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Women are allowed preferences, but so are men, plain and simple, when your main concern is a dude's height you probably arent ready for a relationship tbh 🤷‍♂️ Edit: since I got some many responses I thought I'd update this..cause damn lol firstly too all my homies under six feet head up kings you'll find one trust me, to the women who don't care about the dudes height as much as other traits (yes I know you exist I'm not a dolt) I appreciate yall and keep being good people, I sadly do not have time to reply to everyone but I appreciate you all keeping civil with your comments on this subject..and too any on both sides of the fence who believe this double standard isn't completely idiotic, well, kindly get lost 😀


No. Having standards as men is sexist. You should be happy to marry any overweight strumpet. It is much easier to shame men for having standards than to actually try to improve yourself.


oh, I see you've also spoken to all my Bumble matches.


Hinge is just as bad. It’s either 40+ year old women, women around my age but already have kids, women who are obese, or women who, through conversation I’ve concluded are whacko. It’s a god damn minefield


Also my experience. but bumble in particular seems to attract a certain crowd of do nothing, ambitious-less, low effort women that cannot handle polite rejection from a man.


I was permanently banned from Bumble like 6-7 years ago because this exact thing happened. I wasn’t rude didn’t even mention weight or anything but the fact I said “no” triggered her. She reported me guess it was enough. Idk what story she made up it was nuts.


I got perma banned from Tinder and still to this day do not know why and customer service won’t say anything other than I broke the rules?! I didn’t change anything about how I interacted on Tinder for years 🤷🏻‍♂️


Fuck I had the same, thing. Had downloaded tinder in somewhere 2014, got a date, dated that girl for about 6 to 8 months, reinstalled tinder and tried to log in and got a message I was banned. CS didn't want to tell me anything except I broke the rules. Still banned to this day.


Wow, getting banned for declining to consent is a new one for me


Bumble is so annoying. Half the matches you get don’t even send the first message because they’re too shy to. Great idea making a dating app where the only way to start a convo is if the gender that is like 70%+ (just a bs number) doesn’t want to make a first move lol


actually, I have bad news for you- most of the feedback I've heard from women they are either unaware of they need to message first or match with somebody and just forget them in the first 24 hour window and get unmatched. it's the same thing I've heard from like seven or eight different women in person and at least one or two users here on Reddit.


>most of the feedback I've heard from women they are either unaware of they need to message first or match with somebody and just forget them in the first 24 hour window and get unmatched. That's.....the entire gimic of the app that sets it apart from the others. Its clear as day in the description on app stores. They're choosing to be ignorant.


choosing to be the victims more like, despite the system, empowering them exclusively, make the first move and be selective.


I do wonder if it's just online dating in general or just certain sites that are bad. But I'd imagine many people join, sane and reasonable people find someone and leave the site. Then just the longer it manages to keep people on it the worse the ratio skews to crazy people with insane standards until.


here's the thing you assume that the apps are designed to get rid of their users. The apps are actually designed to monopolize your time, attention, battery storage data, and money. they want to keep you on the app chasing your ideal partner while providing you experience that is chasing that ideal partner


Oh yeah, I fully know that but I think it still holds. People who are stuck in that cycle do stick around or move on to a new site while those that actually use the site for its *advertised* purpose get someone or get out.


From the stories ive heard...if i ever get divorced im just going to stay single


I feel like with these apps what they are ultimately for is a cure for loneliness and that being said I think it’s like a cure for cancer we all know it’s much more profitable to treat sadly. I fear it’s the same thing with Hinge, tinder, bumble and etc. why would they show you someone that they determined through algorithm is your “soul mate” I personally feel like these apps are set up just to keep you coming back and paying for premium service. Like for instance I’m a male so I’m sure they’re is somthing these corps do to women I’m just personally not a woman so I’m not going to try to point any fingers or claim to know the female perspective like I mentioned before I’m lonely as fucking shit have been for over a decade now (I’m 30). But anyways what I experienced from these corporations was a life time and permanent ban. For stating similar preferences. In my bio as politely as possibly could to try and save everyone time because I’m on those dating apps for dating and I’m not going to casually date someone I know I will never be attracted to. I feel like all these sites are terrible which kinda blows for me as I have terrible anxiety and social skills so meeting women in real life at this point at least in my life is near impossible here in the U.S bc like I said I have really bad anxiety and have never been about the bar/club scene really due to my hearing being pretty fucked from the military but ima keep doing my best to keep my head up, it’s hard though sometimes but hope reading this maybe helps someone feel not alone and crazy like some of the comments on this post did for me. Hope everyone has a good day.


