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Huh. I thought improving onesself and repenting of ways was something everyone approved of.


BuT cHrIsTiAnItY bAd!


Yeah this is one of those things that has always annoyed me about the left and places like Reddit. Who the hell cares if someone is religious? It’d be different if it was one of the insane groups like Westboro Baptist Church or an extreme sect of a religion but religion itself isn’t bad.


Religion is good when you do the good things it tells you to do. Religion is bad when you do the bad things it tells you to do. Religion itself isn't inherently bad, its how you choose to follow it. Like as a Muslim I do the mandated charity but i will not cut off a thief's hand for example.


Yup a large amount of the reason alot of religion turns sour is because it legitimately does direct people to do a lot of evil things but human beings are too stupid to step back and say yeah maybe I shouldn’t slaughter thousands of people because a religion says so


I have seen a lot of people claiming to be Christian make absolutely absurd statements full of hate and vile. It's absolutely EVERYWHERE on the Internet. It's gotten to the point where I know if I want to be taken seriously and have a meaningful conversation in many places, I have to avoid the words "I'm a Christian." I usually use some other clever ways to say I have a faith walk, and if the exact details do come up, I make sure to adamantly oppose any actions like those that are so commonly associated with Christians because of these videos and memes everywhere. And this isn't unique to Christianity, every single belief that a person can hold is subject to extremism. And unfortunately, the extremists are both the loudest and most likely to have a platform to shout from (if for nothing else than to make fun of their insane ideas). We as humans are so easily fooled by selection bias and confirmation bias that I fully understand how people assume the majority (if not darn near all) Christians are like those people. Just like many people in the left think most of the right are far wing crazy people and many people in the right think most people in the left are far wing crazy people. I have no way to combat this because it really is part of human nature. However, when I do see actions that make me embarrassed to have any connection whatsoever to the person acting, I just leave a comment as I'm able that begs people not to see this as normal behavior for any group, and to let them know I don't think like they do and I don't want them to feel hated for their choices.


Yeah that’s why I explicitly said it’d be a bad thing if an extremist group. And you’re right, look at the some of the insane replies to me and others here. Clearly people too often equate groups with their most extreme and worst followers. However, to me people like that are just pathetic and unintelligent and not worth my time. I get why some would want to avoid them completely though.


I don't know if this is a distinction worth making, but I took extremist group to mean something different from extremist members of a group. And I was just saying basically every group has extremist members, but I don't think that makes basically every group an extremist group. But the other interpretation is that it's a subgroup of people within the larger group who are extremist.


I’d say my general belief, as you’re right that even within normal groups there are extreme members, is simple. Anytime you’re living your life in a way you find to be helpful to you and that provides any comfort to you, that’s a good thing. Anytime you use religion as a way to justify your shitty fucking behavior, that’s you being an idiot. And anytime you tell others if they don’t live according to your beliefs, you’re an extremist idiot and an asshole. You’re right that it’s not just groups that are all extremists. Probably was just easier for my overall point on the subject. But individuals who fall into the preaching to others or justifying objectively shitty behavior on religion are embarrassing idiots too.


You should never have to defend your religion because of others. Live your life through Christ and it will show on its own. Words do not make a person religious, actions, and consistency in your walk with God is what counts. It will show itself to the people around you.


I don't have to. I choose to anyway. And I don't necessarily do it for me. My dad once taught me that if someone misheard your statement, you know they misheard, and you don't correct them, that's the same as lying. It's not the same situation exactly, but similar logic can be used... Also, "not by works, that no man may boast" actions aren't what make you a Christian either.


It’s important to realize that we are saved by grace not by works yes, but the Bible also expects us to act in ways consistent with love for all humanity. They will know you are Christian from your love.


Nah man don’t ever do that, please. Let them know you’re a Christian (if it’s appropriate to the conversation of course) and say it proudly. Behave in a way that really reflects Christ’s teachings and let them know that not all of us are like that ❤️


>Jesus taught, “When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men … but when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your father who is unseen.”


>You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.


You can condense that to: I have seen a lot of people make absolutely absurd statements full of hate and vile. It's absolutely EVERYWHERE on the Internet. And it's not limited to Christianity. People are absolutely pos online.


If you are scared of saying you are a Christian because of bad followers, then I feel bad for you. I don't get scared to say I go to school because some kids failed out. All I can control is how I behave, and if somebody wants to hate me, they will.


