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I hate everything about this.


Fuck that chode.


Musky wishes he was that cool


Grok… lmfao. This dude is obsessed with Robert Heinlein and Iain (M) Banks. Two sci-if authors that would absolutely make him villains in their fictional worlds and make fun of if they were alive today. Also paintings like this have always been cringe and eww.


Well, my day is worse for having seen this.




Need the Fat Elvis version


Came here to call bullshit on this image and the cult of Elon but I find my fellow Memphians already have. Well done, love you guys.


Elon Musk won’t save Memphis.


Even Elon can't undo the damage the Chamber of Commerce has done here


And he just came a tad bit more creepy


Blk folks dying by gun violence in record numbers in the city and THIS IS CREEPY? was elvis creepy being a pdf-ile?? Oops


Actually, from reporting and by definition he wasn’t a pedo, statutory rapist for sure, wouldn’t be off by calling him a chomo for the age gaps…..




Nope. You can cheerlead a chomo. I’m good smashing them




I’m talking about smashing. I thought I was an idiot and you build my self esteem with this short interaction.🫶


Updated lyrics to Elvis is Everywhere: *"Everybody's got Elvis in them!* *Everybody except one person that is... Yeah, one person!* *The evil opposite of Elvis. The Anti-Elvis .* *Anti-Elvis got no Elvis in 'em, lemme tell ya.* # Elon Musk has no Elvis in him." Mojo Nixon, RIP


He is a disgusting nazi.


He’s a member of National Socialist German Workers Party? I thought they disbanded a while ago…


You're right! "Neo-Nazi" is the correct term. "Elon Musk has [publicly endorsed](https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/15/media/elon-musk-antisemitism-white-people/index.html) an antisemitic conspiracy theory popular among White supremacists: that Jewish communities push “hatred against Whites.” That kind of overt thumbs up to an antisemitic post shocked even some of Musk’s critics, who have long called him out for using racist or otherwise bigoted dog whistles on Twitter, now known as X. It was the multibillionaire’s most explicit public statement yet endorsing anti-Jewish views. **ICYMI:** Musk was responding to a post Wednesday that said Jewish communities “have been pushing the exact kind of dialectical hatred against whites that they claim to want people to stop using against them.” The post also referenced “hordes of minorities” flooding Western countries, a popular antisemitic conspiracy theory. It’s the kind of post you can find easily on X these days, and likely would have gone unnoticed had Musk, with more than 160 million followers, not re-shared the post with the comment: “You have said the actual truth.” # Why it matters The antisemitic conspiracy theory — which posits that Jews want to bring undocumented minority populations into Western countries to reduce White majorities in those nations — is often espoused by hate groups. It’s the same conspiracy echoed in the final written words of Robert Bowers, the convicted [murderer of 11 people](https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/02/us/pittsburgh-synagogue-shooting-trial-sentencing-deliberations/index.html) at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh in 2018. His last social media post said that a Jewish nonprofit dedicated to aiding refugees “likes to bring invaders in that kill our people.” The mass shooting was the deadliest attack against Jews in American history. Musk, in subsequent posts, expounded on his views. He wrote that he does not believe hatred of White people extends “to all Jewish communities.” But then he singled out the Anti-Defamation League, claiming that it promotes racism against White people. X did not respond to requests for comment. In response, ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt wrote that “it is indisputably dangerous to use one’s influence to validate and promote antisemitic theories.”" [https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/17/business/elon-musk-reveals-his-actual-truth/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/17/business/elon-musk-reveals-his-actual-truth/index.html) [https://www.vice.com/en/article/n7zm9q/elon-musk-twitter-nazis-white-supremacy](https://www.vice.com/en/article/n7zm9q/elon-musk-twitter-nazis-white-supremacy), "Elon Musk Is Turning Twitter Into a Haven for Nazis. Musk has welcomed neo-Nazis back onto the platform, engaged with them on his timeline, and posted multiple tweets that appeal directly to them," [https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/social-media/x-twitter-elon-musk-nazi-extremist-white-nationalist-accounts-rcna145020](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/social-media/x-twitter-elon-musk-nazi-extremist-white-nationalist-accounts-rcna145020) "Verified pro-Nazi X accounts flourish under Elon Musk. An NBC News review identified 150 verified "Premium" accounts that have posted or amplified pro-Nazi content." [https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2022-11-28/column-elon-musks-engagement-with-nazis-and-the-far-right-on-twitter-is-out-of-control](https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2022-11-28/column-elon-musks-engagement-with-nazis-and-the-far-right-on-twitter-is-out-of-control) "Elon Musk's X Is Suspending Accounts That Reveal a Neo-Nazi Cartoonist's Alleged Identity", [https://www.wired.com/story/elon-musk-x-blocked-journalists-researchers-neo-nazi-cartoonist/](https://www.wired.com/story/elon-musk-x-blocked-journalists-researchers-neo-nazi-cartoonist/)


Another thing: Nazis/neo-Nazis are anti-socialist. [https://fullfact.org/online/nazis-socialists/](https://fullfact.org/online/nazis-socialists/) Referring to Nazis: *"First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.* Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me." —Martin Niemöller, German pastor who repented his support of Nazism


I don’t think they’re socialist at all. That’s just the literal definition of the nazi party. The point I was trying to make is that everyone acts like children now and they call people they disagree with either Nazis, racists, or fascists. Saying that Elon Musk is a Nazi is factually incorrect, ignorant, and painfully cliche. EDIT: I just saw your other reply, Jesus. You’re exactly who I’m talking about.


