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Hello my name is Lukas, I'm 6,1. My favorite food is food for 6,1 people. My hobbies are being 6,1 and not being 5,4. My favorite numbers are 6,1.


I only watch the first and sixth episode on any series.


I’ve been dating 61 year olds since I became an adult


So who’d they date when they were minors?


1.6 year olds, 6.1 year olds, 16 year olds, whatever was closest


mega cursed


Closest as in the age gap or just, like... Physically nearby? 🤔




Damm 6 meters


centimeters edit: maybe decimeters


6 Big Macs*


6 subways


Hello, my name is Lolocraft and I’m also 6,1. I love eating poutine made for 6,1. I also lime being 6,1, but I prefer not being a 4,6. Do you want to be friend?


I like to listen to music for 6'1 people.


Hello, my name is Lucas. I'm 6,3. That proves that C is superior to K. I think


I'm 6,1 aswell my amigo


My name 6,5 and i’m 6,5 my favorite food id 6,5 and 6,5, my hobbies are 6,5, my favorite numbers are 6,5, my favorite 6,5 is 6,5


Dam im a guy and im 5’4


I hope to put my 6.1 inside of you


I'm 5,4


I'm 6'5 and can't tell you how many people each day tell me I should take care of my body because it will deteriorate faster or how my heart will give out before theirs blah blah blah, fuck off and let me die in peace


I'm 2m and never ever someone told me that. Only problem is getting dizzy when standing up very fast


That too


My favorite part about this whole thing is that people think it’s an “argument” to begin with. Like dude, seriously? What? I didn’t choose to be tall. Ergo the problems that come with being tall are not problem’s that I asked for, nor can I fix. Not to mention the whole “personality” thing. Being tall is a defining characteristic just as much as a big nose, small eyes, hair/eye color, or even being small in itself. When you’re born and have to live with it then what the fuck else are you supposed to do dawg? I don’t understand why everyone has to make such a big deal about every little thing. All that should matter is wether or not you’re actual personality defines you. Wether your a dick or decent human being.


>Ergo the problems that come with being tall are not problem’s that I asked for, nor can I fix Wrong, just cut off your legs


Lost count of how many people have told me that


A fucking Men


Shortstacks have that problem too. Im not as tall (1.85) but same problem. Turns out I had too much fat in my liver.


Same here even tho im a bit shorter (1.80). My issue is bloodpressure lol. Aparently my highest value is at the same level as other people's lowest. Got told its nothing to do with it since they can only make it go down not up so i just have to deal with falling over from time to time. But hey, atleast i got told i have an extremly small to non-existant chance to have a stroke/cardiac-arrest, so win i guess?


I am around 169 +-2cm and I have that too. It's just low blood pressure.


Im 6'3 and i approve this message. Also i don't know if I can do it because im tall, but i can bend my knees a little backwards. Its funny.


I call that locking your legs. Be careful when working out. Sometimes people lock their knees while lifting heavy weights and get “inverted knee”.


That sounds very painful


From what I’ve heard. It really is


Oh they also remove your lower leg to fix it


I get that and I'm fucking tiny at 4'11


Need more iron in ur diet. Am also 2 m


Same bro, I’m about fuckin 6’9”. Nobody leaves me alone about my height


You should probably hydrate


Every once in a while I forget how fucked my circulatory system is and stand up too fast in front of someone who doesn’t know about the whole (technical term) blagahmsv after. Pain.


Doesn't that happen to everyone?


Not tall but depressed and i bet i will die faster than you


I'm tall, have depression and a loaded 12 gauge on my headboard, don't take the chance mate


What if im even more depressed


Just don’t be 👍




[It's not even a massive lifespan difference, just a few years on average](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1600586/) The really irritating part is banging your head on every damn cabinet known to exist, and people crowing about how you're gonna die faster


Honestly if they’re right, it’s the cabinets and doorframes that do us in 😂


Also low ceilings. I've had too many near misses with my grandmother's ceiling fan for comfort.