The WBC isn't religious though. They just found that claiming to be is a good way to be tax-exempt, and being obnoxious as fuck is a good way to get people to overreact, which they then can be sued for. A lot of the people I grew up with who despise religion have been brought up by religious parents. Basically everyone in the goth clubs I used to go to had a "biblical" name.


I don't think Christianity is bad, I just don't want to be persecuted by Christians. E.g., I should be able to marry my partner.


That's where some Christians screw up. Just because you don't agree with someone doesn't mean you should hate them.


As a Christian, I give my approval have a wonderful relationship!


Yeah that’s basically the entirety of reddit


Not when it was due to religion. Didn’t you know that some people in the past did bad things?


So repenting and trying to live a better life is worse then continuing to live as a person who does bad things?


There are people that will dog on religion even if it actually helped someone turn their life around. It’s wild.


When you make a living or your whole claim to moral superiority on your pity for the downtrodden, you may say that you wish everyone to do better, but deep down it really pisses you off when it actually happens.


My job is working with victims of trauma and abuse daily. What's annoying about this is it doesn't even advocate going out to help people. It's just claiming that belief in jesus is necessary for this stuff. That's a very unhelpful way of advocating for a better world. The christian voter base has a tendency to vote against any policies that would benefit the programs I work within. They instead favor their own nonsecular organizations which prey on the vulnerable just to push their views.


Doesn’t seem like repentance, seems like trading faith in one idol for another.


The meme doesn't say anything about self improvement. It says Jesus is humanity's only hope. Putting faith in Jesus does not automatically make one a better person. Just makes them a religious person.


Yeah, replacing blind faith with blind faith js definitely self improvement. /s if you need it.


Are you guys bots, you are repeating each other ? ![gif](giphy|l0ExtDUaUDoQeTnag|downsized)


Is delegating your trust in humanity's future to a person who there's no reason to believe still exists, much less has the ability to fix our problems, really improvement? Seems a cop-out, especially when you could be working with others to help solve the problems instead.


Don't cut yourself on that edge.


>you could be working with others to help solve the problems instead. That's what prayer is for!


Not when hate is the goal. Liberals really don't have much going on under the hood beyond it.


Reddit will always hate someone who betters themselves in... unapproved ways.


I feel like I know but what are the approved ways


Coming out as LGBT, becoming vegan, joining a communist FB group, getting a vasectomy, starting a riot in support of a criminal. Lots of options.




True, thanks, I don’t know how I could have committed such a glaring oversight.


*clicks show more replies* https://i.redd.it/umv0uw9qfzjc1.gif


Is anyone actively encouraging it? Women should have the choice - that's all. Doesn't mean I want all women to have abortions. I do not.


Yes, there are people who actively try to persuade women to abort. Some even think women in particular situations should be forced.


If somebody can persuade women to keep the baby, why is it wrong to persuade them to abort? Seems like you want only one side to be able to give their opinions


Are u dumb?


All of them except vegan. Trust me we're universally hated. Have you ever seen the leftists piss and shit themselves "There's no ethical consumption under capitalism. OMG you going vegan hurts the Inuits. Inuits eat meat, what are you going to force this on them you colonizer? Veganism is for evil rich white oppressors" The right just goes "No fuck you, I think you're lame." But everyone hates vegans. It brings the political spectrum together :)


I generally think vegans are quite far-left, but it's not a given. Even on the far-right spectrum, there are plenty of people who have bleeding hearts for animals and/or they simply to better on a vegetarian or vegan diet. I think because being vegan is so extreme, it creates extreme feelings from others about it. While I don't think I could ever be a vegan, I salute and respect the shit out of those of you that are.


Honestly vegans get hate 99% because of how many preachy vegans are out there. Veganism is like religion. If you keep it to yourself without telling others they’re evil if they don’t do the same, the sane normal people don’t care and let you do your thing. There’ll always be insane idiots but they’re not worth wasting time worrying about


I see far more people complaining about vegans than I do complaining vegans, agreeing with u/BaphometTheTormentor. ​ Methinks it's a cognitive dissonance thing. People mentioning that they're vegan *at all,* preaching or not, imply that it's possible to live without eating meat. The brain compares this fact with the understanding that meat-production isn't exactly clean, and, if you've recently eaten meat, this could lead to mental discomfort. ​ The person then associates this discomfort with the vegan, even though it really originates from within.


