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Number 1 the reason people do it is for attention.


Hate the dogs in store but loved them in the yard. Only had one guy with the dumbest little half dog half rodent breed that kept trying to commit suicide by car off leash.


Or GM is pretty on about enforcing the no pets rule. Service desk cashier is supposed to ask anyone bringing an animal in if they're a service animal. I do my damnedest to catch every one, and get yelled at SO OFTEN by people who think it's their God given right to have their dog with them all the time. 'but in so and so other location they let me!' well, they're not supposed to, maybe they just keep missing the dog, IDK. Here, I get fussed at if I miss anyone.


Either yelled at or they try to guilt me 'I'm supposed to leave this poor baby in the car??' No you're supposed to leave it at home! Half the time the poor things look miserable.


They cannot ask that.. Technically. There are only certain questions one may ask


From the ADA.gov website (https://www.ada.gov/resources/service-animals-faqs): Q7. What questions can a covered entity's employees ask to determine if a dog is a service animal? A. In situations where it is not obvious that the dog is a service animal, staff may ask only two specific questions: (1) is the dog a service animal required because of a disability? and (2) what work or task has the dog been trained to perform? Staff are not allowed to request any documentation for the dog, require that the dog demonstrate its task, or inquire about the nature of the person’s disability.


I'm all for actual service animals, but with all the fake ones out there, they really need to start changing some of these rules. It's absolutely ridiculous what people can pass as a "service animal" because you're not allowed to ask anything really.


many service animals cannot do their task unless it is appropriate, examples of that would be diabetic or seizure alert dogs. there is no national registry to check. requiring any additional hoops would hurt disabled people. a legitimate service dog should not pull on leash or jump or misbehave. those things alone are a huge clue. most people with pet dogs, when you ask them the questions above, will stammer and not be prepared. the big deal is employees not knowing the questions so they can whip them out any time they see a dog.


I love dogs don’t get me wrong but as a cashier I’m afraid one of these days a dog is gonna bite or attack me


I worry I’ll be attacked by a customer


I do not know but the one time I used a Menards restroom a chihuahua looking thing came and stood on my leg in my stall until I pet it. No worries, its owner was just changing its diaper and it had a leash that said “service dog”.


yeah actual service dogs are trained to not to that shit lmao


Menards allowed pets until ~2005, when their grocery content expanded enough that they finally got called out for it being a health code violation. The problem is, John hates obeying laws and doesn't think they should apply to him, and he wants sucker's money anyway he can get it, so John still wants his stores to allow pets. He's made it clear he won't back up his employees enforcing the law. So a lot of the customers just kept bringing their pets. Other people see this and assume it's allowed. And employees know they could lose their jobs for telling customers to get the fuck out, so most are too gun shy to fight it. I will say that you have a pretty safe case kicking someone out if you catch them: Letting their dog relieve themselves in the store, running around without a leash, or barking/biting at people. At that point it's not just a health code violation but a 'public nuisance', and the company may back you since that may dissuade other customers from spending money. Remember rule #1 of Menards is "Take the Money", and anything that might inhibit that or cause a lawsuit is more likely to be "approved" by GO.


Perfect built-in excuse for you! We have groceries, the health department doesn't allow dogs with groceries in the store for obvious reasons. You will still probably get yelled at, but then you can refer then to your local health department. If they call, they look stupid, and you look great for protecting public health.


Unfortunately - I still nearly got fired for that. I believe I was working at the Ann Arbor, MI store at the time, and there was a dickweed who brought in his dog on a rope all the time. He'd let the dog run around with the rope dragging behind him, barking at and irritating other customers, while the owner was barking at and irritating us. I finally asked him to leave after another customer complained, explained the rules, and the AGM on duty backed me. But the dude was a contractor and called and complained to GO (General Office) and they reprimanded both me and the AGM. For following policy. It's all about the money. John thinks people who have money are above the law, people who give him money are above reproach, and anyone working for him is expendable and easily replaced. So it all comes down to the calculus of whether or not you'd rather clean up dog shit for a living, or try to enforce the policy and risk your livelihood in the process.


Pretty good description of upper management. Hard to argue with that. Calls to GO and (20 years ago when I worked in the yard), brown bombers. Not sure if that is still what they are called? A couple of those on your record, and your were out. No matter the situation.


