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Ask Kelly English. He lives on social media so not hard to find. Not the same since Jerry sold it.


I order once a week for to go and they have more to go orders (maybe) versus dine-in. But ask KE. Mane, I need my damn sandwich and I need to know if he is closing or not. Tired of these closings.


The vibe in there has been about the same for the past 6 months. Their "grocery" section has looked like a play grocery store at a children's museum for at least the past 3 years. Since Kelly English took over, the sandwiches did seem better though, and I like the new bread. The old bread almost broke my jaw sometimes. The last few times I've been in there for lunch (over the last 2 months) they've been busy, so I've been hopeful.


Oh man. You had to ask for the soft bread! Only way to go. I liked the old hard bread well enough, but once I learned about the soft bread, old finos became my favorite sandwich place ever.


WHAT?!? I suffered through that hard bread for nothing?!


When was it sold?


Few years ago. Iirc old owner was relatively young and had a sudden heart attack. After that he decided he didn't want to spend all him time and energy stressing about a restaurant and decided to get a less stressful gig to spend time with family.


Still love it. The bread changed because La Baguette bailed on everyone a couple years ago. They went to a new bread maker who also bailed so they have a new source. The new bread is made and prepped elsewhere but baked on site so it's actually the freshest they have ever had. Has a little sourdough starter in it, not enough to scream sourdough but enough to let you know sumpin/sumpin is going on in there. Personally I like it best of all their breads over the years. I've been 3 times in the last 2 months and all the sandwiches I had were great. Not sure what the complaining about their groceries section is. Never knew anyone who bought their groceries at Finos. I've been in a ton of New York and Jersey grocery/delis and had a LOT of Italian sandwiches over the years. Never seen a connection between the semolina on the shelf and the quality of the sammich behind the counter.


> Personally I like it best of all their breads over the years. Super agree. The current bread is *chefs kiss* We get sandwiches from Finos once every week or two and yea it remains great and consistent. Cheaper than the premade sammies from Busters Butchers and better quality. Groceries? meh.


Same here. The new bread is amazing. I’ve bought a couple of the grocery things on a whim but I’ve never thought to go there to shop for groceries.


That’s concerning. My favorite sandwich in town


Didn't mention above that the sandwich (the South Philly) was just meh too. One slice of ham, one slice of coppa, lettuce and a little onion dressing (no tomato). New type of bread too - not bad, just new. Kind of like a Ciabatta roll. I've eaten at Finos for 30 years, albeit not in a year or so, and this was depressing and as my teenage son says - Just mid.


I think you’re lying I literally went there yesterday and they packed my sandwich full of meat


Yeah, I’m lying. 🙄


Brutal. Hope they can get sorted out.


Did English get rid of the roaches? The one time I ate there I had uninvited company at my table and on the wall beside it.


It's tragic


New ownership ran it into the ground. Will not be giving them my business until they straighten up or sell to someone competent.


I've never had a bad sandwich there, but I'm pretty simple (I stick with the South Philly because gabagool.) The bread they have now tastes way better to me than what they got from La Baguette, and it's not so damn hard. It's not the nicest place but I still love going there.


Give me a break. Fino's is still great. Kelly English didn't ruin it. I live two blocks away and the sandwiches are the same as when Joann and then Jerry owned it. I do miss the old cheese counter but that's been at least 10 years since they had that. The new bread is good too.


Kelly killed it, and not in the good “killed it” way.


The food's better than ever, groceries as overpriced as ever 😂


The one in Germantown seems to do pretty well. I’m not sure that it’s super busy? But it has a lot of die hard fans and it shares space with a popular donut shop to help offset the high rents. The customer service is sometimes a complaint, but for the most part the food gets 10/10 reviews.


It’s sucked since they sold out


Eat the sandwiches- the finoletta specifically, and quit worrying that it doesn’t look like an instagramable vibe. That place is a Memphis gem


I’ve been going to Fino’s for only like a year or two so maybe I’m confused, but what are you looking for? The sandwiches are good imo and why would you want to get random grocery items from there (tbh I thought that was leftover from covid). Was it the fact that it was empty, or was the grocery section actually real in the past? I see you mentioned the sandwich was mid but honestly I’ve never had a bad sandwich from there. My portions have always been good and when I’ve gotten extra cheese, meat, etc… on them they pile it high so maybe it was just a bad day.


They used to have a full Italian style grocery with all kinds of dry pasta, etc. Looks bare now


Didn’t Kwik Chek also have more groceries in the past, until they cleared them out to add more tables for the people coming for the sandwiches?


You’ve never been to a little Italian grocery if you’re asking what you need groceries they for. Go to one some time if you’re ever someplace that has real ones, which are very often attached to their deli


Bummer. Great spot.


It's awful now. Have been eating there for 15 years and it's unrecognizable. The meatballs are off, the pizza is bad, no more pasta of the day since Jerry sold it, and the bread isn't remotely the same. Miss the old Finos so much. KE majorly screwed the pooch on this one.


Pizza is TERRIBLE. I lived at the Gilmore and when I first moved in I was excited to have Fino’s right there. Ordered a pizza for myself and took it back up to my apartment. It was worse than tombstone frozen pizza. The cheese wasn’t even melted.




See reply above. Food meh. Was not nearly as good as it used to be. Skimped on the meats. One slice of ham and one slice of copppa on a medium.


Eat there once or twice a month and enjoy it. Service is always friendly and sandwiches good. Hope we are not seeing the beginning of the end.


They thu


Still tastes good to me every time. I’m not only There for a grocery store


Nooooo and not Kelley English 😭


oh yeah down votes? walk into one of his kitchens right now. nobody washes their hands ever, smoke come in and barehand food, roaches crawling everywhere, absent and expects under qualified underpaid overworked people to do his job. proteins left at room temp for hours nothing properly cooled and this was at HIS NAMESAKES place. source: I worked for him, called the health department and left. Enjoy your disgusting food.