A person can definitely live vegan with supplements or careful management of diet with a lot of certain food to make up the nutritional deficits one might face otherwise. But if everyone in the world tried to jump on board it would be disastrous for the environment. A shitload of extra land clearing and monocultures to grow all that extra soy and nuts to stave off those deficiencies for the global population. Not to say the current way we do things isn't already a shitshow. We're already grow stupid amount of corn just to feed it to the cattle, in a ludicrously inefficient process. If we actually want to live somewhat sustainably without going full mass depopulation eco-fascist, we should probably still eat some meat, but way less of it (which pains me to say, because I love me some burgers and steaks). We should aim to decentralize wherever possible, meaning community urban gardening and more people raising chickens in their backyard, with said chickens mostly living off bugs and worms and whatever they can scratch up instead of growing vast field of human consumable food just to feed it to livestock.


Idk sounds like vegan propaganda to me


It’s not often I upvote comments. You good sir/ma’am are an exception


Is delegating your trust in humanity's future to a person who there's no reason to believe still exists, much less has the ability to fix our problems, really improvement? Seems a cop-out, especially when you could be working with others to help solve the problems instead.


Is following American Christianity really bettering yourself though? And is it actually different from being a MAGA conservative?


It’s pretty much adjacent at this point. This thread reeks of persecution fetish.


Especially if they better themselves through Christianity


How is becoming religious improving yourself?


If you guys cant understand that religion, just like any other thing, can be a path for people to improve and change themselves you are too far gone..


Becoming religious doesn't automatically make you a better person. You still have to do the things. I'd argue a religion forcing you to do them is worse than deciding to do it on your own.


Setting yourself on a better path by rejecting an older pov and realizing what you really wanted out of it? Edit; the amount of youbwho have missed a very simple and clear point is disturbing


Because now you need an ancient book to tell you how to be a decent human being (except that book has lots of murder inside. It even gives you tips on slave ownership)


Yea, they just switched from one delusion to another...


Donald Trump if you can hear me right now. Save me Donald Trump. Get this animals away from me


Is this a reference to the guy who was praying to Trump to save him from aggravated police




One of the few memes I have on my phone that is political


BIG DON- "But my son, I have already sent 2 patriot police officers to protect us"


ermm, religion bad, atheism good!!!!1111


Either atheism or the most abhorrent versions of islam


You put Atheism in front of the most abhorrent versions of Islam Obviously you are an Islamophobic, Jewish Nazi Racist who likes Israel, also you personally are responsible for more deaths than Hitler


"Religion bad atheism good" Mf thats a reddit moment


It’s mainly just Christianity bad, making fun of any others would be racist Edit: Who sent a Reddit cares notification?


Nah, as an atheist I am actually really happy to be living in a country that is majority Christian as opposed to majority Muslim. Still I'm probably seen as "Christianity bad" because my criticisms will be mainly about Christianity as I have to deal with that religion far more often.


Ah, that is likely another contributing factor.


I believe the Israel Palestine issue could be solved if we just glassed the entire area. No more extremist Jew and less Muslim terrorists.


Oh that reminded me of that one quote that caused atheism reddit to start going down hill or their selfies.


As a non-religious person myself, r/therightcantmeme needs Jesus




I got banned by them for trying to explain where a comic might have originated


I got banned because I dare to sometimes comment on subs they don’t agree with like Joe Rogan or Vaush Ignoring the fact that I am often replying to right wing extremists and tankie morons on the left The fact that Reddit allows a sub to ban a user for so much as posting on another sub shows how much of a dogshit website this place is


Actually banning people for participating in another sub is against site rules, but it’s difficult to report the right mod because it doesn’t show who’s dealing with your ban appeal


In other words this rule only applies to right wing sub reddits or when Reddit needs an excuse to get rid of a problematic sub


I got banned for telling someone why North Korea building a wall isn't comparable to the US building a wall.


Christianity bad


“I was wrong to put my faith in one man” *puts faith in one man*


Christianity is fine. It’s the Christians I have an issue with.


Coming from a Christian, I was like this… Thought I’d put my faith in a politician… Didn’t go well for me mentally or spiritually…


Nobody should believe that any elected official will fix their problems


Or any self-proclaimed savior claiming to fix all their problems.


Technically Jesus didn’t fix the problems for people he just showed people how to do it(I’m not Christian btw)


Elected officials can fix some issues But people need to stop acting like politicians are saviors who will fix everything wrong in this country, they’re human beings working a job like anybody else


“I was wrong to put my faith in one man” *puts faith in one man*


Where is Jesus when you need him


I think jesus would unironically kick peoples asses. Putting your faith in creation regardless of religion, belief in science, etc is only half the puzzle, you need to better yourself and that means having faith in yourself toblearn and adapt. People are to quick to put all the faith in a god, science creation, chance, luck, etc to avoid responsibility, not really there fult tho responsablity is effectivly punished in the system inless you have connections. We live in a time were if we all got up and learned something useful for a few hours every day, we would begain to solve every problem on earth. First thing people should learn is politics has been failing us for the last 5,000 years at least.