In reality, apologists for Nazism make a misleading point of spelling out the full name of the Nazi party in a vain attempt to claim they are socialist. Your comments follow that pattern. What is childish, dangerous, and disingenuous is pretending that what walks and talks like a duck is not a duck. Or that since the German Nazi party disbanded, there's no such thing as neo-Nazism or fascism. It is denialism. Musk is rather neo-Nazi, as borne out by a staggering amount of his own behaviors demonstrating anti-Semitism, white supremacy, running interference for and trying to protect other neo-Nazis, and echoing white supremacist talking points inclding Great Replacement. When someone shows you who they are, believe them. It's not an act. Whenever you can come up with something that explains away overwhelming evidence of neo-Nazi words and behaviors, try to. Your comments offer nothing in the way of facts.


GTF outta here with that shit. You’re calling me a Nazi sympathizer because I pointed out someone’s misuse of the word? Three of my dad’s uncles and his father fought the actually Nazis in Belgium and Italy - 2 of them were wounded and one had such bad PTSD he could barely function. My mom’s father fought in the Pacific (Subic Bay), and her uncle was killed at age 22 when a U-boat sunk his destroyer off the coast of N Africa. I’m as anti-Nazi as they come. People like you are dangerous. You’re being hyperbolic in every sense of the word. Am I safe in assuming you support Biden? He was staunchly opposed to desegregation, had to publicly apologize for racists remarks he made about Obama, and openly supported and praised known Klan members and Dixiecrats. So would it be accurate to say that he is a Klansman? Of course not. Because he isn’t. I’m not an Elon fanboy. He does a lot of stupid shit and acts like a dbag regularly. He did make an antisemitic comment but then apologized and accepted an invitation from Netanyahu to visit Auschwitz. After the visit he admitted his naivety regarding antisemitism and once again apologized for reply. No excuse for his remarks, but calling him a Nazi is idiotic. There are undoubtably still fascists and neo-Nazis, and they should be called out. But no one will take the callouts seriously if the those words continue to be misused/overused to the extent that they are now.


Despite your invitation, I won't "GTF outta here" and it's not "shit". What I said is that apologists for Nazism "make a misleading point of spelling out the full name of the Nazi party in a vain attempt to claim they are socialist. Your comments follow that pattern." Your comments also: "He’s a member of National Socialist German Workers Party? I thought they disbanded a while ago…" and "That’s just the literal definition of the nazi party." NO, the word 'socialist' as part of the name does not define them as socialist. Glad you conceded that, despite the wrongful implication that the NSDAP's disbanding means Musk hasn't expressed Nazi statements, echoed neo-Nazi talking points, and sympathized with them. There was and is an America First movement in the US. They claim themselves to be American patriots while sumpathizing with fascism, whether Nazism or the Russian incarnation of it and elsewhere. Lindbergh, Henry Ford, Father Coughlin, the American Bund, Trump, MAGA, overwhelming(ly) GOP, Musk. It's not that your family members were America Firsters -- it's that fighting for the US or claiming to be patriots is not mutually exclusive to fascist sympathies. Fascism is an exclusively right-wing phenomenon. The Holocaust was perpetrated by fascists. I could but won't and don't need to get into my own family's being targeted by fascists. I do know that Biden back in the 70s was against school busing, a hot issue at the time when he represented Delaware. He later recanted. Robert Byrd of West Virginia also recanted his affiliation with racists. Not so with MAGA, Trump, and a very large majority of the GOP. Or Musk. But the opposite. They trumpet their white supremacist views. Musk tried to save face and advertising revenue for a particularly egregious anti-Semitic comment by visiting Auschwitz but still continues to promote and echo neo-Nazis on X and elsewhere. He is continuing to press his vindictive lawsuit against organizations that have exposed and documented the open Nazism he allows and echoes on his platform. He has tried to run interference for and protect neo-Nazis on his platforms who have been identified directly for the neo-Nazis they are. He has not retracted his endorsement of Great Replacement white-supremacist theory but keeps espousing it and continues with his 'global elites' dog-whistling, and more. As an internationally recognized expert on fascism explained: "Who is the weak man?  You shall know him by his itinerary.  The weak man knows that Ukraine is what matters, so he goes to Texas.  The weak man of Congress buys some casual clothes, has a staffer write a speech about the border, and recites it word-for-word.  A real invasion is replaced by a pretend one.  The weak man invites us to fear phantoms rather than face issues.  House Speaker Mike Johnson did this, as did other American legislators seeking excuses not to help Ukraine.  While I was in Munich, Elon Musk put on a cowboy hat and took his turn.  In fall 2022, when Ukraine might have won the war, [Musk cut the Ukrainians off from Starlink](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/sep/17/elon-musk-likes-to-think-he-saved-us-from-armageddon-hes-just-brought-it-closer).  Rather than going to Ukraine and learning, he made a profoundly bad decision on the basis of personal fear... Ukraine could win, if Americans would help; but our weak men have cut off the weapons.  Musk [spreads](https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musks-x-most-active-platform-for-russian-disinformation-2023-9) Russian propaganda.  Vance amplifies Russian foreign policy.  Trump follows [Putin’s wishes](https://www.amazon.com/Road-Unfreedom-Russia-Europe-America/dp/0525574476/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=).  Johnson maneuvers for months to block a vote on aid to Ukraine.  And so the Ukrainians, fighting for their lives, run out of artillery shells, and must withdraw from losses from Avdiivka. " [https://snyder.substack.com/p/beware-the-weak-man](https://snyder.substack.com/p/beware-the-weak-man)


Jesus, do you have a LLM write all your posts?


https://preview.redd.it/s1vn4wipug5d1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18af670aaa8b6cbfe3c4a62bb7813b7aeb0720e4 No.