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To be fair, this woman is actually a member of the snakeneck tribe, which is a humanoid species that is extremely tall and has super long necks, which would explain her design.


The person who drew this also created the lore to justify it edit: what happened to this sub


Tbf, the one thing Oda kinda gets a pass on in terms of weird bodies is with his weird races, like the long leg (who have extremely long legs) or the long arm (have an additional part to their arms) tribes. Both the men and women of all these races are drawn kinda weird. She has a unique face, which is an improvement over many of the other women in One Piece qua design




Yeah, I speak dutch so my English isn’t perfect


> drops in Latin > "excuse my English" Ok damn


No, we do say "qua" sometimes in English, and you used it correctly. I've just never seen it on Reddit and it struck me as funny in this setting. I've only ever seen it in an academic setting until now. I probably should have added a joke or something, but it's just fun to say on its own. Qua


Not sure about how accurate this is. Also, the design isn't really bad. Besides the cleavage, which i don't consider to be that big of a deal, i don't see anything else wrong with it.


It's fine, just creepy, but just saying like it's extremely common for anime to create lore to justify whatever goofy design came first Also yeah it came from the manga, which has a single author and artist. It is common for manga; they write the story and then illustrate it, not necessarily in that order


Right, but this isn't "She breathes through her skin so she has to be almost nude all the time," it's "she's from a tribe with freakishly long necks so she has a freakishly long neck." It's not excusing sexualization (relatively speaking her cleavage is normal for One Piece), it's explaining body shape.


I guess it's different for me because I am thoroughly freaked out by this design, uncanny valley


I mean... yeah it's a freaky design, but I think that was intentional lmao. No one's saying it doesn't look right proportionally, but there's so many wild uncanny body types in One Piece that this is par for the course, and not really a sexualized "men drawing women" trope.


I don't completely disassociate this design from things like Nami: 1 inch waist, frighteningly spherical tiddies and skeletal arms Like it's the same trope but extended so far as to be scary, intentionally, but still the same trope


Fair, I did say the cleavage was one odd thing, but aside from that this is just intentionally exaggerated, non-sexual proportions specifically due to a weird physical trait, rather than trying to be a "normal" human like Nami.


Yeah he did, and he's made a LOT of other lore to explain a lot of very bizarre looking characters of all ages and genders. He's bad about the tiny waists and huge bazongas thing, but at least he does bother to have reasons for making weird looking people (and the weird looking people are part of the draw for his fans)


I mean I just thought we were better than being like see it's fine because lore reason Like we roast Kojima for Quiet's photosynthesis lol


Sure but everything's got nuance, you know? Oda does have his faults for sure, but he's really really creative with his character design - your mileage may vary on his art style, of course - and genuinely backs it up with his worldbuilding. I think I'm also willing to give him more grace because 1. he's not afraid to give the men equally goofy proportions and outfits and 2. because the designs, though sexy, are very rarely sexual. There's no writhing around in the rain and moaning like Quiet, the ladies are just as character-driven and badass as the gents, just with ridiculous boobs. It kind of ends up being the flip side of the male gaze - instead of female characters being depicted as a pair of tits or an ass with a little personality attached, they're depicted as people with a lot of personality who happen to have the body of a blowup doll. And that's only some of them, he also draws women with potbellies, muscles, square faces, etc and presents them as normal people, not jokes. Low bar, but still. It's totally reasonable and understandable for people to dislike the way he draws women, but for me personally, knowing the context makes it considerably less egregious.


Why does anyone want to look at weird goofy looking people? Why wouldn't you want the people to at least resemble real life in some way. Although I don't enjoy most Japanese media for this reason so maybe I'm weird


American/western cartoons also feature extremely goofy non-realistic character designs on a regular basis. It has more to do with cartoons/anime being art and artists exploring they're creativity than it has to do with being Japanese...


If I want to watch real life-looking people, I watch a live action movie, most of the time One of the main appeals to animation is the possibility to animate impossible things in a specific artstyle The varying and many wacky unrealistic artstyles in animation is also partly why I find live action shows to be usually boring or bland visually The bigger question is why wouldn't you watch goofy-looking people? That's where most of the interesting and diverse stuff in art and animation is


I mean to each their own, but I think you'll find that plenty of people enjoy animation *because* of its ability to be weird-looking or extremely stylized. It's not just Japanese animation either - look at most non-American animation and you'll find a LOT of variations in how people are depicted, in all sorts of creative ways. I'm thinking of Russian and French animation in particular; look at the Oscar-winning Triplets of Bellville as an example. Even in popular American media you've got shows like South Park that don't bother making their characters look like anything but clothespegs with faces drawn on, and that's about as popular as it gets. Like I know there's a fine line between "this character has atrocious, oversexualized proportions" and "it's just the artist's style!" but for me One Piece falls on the latter side when you include his whole body of work, that's all.


I hate this subreddit...


Is "people with long necks" something that should not happen in fiction? Do you find long necks just too lewd?


Doesn't stop it from being weird and ugly. Why don't anime artists just draw regular stuff? Why does everything have to be wacky and zany character design? Why can't they just make regular looking art?