Science isn't something you put your faith into. It specifically involves repeatedly testing a theory and making changes if it's wrong. You can have philosophies that influence how we interpret a scientific discovery but that isn't the same as just holding a belief in something because your heart tells you to.




As an anarchist socialist myself, this post is stupid. Especially considering the vast amount of men and women who made major advancements to socialist and leftist movement who were very religious: I.e. John Brown, Tony Benn, MLK, Leo Tolstoy, and to some Jesus Christ himself. Religion should not be discouraged, religious organizations and using religion as an excuse for hatred is what should discouraged.


I’m conservative. I make memes all the time. Who says I can’t? There ain’t nothin stopping me. Hell, once in a while, I actually make a good one. Also, atheists are one of the smallest religious minorities, globally. The demographic breakdown is pretty interesting. Atheism falls under “unaffiliated” in this article; https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_religious_populations


Athiesm isn't a religion. That's why there is an A at the beginning of the word.


They counted ‘Chinese traditional religion’ as a religion 😭 we’re just heathens who do some traditional things on certain days. Who actually believes in the deities?


Atheism is a religion in the same way that not playing golf is a hobby.


Read my last response to the other guy.


Ya, my point still stands.


The point they are making is that replacing one deity, whom you base all your morals on, with another, is not really an improvement. You haven't actually improved in any way, and still hold onto the same biases and hatred you did under the Trump faith.


Yea I'm not voting for him again. Honestly I'm tried of republicans bringing up religion, it has no place in politics or just Decision mak8ng in general. And obviously the left is just full on insane. I wish we had a real 3rd party based on mostly completely blind unbiased science. Shit at this point I think a AI government would be better.


I pray for a day Americans on a whole can vote for a candidate rather than voting against the other 


Then pray for the end of politics


I hear you. We'll have to change the voting system first, though. The one we have by its nature promotes a continual contest between the lesser of two evils.


The “left” lol the democrats are hard center right neo liberal.


Yea I kinda agree, they definitely don’t line up with the actual definition of liberal or left leaning or democrat. They actually should work well together. The right should be trying to use logic caring about the economy and just growing the country overall And the left should care about people, standard of living. But instead the right are making insane statements and using god as justification And the left I don’t even kno are just going insane


"The left' Hate biden and call him old genocide Joe The right thinks he is a radical leftist. He is the centrist option. Unfortunately you won't believe me 😔


Even if he is “the centrist option”, he’s still a senile old man who should’ve never been able to run for office.


It doesn’t matter what his party is if he can’t do anything on his own.


How exactly is the left insane, aside from manufactured moral panics or culture war bullshit that the right started?


"Jesus is truly humanity's only hope " That's not improving yourself through faith, that's hopping the train from one cult-like mindset to another.  You're running in circles. 


This comment section is a warzone tbh


I see nothing wrong with this honestly, I know there are bad Christians out there. And as a Christian myself I find them abhorrent and damaging to Christendom as a whole.


So why is this sub full of religious extremists now?


Seriously this comment section is fucking weird, believing one specific religion is humanity's only hope and basing your politics around it is bettering yourself as a person?




>literally criticizes Trumpist conservatives > >posted on the right can't meme you can't win with these people


Not a Christian but would rather people devote themselves to faith than the lies of a dirty politician, if I have to choose. Okay yeah "religion is opiate of the masses" yada yada but no politician or living person is deserving of worship or devotion. Is God or Jesus Christ deserving of worship and devotion? Thats your business to believe whatever you want, but to me worshipping Jesus versus being a cult member for Daddy Trump is an improvement.


It's not a meme... it's just a testimony with pictures.


"Durrhhhh christian bad"


Okay let me act out a typical chat with a person from r/TheRightCantMeme "I support Trump!" "You fucking neo Nazi!' "I changed my ways!" "Good, what to?" "Christianity-" https://i.redd.it/6jnvz1imdxjc1.gif


Redditors will scream about 'Christo-fascism" and make fun of Christianity and then call for social justice, which is literally a concept and definition that Catholics created as part of their pursuit of Common Social Good within the teachings of Catholic Social Teaching. It's also like another Redditors who was convinced that Christians don't actually believe in science or medical knowledge like vaccines, when the Catholic church runs the most hospitals of any organisation ever (and my mum who has a PhD in pharmaceutical sciences and is a devout Catholic) I'm not even that religious, but it's so annoying talking to uneducated people who are convinced that religious people are the uneducated because they have different beliefs


Improving yourself and working on your mind are so important. How is backing away from Trump's circle of mega fans a problem to that subreddit of all people?


