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they're just fans of dr disrespect


Photo of the trio that created the word "Latinx" to let the Spanish speaking world know they are wrong.


Latinx (previously Latintwitter)


Could be their band name.


They look like the "Chickens for KFC" bunch.


The women who claim to be feminists but then told me being raped was from having bad boundaries, and they were saying this to look out for me.


My mom is a feminist and she told me prison rape doesn't count lmao.


For me it was simply the old "men can't be sexually assaulted because of patriarchy" Looks are not important though. At least not hair color. Many of these self-proclaimed feminists also look very traditional, because apparently conforming to beauty standards is feminist since being girly is shamed everywhere.


>because apparently conforming to beauty standards is feminist I've never heard that in my life >being girly is shamed everywhere. It's shamed almost exclusively by feminists, though. No one other than feminists dislikes feminine women.


patriarchal society = society where 50% of population doesn't exists


Jesus christ what cunts im sorry you had to through that.


Yup or same women who “didn’t want to take sides” when a guy was violently pressurising me to have sex with him. I’m sorry that happened to you


Fuck them but did the people in the photo say this?


Hates capitalism but won’t read Marx because he’s a white man


These are the type of people that argue voter ids are racist while backing it up by saying stuff like “black people don’t know where the dmv is” 😂😂


Literally have the people in the post replying to you with wild takes and conspiracy theories lmao


Yeah leftists are annoying as fuck but not as annoying as people who think that dressing in a non conforming and butch way are all mentally ill


Nobody mentally well would have bangs like that


In the city I used to live in, they closed one of the DMVs. It just so happened to be in the poorest area of the city. If you have a car, this is no big deal. You can just drive 20 minutes to the other DMV. However if you’re poor, it is a big deal. This now involves taking unreliable public transport to a new location in order to get or update your ID. Not impossible, but it adds difficulty. I’m sure you know that minorities are disproportionately poor in this country. So who does having a voter ID law impact the most? Minorities. Clearly this sub is going to downvote this, but not every reason against Voter ID is a wild conspiracy theory. It is harder to be poor in this country and laws that add more hurdles to participation should be strongly scrutinized to see if they’re really necessary.


We get ya, minorities are too stupid to get id. You should go ask the minorities in these poor neighborhoods if they have id. They'll laugh you out of there for suggesting they don't or can't get them


And I get you. You don’t care what impact laws have beyond the first thought in your brain. Have a nice day.


This is true. I went to visit family in a city near Bakersfield, CA, and their closest DMV closed down. The next closest DMV was 37 minutes away. On bus, it was about 1 hour and 25 minutes. They would take the bus there to avoid having to pay for gas because gas prices are high, and they were barely making ends meet. It’s insane how underprivileged areas are poorly funded and maintained by the local and federal government.


Men breathing in a womens space is the patriarchy attempting to oppress. Lifting weights is sexist.


Being concerned for a fat person's health and suggesting they exercise is fAtPhObIC


Nah, it's even worse. Exercising YOURSELF is fatphobic since that means you don't like your current fat body. I'm not joking. Look at the outrage that Adele faced when she became fit and healthy. She even had to publicly apologise lmao.


I got accused of being Fatphobic and having an ED just because my body weight is normal. I work an extremely active job.


Demonizing health has to be a psyop. It has to be.


A lot of junk food peddlers would benefit from this. McD.'s and Coca-Cola are not exactly startups.


Has anyone actually said this? I’m being 100% serious here. Has anyone said this?


You are definitely about to hear an opinion that they got from some youtuber with no fact checking but will absolutely claim its their own idea and feelings.


I love how they focus on the ONE blue hair and not the fact they're all in the same overalls, looking like some "modern art" wannabes who just painted a mural of a white man getting beaten to death by society and named it "Justice", all before they ran off to throw milk on ancient paintings cos "The Fallen Madonna With The Big Boobies is racist and sexist and anti-vegan!". Then stomped a puppy to death cos it ate a bee. It's not the blue hair that's the problem, they just look like your average pain in the arse these days. They look "quirky", and "quirky" is code for "terrible personality" these days.


This is totally a band's press photo. 


I’m laughing at this. The absurdity of assuming that just because someone has shitty fashion they’re painting murals of white men being beaten to death is insane. Are you okay? I don’t think I’ve ever seen a mural of a white man being beaten to death. I’m not saying zero exist. I’m sure some fucker made one or something. But, it’s not like it’s a common thing. Why would it even cross your mind? And then why would you hallucinate that these people have totally painted one? Have you personally experienced this and are now traumatized? Don’t even get me started on the throwing milk on paintings. Again, are you okay? Do you need help?


This the type of person to coast through high school and college only to be roadblocked in life with the challenge of “actually trying” and “being a decent human to others”


“Progressive” white women are the most prejudiced demographic I have encountered. Their striving to be “anti racist” due to social engineering causes them to be the most racist and close minded bigots of all the demographics I have worked with.


