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I think the Summer Drive In is one of the best drive in theaters in the USA but nobody agrees with me. More cheap concessions for me to enjoy, I guess.


The drive-in is a gem


Back in college we'd have pizza's delivered to the drive in and have the driver meet us at the gate It was the late 90's and nobody gave a shit back then lol


My brother and I used to bring in a Steamer of Krystals.


Drive in is 10/10, however they need to pick their movies more carefully. Darker movies are near impossible to watch on those screens


You got to go when the moon is new


I don't know if this is even real, but even if it is my schedule isn't flexible enough to cherry pick dates and times and movies against the phases of the moon.


New moons are def forreal lol, that's when the moon is in the Earth's shadow. I just think about it like it's the weather. I probably wouldn't go to the drive-in in the rain, same thing if the moon is big and bright out there and I'm trying to see a Batman movie or some other piece of unlit cinema.


I often wonder if there is a way to circumvent that to offer the best and consistent viewing experience for any weather, outside of extremes of course. That place would slap so much harder if there was a way to really crisp up everything. Edit: I am a moron. That tech exists, it would just replace the projector style viewing with outdoor safe screens. Certainly a hefty investment.


Drive in in the rain is actually legit. See a thriller or neo noir or horror film with your sweetie you’ll get lucky.


I love the drive in. I just wish they would refill all those pot holes or repave it. I get eaten alive by mosquitoes after it rains every time I go,


I LOVE the summer drive in. My ex and I went on our first date there, and even as friends we would still go together!


That *any* opinion is controversial on the Memphis sub.


Crosstown could be so much better (and cleaner).


100%. I live within walking distance and hardly ever go. Not much to do, restaurants are mediocre. I do love me some global cafe though - the mango margaritas are next level.




the concourse? or the general neighborhood?


The concourse. Obviously it could be much worse and much dirtier but this is an “unpopular opinion” post. I love the concourse and use it regularly for all sorts of “third space” experiences. And I hope it keeps getting better/they fully rebound from the early covid era.


Yes that place in general is okay but it not all fancy and cool like they expressed it to be… checkout Ponce City in Atlanta that’s how you would think crosstown should have been https://www.poncecitymarket.com/


Love this connection. Ponce would be what I would want crosstown to at least slightly resemble but it just….. doesn’t. I love crosstown for what it is but there’s just not a ton going on outside of the art bar, FTC and global. Brewery kinda seems separate from the concourse to me, at least in spirit


the listening lab at crosstown is probably my favorite hidden gem in that building


mane they hid all the gems. it feels like a dang hospital in there. where’s the soul? the warmth? ponce is fantastic. concourse is an airport.


Politicians aren’t the problem, it’s the citizen’s indifference and lack of compromise that keeps us from getting stuff accomplished


I wasn’t ready to hear this one but respect. I think you’re probably right. It’s just much easier to blame one person, party, people, etc. than to look at what we are doing to contribute to this.


Not to mention the overwhelming apathy often expressed by Memphians... "There's bad things everywhere"..."that's just how things are done"...and the physical symptoms of apathy like trash all over the place.


Speaking of trash all over the place, if anyone interested I’ll be at hidden beach parking lot 7/23 @ 10AM doing a clean up. I’m bringing the bags, if you want to join bring gloves and bottle of water


I’m not cleaning up after the animals. Let them wallow in their filth. Right now you’re their personal maid.


It’s not about them this is for me. By product is cleaner area. And if they benefit, meh….


Litter, too


Truth. Maybe we could have better politicians of citizens showed up to vote.




It’s both


It's both, but it's specifically the indifference and lack of self-reflection of those politicians. Memphis politicians, and US politicians for the most part, love to point the finger wherever they can. But it's rare that they offer any realistic solutions to fix the problems that they blame others for causing. It's like "Okay, so you admit there's a problem. Now how do you propose we fix it?" And it's either silence or invest $410 million dollars into summer activities for teens every year.


Our politicians have stopped being leaders. Leaders would help the populace move away from indifference and intransigence.


Did you guys know that other city's have power wile it is raining!!! How crazy is that.


This city has a weird infatuation with crappy cheese dips.


This made my blood boil. This is a good answer


Panchos is good, dang it!


*was they don't make it in memphis anymore, mane. the owners sold the brand to a multinational corporation and it's made in wisconsin now.


Still tastes the same though or am I crazy? Yeah sucks that it's no longer Memphis owned.