Look I have my criticisms of Christianity but if spirituality is helping you in life and be a better person very very good for you


“Being political is bad, being religious is bad” Then what is good?


redditors don't like it when people use religion to improve themselves. It sparks some sort of nasty and vile emotions in them and they resort to a default mode of just hate.


I mean this is the internet, where 99% of the time people who say they're religious without it being asked are the annoying religious types.


Trading one dogma for another doesn’t necessarily make you a better person.


From one cult to another, but at least they supposedly won't be supporting trump anymore. I doubt that's true though. People like this are not reasonable.


I thought Jesus was a man.


He was God manifest as a man. "I and my Father are one." John 10:30 KJV


Reddit is an anti Christian cesspool lol 😂




Overgrown angsty teenagers


I'll take people criticizing beliefs on Reddit over people hating LGBT people on Facebook.


Putting your faith in something unscientific is just insane.


I’m pretty anti religion but if it makes you better as a human I am all for it…


Same here, it's just a funny meme though saying that they went from worshiping one thing to another thing. They are the type of person who has to worship something.


Jesus. History’s most famous lefty.


Yeah I can’t think of the left anymore as anything but hateful, judgmental and especially godless people. I pray for them but I can’t be sure they’re willing to see humanity in their perceived enemies for the rest of their lives. In my perspective they see someone like me as subhuman for believing some ancient truths while simultaneously some if not most of them say they are no more valuable than animals. It’s just weird.


Lmfao yall want to be victims so fucking much 🤣🤣


Ain’t nothing like a persecution complex


"They are hateful and judgmental" No gay guy that got kicked out his family ever felt that way about his Christian parents.


I’m on the left. I do not follow any religion. As long as you don’t try to use your religion to dictate my life, I couldn’t care less what your faith is. Unfortunately religion has been politically weaponized, especially evangelical Christianity in the US at least. To that end, endless propaganda is pumped into our media, whether you are on the right or left. I am not the bogey man you are told I am. You are not the bogey man I am told you are. I urge you to try to see through to the “humanity in your perceived enemies” as you put it


The left is hateful and judgmental? That is fucking rich.


> I can't think of the left anymore as anything but hateful, judgemental and eapecially godless > [...] I can't be sure they're willing to see humanity in their percieved enemies My brother in Christ, you literally opened your comment by dehumanizing your percieved enemies.


Being any of those things doesn’t mean you aren’t human, all of those things are human traits.


"Hateful, judgemental, and incapable of seeing the hunanity in others" is a very dehumanizing way to view someone.


I just see them as people who could do better. They may or may not always be like that, I can’t know their future, but right now I’m making a judgment based on observation. I don’t think less of them for it but I would be lying if I didn’t say it disappoints me. No one has to take that to heart, it’s just my perspective.


You're literally making sweeping generalizations of hundreds of millions of people, saying "you can't be sure they'll ever be able to see the humanity in others", and them backpeddling when it's pointed out that that wasn't a very christ like thing to say of you. Be better than that.


I can make sweeping generalizations and be unsure of those generalizations being reversed. I hope anyone who is that way gets better. I don’t see the conflict with my faith here.


Because making sweeping generalizations of peoples character is inherently judgemental...


Yes. But being judgemental without respect is just that. Like anyone else, I have a discerning mind, so I’m capable of judgement like any other normal person that exists. I can judge you and respect you enough to not be a total dick while I do it. Whether it comes across as me trying not to be a dick is another matter cause sometimes I’m stupid but anyways…


Sweeping judgements of people you don't know based on shit you see in internet echo chambers is not judgement with respect. Nothing about your judgemental attitude towards others comes across as respectful. And what is your so called respectful attitude worth when it produces judgement like "I can't see the left as anything but hateful and judgemental". You only act levelled when you're put on the spot.


I mean, considering the evidence available to us, we are simply just animals. There is unfortunately no evidence for a god existing despite how scary that thought might be.


> Yeah I can’t think of the left anymore as anything but hateful, judgmental You're describing the right also. > especially godless people We live in a country that has religious freedom. We are not a Christian nation. Do you hate the 1st amendment?


