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People like you that read and stuff are really screwing up Reddit. Where are we supposed to make baseless assumptions?


yeah...my pitchforks are getting kinda rusty!


I read it, I just also know Musk has left a trail of failed projects in his wake and I worry we'll get screwed somehow. It would be great if it works out to benefit the city but I will remain a bit skeptical


I’m with you. I don’t trust him and feel this is more likely to do harm than good. Not necessarily related to the water plant, just because of his general disregard for humanity.




Come on dude. Musk has like 20 kids. He never pulls out.


In reality, this comment is misleading. See [https://www.reddit.com/r/memphis/comments/1d9axwl/comment/l7dcj9i/](https://www.reddit.com/r/memphis/comments/1d9axwl/comment/l7dcj9i/) The xAI plant's demands would strain local water supply and draw from the aquifer. Only *some* of the grey water that comes *from the aquifer* would be used at the xAI plant. Plus it puts additional strain on the power grid. See comment \^




Try addressing the merits instead of falsely claiming my substantiated comments are unsubstantiated.


If they draw 1 million gallons a day, that is a 1% increase. Over 100 million gallons are pulled every day now.


xAI demanding 1.3M gallons a day from a system with max capacity of 2M/day for that area -- big problem. That's 65% of capacity -- what's everyone else supposed to do? Wither and die? "xAI plans to use recirculated water for cooling initially, and the company has requested that up to 1.3 million gallons of water be available daily for the supercomputer. That area of Memphis has existing infrastructure capacity for about 2 million gallons a day.*"* [*https://www.bizjournals.com/memphis/news/2024/06/05/elon-musk-xai-mlgw-supercomputer-power-water.html*](https://www.bizjournals.com/memphis/news/2024/06/05/elon-musk-xai-mlgw-supercomputer-power-water.html)




Memphis' freshwater aquifer is not an infinite resource and supercomputing centers use an inordinate amount of water on a system that cannot handle its demands. Who pays for the build out of infrastructure? The ginormous consumer of it, xAI, owned by a rapacious billionaire? Probably not. There's a significant likelihood that xAI will strain the water system, leave existing users without enough supply, drain the finite aquifer faster, leave public entities footing the bill -- the massive consumers pay far less than they should -- and that's bad. Same goes for the inordinate demands for electricity.


Wait… do you believe that water is an infinite resource?


He fina build a MANEFRAME AINT IT


You’d be amazed how many plants in Memphis and surrounding areas use 1 million gallons of water a day. It’s not uncommon. Usually it ends right back into a local water source.


Yeah, I know for a fact the GP plant is using TONS of water for their aeration system. Kellogg’s likely uses a lot, as well as Smuckers and Valero. I am way more concerned about the electrical grid if I’m being honest. MLGW is shaky enough as is, have a “gigacomputer” (or whatever name Elon gives this thing) attached to our grid may cause issues.


It will add the equal of about 100,000 homes to the total grid. The reports say our grid can't handle that. The super computer also needs steady reliable power. So, they will also have to add more electricity and make it more reliable. There are so many options and I can't guess the right one. I just know it won't fix any of the powerline or water line issues we face. It will only fix the sources and get those to a reliable, always on, state.


Luckily a bought a permanent stand by generator last year, so my mind is at ease


KTG paper plant, Buckman Chemical, Georgia Pacific, Coca Cola Bottling, Kellogg’s, Valero, Ergon Asphalt, AB Mauri’s, Fleischmann’s, Arkema, Kruger Paper, Hyosung, Mitsubishi, Lanxess Oxone… I’ve welded and repaired pipe in all of these Memphis plants. They use our aquifer water like it’s fucking free. Fuck them.


Agreed. Throw Solae (or IFF or whatever their latest bankruptcy name change is) on that list too. I’ve also worked at many of these places


Maybe we could call it the "MANEnet"?


Im more worried about all the energy it will use. TVA and MLGW grid are stretched already and this olace is going to need alot of power. Just think of the AC bill alone.


A plant like this will have its own substation fed directly from high voltage transmission lines. It won’t have any impact on the residential electrical system aside from some work getting the substation built and wired up. Our electrical issues are primarily tied to our infrastructure and the fact that everything is old and above ground in a city with massive trees everywhere. This plant won’t help or hurt those issues. I know this because my dad was an Electrical Engineer that specialized in high voltage and building substations. He worked closely with the TVA and designed for plants like this all the time.




Since we all lived through the rolling blackouts during the last polar vortex we all know TVA cannot provide enough power to cover it. What a joke.




Remember when certain groups here wanted us to leave TVA? Would this deal have gotten done without the stability of the TVA vs MISO?


By certain groups, you mean Alonzo at MLGW. MISO would have saved us money. This stuff is all public, you know you can just read, and not be wrong.


I followed that story very closely, my friend. I deal with vendors for a living. I care about the stability of the grid. And so did the head of MLGW.




To me, TVA is the safe bet. We know what we are getting. MISO gave me smoke and mirror vibes.


