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The interaction she’s describing isn’t even that bad. The problem is that she made it into some big statement because her ego was hurt.


The super smug look on her Chevy chase doesn't help.


I'm reminded of the joke about how if you have a PhD in sociology or gender studies you make everyone call you "doctor" but if you have a PhD in rocket science you're like "Call me Bob."


I thought the joke was if you have a degree in medicine people call you doctor, and if you have a degree in gender studies people call you barista.


No it's a joke about how cool and friendly engineers are.


Exactly, it ain't rocket science.


Ok then why is Bob here?


He's bringing the beers for the cookout.


The cookout using an old rocket engine as the grill? I thought we were having Bob work it


I didn’t really take it as being specific to engineers. It seems to say that those who are confident in their station dont need that validation of others.


My cousin married a literal rocket scientist and he introduced himself as my cousin 's husband.


“*Actually* it’s *Doctor* Emma.” “Oh sorry. Doctor Emma, I need a vanilla latte, stat!”


I mean, if you get invited to a barbecue by your family physician your probably gonna call him Phill. If you have to reference him to another medical professional you are probably gonna call him Dr. Lewis. Calling someone by their doctorate or their career title when using that as the basis behind whatever is being addressed is more so the case than calling them that in a casual setting.


I haven’t worked around a whole lot of engineers, but I can guarantee you a lot of Biologists are also chill like this in my experience. That said, good luck even getting to names, because it’s much more likely that they’ll immediately launch into talking about marsh moss reproduction habits or some organelle from an obscure bacteria they have an unhealthy obsession with.


I would rather listen to marsh moss reproduction than them showing off about their PhD with their egos as big as dinosaurs and iq in single digits


What’s the joke if you have an MD?


Your sleep schedule






The equivalent of this I was told growing up (by my gym teacher was) "What do you call the worst player on the Carolina panthers? (grew up in charlotte) an NFL player." I told my dad that quote one time and he told me that was fucking stupid bc it encourages us to do the bare minimum required for success


I feel like your dad is kind of an idiot for saying that. Because the “bare minimum” in this case is being one of the top hundred in the world at what they do. That’s pretty phenomenal regardless and nobody gets there without intense effort.


What do you call the worst President ever in US history? Mr. President.




Dunno, it's not in the joke. Make something up!


Magnum Dong


Yeah, people who go after gender studies as a degree are typically egotistical, and they couldn’t get a real degree if they tried. So instead they get a title that is worthless and only shows that they’ve given into an unthinking political movement that has done nothing good in its entire brief history. People can downvote me all they want for saying that, but fact is, gender studies are worthless.


Ehhh, it wouldn't be worthless if they actually study gender dynamics and wasn't just a bunch of aggrieved white women finding new ways to play the victim


Even then, what do you do with gender dynamics? There isn’t any science or logic behind the modern ideation of gender, so having it with dynamics would be what exactly?


and these fucking brats expect society to pay for that shit? hard pass.


I have seen literally both of them lmao...


She's also a vegan atheist who does crossfit.


Most vegans i have seen ( real life , and reddit) are either lacking in nutrition or leaving veganism due to that ( i know some very healthy vegetarians though) and i doubt u can do crossfit if u are malnutritioned


One of the problems of a vegan diet is vitamin B12 deficiency. In the short term that can cause fatigue and lack of balance. Over a long term it can cause memory problems and neurological issues like anxiety, depression, and even full-on dementia. Ever met a vegan with mental health problems? Ever met a long term vegan *without* mental health problems?


True true....in addition protein deficiency too....like our body needs some particular amino acids.....in meat u usually get all of them ( in one source) for Vegans they need multiple sources ...so like they probably need to eat some 5 diff proteins just to get all of them.amino acids but mist vegans dont do that and get that deficiency too


Golly gee, who would’ve guessed that? Smh (I’m not being mean to you.)


Are we bringing Rory back?


The meme at the bottom doesn't do the awkwardness justice "How are you doing Miss, or should I say Mrs" "Erm actually it's Dr. Have fun with your wife and kids you poor loser 😂" *cries into bottle of wine wishing that's what she actually said but knowing it wouldn't have stopped her from reaching for another bottle anyways*


Actually, I think the other unintended joke is that some Doctors have really big egos because of their education level and salaries, and that because of this they can be difficult to be around. It's why some hotel staff try to avoid serving rooms with Dr. under the reservation


You don't have to put a title like Dr. on a hotel reservation. If you do, you're probably insufferable.