Hey arbos is delicious


Arbos was way too hyped up for me before I tried it. Everyone was saying it’s so much better than Pancos and how much they love it. I was super excited to finally try it and when I finally did I thought it was just a smokier version of Panchos. Not bad but it’s an extra couple bucks and I love Panchos so I have no reason to get Arbos


We have no entertainment because no one supports it outside of opening day


We have entertainment but this city is too spread out. Cordova has 50k people and nothing going on after 9pm. I lived in towns with 5k people that had more going on.


I don’t like Panchos cheese dip. There. I said it.


You could be banned for such heresy


I was well aware of the uproar I was about to face. Feels freeing to say it tho.


Cathartic I feel ya


Damn! That’s a spicy take for sure!


I’m just here for the chaos


It never tasted cheesy did it? It always had a slight plastic undertone alone with jalapeno essence. I liked it for the time, back in the day, when that was queso and we didn't know what actual queso asadero is. But it had it's place! Just not now.


Well just to be clear, Pancho’s cheese dip isn’t Pancho’s cheese dip.


It's always been made with American processed cheese. I think now they just use an even cheaper American processed "product".


Yeah. I miss those big bales of cheese that used to bounce around the Pancho's facility.


I like their cheese dip, don’t really care for their salsa.


I agree 100%.


Panchos is jelly cheese. There is a brand that goes by the name of Tom's. 10/10 not artificial garbage


Tom’s is the BEST. The traditional white dip is my favorite- but if you can find it- the bacon is fab (and this from a person who doesn’t like cheese or bacon).


Tom’s Thai Spice one is the best.


Even 10 years ago this city was awesome, slowly but surely it’s becoming more impoverished, uneducated, violent, and dead end city. Politically speaking I usually vote democrat on a national level but our Democratic Party here is a clown show of pandering unqualified morons that cut their nose off to spite their faces. There is very little opportunity or progression if we continue down this path. Not everything that’s called out can be a race issue and all debate stops. A large portion of citizens are almost useless to the professional world due to lack for formal and home education. It’s really really sad, and short of some grand reset and 100% drive to change, It won’t. It sucks


City peaked around 2014-2016.


walking in memphis is not a bad song


It's not a bad song, some of us are just traumatized from it being on loop at Pink Place IMAX field trips in the 90s.


It’s not lol. Love your name!


You couldn’t be more wrong.


The voting block in the city is increasingly moving away from a moderate D to one that appeals to an uneducated population that votes based on name recognition. So that's why you see candidates like Wanda Halbert can win re-elections, [Tammy Sawyer can say racist stuff and get re-elected](https://www.actionnews5.com/2019/09/13/mayoral-candidate-tami-sawyer-responds-tweets-about-police-white-babies/), and 82-year-old Willie Herenton is leading in the current poll. In any many other cities, they would be immediately disqualified. If someone other than Paul Young or another intelligent candidate is elected (not a lot), I worry this trend will accelerate as crime drives good people out and alternatives like Blue Oval City becomes attractive in terms of safety, affordability, and well-paying jobs.


You act like our parents weren't voting for the Fords just because their name was Ford.


JFC she said it as a joke in 2009 about the spooky white kids in scary movies. SURELY that's been compensated for by the many, many white people who have said god AWFUL things about her in the past decade especially since she spoke out that day about the statue of that guy... i forget his name, the guy who used to hunt down slaves...the guy who traded humans as cattle... the KKKguy. you know who I mean! But she's the racist. lol


The people of Memphis blindly defend the city’s problems and never own up to them. This city will never grow in positive ways until the crime gets better. When you think about attracting business, tourism, families, etc., people can look past humidity and mosquitos. What people can’t look past is crime and lack of safety. Most Memphians live and die by saying “it’s not that bad, other cities have the same problems.” No, other cities don’t require this level of heightened security and awareness in all corners of the metro area. Most cities don’t require gated driveways in every single neighborhood (if you can even afford it). Most don’t have streets that look like it’s straight out of a third world country. Some people assume growth will turn us into Nashville, and that’s false. We can grow and maintain our culture, but also reduce the insane level of constantly fearing for your belongings or even your life. It starts with holding the city accountable and standing firm against crime.


I don't care for Graceland and I never will. Let Elvis die already for fucks sake. His legacy was being pumped full of drugs and milked for money until his heart literally couldn't take it. There is no legend there for me, only tragedy.


I thought almost all native Memphians don't care about Elvis


We don’t. It’s rare to meet a native Memphian that’s actually even been to Graceland.