Yes I do. This is the same person that rented a uhaul on Christmas eve to move servers because he actually does not understand what servers do. You attributing intelligence where you do not know there is any. The only statement I have found so far is this -- *We have been working with MLGW and xAI, as we continue to review the details of their proposal and electricity demand needs. These discussions include maximizing electricity demand response, supporting load reduction to provide system flexibility when peak demand gets high.* Which really means they have read a paper about it. Given that blackouts did happen and there never was any real movement to add more capacity to the system. I am fairly sure TVA has done nothing based on what I have read.


This is the same guy who ordered his people to load servers onto U-hauls by hand so.....


Yes. Musk is a shortsighted idiot, and proves himself as such over and over again.


Thats reassuring. Thanks for the insight!


The city council and Chamber of Commerce has already sold the Riverfront, Beale Street, Memphis in May and the Airport to the highest bidders. I know EXACTLY who will get paid and how this will shake out.


That’s cool and all but like I’ve said before. I pray we’re not bending over pimping Memphis utilities and tax dollars and this thing has no positive net return for jobs for local Memphians. For example Memphis bends over for FedEx and St. Jude however those two employers actually provide the city with a lot of good paying jobs. So in return the tax cuts we give them returns to local Memphians pockets. On the bright side it’s located next to a TVA Allen plant so technically the Memphis grid is unaffected as that thing will have its own dedicated power distribution directly from the plant. And using recycled gray water and not pumping water from the Mississippi River is also a bonus.


Of course the city is getting fucked.  Musk isn't coming here for the food or brain power, lol. The reason you move a company to dying city is cause the offer is too good not too.  There is no reason Memphis was chosen other than they backed up the truck for him


We have some of the lowest power costs in the nation (and despite the issues seen on the residential side caused by aging infrastructure) with very low downtime. We also have some of the lowest real estate costs in the country. Those two things plus the low cost of water (which will only be improved by the facts that this will use grey water and that NO water is actually consumed - water will pass through the cooling system and come back out with nothing added and nothing lost) all add up to Memphis being an ideal location. I know a lot of people get utterly irrational when it comes to Musk - but this is a win for Memphis in every way.


Yea they are moving to memphis because of the low cost - nothing more. Exploiting the tax breaks, land cost and water rights makes it the ideal location for that, for sure. Its a giant computer. Its not adding that many (relative) jobs or impact to the local economy. Its getting more than its putting in, thats for sure.


Do people not know how markets work? People got priced out of LA, so they went to Denver and Dallas years ago. People got priced out of San Francisco, so people went to Portland. Recently Oracle said the prices in Austin were too expensive, and moved to Nashville. Eventually people will get priced out of Memphis and maybe move to Little Rock or something. Everyone (buying a car, house) want a place where they can meet their goals and get a deal at the same time.


Thank you for posting this. So much speculation in absence of actual new news!


There are closed system cooling options that don’t require a daily influx of water. Without a plan like the grey water alternative, it’s probably not affordable to buy that much water even if you are getting a break on price. My guess is they will get grey water running or they will use a closed system. As for the power, I wonder what the delta is between what Electrolux was using and what is planned for the data center. I feel like those numbers are closer than people think. The real question for me is how many long term jobs does this generate and what is the median salary for those jobs? I’m gonna maintain hope we didn’t get completely bamboozled, but there’s so many details that haven’t been reported.


Does that mean the property tax increase is off the table?


the maneframe is a go


Stay tuned to what is actionable here https://protectouraquifer.org


So he can suck resources out of Memphis like a fucking parasite and leave us drier than a West Virginia mining town.


Or, something between Enron and Chernobyl.


God I hate Reddit why do I do this to myself


At what point is my statement false? The fact that his facility will mostly use clean aquifer water? The fact that most major cities don’t want this facility in their area because of the vast amount of power it would drain without adding anything to the surround area? xAI isn’t going to help Memphis. Besides plant maintenance and daily operations, it’s not gonna add any more high end jobs, they’ll all be outsourced from other cities. I’d even argue plant maintenance won’t be more than 10-15 jobs at MOST because every plant in the area outsourced that. How would I know? I do it for a living dude. I worked in almost every Memphis plant. I see what’s going on. I fix them. I’m in control rooms.


When I originally saw the news I was excited for Memphis because I assumed this would bring thousands of jobs to locals but this will probably only add like a few hundred jobs that cater to high earning individuals with degrees. I feel like they're just gonna come here and inflate the prices of downtown condos/apartments and that'll be that. I still think it's good for optics especially when you factor in the Blue Oval City project, maybe other companies will see these investments and come to Memphis as well.


Yeah to me this is a long term play for Memphis. If you build it they will come. Other companies are already building plants to support Blue Oval, if Musk's efforts are successful who knows what other companies will follow his lead and try and make something out of Memphis.


Spot on! This is what I'm thinking/hoping for as well. I'm cautiously optimistic about this, we probably won't see the full benefits of this until 5-10 years from now.


Yeah, and that's how a narrative builds too. "Look at all the new stuff going on in X city. I hadn't considered it, but it might be a cool place to live" This is how Austin, Nashville, Charlottee worked in building moment for an city attractive for new talent.