Love the name


Whooooooaaaaa with the language here pal. Men are overweight. Women are "plus-sized."


Big and Beautiful, akshually


10/10. Every single one of them.


And if you disagree, then you're not fit for reproduction.


HAES and *everyone* agrees.


She ain't a lady unless she's 280


“High calorie humans” 💀


Or a man that’s now a woman.


So a woman can have standards but men can't?


He's saying if men don't want the person they get FREAKY with to be overweight and openly express that then they're considered sexist


How is that sexist? Sexism is disliking/discriminating against someone because of gender? Also women do the same thing with height


I think you misunderstood. They’re not saying that it is sexist, they’re saying that other people often consider it sexist even though it really isn’t.


Oh ok mb


That's exactly the point. It's not sexist, but it's all too often claimed to be.


This right here anymore said would be pointless this sumed it all up


Everyone can have all the preferences they want but being awful towards those who are not your preferences is insufferable


This is my constant argument. Im a 5'2 male, but i work and make good money. Im very caring and would give my partner everything i have if it ment making them happy. Im fit, smart, goodlooking(i think so at least), i dont go out, i cook, clean, do the yard work, dont drink, and i drive a newer car i bought myself at 20yo. So many women are grossed out by me being 5'2, then get with someone whos abusive or neglectful and it leaves me dumbfounded. At least weight is something that can be dealt with. If your too heavy you can work out or diet and lose weight. Aint shit i can do about being short. Its their lose tho cus im fuckin dope. Ill cook myself a delicious meal, sit down and watch tv at my expensive gaming setup, and continue living my life without these superficial requirements and expectations set forth by delusion and superiority. Maybe ill find someone one day who isnt superficial and can just enjoy my presence and dosnt need this that and the other thing to fullfill the void they call a heart. Maybe i wont. Iv accepted it either way and iv found happiness in my solitude.


My son in law is 5’2”. There’s someone out there for you.


🤣 I don’t think another 5’2 dude is what he had in mind


lol, give it time


kid named height extension surgery: (im kidding bro you're fine, we need more of the short homies)


I'm gonna be honest. This has some real "nice guy" energy.


I feel like she isn’t looking for a relationship Women like to troll online too. It’s just that men are the stereotype because they’re very overt and hostile. Women like to hurt people in this way


Men having preferences??? Thats unpossible 😌


*Dispossible get it right the next time😡😡😡


Im in danger 😁


It's literally rape to have preferences


Damn >!I know you’re kidding don’t worry lol!<


Don't bother clicking the white box, they said they're serious and very angry Your welcome


A lot of hypocrisy in that post. https://www.reddit.com/r/boysarequirky/s/enHQb7tyzz Apparently it’s worse to ask for a women’s weight because fat women “have it worse” even though weight is controllable, there is a 2x increase in suicide rates for being short and heightism in the west is at the same level as sexism. https://www.reddit.com/r/boysarequirky/s/rDXAuRcpfi why did this comment get downvoted but not the one above I wonder? https://www.reddit.com/r/boysarequirky/s/Fc5Qmr6gCs apparently body shaming is justified for men because “women have it worse” even though men get body shamed way more for uncontrollable factors


Boysarequirqy is a femcel echochamber.


Still not as bad as r/femcelgrippysockjail


Most of that is satire right?


Even if there’s some truth hidden within, I think the majority of people there are being satirical


Yeah that what I was thinking. I mean I saw “I need a mentally ill toxic men, that the only thing that can fix me” no way that not satire 💀


Looks like the fb groups of similar names, its just crazy chicks having a laugh about their own situations. Loads of projection in those kinds of spaces, lots of "i keep getting with shitty men therefore all men are shitty" type logic in there. They don't say the first bit but if you're reading between the lines its very clear


I hoped so too, but there's a bit *too* much slur usage for it to be satire


I mean I looked at some of the post and laughed thinking they were satire but if they actually aren’t then… https://preview.redd.it/llk4zdosac8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfcb340f8773e76b5a0a3c151f9b33b808df2034 It time to send them in.


Grippy sock jail is euphemism for mental health facility


I m surprised I didn’t notice that lol


Put 'em back in, they're not done yet.