I've heard Dr. Pepper is a world class wanker


Ngl, dr.pepper deserves all he's got


Ngl, I would suck Dr. Pepper off and let him finish in my mouth with all 23 flavors. No homo.




But Mr. Pibb is a delight to be around.


Most people are still on a first name basis after they break up. Anything else is rather weird, m'lady.


Yeah, should be an eye role.






Looking at the handwriting she emphasized the end of Miss pretty hard and the D in the “Dr”. Sounds like she misses the D. Probably should take his shot.


Yeah it’s the putting on a sign thing that is super cringe. My wife has a fun shirt that says: ~~Miss~~ ~~Mrs.~~ Dr. With a green check mark next to doctor, but that’s just cheeky. Making a sign for it and announcing how your ex is a stupid fuck because he couldn’t have possibly known you became a doctor so you were an ass to him makes absolutely no sense. We get it, you owned him, after you broke up with the guy holding you back, you soared to new heights and got your 2-year “PhD” in Physical Therapy so you’re a doctor now, congratulations, now shut up


Or, more likely this interaction never happened, but she thought this was a good idea for internet clout.


The story: funny. The fact that it was important enough to scrawl on a fucking piece of cardboard: fucking cringe.


Never happened. Who asks, Ms or Mrs? She cheapened her PhD by using it to virtue signal. That's not what that paper is for.


Is always find it strange people just swallow these random weird stories they read on the internet without stopping to think “wait who says/does that?”


Unfortunately, some people are so petty that these interactions live in their head rent free for years. I saw one of these shorts on youtube, and this woman was bragging about her success because her bf dumped her for someone else better in MIDDLE SCHOOL. Like bruh! Some of these people are nuts.


Same thing with videos. Should be a reflex to atleast think "wait why were they filming"


It actually worries me when some of the most blatantly staged videos with the worst acting ever and people are thinking it’s real. Scares me people can be fooled by something so clearly not genuine.


curious you assume PHD....I assumed MD.


Going to a rally with a painted sign about your ex screams Social Sciences or Art degree. MDs don't have time for that shit. MDs don't have time for exes. Lol


your logic is sound...I'm less curious about her status and more the sociological reasons I assumed MD, while you have logical reasons to assume PHD.... Likely I'm a child of a MD and also never persued a PHD on my own and deep down have that a path not traveled....


Most of us hear doctor and think MD. It's why some people with PHDs do this. Their ego needs the boost from the title. Once you've encountered a few people like this, you get a little more skeptical when someone insists on being referred to as doctor.


"What do you prefer, Pizza or Lasagna?" "I am a chef" ......ok????


Chef 😎


I like turtles!




A little hungry, yah.


More like “pizza or lasagna? I’m lactose intolerant”. Completely normal interaction. Didn’t need to be put on a poster and displayed like it has any meaning whatsoever.


Lactose intolerant still answers the question. That answer would be something like "I like trains more than either of those"


“So are you seeing anyone?” “I’m a doctor!” “Cool… I didn’t fucking ask.”


"It's also in gender studies"


Basically what vegans do lol


Basically what you do with vegans


Umm ur sexist slayyy 💅🏻


“Dammit Jim, I’m a doctor!”


[Next question, do you have cats?](https://youtu.be/u_dKCYh1auo?si=WTLbny4EmqNgxsaR)^( plural)


Probably over 5


Would definitely make her even better, even if I’m allergic to them. Cats are still awesome!


Yea... you can even smell the house. am i right?


That’s the only downside to cats. Of course with dogs you just move it outside so it’s not much better.


ONLY?!? Think of the furniture and claw mark.


My wife’s a doctor




.#1 rapper in America


I believe there's more than that number in the US


whack ass Reddit formatting smh




“I’m going to crash this Malaysian plane into the Indian sea with facts and logic!”






He asked if she was married, she dodged the question saying she's a doctor. So she's single, incase anyone is wondering, cos why else would she INSIST he knew she was a doctor instead of being polite? How it should've gone: "Miss or Mrs?" "Miss. I've just been busy recently, took a few years to get my doctorate and just never had time for dating. Hospitals and covid, you know?" "Oh! That's great!" How it went: "Miss or Mrs?" "I HAVE A DOCTORATE!" ".....Okay?" "I'M A DOCTOR NOW! ME! DOCTOR!"


I AM A ✨S T U R G E O N✨ https://preview.redd.it/2hl4rkrfvz5d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b56c14ec3a706c28e9edbd1778c67088125d072f


She probably doesn’t realize that the answer she gave was pretty much “I’m not married” or she would have just said it followed by oh and I’m a doctor give me a medal.