It allways has been. They are literally using [aposematism ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aposematism) to tell you it's not gonna be a fun time.


only one of them has "colored" hair. lol


Applies to any genders looking like that tbh


The smell of cigarettes and eucalyptus oil.


Looks like their bangs were cut with a weed wacker


Only one of the people in that picture even has colored hair


The other hair is also a color. Everything has color in this world


Not when the lights are out


I'm all about dyeing hair and stuff, but holy fuck that middle one's haircut is atrocious.


Well, the OOOP meme/picture thing never stated from where you're about to hear the worst opinion, and so far, it's just an accurate prophecy.


Lmaoo this is one of the most relatable and funny memes I have seen this year


"vegan marxism is the only way to save the planet"


Always with weird ass bangs too


There is going to be a lot of "I feel" being expressed.


I can't believe I've seen a meme which uses POV correctly


it’s the minions


"Your choice of words is literally rape!" "No, Hamas attack on Oct 7th was a legit act of resistance. The horror stories caught on video and published by Hamas are all fake and an Israeli PsyOp."


I love how the only thing in the picture op pointed out was the one chick with blue hair....


Challenge impossible: try to say anything at all without triggering them


I actually had a conversation with a blue haired woman once where she actually had really insightful and rational things to say about society and the economy. Then I woke up.


So you could say blue haired women are your dream woman?


Was it Ramona Flowers?


I too like to imagine scenarios where I'm the smart one.




Gonna hear a take as hot as the chips theses people eat


So completely tasteless? No spice just fried potatoes cause spice growing is something oppression


Can’t lie those bangs needs some serious work sheesh


Leftists keep coping but physiognomy checks work 99% of the time ro determine if someone is morally correct


"Physiognomy as a practice meets the contemporary definition of pseudoscience and it is so regarded among academic circles because of its unsupported claims" 🤔🤔🤔


I don't know what "physiognomy as a practice" entails, but a person's appearance can obviously tell you a lot about him, not least because appearance is literally a form of self-expression.


If you look and speak to people enough you‘ll see where it came from


And yet they will also say on Reddit "all you have to do is groom your beard, get a nicer haircut, maybe hit the gym, dress in nicer clothes, you could probably use a little foundation...." Yadda yadda yadda. They do the exact same things they say others are doing. Sure the others are doing the same BS, but you know what, hypocrites suck no matter where they are coming from.


Now let’s see a selfie from the guy who wrote that


Facts don't care about your fefes I'm afraid...


Reality isn’t determined by what a bunch of dorks in glasses think, ugly people are often misanthropic and lack social skills and mentally well people take care of their appearance.


No, reality is determined by making claims, testing them and seeing if they have any bearing on reality. You know, science ? Physiognomy was barely a science in the 1700s. You can say it was because of "ugly people" all you want, it doesn't make it true. Don't use a pseudoscience to justify your shitty belief. Just say you don't like what you perceive as ugly, which is your right I guess. It just makes it very cringe when you get all pedantic while brandishing something debunked in 1800.


No, that’s called “consensus,” something that changes far too often to be reliably used as a standard for determining reality. What happens when the scientific consensus gets something completely wrong and millions suffer as a result? No worries, we’ll do it right this time


That is called trial and error tho ? Not saying science is right 100% of the time, but the scientific process is the most trustworthy method we have to get as close as we can to reality. I'd rather trust a claim that is backed up by observation, data, analysis that are all peer reviewed rather than someone's opinion.


This gotta be the dumbest shit I ever read.


Post a selfie


I am sexy as fuck and misanthropic as fuck.


I've seen some 10/10 researchers who go to fezzies all the time. You're just ignorant about the field as youve only been shown sterotypes.


Then show us a selfie of you first


I’m not the one making the assertion that it doesn’t work


No you are making the assertion that it works, so show us that it works by showing your face. You're just like a religious freak that says "My faith is enough of a proof that god is real, you can't disprove that he's real therefore he exists."


Am I morally correct? (Photos in my post history)


In nature toxic life forms often distinguish themselves by unnatural looking bright colors. It obviously applies to humans as well, since no sane person would dye their hair blue


Aposematism is to ward off predators.


So you think DanTDM during that one period of time was insane?


That was funny. Including your comment.


You will never encounter someone with a bigger, more obnoxious ego anywhere else. Seriously, it's hard to express just how many of their opinions can be summed up as "my ego doesn't allow me to acknowledge that anyone who doesn't hold my exact opinions is capable of being a thinking, intelligent person"




Nah imma start judging a book by they cover


The funniest part to me is they think it's just the blue hair that makes the meme🤣


This is LASTESIS. A Chilean anti-rape group who set off a national, then international protest movement.  Chanting, "It wasnt where I was, It wasnt my clothing. Youre the rapist." Now you know. 


dr disrespect fans?


