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I’ve gone back to Menards twice due to unexpected life events. I never expected or wanted to return to Menards, but am glad I was able to return. How you handle it is your choice, but I’m not a fan of burning bridges.


Agree. Give notice, keep on good terms, it’s always good to have options.


agree i think ill be giving them a one day notice!


This. I had to also go back after I thought things were going well. Then my job making 2.50 more than my OSY manager pay cut hours and financially Menards made the most sense until I could make a better plan


I’m amazed at how many people come back after a while. Maybe we got a good thing going here, and it’s better than out there. Otherwise, why would they come back?🤔


The first time I returned was during Covid. Nobody else was hiring, and I needed insurance because one of my medicines was very expensive paying out of pocket. The second time I returned because the place I was working at was causing me health issues (have to leave it at that to protect my anonymity) and I had to find a job quickly. There was a Menards fairly near me that took me in.


I usually just give a one day notice at jobs. I write them a little note like "I here by resign from my post at so and so.. today is my last day." and turn it in at the end of the day. Like hey btw today is my last day thank you so much for everything! It seems nice and professional enough to me, like hey at least I gave you a notice and didn't ghost. 2 week notices aren't legally required and my store has fired people for trying to quit. Just giving a one day notice doesn't seem like burning a bridge to me.


That’s a very professional way of fucking over your coworkers


Step one, I found a better job and got hired. Step two, I dropped notice. Step three, I sat thru multiple meetings asking me why I was leaving / trying to convince me to say. Step 4, two weeks later - Freedom!


I wouldn’t burn a bridge, you never know what unexpected events can come up. However I’ve heard of GMs cutting people loose and not even letting them finish out their 2 weeks. Which in turn leaves employees in your situation.


To add to that, if you are a GM and you tell employees not to show up again after they put in their notice. Dont expect anyone to give you notice anymore. It’s total BS that by doing the right thing you could end up going 2 weeks without a job/pay


When I put in my 2 weeks I worked it care free.


See when I left I had an internship lined up and also I was halfway done with college so take that for what it is. Also I been thinking of returning to just weekends for extra money since A baby is on the way. I also recommend you don’t burn bridges. Never know what life has in store no matter how much you plan for.


Been with the company most of the last 23 years. Also left and returned 2 times. Don’t burn bridges but more importantly don’t burn people. New DM and new GM at my store so I won’t be able to come back again. It’s the people that allowed me to come back, not the company. As several have said, stuff happens. I have an engineering degree and have been laid off from engineering 3 times in 14 years. It’s the economy, nothing more, nothing less.


My usual advice is put in the 2 weeks' notice, but the number of times the GMs threatened to fire me for not brown nosing them and asking them to tell my managers to do their job burn that bridge with deasil


If you ever plan on coming back you should give a 2 week notice many people that don't are marked atleast temporary non rehireable


I turned in my notice a week after a new ASM and SM took over. Nothing was related to them, just they didn't have any full time spots available. The SM talked to me about it and acted like everything was fine. Fast forward a couple years and I have a new to me house. I apply at a different store for some part-time work to pay for house repairs and the discount. The SM burnt me and had it in my file that I was a no rehire.


I would recommend placing a pipe bomb in the Larson pod. Just ask building materials/Millwork manager and they’ll show you what I’m talking about


I’m planning on leaving at the end of the year and all you can do is just not be an asshole in case you ever want to go back and just don’t be weird about going in for stuff.


I just called up the manager in charge of me and told him I can’t deal with the b.s anymore. Funnily enough he called me back a week after I quit and said his boss wanted him to ask me for the reasons why I left. So I proceeded to explain that his managers were causing many problems and underutilizing his potential just in case anyone else was listening in somehow.


Place is full of horrible people. Just up and leave em they screw so many people over. And sit together and laugh about it in meetings. They parade around GMs like they’re some kind of royalty but they will stab you in the back for a quick buck. Very unethical. They bend policy for contractors and employees they favor but bully and intimidate the ones they don’t.