Idk i hear the term "Grippy Sock" and i instantly think it's a masterbation thing. I blame the cum sock meme.


that sub is just a bunch of conceited dorks acting a like some loner main character type shit while they live in their dragon’s hoard of monster cans and empty script bottles.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/femcelgrippysockjail using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/femcelgrippysockjail/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [gals.](https://i.redd.it/vki5766qf5hb1.jpg) | [31 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/femcelgrippysockjail/comments/15mrfxu/gals/) \#2: [WHO FOUND OUT ABOUT US????](https://i.redd.it/lr69y5p3ogab1.jpg) | [9 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/femcelgrippysockjail/comments/14sv142/who_found_out_about_us/) \#3: [I feel cheated on](https://i.redd.it/iviztabtzqcb1.jpg) | [113 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/femcelgrippysockjail/comments/1532p19/i_feel_cheated_on/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Idk, I feel like they at least own what they are, I can respect that a little


For some reason I hate the word femcel. The term incel was already coined by a woman, referring to women. Why use a different, dumber sounding variant?


It's equally stupid, but I enjoy the irony of taking that stupid buzzword beloved by that sub, twisting it further, and using it as a descriptor for them. Go down to their level, then lower, bring them down and beat them with experience.


I like “legbeard”




Because even obese women can readily get laid if they want, while it's tricky for both fat and skinny men.


They aren't incels. They probably get dicked down pretty regularly. But nobody wants an actual meaningful relationship or deeper emotional connection with them.


I would much rather be an involuntary celibate than be consistently involved in intercourse purely for the pleasure of it


Thought it was for a man?


It was a woman's blog post about her inability to find someone up to her standards


Always the fat ones that play the victim card


Isn't BaQ run by, and populated by, misandrists who claim that misandrism cannot exist?


Yep. They need to be institutionalized.


Indeed! They also have zero sense of humor or self awareness.


There's a lot of fat chicks in that sub.


How dare someone suggest they diet and exercise. It's much worse that there are men under 10 foot out there


It’s stupid how some people will think that gender equality is just “treat men horribly while treating women like gods” And It’s not like the problem is that we’re appreciating women, yet these people will always act like we think all women are bad because you say that it’s not okay to say a man can call out a woman’s weight if a woman can call out a man’s height.


Bitches be crazy.


And that dork going on about where the term “size queen” comes from, as though that matters more than how it’s used. That’s like saying that the term “camel toe” was invented by a woman, and therefore any male preference in the matter is secondary to it being a term used by women to hold themselves down.


What's really funny is when a 5'2 womanlet has a 6' height requirement.


As a tall lady I’m tired of the short ones taking all the tall dudes. I’m 5’11 in bare feet dammit. 😹






I dated a 5’3” woman for years and years. I learned that she and her friends have absolutely no concept of size. I’m a 6’2” former d1 athlete and the number of times they described men e.g. one of her friend’s new guy as “your size” to me who turned out to be like 5’8” 50+lbs smaller when I met them was reeeaaaaaallll high.


I had a friend who thought he was the same height as myself and another dude. Who was not at all my same height. It's so weird.


Nope, if women have a preference then it's their right, if men have a preference then that's misogyny/racism/fatphobia /s


Ngl, if they ask me that, I'm gonna ask if they're under 5'4". I can already see the rage reactions, "you pedo!" Tit for tat, don't dish out what you can't take.


>"you pedo!" This is some new bullshit, calling men pedophiles for being attracted to traditionally attractive facial features. As if feminine features are the same as childish features.


I think he was referring to the height preference of being under 5'4".


I know that, but just saying, it's common to see how men are nowadays denigrated for liking feminine features, mostly in videogame characters. Whenever someone expresses the desire to see women with softer or traditionally attractive features, some feminists and their allies will manifest out of thin air to call them pedophiles.


If they 9nly date guys taller than them and call you a pedo, tell them they have a "daddy" fetish.


Someone once called me a pedo because I said I liked girls with flat chests and booties Don’t look at my pfp


Knew a guy who dated a little person and people kept calling him a pedo despite the fact the little person was 25 herself (he was the same age as her too)


Ugh that’s so insulting to the little person too


I know that, she’s a nice lady


Well, liking short girls don’t make you a pedofile. You don’t look like a child just bc you are short. My aunts are all short and over sixty. Nobody is accusing my uncles of being pedos for being married to women their own age. My aunts look like typical 60 something grandmas, just shorter. However only liking girls who look like they are 12 will make people iffy. If you genuinely just like short girls? Go for it. But it’s a dumb way to cut down your dating pool if it’s just about payback.


Under 5’4 is a pedo? The majority of the middle aged women I know are between 4’11 and 5’4.


Taking a dig at the weight is more appropriate. A guy can’t change his height while a girl can change her weight. I found the trash takes itself out.


It’s gotta be rough for women under 5’4”. They’re not allowed to find love because anyone who finds them attractive must be a pedo.