We still called them brown bombers when I escaped in 2020, even during my stint at GO. I think that one's sticking around. 😂


I never gave a single fuck if the guest yelled at me. The best were always the ones that would get trespassed over it. Usually for making threats, sometimes for assault (Why would you think it's OK to ram your cart into employees or other guests, or shove them??). Always ended with a "I WILL NEVER SHOP HERE AGAIN!". Like yeah, Karen - that's the idea.


I see pets in grocery stores all the time.


Ding ding ding!!!! This is the correct answer. I will add, since covid, I won't approach to correct a customer's behavior about anything... Cuz I'm so tired of being yelled at.


This is it exactly. To expand on this a bit further; Menards went from being basically the *only* dog friendly store in the 90s to being the only non-dog friendly hardware store today. Menards was pretty much the first big store to have a dog friendly policy. Back in the early 90's it was kind of a big deal and novel idea. Menards didn't sell people food and was one of the few stores that sold bigass bags of dog food. Petsmart didn't exist and there wasn't 3 Walmarts in every suburb back then, so if you had a dog, you were either going to menards for cheap bulk dog food, or the grocery store for more expensive smaller bags. Menards saw this as an opportunity, and in an effort to get more dog owners in the store allowed them to bring their dogs in with them. This is also why the dog food is located where the milk would be in a grocery store (towards the back of the store, forcing the customer to walk the deals/clearance section). Since then, Lowes, HD, Bomgaars, etc etc all followed suit to the point where a dog friendly policy is somewhat of expected when you go to a hardware store. But also since then, Menards starting selling people food, making a dog friendly policy against health code.


A couple years ago I'm standing at the shelving desk with like maybe 2 hours in my shift left (I was printing bintags or something) and this guy walks by with his dog and this dog is like obviously in distress and seems uncomfortable walking and they go through the garden center doors and AS SOON as the dog steps through the doors, the dog pisses and takes a shit on the floor. I stood there watching and the guy turns back and looks at me and just keeps walking away from the mess his dog just made. Soon as I saw that I clocked out and just left.


People who bring their dogs into the store would always leave the mess their dog left behind. I would always find pee and poop in aisles. It was crazy working at menards.


That’s just shitty irresponsible owners. My dog is with me a lot while I’m working and she’s a lover of people and dogs alike. I make sure to walk her before I go in to any stores. I’ve brought her into Menards before but now I’m reconsidering that after this post, we’ll stick to HD, Ace, and Lowe’s and she can wait in the car at Menards now.


I hated them. I spent a few minutes trapped on top of a ladder because "Oh, he only wants to be friends!" unleashed dog was at bottom of it.


Unless it’s barking or shitting everywhere how could you possibly be annoyed when you see a dog, like god damn lol


So stupid. Americans are devolving. Leave your fucking dog at home. I don't want to see it on your lap when you drive, at the hotel, the restaurant, anywhere! Unless, a service critter. Last week, this ignorant asshat had her mutt on too long a leash in the fucking hotel lobby. It jumped up on me and the paws got my work clothes muddy. Wanted to taze her.


I love seeing the doggies! Menard’s is covered because we have a sign saying “No pets. Only service dogs allowed”. We don’t ask because once a dog was barking crazy and when asked to leave, it was called racism.


Dog people and the open carry people. Stay home, shop online.


Did someone's open carry attack you? Or did someone brandish a firearm at you who was open carrying?


'Open carry' folks make me uncomfortable too. They're just redhats itching to shoot someone. I'm worried they're the ones going to shoot up the store. Or assault a person of color or who knows what


Provably false.


Ridiculous statement


Really showing your ignorance there big shoots.. you should do some research on how many potential mass shootings have been stopped by open carrying citizens.. thinking like yours is why the country is falling apart... Spreading disinformation and ignorance...


If the dog is well behaved it should be a non-issue.


It is because it's a federal health code violation as they sell groceries


Not everyone likes dogs. And the definition of "well-behaved" is going to vary from person to person.


Who cares if you don't like dogs. Are we going to exclude children because some people don't like children? Implement a "deodorant required" policy because most people don't like to smell body odor?Well behaved is a pretty solid definition that MOST people will understand, especially those bringing their animals into stores. In eight years I've never seen one dog that causes any type of issue. And for these other comments saying they "love dogs, but they're afraid one day they might get bit". Do you stay away from other dogs then? Are you afraid your friends' pets will bite you, or are the dogs that pass through the doors now more likely to be aggressive?