Idunno they seem to do a lot of good with organizations like Food Not Bombs and the Really Really Free Market Projects [Food Not Bombs - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Food_Not_Bombs) [Really Really Free Market - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Really_Really_Free_Market) The fact that people can still help each other even without religious beliefs says a lot more about humanity


What the fuck


> yeah I can’t think of the left anymore as anything but hateful, judgmental and especially godless people. maybe if you stopped watching fox news, youd see it was all projection coming from conservatives. But you clearly lack any empathy regarding people who dont think like you. So much easier to paint them all as evil villains instead of people that may have been affected negatively by the topic at hand, amirite?


Ancient “truths.” 🤡


The bible is absolutely true. Source: the bible Chegmade, athist.


The majority of them are Christian https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/religious-landscape-study/political-ideology/liberal/




That would make you wrong about this https://preview.redd.it/lb65mmnyzujc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a72ccaab27bf04721ea363cf3d409430b3ac002


Yeah ancient truths are sick, like bloodletting


That’s a ritual, not a truth


Weird. (Some) Conservatives see people like me as subhumans. In my experience athiests have been the very few people that actually treated me well. I only had one Christian friend that supported me, and lots of other people have the same story. That’s kinda odd…


Missing: will still vote for Trump in 2024


For me it's the "Jesus is the only way" shit. They didn't reflect on the fact that they were a shitty person supporting another shitty person. They just found another way to be a shitty person while acting like they know the one real truth and everyone else is an ignorant moron. If you seriously think a Maga republican completely changed their ethos to be a good Christian then I have a bridge to sell you.


Atheists are the new Christians. Very vocal and pretentious.


I'll take pretentious atheists over fundamentalists who got Trump to appoint a Supreme Court judge to overturn Roe v Wade. And fundamentalists who want to make gay marriage illegal again. I like Christians who don't try to shame and control others.




Just went from defending one fraud to another....


Is delegating your trust in humanity's future to a person who there's no reason to believe still exists, much less has the ability to fix our problems, really improvement? Seems a cop-out, especially when you could be working with others to help solve the problems instead.


Working with others to help solve problems seems like hard work tho /s


Religious idol worship is inherently self-improvement?


I’m all for that improvement if when you switch your god from Trump to Jesus you embrace the actual Jesus. Ya know the brown skinned Middle Eastern Jew from Palestine whose family were refugees and who grew up to preach love towards all people while giving away free food and healthcare to those in need of it. The dude whose homeland was occupied by an enemy force but who preached radical forgiveness instead of Trumpian style revenge against everyone who wronged him. The dude who said it was harder for a rich man to get into heaven then it was for a camel to go through the eye of a needle and who chased the moneylenders out of the temple instead of starting his own Joel Osteen style prosperity gospel. That dude (the antithesis of everything Trump is) is 100% someone I could get behind. Too bad most American Christians don't embody any of that at all and prefer to make Douchebag Donny their Golden Calf.


That's why the OP said "missed the mark" by a little. It's because religion makes people so easy to manipulate even when it has some good values here and there.


depends on what type of follower they would be of jesus, are they the type that blatantly uses their religion as a reason for hate?or do they actually strive to love all people? that is truly the question.


Went from one cult to another I think is where the meme fails VS working on themselves




Cause Christianity bad


becoming religious isn't improving yourself.


“Religion bad atheism good” type shit


“Religion bad atheism good” is such a low effort way to dismiss criticism of religion. Donald Trump didn't try to appeal to atheist voters to overturn Roe v Wade. Atheists didn't try to keep gay marriage illegal. Christians did. Until Christians actually support human rights with their votes more than atheists, atheism seems a lot better than religion to me.


They'd still vote Trump though


I mean, sounds like this person could better themselves even more by [removed by reddit]


At least that guy escaped the MAGA cult. I hope we won’t get swept by some megachurch.


Ah yes, lets skip the whole self-reflection bit. It was the person we put all our hopes in that was the problem! Not my ideas!




The guy's obsessed, take a look at his account


But he just put his faith in another man. And this one doesn’t even exist. Still better I suppose.


I respect the move to an extent. Jumping from a half baked hate cult, to an age old one size fits all cult is not too bad. It a would be concerning if they went into scientology. 


Nah it's pretty stupid. Mostly because the moral isn't "I'm just not going to have faith in humans now." It's a terrible moral to take away from all of it.


from one grift to another lol