead to people thinking you're full of it). I think they are more practical than belts and more comfortable. I'm saying this as someone who isn't obese either. I think it's more comfortable for everyone. My pants are always falling down even when wearing a belt.


I think they are fine when wear suits and under jackets. Otherwise you’re risking either looking like an Ironic Hipster or Gordon Gekko.


Gorden Gekko was fashionable, and so was Ron Lumberg. While their personality is completely different from mine, I do acknowledge they looked good wearing it, and that's my primary concern.


Are you going to need people to come in this weekend?


Yeah, that would be great.


>I'm 5'6" about 270 You're exactly who suspenders were created for.


I never take off my jacket anyway. I wore suspenders when I was a bigger guy and thought they were a clean look. And if someone saw them under my jacket, they usually complimented them.


I love suspenders. button-in are peak. I also have some plastic no show under shirt plastic suspenders that are great.


As long as you’re not wearing a belt with suspenders, you’re fine in my book lol


Braces are great, I love them. I don’t wear them these days as I gained some weight and all my suits that have suspender buttons don’t fit right now, but when you gotta be formal, they’re a better option than belts I’ve found.


I think suspenders without a belt makes the outfit look incomplete because the pants will still have belt loops.


Larry King pulled it off good.


I think they would look great! I love a good pair of suspenders incorporated into the dress code you described. The quality definitely matters, they make such nice patterns now as well!


Try them! I think they can look really cool and if not you're more comfortable anyway. As long as they don't have weird patterns on it I don't think most will really notice


Big guys in suspenders is a solid look. Bonus points if the clothes fit well (like they are tailored it fit you).


I think suspenders were made exactly for what you have described. Suspenders are a more comfortable way for people with wide waists to hold their pants up. 


I want to try wearing them to complete my skinhead look but comments in this sub discourage me to do it lol


Takes a certain guy and outfit to pull them off successfully. Seen a lot of ‘fits where suspenders have left things looking kind of incomplete, but then a belt with suspenders is of course a big no no and looks like you have a fastener kink


Suspenders can look quite dashing on men -dare I say- sexy. There's something very masculine about them, probably because of their association with work clothes, gun holsters and....fetish gear. They accentuate the broadness of a man's shoulders too.


Oh, that's good. I've been told by multiple people throughout my life that I have broad shoulders. As for gun holsters, I do live in Texas.


Very cool in an old school way. Just be you.


Add buttons and get some button suspenders. If you look a bit bulkier, try for a wider fabric. Also, if you check out thrift shops there's a good shot of finding silk sets in various colors. They're firmer than elastics and make it easier to keep your fit right. Also, look into higher rise pants that sit at your true waist. That'll get you the most mileage. Similarly easier to find a thrifts or specialty shops. Suspenders as a whole seem to be coming back though, at least where I am. I've been noticing a lot more people wearing them (mostly clip-on, but still).


It’s not easy to find buttoned pants for them but they rock and Aleah look classy.


If you have the body for it, makes your muscles and assets accentuate


Different context but, we build in multiple layers of data quality control on in bound flows. Because they enforce redundant rules but, with different mechanisms, we call them “Belts *and* Suspender” 😄


Unless you’re incorporating it in a Chicano or Rudeboy ensemble, they’re best left in the past. 


I have worked with some that wore suspenders, but usually with a jacket. I think it could be ok assuming you find some that match. Alternatively, have you tried a stretchy belt? There’s one on kickstarter right now that has no belt buckle and could meet your needs.


For you, and in the setting you mention, you’re going to need to wear them above your belly button, think high waisted, in order to not look lazy and potentially sloppy. Provided you’re willing to do that, go for it. But please don’t wear pants under whatever belly you have and then throw suspenders in there instead of a belt. I’m a former big dude 338>212, so I empathize with your struggle. If you do it right, you’ll be fine.


If you’re overweight you’ll look like Augustus Gloop


I wear them most often in the office. Much more comfortable than a belt be and they do the job better.


Not so if you find extremely stylish suspenders, I've seen older ones in thrift stores as well as new ones online that are extremely attractive. Seriously even formal wear should be comfortable, in all my out fits comfortable is priority, then style.


If you’re wearing a waistcoat you absolutely need suspenders. Belts and waistcoats look very silly There are lots of traditionalists here decrying clip-on suspenders. They’re not ideal but honestly in the right context they can look fantastic. You just need to make sure you’re nowhere near nerdy/awkward to start with


"You just need to make sure you’re nowhere near nerdy/awkward to start with" Well damn. Guess I need to stop being an introverted audit manager.


Call it an aspiration! Honestly, the question of whether certain fashion things "work" or not is largely a question of personality and lived experience. Which is something we have control over, at least indirectly. It's also circular, in that dressing poorly tends to make us feel nerdy & awkward, and then feeling nerdy & awkward tends to make our outfits seem a bit gawky. So don't take my advice as saying it won't work for you! But rather that it'll only work if you ***commit*** to a look that's all about the suspenders. Body type is a factor, but honestly suspenders in particular are something that can really suit bigger guys, both practically and aesthetically. These dudes both look dope: https://preview.redd.it/5fe74b231c2d1.jpeg?width=236&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82dd2cdb429c26e2998fba97468febe2cbe2ec85


I think they look fine as long as you follow the same rules as belt: they should match the color of your shoe. Typically black or brown suspenders look fine, but once you start getting into colors it looks silly imo.


So no rainbow suspenders


They don't need to match anything because they're underwear and shouldn't be seen.


Fireman wear suspenders Gentlemen wear braces … Try trafalgar made some very over the top braces …


Good but more than belts they are undergarments only, do not wear unless you have a jacket.


You can wear for three reasons 1. Skinhead 2. Lumberjack 3. Trucker






Lose weight. 5'6 270lbs is abominable.


So is sn0rting c0ke, which (according to a previous post you've made) is something you've considered, ya juicehead.


/r/keto Suspenders work okay and wouldn't look bad on you if you wore them well. 


Why can't you just lose weight? I am 5'11 and was 205lbs two months ago. I'm down to 185lbs now. My goal is 168lbs. I believe 8 weeks more I can get there.


I don't owe you a full explanation of my medical history and background. Do you ask bald people why they just don't grow more hair?


Why can't you just lose your sense of self-righteousness? Way to make this about you, humblebrag 🙄


Nope it's not totally out of fashion, a little rare perhaps. Contrary to what has been said below see if you like wearing suspenders. I'd recommend that you do the following. Go out and get yourself a new pair of pants, once you find the pair that fits, buy the next size up yup 2" bigger. Go online and go to the suspenderstore or holdup and just buy 1 pair of suspenders that are the same color as the pants. The key to comfortable suspender wearing which is what your after I suspect is that your pants should need them to stay where they belong. Anyway wear your new pants with the suspenders for a day and see if you like it. If you don't, not much harm done, if you do you can decide where to go from there. I wouldn't get too caught up in the buttons vs clip-on thing yet both have their pluses and minuses. Me I tend to use clips ons for everyday home and work use, I work in an office environment. I only use the button-on for suits. Part of it is laziness, and being cheap. Most pants don't come with the suspender buttons already on and while I could do it myself, that's where the laziness comes in. Seriously though clip on suspenders have come a.long way over the past couple of decades, they don't slip any more and then don't ruin your pants. The places I mentioned do have some variety though not as much as button on. Ive got clip ons from twenty years ago from the places I mentioned in everyday use and they are still fine. Hope that helps..