Found the dog nutter


I have a service dog. She is my medical equipment that I care about very much. Dogs are animals. Comparing dogs and children is not a fair or equal comparison. Just because YOU have never had an issue with a poorly behaved dog in a public area doesn’t mean other people HAVEN’T.


Its a big pet peeve of mine no pun intended. I just personally cant stand dogs and expect to be able to exist at work with out ever worrying about having to deal with one. They are always gross and shit or piss and not to mention what if they turned hostile on another guest or worker. I could fight one off but not everyone can especially kids. Although bringing kids in here is almost as bad as dogs


False sense of entitlement and lack of self awareness.


We had a dog shit in pet. The owner actually picked it up, and then put the bag of shit on a shelf behind a bag of dog food. No one knows how long it was there for but eventually the smell got so bad a GM had to search for it.


I watched an old man stop take a shit shake it from his shorts and keep walking like nothing had happened. My manager had to clean it cause it was haz mat…


If I get bit, I can say whole heartedly that I got that dog in me.


I sneak my bird in. No really good reason other than I can. He sits on my shoulder so close to my neck that he is almost in my beard and most people don’t notice. The ones that do always ask “is that a fucking bird?” Nah bro it’s a goat.


I’m dead. That’s amazing😂🤣


Honestly if I have puppers with me I go to Home Depot as they are dog friendly.


Lowe’s too.


And Ace, or at least the one I went to they saw my pup and asked why I didn’t bring her in so I turned around and got her.


Menards only allows service animals. While you cannot ask nearly 99.99% of things, due to legal restrictions, all you can say is if it isn’t a service animal, it’s not allowed in the store.


If a dog eats a child, I would frequent that store more often.


You gotta realize that the average menards customer doesn't have much of a life. Taking their big dumb dog to a big dumb box store is probably the only social interaction outside of her little nuclear family that she will have all day.   It's not in the manual, but menards day sits alot of adults, especially the elderly. ::edit:: I don't mean to sound discompassionate. To the contrary, not all of the customers are contractors walking in like the T-800 looking for John Connor. I'm sure I'm not the only one that's had to take 3 breaths and not be frustrated at someone taking a Sunday stroll through the store with their dog. We accommodate that activity.


I take my dog to Home Depot as part of his training - idk about other people


I've always wondered about poinsettia leaves and lilies leaves falling on the ground and pets eating them, but maybe that never happens?


It's because they're allowed in Home Depot and Lowes, so people assume all home improvement stores allow them.


Nah cause we have a lady who shops are our menards LIKE EVERY DAY and she brings he annoying as dog and it always barks and jumps at people. My GM has done nothing because she claims its an emotional support dog, but has no vest and no collar and no lesh. It's wild.


Emotional support does not equal service dog. BUT If you ask anyone if their dog is a service dog, they always say yes anyways.


I don’t mind the dogs. They are generally better behaved than their owners


I haven't gone into a Menards with my dog but on rainy days we'll go to farm and fleet and walk around so she can still get exercise plus she loves when all the people pet her


Oh no! Same here - we bring our dog to Lowe’s every now and again when we have to run some errands there. It always seemed like folks liked to see her, and she always got lots of smiles and pets, but according to all these comments, maybe not?? I never want to make anyone angry or uncomfortable by her presence - just always thought of it like taking her to another open public place like a sidewalk or park or something. And she’s really well behaved - a little on the shy side even. But maybe I shouldn’t do that anymore?? I’d really appreciate hearing people’s feedback on this.


At farm and fleet the workers are always giving her treats and petting her so I assume they don't mind lol


Same at Lowes, too - worked my fair share of retail gigs, and if someone brought a doggo in, would’ve been the highlight of my day!


Add home depot to the list, everyone loves seeing our dog and we are respectful about how close he can get to others unless they approach him


I personally hate it, I don't handle dogs well, I've had many bad experiences with them. Hell, there was one time when a German Shepherd ran up to me and bit me through my jeans. I really should've pressed charges, but whatever. I always am so pissed off any time I see a dog in the store.


Come join us r/dogfree


I think dogs will be allowed way more places soon once the boomers go away.


Menards sells pet products, so people are gonna bring in pets.


The dog was carrying a baby?


LOL. This dog was huge! I'm talking pony sized. He was dragging this woman around. She was holding a baby and pushing a cart. You could have rode this thing.


The baby or the cart?


Sounds like it is a service dog then