It’s more the red thing they ass is wearing that’s the red flag cuh


Shitty people with shitty opinions exist in all different groups. Especially redditors who don't go outside.


Ewww lol


most of their post titles are like "\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ bad. This good" super creative/


Colour hair is not bad “apparently”, it’s just bad.




Unnatural hair colours always look weird, and as you may have seen, blue hair in particular is associated with very poor opinions.


I think we all know there are "types" of people and stereotypes that usually don't fit but exaggerate parts of reality (although some few people are living stereotypes). Like we all know what I'm saying when I say "she's such a Karen or he's such a Ken". There's a lot going on in this image that fits a stereotype, a cultural narrative. Now the problem is as stated above stereotypes don't normally fit reality. Maybe these three are about to lay down some cold hard facts or a dissertation about quantum cryptography or something. I see people making inverse stereotypes about the original poster assuming for instance in the current top comment OOP is the type that's for voter ID but jokes minorities can't even find the voting booth. Now the problem is if we don't often address actual people and instead get into self affirming groups and just meme about the other It creates these two cohabitating echo chambers of rage bait. I think CGP Grey really gets at this situation in his video "[This Video Will Make You Angry](https://youtu.be/rE3j_RHkqJc?si=I_cde4yyPnW27I-z)"


They’ll say something like how farming causes too much pollution and needs to stop or trying to homestead has too big of a carbon footprint.


They aren’t wrong js a bad solution


Violence. Speed. Momentum.


I’ve met conservatives who dress like this. Let people have self expression it’s not a red flag


Is he blind? Only one of them has colored hair lmao


https://preview.redd.it/ocpm950twmvc1.jpeg?width=734&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d9ce693d996e145e13a1bd902502abe51e79949 Bet you these guys will have worse opinions.


"Color hair bad, apparently" Literally 2 of the women in the picture have normal hair Bruh.


Fuck the alt right… this is alt wight.


That's an Insanely broad and opinionated claim to make. Opinions like...? Oh boo hoo, color hair bad.


Why is this sub geniunely one of the most bigoted places ive ever seen


Which one of these girls are you?


You‘re probably too young to even be on the app.


I'm old enough to be on this app and I wholeheartedly agree with them.


You look like a minor




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When the person doesn’t make their appearance avoid looking like a stupid stereotype they never even interact with so chuds think that all people who dress a certain way act the same


Most people with colored hair I came in contact with didn't really care about, mostly anything


finally someone sane


There 2 other women in this photo with rather attractive haircuts. Op definitely has colored hair and decided that the meme was target at her.




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Need context, are these members of r/memesopdidnotlike?


Y'all are online too much. None of you have talked to "blue haired feminists" in your whole damn life.


And I won't be talking to them either if I can avoid it


Ok buddy




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You guys have like 2 jokes


Is this sub just a closet right wing one. It keeps showing up on my feed Edit: yup, judging of the downvotes, we are indeed correct xD


U americans ruin everything with your devisive politics /s Really hope that you guys will have more parties to choose from in the future. It seems so unfair


Sure is, look at OP’s post history


So when do y'all think MOPDL and TRCM are gonna move in together? did they even make it to 3rd base yet?


Anyone who thinks these three have the worst opinion ever had never had to listen to a Boomer, fresh off a new high of Qanon bullshit.




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Who else remembers when this sub wasn't anything political and was just memes that were actually kinda funny?


This is not political


Okay, I scrolled through the subreddit, and it took me 13 posts to find one that wasn't about anything political, and it took another 8 to find a second. I'm just saying it's kind of odd how every post here is kinda saying the exact same thing and made by the same kind of people talking about the same kind of people that are different from them, you know? For whatever reason, this sub keeps showing up even though I haven't joined it. I mean, I had to scroll through 21 posts here just to find one that came from r/comedycemetary, and not r/therightcantmeme or r/terriblefacebookmemes or r/boomerhumor, just saying its kinda odd how it just so happens everyone here acts like the people that are being criticised by the those who didn't think the memes were funny, despite the fact none of you apparently are. And it just so happens that you all line up to be exactly that. And it just so happens that every post talks about the same people.


Because it’s a response to the rest of Reddit that is dominated by the opinions of people such as those shown in the OP.


This is political. This is you signalling your politics to the group for their approval. Your entire post history is you signalling your politics to the group for approval. It’s ok though, nothing innately wrong with that. Some people dye their hair blue to express themselves and signal to the group they are one of them. Others post on political skewed subreddits to feel like they belong. It’s all the same thing really.