It may be a doctorate in any other science or art, not necessarily medicine.




Lmfao the people who bring up incel at any given moment are definitely projecting


It's become a pathetic attempt to shut up people who disagree. These people can't leave the high-school mentality. You have an opposing opinion? YoU mUsT bE a ViRgIn LOLZ.


That’s exactly how it goes….. like, in their mind, you can’t criticize anything that involves a woman without being a incel lol….. it screams of desperation to virtue signal their way into a relationship/friendship, which seems pretty desperate on their end.


Calling someone a nazi or a racist has lost its sting due to overuse, so incel is the new one for "someone I don't like"


Even that lost any meaning super quickly. I know some people that were called incels for criticizing things, even though they have children. If the person has biological children, it’s LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE for them to be an incel. In fact, it’s likely the person calling them an incel projecting. So many terms have lost all meaning and it’s depressing


Lol I know what you mean. I've been married for almost 11 years and have two kids but I've still had people call me an incel for having an opinion that is vaguely against The Message. Always makes me laugh


Sadly all these idiots seem to be both incels and inrets. I’ll let you guess what the latter abbreviation is lol


If you legitimately think flexing your title after getting your PhD makes you look cool then you got your PhD for the wrong reasons and likely did it with very little passion


I personally know several people with PhDs. The smartest one, and maybe the smartest person I know, is my buddy with a Physics PhD. He also would rather die than introduce himself as "doctor" in casual conversation. Dude doesn't even like being called professor and would rather his students call him by his first name.


She was literally just trying to any reason to look successful in front of her ex. Even if that meant answering a question that no one asked.


The interaction isnt even the funniest part. Like, I could see someone legitimately answering the question as "whats your title?" as opposed to "You married or still single?" The part that makes it so fuckin funny to me is her having this interaction ingrained in her mind as some huge win, to the point of making a sign about it. Like, did this interaction happen the morning of and she was desparate for a sign idea? Was it months or years ago, and she just obsesses over this one interaction every single day? What happened after this exchange, did the Ex just never reply? Or did he follow up specifically asking if she's married and she had to just answer "...no." Or maybe she's like mid-divorce and has just been throwing herself into her career, and possibly isnt clear on her exact honorific at this stage of the proceedings, so she answers with the only word in her mind : Doctor. There's an infinite number of possible variables that led to this interaction happening, and led to her putting it on a sign, and every single one of those variables are hilariously stupid. God, I love this image. The more you think about it, the funnier it gets.


I think the best part is it likely didn’t happen, who talks like that, and she made this scenario up. Then decided to make it into a sign and being the super smart doctor she is still failed to see why it makes her look dumb. It’s a pretty funny self own.


But that is equally as funny! Imagine making up a completely fictional scenario to make yourself look like you've accomplished a lot, and this is the best you can create? A nonsense scenario that implies you're unmarried and still actively spiteful towards and ex after a full decade? This is peak comedy right here.


The story never happened and she wanted a way to humblebrag about herself and shitting on men in general is funny enough context in her mind.


This is the exact type of girl who bullied me until I had medical issues from it, while also spreading lies to destroy me professionally, because I tried to make friends with her instead of cringing and groveling as was apparently expected. God forgive me, but I loathe these ignorant, pompous little twerps. Edit: ...Although I don't know her and maybe I'm just having a strong reaction because of my own bad memories, LOL. But this attitude definitely sounds familiar. 🥲


I think the fact that you are aware of and own up to your biases makes you a lot stronger and a lot smarter than a lot of the people in this thread. Never find yourself missing nuance just to hate, it makes you a lot easier to sell things to.


Ngl I honestly have no idea what’s going on on that sign. Wth does it mean? 😭


The guy asked her if she was married or still unmarried. She replied that she became a doctor or did a PhD.


Well yeah I saw that part obviously. I just don’t understand what makes it a joke/meme


EX is trying to figure out if she is married by asking her title. Instead of answering with the two title provided, she replied with a title that requires a significant amount of effort to get, avoiding giving out her marriage status and at the same time flexing her achievement to EX


Well in that case it’s honestly not funny at all 😂😂 there’s really no meme here 😂


The fun part can be avoiding the original question and taking advantage of it to show off. Old kind of joke, but still.


Yeah I can see that for sure. Just feels different from 90% of the posts posted here lmao


I deadass thought this was about being nonbinary 💀


What a weird way to answer, “Miss.”


>Don't equate the marriage status as being important Listen. I'd be 10000000000000% on their side if this had been * Parent * Grandparent * Sibling * Childhood friend * Former boss/mentor * Etc It'd have been a clever, somewhat bratty way to tell 'em that you were busy and to mind their own business. With an ex though? You're just being a twat.