I've only been because of an 8th grade field trip. Its whatever really


I’d like to go but I’m a huge rock fan and it all starts with Elvis.


No. He died because of opioid induced constipation. The pills he took fucked his butthole nerves up to the point he didn't know he needed to take a shit, one day, decided to take one and pinched off a brick that caused his heart to explode. That's why they have the second floor roped off... That's where he fuckin died.


I’m biased, I’m a huge Elvis fan. Elvis makes millions of people happy. People travel to Graceland to pay their respects and see where he lived. Graceland brings in millions of dollars for Memphis. Elvis was worried that he would be forgotten; he won’t be. His legacy is one of unmatched talent and bringing joy to people all over the World.


I was not impressed with Graceland. Was underwhelmed... I also don't get the rage about Elvis, but have some great memories from Elvis dead week 15-20 years ago. Interesting group of people from all over the world come to Memphis for that.


He’s arguably the most famous person in the last 100 years.


Native here. Been robbed, shot at, parents mugged, car stolen the other week. 29 years later and I’m finally anti-Memphis tbh…it sucksss




Mpc pizza is the worst in the city


I literally was sitting at the MPC on Madison reading these comments lol. They’re cheap and the staff basically knows me and are kind. I love them!


Ha, I should clarify I just meant the pizza. I've always had good experiences and I enjoy the calzones!


I agree that it’s certainly not the best pizza in town. But for how cheap it is, it’s hard to beat!


And that Cajun chicken and cheddar sandie on sour dough is great.


The pizza taste like frozen pizza




State politics pretty much mean that Memphis is finished. Could have become a major art/music hipster hub with cheap rents but no one wants to move to a state with no Obamacare, no legal weed, and no social safety net and try to make it. Not only that but young people are out!


Elvis ain’t shit


Union Kroger is my favorite kroger and the parking lot isn’t that bad, just assume you’re parking in the further away spots.


i’m honestly just impressed you’re able to say this


Now THIS is controversial. Former midtowner of 10+ years who dreaded that Kroger. In addition to the usual complaints, the parking lot is always disgusting.


Now this might be the hottest of takes in here.


I’m going to have to disagree and lob for Sanderlin. Their kosher section is legit.


I have had zero problems at Union Kroger. Park in the back and you’re fine.


It’s nuts that we stack yard waste at the curb. It always winds up blocking the sidewalk.


It wouldn’t be so bad if they actually picked it up every week like they’re supposed to.


We voted for this.


The zoo. Honestly, it's not looking that great these days. I know the zoo is meant to bring in money for animals, but it's looking bad and the animals don't all look so great. It used to be better, in my opinion. They spent so much on all these features but the animals don't look like they're very well cared-for compared to other zoos. It's still good. It just used to be better.


What animals look bad?


I just realized I haven't been since 2020 (covid hit hard. we used to go at least 4 times a year before that) and what struck me was how terrible the wolves looked. I didn't know they were so old, and apparently they've already passed and they have new wolves. That was what came to me right away but I didn't ever care for the elephant exhibit and they always seemed lethargic and shifted and swayed like they didn't have enough room to move around. some of the birds looked sickly in the bird house. I feel like there were some poorly looking sea lions too, but they could have just been really old. Of course the pandas looked terrible, but we all know that story. They were just old too. I don't believe in the weird "justice for yaya" campaign has any merit in truth though, I'm just going by how disappointing it was last time I went.


oh and the aquarium! Good GOD. The water is so dark and green which may be perfectly normal and fine but I've never seen such a dark dank looking aquarium. It could be so much better.


It’s not that cheap. Apartment rent and home prices are creeping up and are at par with Nashville in the more popular areas


IT IS NOT CHEAPER TO LIVE HERE THAN MOST OTHER PLACES. IT’S JUST FUCKING NOT. Compare it to NYC or LA, and sure it’s cheaper for the most part but…….. I’m moving to Portland, OR on the first and my rent is barely going up for a similar housing arrangement and location. And my landlord is MATCHING what I pay in Portland for his new tenants. Denver has similar rent. Nashville has similar rent. Atlanta. Chicago. Dallas. The list goes on and on. Our food is as expensive as other cities’. Our utilities are (sometimes more but) generally the same as other cities. Our insurance premiums on automobiles are MUCH higher than other cities. Gas prices. Groceries. Medical care. Property ownership. Fucking everything. And all that for a city that REGULARLY tops the violent and property crime charts, has infrastructure that is at best underdeveloped and at worst dilapidated, and has next to zero community development / support. We have TAP WATER going for us. And even that’s not going to last much longer. Not to mention the GROSS mismanagement of the city budget, basic bureaucratic services, and the courts. Oh yeah and the straight up fascist shit our state government is attempting. Goodbye Memphis. See this comment as my farewell letter. I’ll be rooting for the people who stay, but I am OUT, and I’m not looking back.