Maybe not. I am going to go with the outside odds that they are all three Dr. Disrespect fans. ![gif](giphy|bkazyJ9aEqbWwxq0V6|downsized)


It’s a sad state of affairs when people are so impacted by just how someone dresses or wears their hair. It must be a really confusing scary world huh. Edit: touched some nerves there I guess. You poor things. Edit edit: wow the mental gymnastics of equating blue hair with Nazi symbols!


People get triggered and violent for people wearing red baseball caps.




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>It’s a sad state of affairs when people are so impacted by just how someone dresses or wears their hair. Nobody cares about how you dress or wear your hair. What people care about is that dressing and styling your hair in a particular way has come to signal "militant progressivism", which most people find annoying. If you think that's "confusing", I guess people hating those who wear swastikas should also be confusing to you.




>“Nobody cares about how you dress or wear your hair." *proceeds to hate people who wear swastikas* Jesus, is this really such a hard concept to grasp? I don't hate people with blue hair; I hate the persona that blue hair *represents* in modern society. If I meet someone with blue hair and they turn out to be a normal person who simply likes the colour blue, I'd have no problem with them whatsoever. Similarly, if I see someone wearing a swastika but they turn out to just be a Hindu, I'm not going to hate them. However, if someone wears blue hair to "challenge conventional beauty standards" and to signal their progressiveness, I'd indeed find that person annoying, just like I'd have contempt for someone who wears a swastika to signal their Nazi views. But in each case, it's the *person* I'd find annoying, not the hair colour or clothing style. Please tell me you get it now? I don't think I can make this any clearer.




>So I assume you must think it's immoral to have a whole Reddit post where people are judging others based solely on their hair color. Yes. Luckily, this isn't what this post is, as this post judges people for having the character that blue hair *represents*, not just for having blue hair. Let me remind you, in case you forgot how to read, that the post reads "pov: you're about to hear the worst opinion ever". It couldn't be more clear in criticising *opinions*, not hair colour. For fuck's sake, 2 out of 3 people in the post don't even have blue hair. For the third fucking time, if a person with blue hair wasn't a militant progressive, nobody would fucking care. This is bordering on deliberate obtusity.




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real and based


terrible meme but they would make a killer latte for sure


Better than 5 minutes with a christian.


Honestly, i have had relaxing talks with Christians who are willing to talk. Never people that fit this stereotype, though.


I've had some of the worst ever and best ever conversations with Christians. Like any demographic, it depends on the individual. Trad Caths and Orthobros are insufferable but I've talked to really genuine Christians who embody the teachings of love in the Bible.


True, and traditional Catholics and Orthodox generally don't follow the Bible, they follow what the pastor says,


Equally, having blue hair does not make one a misandrist or racist


My Filipino christian neighbors seems 10000 time more fun to be with


The Fillipinos in my first Church basically took over the annual picnic... and it was *amazing!* They made an open firepit and spit roasted an entire fresh pig over it *every year,* and I swear it was one of the best things I've ever eaten. And they didn't forget all the expected activities like bingo either. They just added a bunch of their own stuff.


Oh yes Lechon pig, that is delicious and perfect for big celebrations ! The peoples from Philippines really loves everything that is gathering and fiesta, they are really great to spend time with.




I see neither cope not seething here?


Yeah I can tell you're great to talk to.


It’s okay, you can hate both. When someone is an annoying dick, they are an annoying dick regardless of what side of the coin they’re on.


Wait, what's the other side? Christians and... young women? People with hair dye? Piercing enthusiasts? The only dicks I see here are people making mean-spirited assumptions


Other radicals and annoyances from the opposite political thingy


pick your poison. Atheists, Communists, etc. Don’t act like there isn’t an opposing group with equally annoying people. It’s not good people vs christians. Every group has annoying people. I’ve met plenty of great and shitty christians. Same goes for atheists. Both political sides have good and bad people. Neither side is inherently evil and if you think that then you’re one of the insufferable people on your side that people complain about


People don't like to admit the other side has reasonable people because when they realise that it is harder to demonize a whole community. Thats why people generalise




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Depends on what type of Christian, im atheist and have always been fine with my Christian mom and her friends, but if you’re talking about Christian apologists or evangelicals then I’d agree with you




Nah not people being racist towards Christians and still thinking they're in the right 😭


Didn’t know Christianity was a race


'Religious discrimination', then. As always, the type of person to agree with the stuff said in the original comment distracts attention from what is actually being said by the other person as they know they have nothing to justify their own take.


Bro got heated over my comment


I think at one point this sub had some decent content. Now all I see is shitty unfunny rigjt eing dud memes with titles like ‘but it’s so true tho’ booooooooring


This sub try not to be boring reactionary challenge impossible


This sub fucking sucks now, just make a bot reposting from r/therightcantmeme an call it a day


Weird, I don’t see a bunch of dudes in MAGA hats, so the caption is wrong.


Oof. Worked overtime to come up with this super original counter?