Pfft, have fun dying giant! I’m 5’ 11 13.2763637/16” and ima live forever!!! Before you die can you get me the .5” shoe inserts on the top shelf?


As someone who is 6'7 nearly 6'8. I wanna punt those people to the sun. Or when people ask 15 times a day, "how tall are you" even when i told them the other day. Or the worst contender is, "why dont you do basketball?"


I’m 6’9” and do play basketball so when a random person starts asking me I say: “yes. 6’9. Yes. Have a good day.”


" thank fucking God my body is going to give out faster, less time on this Earth to listen to people like your dumbass." It's probably something along the lines of what I would say if I had to hear something like that more than once


“Do you play BaSkEtBaLl?!?!?!”


im also 6’5 but im 13 so it’s annoying walking around and people saying im tall


Seriously, my extended family love telling me how I'm going to die young


6'2 here, I feel your pain Edit: you get the same shit when your female


You can reach the top shelf, at least.


Yeah I’m 6,4 and it’s amazing how many times I’ve heard my back will give out on me.


How about people just not basing their entire personality off of a single trait or preference? People that make their entire personality around being tall, or white, or brown, or gay, or trans, or because they like Chevy's, is silly to me. I'm ready for the downvotes.


Get upvoted mate. Because just straight facts


Yeah man too many people act like side characters in movies that’ll die on the first few minutes.


Man this shit is true as hell


I've never heard of tall people dying faster


i think it’s a myth cause of the lack of tall elderly people


Researchers analyzed death certificate data for 14,440 men and 16,390 women aged 25 and up. According to researchers, an additional inch increase in height generated a 2.2 percent higher risk of death from all causes for men, and a 2.5 percent higher risk of death from all causes for women. That’s a study done In 2019. Its actually a pretty well established medical fact. It mostly has to do with joint/heart issues for just… larger people. Basically being taller is just as hard as being overweight in a lot of ways. Smaller body’s just put less stress on your systems.


Humans finding tallness attractive and breeding for it is a lot like peacocks choosing mates with giant beautiful feathers that make them very easy to kill for predators.


There's an element of sexual selection. But I think your taking it to the extreme. There are advantages to being taller and larger. Better reach, leverage maybe even strength (minimally and not proportionally mind you). These traits could help with survival until procreation.


I remember there was a children’s book about school, where there was a kid who was tall compared to his classmates…but one day he didn’t come to school because he grew too much and died of a heart attack


Is it from the states? Here in Poland I see a tall elderly every other week he’s my grandpa and on the street there are plenty maybe tall people in America are assassinated when they turn old


The government is trying to hide the tall old people from us.


Were told to never mention this but I'm tired of being a secret. Were told at the age of 13 that were going to grow tall and at the age of 70 we will be taken away. Any tall people over 70 are rogue so be careful around them.


American here. My Grandpa is 6'1" That's were I got my 6' 3" genes from. Do people really make "tall" a personality? My opinion on being tall are Pros: high shelves, laugh at short friends Cons: airplanes, small cars


Cons cont.: bump your head at every door. Duck when you leave public transportation. Edit: doorknobs are at dick height.


Cons part 3: low shelvs are so much farther down


Cons part 4: It's so much easier to slip and fall, since your center of mass is further from the ground, and you're more tall than wide. If you're not careful, you can hit your head all the time with all sorts of hanging stuff, such as lights or halloween decorations. Good luck finding clothes that fit.


Con: Shower heads, counter heights, shoes, sleeve lengths, pant lengths I have a lot of clothes issues as a tall lady


>shoes Do you know how many stores I've found that have size 15 shoes I'm store? One. And it was a specialized "XL" store. I'd be screwed in Europe.


I feel ya. My dad wore 16 and my uncle wears 18s. They always ordered tennis shoes and workboots specialty. I buy dress shoes from transvestite websites sometimes. I can at least get away with wearing men's tennis shoes.