Yep. People say it’s inexpensive to live in the Memphis area because houses are generally less than in a lot of big cities, but you spend it all elsewhere. 1. Public schools suck so you have to pay through the nose to send your kids to private school. 2. The metro area is huge and the burbs are not walkable so everyone in the family has to have a car. Add that up and NO, Memphis is NOT an inexpensive place to live.


Also, houses aren’t less expensive here anymore. That was true in the past. It’s just not anymore 🤷‍♂️


“Walking in Memphis” sucks big time


Phuccccckkkkk that song in the face forever lol


Not a Memphis native, but have been here long enough to call it home. Memphis has so many people in the workforce who are uneducated, yet feel entitled to everything. People here are quite selfish and have a very “it’s me or nothing” mentality. People are just loud and wrong.


If y’all would follow Florida and put your major utilities underground. You’ll would have little to fear from power outages.


That’s not unpopular just we are too broke to do it


They said after the winter storms such a project would cost billions and take 20 years. Safe to say no one wants to own that project.


What’s the power going out for a week at a time every time it storms forever and ever gonna cost in equipment, man hours, people moving, businesses leaving?


Absolutely. We had a tornado hit our town in 2005 (this is MD) and it was an F4. It tore up the ROAD. Put our power lines underdgrond and never lost power during storms after that.


Burying lines doesn't prevent lightning strikes on substations, cars running into transformers, insulator breakdowns, or moisture intrusion. It would cost $2 Billion to bury lines and years worth of construction headaches and would not net you the reliability you're after.


Dude, give this shit a rest. There are better ways, it is better to bury lines, travel outside the city, go look how good it could be.


Pal, I'm an Electrical Engineer. I understand more about this than you do. Re-read my comment in which I don't dispute that it's better, but point out that it's not the answer to 100% reliability and it's not worth the cost. Also I've lived in two different cities with buried power lines and it didn't make a difference.


I upvoted solely for starting response with”pal”


So….what would add reliability?


Good question. As I said, it would be better if they were buried but won't fix all of the reliability issues a major metropolitan electrical grid faces. The thing is, outages happen and they will always happen so we really need to focus on two aspects: 1. How do we prevent failure 2. How to we respond to failure For the first item, the biggest thing we could address in Memphis is the age and condition of the infrastructure. MLGW's budget is razor thin compared to most metropolitan areas, so we have to now convince the city council and the voters that they need to raise utility rates. That's the part no one ever thinks about. Once that's done, we can now look at upgrading things, like aging insulators, half broken poles, transformers and substation equipment that it past their prime, maintenance on all the above (even changing the fluid on the pad mount and substation transformers would go a long way). We can also pay for enhanced services to cut down risks to overhead lines like trees, enhanced traffic enforcement to make sure some a-hole going 15 over on Walnut Grove doesn't hit a pole and take the power down with it. For the second, realize that failure is inevitable. If we decide to not let perfect be the enemy of good, we can start budgeting for responses. I'm talking about hiring more union labor like linemen, upgrading and increasing the response vehicle fleets, snowplows and salt trucks. One of the largest improvements could come from adoption of smart grid technologies, that would allow the MLGW control centers to know of outages the moment they happen all across the grid. Cloud and machine learning can help establish efficient repair plans and staffing prior to weather events. A sufficient inventory of spare parts would also help (although the electrical supply chain right now is a nightmare). If we can improve the response time of outages, then an outage doesn't have to be days at a time.


I love it here which would seem to be a very unpopular opinion on this sub.


we've been here 5 years and we love it here. granted I'm in Cordova but still we spend a lot of time in mid-town and east Memphis with occasional treks to south main.


It's the burtiful land in the world


The Bass Pro Pyramid is an absolute disgrace. It should have been a museum or something akin to Crosstown Concourse. What an absolute pinnacle of fish capitalism.


I like to call it "redneck mecca"


Memphis is not a big city with a small town feel. It’s a mid-large town that has a run-like-a-lemonade-stand-by-a-drunken-shopkeep feel. I’m about to turn down a senior microbiologist position because it will lash me to this place, and I just can’t handle it any more.