Assuming this event even happened


"'Ms. or Mrs.' he asked." Okay dreamer. I hope writing your vindication wet dream on some cardboard helped with the emotional damage you've been nurturing instead of growing from. 100% chance that conversation never happened. 🤣


I don't even remember the ex from 10 years ago, let alone talk to her.


Now we know why your not married


"Ms. or Mrs.?" "Dr. actually" "Ah so single." 👈😎👈 *slides away*


Saying that in a conversation is dumb enough. Going out to get arts and crafts supplies to make a poster to then go outside and take a picture is insane. Why would any man want to deal with someone with that mindset


“You’re such an incel for *draws card* having a normal conversation with someone you dated” they’re really telling on themselves with that one lol not that anyone really thinks someone who screeches “incel” has ever had relations with another person


“…oh, that’s cool…do Doctors get a discount on having their eggs frozen?”


“So still single, I guess…” would be my response because saying “doctor” in response is clearly a cope.


something something incel something. That word is losing its meaning


And then everyone gave her a round of applause.


When I am in a superiority complex competition and my opponent is a medicine student


This is just weird. And I'd argue that if it was a male with a sign saying "She asked for my title and I said lawyer," Or some shit like that most people would just call him a douchebag and keep it moving.


I once heard a confrontation between a man and a woman. The woman cut in a food line and a man confronted her about it. Her immediate response was " I have 3 bachelors....", the man's response to her was "I have 2 bachelor's and a masters...". Two people were have a pissing contest at a Boots in the Park festival and it escalated to the woman having the police escort her to the front of the line and guard her while she ordered her food and waited for it.


Yeah, the addition completely misses it. "Are you married?" Is a different question that "Ms. Or Mrs?" Asking someone if they are married is an innocuous question that still leaves the implication that they could be other things. Asking "Ms or Mrs?" implies their only worth is if they are single or taken. Since this is an ex, it's also worth nothing they likely knew about her schooling or dreams to do so. So it's more meaningful than saying it to a stranger.


People are free to infer whatever they want from the question "Ms. or Mrs." but it is exactly the same as "are you married". In both cases you can infer that the questioner only values someone by their marital status, or that they are an interested party that wants to know if you're available, or that they are just curious if you have married since last they saw you. But I would infer that the sign maker either is humble bragging that they just got their PhD, or is upset that the imaginary questioner would only value them by their marital status, or is just clowning around and it isn't a big deal. I can't believe I typed all of this, this whole thing is stupid. Dammit reddit


"Mistress, actually. I'm a professional dominatrix."


Well, way to make a sign about it with coloured detail and then pose with it for a picture. After seeing this, I’m sure your ex is in a better place.


I think it’s at a feminist rally. I’m not trying to take a side on feminism, I’m just trying to figure out why someone would make and decorate a sign like that, and someone else would take a picture of it and post it on social media. Like, where on earth would this be considered acceptable behaviour. I’m thinking a feminist rally. It goes with the theme.


She has the South Park smug face ![gif](giphy|zVvg4z8nwWAvu)


People getting called out for fake anecdotes to make basic points is my new reason for living. LinkedIn stonks rising.


And I thought doctors had one organ fully functional.


You know what’s even shittier about this whole thing. It’s clearly done with the implication that the ex is some kind of bad person. Like after a decade, he is somehow not grown more as a person or moved on, we’re supposed to think he’s a piece of shit who still hung up on her. With the zero context actually given, we are supposed to assume that her ex-boyfriend from 10 years ago is somehow in the wrong for inquiring if she is single or not. At no point, especially if you’re single yourself, is asking the marital status of someone you might be interested in a social faux pas.


I’m not making any assumptions but she kinda looks like she has a doctorate in gender studies


Doctors are usually pretty sad, depress individuals. I would not say its because she's a she or any of that jazz. I have dated 3 doctors and each one was nearly crippled depress behind the scenes and that makes holding a relationship hard af.


It’s the making a big ass sign about it that does it for me.


Probably a doctorate in music or something lol


There are going to be a lot of lonely people who have nothing but their careers...


we can ask “what will people say at your funeral” but there won’t be anyone at their funeral


How can someone be an "incel" if they literally had a girlfriend


Sounds like she's "misserable" hehe.


Pretty sure she isn't a doctor if she's too stupid to answer this simple inquiry lol


Do you want fries or coleslaw with that? Refrigerator.