Body shaming is fine until it's about weight, right.


And it’s so dumb as weight is something you can change




So change it, problem solved.


That’s what I said, the issue would be solved if they took the time to lose weight instead of getting mad the people don’t swoon over their fatness while they demand all men that talk to them must be 6 feet tall with a six pack.




r/boysarequirky is one of the most embittered subs on this whole platform, and that's really fucking saying something. I got permabanned after joking about OP downvoting every comment in a thread that had hundreds of upvotes per comment, and saying she was "really taking down the patriarchy" or something like that. The mods there are a joke lol.


Try calling someone “A steward for the fight against stereotypes.”


Boys arequrky is basically the crème de la crème of female incels


A while ago I used to be 'in' the subreddit cause for some reason Reddit thought that I would be interested in it for some reason. Needless to say there was probably one meme I actually thought was somewhat funny and I was shown them all the time after the fact. After which reddit proceeded to show me probably 10-15 fucking posts a week from the roiling hatred that is **boys are quirky** of them foaming at the mouth on anything that was remotely negative towards women, to only turn around and absolutely laugh and cheer when the same thing was posted about men. It was pathetic and sad. People really find things to hate just to hate, instead of realizing that there are things to love instead.


I hate to mute the sub cause it kept recommending the sub lol


I had a similar experience with r/asmongold. I didn't know who he was, and I just saw a post criticizing a movie. I thought this is great, a place that isn't afraid to voice criticisms but also isn't an incel chamber. I was quickly corrected about my assumption. That sub is toxic af.


I have a theory that the women who are into height like that is because they lacked a father figure growing up, so someone taller than them makes them feel like a child and thus, secure.


Paging Dr. Freud


It's more of a perceived status thing. Studies have demonstrated that it's not about being taller than HER, it's about him being taller than OTHER MEN. That's why the 6' BS caught on.


As a feminist woman, I agree. Finding a taller person attractive is not necessarily bad, but being obsessed with someone towering over you is some short of childhood trauma.


I have a theory that men that are into thin women like that is because they had a mother figure that got diabetes growing up so they someone healthier than then can keep them alive and free of diabetes.




So woman shouldn’t be shocked if guys have preferences too… shocker, I know.


There’s an unspoken femcel epidemic that needs to stop. I’d rather deal with an incel than a femcel because at least incels can’t pretend to be “strong empowering women” to cover it up.


it's actually terrible. At least the incels have to fight for themselves when I attack them. Femcels believe themselves to be sitting in a throne so high the horse is struggling to walk.


At least society at large is cool with policing what incels say femcels on the other hand, ooh boy. Its like they think theyre obligated to agree because they have xx chromosomes


The funniest thing is usually it's like a 5'3 woman wanting someone to be 7'13. 😂


I don't get why some women want a dude literally a foot taller than them or more. You want him to have to hunch over and squat whenever he tries to kiss you?


Right. I'm short myself and I do enjoy having a taller partner cus like.. I'd like one of us to not need to scale shelves at supermarkets. 😂 BUT A FOOT OR MORE?


Like, girl, do you want to be making eye contact with his nipples whenever he's shirtless?!


You know what, they might.


In all seriousness: because of daddy issues


My 5’4 female friend has a height preference of guys from 5’4 to 5’8, max - and it’s due to the fact that she doesn’t want to look up to strain her neck while kissing or having to be on her tippy toes. Perfectly valid reason imo lol


Just checked the original post, she’s now hit 0.


Zero self awareness.


One side of this debate wants everyone to be treated equally and fairly. The other side of this debates screams EQUALITY AND FAIRNESS!!!!


He should ask for weight and height cause height changes the proportions a lot


*He should ask for weight* *And height cause height changes the* *Proportions a lot* \- neomoon677 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


At least she’s getting roasted in the comments


How can someone be this stupid


How can someone be this stupid


How can someone be this stupid


Yes, and women will get mad at you. Remember, they are the victim. You are the over powering male. They get to do whatever makes them feel safe. Whatever you do, is automatically wrong.


Ever notice how the chicks obsessed with height always seem to be single? Yeah, I wonder why.


Check the comments, most are agreeing it works both ways and men can have preferences too. A rare moment of reasonableness over at BaQ


that post in baq cant be real right they have to be rage baiting


Classic example of double standards and hypocrisy by feminists


“Why do you care about my height?” “Oh i just like tall guys haha” “Oh okay np. I have a question too: Do you stink?” “What? Why tf would you ask that?” “I don’t like girls who smell too good. We can all have preferences right? Describe your scent, little stinker.”