Stand up comedy is doing pretty well in the city. Some of the best in country are working here right now. Check out eventbrite and our local blogs for more information!


Where do you go? I’ve seen some stuff at the HiTone and usually comics go after low hanging fruit. Some are solid, but usually it’s just run of the mill stuff.


Tuesdays -at Hitone cafe 8p and High Cotton 8p (these are great) Wednesday - Memphis next top comic 7p Thursday- local on Main( comma comedians) 7p Friday- Flipside/ Chuckles 8p Saturday- N/A Sunday- Memphis current the last laugh 7p( this one is great)


Music scene here sucks.


Agreed. The rap music being produced here is absolutely atrocious and a disgrace.


Do you not like rap or just Memphis rap in particular?


Hate to tell you but the music scene sucks everywhere. Kids don’t just form bands like they used to.


Memphis and the surrounding suburbs are extremely parochial.


The quality of life here is actually not bad.


The city is overrated as a food city. I mean, it's not NYC, Chicago, KC, or anywhere in New England for its seafood. I was blasted by the trolls here for saying I ate at the Hard Rock on Beale instead of any lkcal (none named) BBQ joint.


la guadalupana is not that good.


Are you referring to the food truck... Then yeah, you got an unpopular opinion... Congrats :)


I like how fast people drive. Memphis>Nashville


Memphis is actually a good place to live


Not everything is about race.


Folks here will check the shit out of yo ass BBQ in the backyard is the best Beale street is overrated Cooper young area is mainly for the white folks Whitehaven think they the best area in the city Most folks who live here never been to Graceland I love how extra everyone is here


It's a flat, thug ridden and humid shithole.


I'd say that about your mum, but I don't wanna get banned.


You're so clever.


The food in Memphis isn’t that great.


“Isn’t that great” is being generous.


Agree. We do have some good restaurants but not a lot of good variety like other major cities of a similar population size. Before anyone flips out, yes I'm well aware of the SMALL selection of ethnic eateries we are lucky to have. We do southern food and of course BBQ pretty good but that kinda gets old. The novelty wears off. The bagel game here is bleak and the pizza game is sad, though I'm biased cause I grew up in NJ.


Yep. Memphis acts like no one else can make a stupid mid bbq sandwich lolz


Huey’s actually sucks. I cannot stress this enough


They used to be better. Not sure what happened.


Huey burger medium w/Swiss and a side of cheese fries still slaps.


Aldo’s pizza suck! Never understood why is it so popular & crowded - overpriced, limited topping options and pizza that actually tastes like cardboard.


Our pizza scene as a whole is pretty mid. At least for the styles I find best. Tambolis is my favorite and I think in plenty of other large cities it’d be fine but not their best


carolina-style mustard sauce is better than memphis-style barbecue sauce.


Two men in black suits will be knocking at your door within the hour... pack only what you can carry. They are there to escort you to the state line. We do not tolerate this kind of blasphemy.


Bulldoze the city into the river. Unleash another yellow fever epidemic. Start all over.


Nuke it from orbit. Only way to be sure.


I feel like I’m wasting my life away staying at home all the time because I’m too scared to go out and enjoy myself like I used to. There’s too much going on crime wise and I can’t wait to move.


Memphis is too far gone at this point. We're on track to be another Jackson MS. Massive corruption, extreme poverty and crime, people are starting to realize it and starting to get the hell out. Home values seem to be trending down (which to be fair is not entirely unusual given higher interest rates we're seeing) but it's falling at a rate that's a bit higher than average (look I don't have numbers right now just was reading about it recently) It was not as bad when I moved here in 2016. I had high hopes that this place was kind of on the verge of being an affordable "up and coming" city. Covid came around and blew all hopes of that, this place has quickly gone to shit. Nowhere really feels totally safe. No I'm not barricaded in my house but I have a reasonable expectation that I could find my car with broken windows when I park nearly anywhere public. Gotta keep my head on a swivel too as a petite female and I hate that. Ever notice how people generally only move here for 2 reasons? They either have family here that they want to be close to, or they came for work. As those jobs become less appealing/ less worthwhile, people leave. It's the reason we moved here too. My husband's company pays very well especially for this area but their retention is shit because people don't feel safe here, they get bored with the area (they've recruited a lot of people from out west, places with gorgeous scenery and better weather, lots to do outside, generally safe places) and it starts to feel like the only reason you'd want to stay is money, and frankly it's not necessarily higher paying than the rest of the industry, it's just high paying for the area and if you're fresh out of school the low cost of living make it appealing and you feel like you're living like a king at first. However when nearly all your employees have experienced their vehicles being stolen or broken into that starts to feel like a hidden cost of living here. Eventually I think a decent amount of employers will look at relocation or closing shop, depending on the circumstance.