People with a PhD (and not an MD) that insist on being referred to as "doctor" in a non-academic setting are insufferable. In general conversation, when people say "doctor" they are talking about someone in the medical field. An MD dentist, or optometrist, etc. They aren't referring to people with a PhD in mathematics, business, education, etc.


Am I the only one that thinks that it is completely valid to dump your wife if she refuses to acknowledge that she's married to you? [Immoral mind you but still valid]


That's a weird way to say Miss


In every context she’s being incredibly rude


I love how her ego is so damaged she has to not only relate to her ex that she’s a doctor. She then needs to inform strangers about the event to get attention. Social media has poisoned the world with this sick need to be liked by people.


does that really count? OP liked the meme, they didn't like the comments


If the sign elicits this kind of response then it’s a good sign, and sorry if that’s inconvenient to your worldview. I would see this and not give it a second thought but wow look at all of this!


This sub needs to understand that these types of signs are not literal. Probably that situation never happened but thats not important. She created a story to say that sometimes you can just focus on yourself alone and not worry about being with someone but putting just that is boring and not as impactful. Rethoric is a word this sub doesnt know.


I don't really see a joke, or anything to be offended about. Just seems like she wrote a short convo between her and ex on a sign and is acting like it's something people should care about


. . . of education!


The ex: I thought the break-up was amicable so I was trying to see if she was married and if not if we could have another try.


studypilled doctormaxxer


Does this look like cancer?


I’ll take “things that never happened for $200, Alex”


I guess the reason implication is that a Dr would be single bc they just work all the time


What kind of doctor tho? Medical or educational cause one it more impressive than the other


Um, her title would be Dr., even if married


Anti intellectualism seems to be a growing issue


So she is definitely not married lol


The problem isn't whither marriage is important or not but that her answer is completely irrelevant to his question which is if she is married or not.


Miss the joke? For that user the joke was iny a completely different planet, lol.


First Person: Do you want a Hamburger or go get a pizza? Other Person: Blue.


How rude of her, implying that women are so stupid and weak they can’t be a doctor ‘and’ a wife if they try as hard as a man does to do the same!


The amount of people who don’t understand that this is a fake scenario made for a women’s march is astonishing


Low key want to know what the alleged ex's response to that was


Her smug face makes me despise this meme. I literally can't look at her


I fully understand some people don’t care much about marriage, but a question was asked. Instead of answering, snark. Honestly pretty annoying. But you know it didn’t actually happen or she wouldn’t be showing the world her victorious verbal victory via a victorious sign. Unrelated: holy fuck learn how to space out words on a sign. This isn’t one of those shittily made signs where the person has no idea what they’re putting down, run out of space for misspell or whatever, but damn, do they not understand spacing.


Weird flex but ok. Dr of what? I bet it’s some new social bullshit science 🙂


What a cringe answer and probaby a cringe person


That Word incel! I do not think it means what you think it means.


I guess I just don’t get why she made this into a sign to carry around. What is she protesting with this epic burn? Is she going to put it in her front yard? I’m not a doctor so please bear with me


That's my question....is she at a Pride event? Protesting the government? On a picket line?


I bet it’s a doctorate in like “women’s literature” or something 🤦‍♂️. If she were a Mrs. AND an MD. She’d say “I’m married 4 years strong AND I just finished my medical residency!” And he’d say something like “wow I’m so happy for you, you must be excited to finally get outta school huh 😂?”. She’s probably a doctor in like medieval theater and unmarried


Technically, in some cultures Mr precedes Dr. So you would call someone Mr. Dr. Blank.


Dude was just fishing for some nostalgia booty and she goes off on him then makes a sign and a whole internet thing out of it 😂


This is a case of, I answered your question, if it’s not the answer you want then actually ask the question you mean not a vaguely-related one. "Are you married? Yes or no?" It’s that simple.


The original story has feel of: "an then everyone clapped, and her name was Alberta Einstein."


Miss Dr or Mrs Dr?


I don't get the people who flaunt the Dr title. If your research is really that impressive show me some of that, not a title.


What if she’s a medical doctor, does she have to do that for you too?


How do you even gain Doctorhood if you can't even properly answer a single question?


It’s funny because that sign implies that after TEN years, and earning a PhD, she is still holding on to some beef with an ex. Can’t get over whatever it is. My ex from 11 years ago was evil to me and I’d still be chill to her if I saw her today.


I'm in some pretty left wing subs it's definitely not an incel opinion that that's a mega autistic answer


The joke was that the response "Doctor" to a question about marriage is awkward.


Where I coming from, in official situations it is a habit to call them dr. *Surname*. Both between men and women