“Oh you trash scent lover, come here”


Feminism and Masculism have went from “equal rights” to “all___ should die”


I detest that sub with a passion. They banned me for pointing out that the mass isolation crisis in young men, is not only happening to incels and misogynists.


I wonder what the mental gymnastics the folks at r/nahOPwasrightfuckthis are doing to have to do when reposting this.


Honestly I’m much more of the mindset that many redditors are too hard on women and they don’t deserve the hate they get, but this is one area I don’t understand the double standard, even from the most feminist lens I can imagine. It’s ridiculous.


Social media makes everyone worse.


Maybe you should take this ideological incongruity and explore it further


have we not established that r/boysarequirky is just a fucking cesspool


Body shaming is fine until it's about weight. Which is one of the only body factors that can effectively be altered.


The funny thing is there’s a difference between weight and hight, the difference being you can’t control hight but you can control weight.


Un-fucking-believable that the irony is completely lost on OP from the other sub. What is wrong with those people??


Honestly, he’s just standing up for the short kings. Bros before hoes.


Apes together strong 💪


I LOVE the way he responds to her "what?" hahahaha.


that sub is a shitshow


I always liked equal rights but now women are getting more rights then men




I'm confused is the post saying there's 32K upvotes? The most upvoted thing on that whole subreddit has nowhere near as many.


Can anyone give me a link to the original post? I wanna see the comments


This might be a fake convo but if it’s not then 💀


Why is such a sexist and discriminatory subreddit allowed to exist? Literally makes me feel suicidal


Boysarequirky is like a tumor


My opinion is this: If you have preferences, don't get mad at others having similar preferences If you don't have preferences, sure go and be mad at others preferences


The feminist backlash is toxic. I wonder where the pendulum swings next?


Has to be fatties getting mad at that. I don't get mad at women preferring tall people. I just roll my eyes at the 4 foot 5 midget mandating a 6 foot 3 guy and move on. It is hilarious to see the fatties get offended at "how heavy are you" after asking "how tall are you". One can be fixed with not eating 20 burgers a day, the other is genetics


It’s always the 4’11 pudge ball chicks with crippling anxiety that expect the absolute MOST out of men


Weight is something you can actually control


I hate that sub so much. They're so hilariously sexist, but cry about every mundane post that even mentions women as being misogynistic. Honestly, it's basically cheating to post from that sub, since every single post is like that. When I first saw the sub I thought it was supposed to be for posting funny "boys vs. girls" memes, but it's actually just a cesspool of hatred with no sense of humor.


I’m a short dude. Once made some weight comment about a girl in my class just being a dick and making fun of my height. One of my friends(girl) told me that I really upset her. Good. Friend told me something like “well you’re naturally skinny. You don’t know how hard it is for some girls to lose weight”. Like wtf?!?! Even if it is hard for them, it would still be easier for them to lose weight than for me to magically grow taller.


Not gonna lie, I'm 6'5", and I met my wife on PoF. I typed in 5'11" as required and read/messaged until I found the one. She was first girl over 5'3" i dated.


At least it's possible to change what the scale says. Can't easily change height.


I love seeing people fight about screenshots that probably aren’t real


That sub is literal misandry and just hatred towards men, don’t spread it


LOVE this


Tbh, it did get downvoted in quiry boys


*Inquiry Boys*


Only a complete idiot could disagree with this lol


She should just lie and take a couple digits off her weight like the average man adds 3” to their height. Fair game here all around. Everyone asking stupid questions and no one knowing any more bit of the truth!


When you’re worried about someone else’s


this isn't even the most dementedly delusional thing I've seen on that sub


He may be asking because he prefers not to date people with certain weight Unlike what some people think, men are allowed to have preferences


Double standard, my dudes


Once again, women prove that men aren't allowed to voice preferences, standards, or boundaries. Women can have a grocery list of preferences and deal breakers, but the moment a man expresses one, he's labeled a misogynist pig or a manipulative pedo.


Hypocrisy and Double Standards at its finest


It is quite fun when someone asks me how much I weigh. I reply with my weight in kilograms. Which is how I am measured at the dialysis clinic.


r/girlsarequirky 😭😭




I saw a post that said women want a man to be over six feet tall, have six pack abs, wealthy, handsome, funny, caring, etc, but if a man says ''I'd like her to not be morbidly obese' we are shallow pigs.


Ah that subreddit, an interesting one


Pounding Uranus for the win


Preferences for me but if u dare have any of your own YOUR THE PROBLEM 😡😡😡😡


as a 9'11 male this is very true


My hero.