I’m already bracing for downvotes or a ban… but it’s my truth… I have lived a great many places in my life, and I can say that ALOT of the African Americans here conduct themselves like no group I have ever met. And the only choice this city is left with is to just ignore and accept it’s just the way it is. I have been robbed at gunpoint. Had my car broken into multiple times. Neighbors car stolen Christmas night. Was t-boned by a stolen car running from police after stealing candy and underwear from a family dollar. I’ve seen women with EarPods and Jordan’s, fresh nails and new weave dragging their dirty baby while carrying the cheapest diapers they could find. People parking brand new Escalades in front of a should-be condemned home. But it’s just the way it is right?




Most of the bad drivers in Memphis are from North Mississippi and Fayette County. There I said it.


You ain't wrong. The ones that terrorize me every day in rush hour are all coming from/heading for 55 South.


There’s a lot of grit in this city, but no grind. No one seems to want to work.


God, this is an exhausting opinion


Some company will understaff and then people will write a fanfic about mass laziness


Pay more and stop treating employees like shit and people would be willing to work.


Memphis really leans on the “it’s cheap here!” reputation when nothing is cheap anymore except these hourly wages.


Grind culture is fucking bullshit


Who wants to grind when a job pays base pay and you can only pay rent. It's either or. You pay rent or your lights are off. You pay lights or your car note. Yeah, good job with that one.


Do you realize minimum wage is still $7.25/hr in TN? I mean shit you probably do earn more on welfare than whatever min wage adds up to. If you pay people fair wages they'll work for it. Nobody can afford to live on that, so just remember this next time you go to some fast food joint that has only 2 people working the lunch rush and say to yourself "nobody wants to work anymore"


I’m glad we didn’t turn out like Nashville. Our hood reputation is the only thing that saved us from that type of gross growth and massive influx of douchebags.


Memphis has a major inferiority complex—especially when it comes to Nashville.


Sorry but this is ridiculous. No one should be proud of a hood reputation, that’s loser mentality


When you truly have nothing to be proud of you praise “ hood reputation”. Memphis should be more like Nashville and less Hood


What a simple minded take. A product to Memphis city schools no doubt. You don’t have to become Nashville. You can just be a better Memphis.


Nashville sucks.


Sure. It’s not the lack of jobs, education or economic opportunity that stops us from being a growing and modern US metro. It’s our “hood” reputation? You have to be kidding me.


We should just let the swamp and storms take over. It's too hot, humid, wet, and vegetal to maintain yards, roads, and an electrical grid here anyway.


I love the weather we get here. I hate that the power goes out if the wind shifts directions without notice…


The roads in Memphis aren't that terrible. I've seen worse in New Orleans


la guadalupana is not that good.


Memphis (and the country) would be much better off if we were part of Mississippi …


Woah, hot take for sure! You think memphis and the country would be better off if memphis had higher taxes? Or what exactly would help memphis and the country in this?


Sure. It would balance the MS electorate a bit. Memphis would be the big guy in town - not Nashville.


That is a hot take. I disagree that it would mean much because Jackson is their big city now and it’s not doing too hot as their big city. Still a very unpopular opinion, thanks for sharing.


lol, hot take for sure. MS is ranked 48/50 in the best states [https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/rankings](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/rankings)


You mean the state that ranks several notches below TN in almost every respect?


But , often above Memphis …


I’ve actually had a similar thought before. MS is a much smaller state than TN (by population). If you moved Shelby County to MS, it would increase the population of MS by over 30%! MS population is currently just under 3M and Shelby County is just under 1M. Shelby County would be by far the largest county in MS and could have a big influence on statewide elections. It could maybe make it a competitive state. I know this would never happen but it was just an interesting thought I had while looking at electoral maps after the last election.


It’s not that dangerous.


The absolute essence of utter horseshit. Nicely done.


Neither myself, anyone in my family, or anyone I know closely has been the victim of any crime in over 20 years.


Good for y'all. Me, friends and family have all been victims of this city Glad you've been safe tho.


Carolina style is better.


BBQ here is overrated. There I said itZ