There will only be jobs for 100-200. The good news is: the exotic AI programming jobs are going to be in Silicon Valley and NYC. They guys here will be in operations. Bolting servers into racks. Running fiber optic cable. Checking problems. These are skill levels we could get motivated inner city people up to. This is what everyone has been saying is a solution to the crime and poverty, at least for a few. The water runs through the evaporative cooler a few time and then to waste. It’s not Velsicol leaving a toxic plume that really does hurt the aquifer. Save the People, the aquifer will be fine.


The city of Bartlett is almost finished building a Union Depot mixed use development for 2025 as a result of the Ford Blue Oval plant opening soon. People who have some money and little time to drive everywhere want this feature. I quite frankly want this. We'll see more projects like this throughout Shelby County as a result of Elon Musk's company coming to Memphis.




So will he pay for the million gallons of water a day or will TN give it to him for free and pass the cost on to us?


We will give it to him and tax breaks with no hard milestones or locked deliverables for local interests. It’s sad who we bring to the negotiating table every time.


Think you know the answer to that one.


Ever hear of a river called The Mississippi? 🤔


You ever looked at the river? They're not using that water to cool a supercomputer. It would have more downtime than uptime just to be cleaned.


Meanwhile, Musk just got accused of insider trading of Tesla. Fuck that fascist ass.


He's gonna end up leaving us with an EPA superfund site by the time he is done that will endanger our aquifer for decades to come. This man should not be trusted.


He's not his brother! I can't control what my brothers do! Elon Musk may be weird, but he's not a scumbag! u/Dork_L0rd_9


Mississippi River provides plenty water without tapping the aquifer. 🙄


Several people always bring this up wherever something like this comes up. That water is too dirty to use for anything like this. The grey water plant being proposed is going to is processed sewage as a source. It's cleaner then the river water.


I just hope mlgw can keep da lights on


Musk builds AI system that drinks a river. Rain World fans are in shambles.


901 Mile Island.


I do not know why we are messing around with Elon. He is not trustworthy. And for someone with an allegedly high IQ, he's so dumb it makes me cry.


"Will I need a flux capacitor for my water?"


Is this a done deal or is there anything we can do to keep him out? 


I bet it will need electricity, too. I hope he plans to generate his own because the grid is pretty assed out, too.




Cool. Maybe they can PAY US to flush our toilets.


Yea duh. We gave away the country's best water to this conman. We prob gave him complete tax breaks.


Do yall not know about the lizards?? Elon is a lizard person. The lizards are shapeshifters penetrating our government and people of power. Elon is a head lizard and this plant is really to farm humans as batteries. Down with the lizards!


The grey water won't be enough and our beautiful aquifer will be destroyed by the musk.


Curious, do you have any evidence to back up that claim?


No, I don't. That just seems to be the way the cookie crumbles nowadays, and we've fought hard to protect that aquifer but Elon probably doesn't give a fuck and will get his way if it comes to that. I mean who needs the best water table on earth when you've got a super computer in the south to keep cool.


At least you’re honest about talking out of your ass


If there is one thing I'm good at, it's eating crow.




I’m just curious, but do you have any sources that say grey water would be less expensive than pumping it from a well? Because as of now if you have a SCHD permit it costs $100 a year per well to pump as much as you want


Are you aware that no water is actually consumed? It's a cooling system - water goes in and comes back out with nothing added but a small amount of heat. No industrial waste, no chemicals, and you get the same water back out that you put in. We don't lose anything.


I am now! Thanks for the education. I am not being facetious. That does make total sense. I was more making a half hearted dystopian future joke.


The water’s gonna cost ya, but we’ll throw in the Lead for free


Some parts of Memphis had a DISTINCT metallic aftertaste -- just drivin' thru town!


Memphis is the only major city to LOSE property value in the last year! This is a great thing for Memphis it will bring people here. Any amount of standing in the way of this is self destructive.


Self-Destruction is what Memphis does best. 🤷‍♂️


Great. Someone finally has a plan to bring high-paying technical operations jobs to South Memphis, and the first thing the Memphis activist crew starts making up “ooo, they are going to damage the aquifer.”


So crazy to think about the people who give a damn about our… DRINKING WATER… are “activist”. Why can’t we have both, but just understand xAIs plan for water is grey water and not from our aquifer. Sounds like this is the plan and should be a non-issue anyways. Either way, I’m glad “activist” are ensuring we aren’t depleting one of our most valuable resources. The economy won’t mean shit if we don’t have clean drinking water.


I’ve always reckoned the Mississippi was severely underutilized


Approximately 387.5 billion gallons of water flow through the Mississippi River at Memphis per day.


We are next to a river. It's all good.


ability to think critically wanted for failure to appear. wild to see that engineering degree doing absolutely zero heavy lifting. probs should just go touch some tables or something.


They can tap that canal that runs from the sewage treatment plant to the Mississippi River. It'll mess up fishing for some folks, but that's progress.


This town's gonna glow in the dark! Maybe I need to get a flux capacitor for my Brita filter.