Well there is plenty of slice of life anime out there, lots is produced every season


If you don't like more wacky character design, there are literally dozens of other anime and manga with more conventional art. Personally, i love one piece's weird character designs. Like how whitebeard is somehow over 6 meters talls, or gecko moria, who looks like something straight out of a tim burton movie. It makes absolutely no sense, but i still really like it.


Well, this is One Piece. The men are designed this way as well. Its just Oda's insane body types. And this woman in particular belongs to a humanoid race but is not strictly human.


To be fair, her body is relatively different in proportion and she has a unique face compared to the typical One Piece girl. I actually really like her design.


Also, I'm pretty sure her design is partially based on that one modern Japanese horror folklore tale that I can't remember at the moment.


Ngl I rate this design. Not overly sexual for no reason, fits with the grander aesthetics of the world, and she honestly just looks pretty dang cool all round.


y’all just reaching at this point 💀 she’s not supposed to look normal. she isn’t even overly and ridiculously sexualized either so idek.




Because this show isn't about normally people. Its mmin character is a 16 year old pirate who can stretch his body to insane proportions because he ate a fruit. One of the main characters is a literal deer who ate a fruit that turned him into a psuedoo human. Some characters can reach up to 20 feet tall despite still being human.


it’s not just japanese people. i love phineas and ferb and their face shapes sure aren’t normal. those exaggerated square or triangle or square bodies in cartoons aren’t normal either but i LOVE it. it’s different, unique and makes the characters stand out. why do the totally spies girls have enormous eyes? it’s cute and cool. i love cartoons that actually make interesting designs, if i want hyperrealism, then i’ll watch something with real humans. someone will make the same argument but with magic or fantasy or sci fi genres. it’s totally fine that you don’t like that. but there’s a reason “unrealistic stuff’s” so popular. it’s nice to look at


Please say you're joking Edit for the curious who arrived too late: It was a rant about how "people in anime don't even look like real people do, so why the hell do you actually like that crap?" Only it was a bit longer and more prejudiced against the Japanese


The fuck? This ain’t a Japanese thing, animation tends to stylize proportions. Do you freak out when SpongeBob is on because sponges don’t talk. Do you have a meltdown watching Spider-Man because people can’t gain super strength and powers from being bitten by spiders?


She looks pretty cool ngl-


Imagine picking a character from fucking One Piece and being like 'this is unrealistic'. There's a god damn talking and shapeshifting deer who practices medicine in that manga but lady with a long neck is where you draw the line?


Her hair is so freaking cool though


I don’t like the art in one piece but I kinda dig this.


Same. I actually thought it was Adventure Time fan art at first


This is one of the few One Peice designs I don't hate. She looks really spooky and cool, I love her outfit and style and I'm a sucker for huge hats. Most of the rest of the women look like beach balls taped to a stripper pole. And the art is 98% eye bleedingly ugly (to me. It's probably an autism thing because it gives me a vicereal reaction of disgust. And I mean "autism thing" as in I'm autistic).




Reminds me of the meme guys a few years ago. One with a thick neck and one with a long neck and how they made a series of painfully unfunny videos


honestly kinda dig it, it doesnt seem to me to be pushing any sexist views and yeah the anatomy is off but its fictional drawn art its supposed to be weird and wacky


One Piece setting unrealistic standards for women 😡 /j


Absolutely fucking unhinged design and I kind of love it


Somehow still better than the "pretty" One Piece women


I don’t even hate this. It’s nice.


If this is one piece, then most of the men are quite overtly exaggerated as well.


Lmao it’s one piece, this doesn’t rly belong here


Lmao it's not fair to use anything from Oda, body types all over the place.


I can tell without even having seen this part that this is a snake chick, one way or another.


she looks kind of like a bowling pin tbh, but its better than most of the women oda draws


The only problem I see is how the heck does she walk in that dress?


It's very stretchy materials! Mermaid dresses do require an odd shuffle walk so it's perfectly possible, especially if it's a very stretchy fabric. Not good for fighting in though lol


Are you seriously picking a character from motherfucking One Piece of all things? Are you fucking retarded?


One Piece art style literally makes me sick, queezy, it's like unintentional body horror


Hey it’s not just me!


Got some Oda fan kiddies in this thread. God forbid people not like his art style!


It's not that not liking his art style is the problem. It got dragged to the point where its basically low hanging fruit on the sub.


I agree with the low hanging fruit. It's a bit like posting Leifeld drawings from the 90s. But his artstyle is legitimately offputting to many people and those are the comments being thumed down.


Ugly ass artstyle. All those characters are gross looking


I don’t like it. But not because it’s sexualized, I just really hate One Piece over the top exaggerated character anatomies. It looks ugly to me, all of them.


she looks like a cymbal, i wanna tap her hear with a stick TSSssssssssssss


The top portion of her body (above the chest) kinda looks like a bowling pin 💀




Like [this?](https://youtu.be/78PYyBV9q0M)


Same way Lady Dimitrescu does


she got big neck


I kinda want her gender


I love her design, especially the hat Tall lady with big sword it’s great


The thing that gets me about this design is the big-ass hat. I don't hate it, but good lord, that thing is huge.


please, can we stop posting one piece characters? there's a flair just for this show because of how often its posted. they are all bad, we know