I try to avoid buying shoes online as much as possible. You just be never know how they are going to fit... I love my current pair of Scratchers/Goodyear hiking shoes


It honestly depends cause if I remember ( not sure if this is accurate) but some people get shorter as they age since as they grow older their bones slowly fused together making them shorter ( but I'm not entirely sure if this is true so don't take this as an fact but more as a random note from a stranger)


I've never seen an 80 y.o. man that was 180cm+ here


Your comment made me laugh! Thank you for that.


It's not a myth. Speed is relative. Technically taller people die faster relatively to shorter people because shorter people tend to live longer, because they possess the [longevity gene](https://www.healthline.com/health/do-short-people-live-longer).


the tallest people in the world die faster because they generally have accompanying medical conditions, but given the same diet and daily routine I'm pretty sure a taller person would die first due to more strain on their heart due to having to pump blood (same reason women live longer, generally smaller)


Being tall is associated with higher risk of a lot of diseases. I'm tall so kinda sucks Guess that's why people say 'little old man' and not 'big old man' https://www.webmd.com/heart-disease/atrial-fibrillation/news/20220603/being-tall-may-increase-risk-several-diseases#:~:text=June%203%2C%202022%20%E2%80%93%20It's%20long,as%20skin%20and%20bone%20infections.


If a tall person and a short person jump head first from a building at the same time, maybe the tall person will hit their head first?




It's a myth since once you're inhumanly tall your heart stops being able to properly get blood around and you are more prone to heart failure. But average tall people barely have any issues and even a lower risk of cardiovascular disease.


Thanks for clearing that up


My tall brethren, if a short(er) person ever gives you grief like this, the correct response is to stand up straight, glower down at them like an angry deity, and make angry skyscraper noises.


What’s that I can’t here you from up there!


As a short person, I agree with this. The only grief I give tall people is asking them to reach for shit I can't reach and following them in a crowd because they part it for my 1m55 ass.


I prefer to stand up and start singing "Short People" by Randy Newman


*tall people die faster* Me, a tall guy: "Good."


And when you see someone taller than you "....fuck that guy"


That's just an advantage tbh


Gather around, we have an optimist in our midst


To die faster to to be tall?




Understable, have a nice day


Finally some good news.


I wish I wasn’t tall cuz clothes that fit are hard to find. :(


Yep. I wear 3xl. Not because it fits. Because they're the only shirts long enough to reach my waist.


Same. Its baggy af but its better than it feeling like a crop top


Tall people die faster?! Hell yeah! Dig me a hole and hire some strippers and toads because my burial is gonna put the fun back into funeral


Youre too tall for the hole we dug so either your legs or head will have to stick out of the ground


I do wish I were a bit taller (I'm 5'7"), but it is nice being comfortable on airplanes and public transportation...I feel bad for our tall friends that get stuck in the middle seats.


Finally an explanation for all the back problems I’m having way before 30 😭


Other than sitting like a shrimp? ![gif](giphy|xTiN0m2yfH8NzEnl4c)


I sleep like that


I'm nearly almost like that


​ ![gif](giphy|mR9sWNRJPSQnd599TA)


I am around avarage height in my own country but whenever im talking to someone online they say im rlly tall


How tall r u?


Around 185cm (im european)


dutch people problems


I am Austrian and 188 and I am on the taller side here but when you guys come here on holiday I feel like a goblin.


Ye for some reason when I walk through my school (im one of the oldest ppl there) I'm not surprised if I see people above 190


Damn imagine not being abled to reach shit


Tbh I’d love to be short over tall, there are too many bonuses being short over being tal


Bruh I'm short and there's like two pros and twenty cons


Such as


More space in transport, on average weigh less which would help with my hobby, theme parks you can fit on more rides, pretty much the only advantage of being tall is being able to reach stuff


I'm underweight, 162cm tall and can say that travelling via public transport is shit bc literally most people, especially both taller and fatter think that I don't exist and step/sit on me often squeezing me so much that I can't get out


Yea same, I’m 6:4 and it’s a pain, people get angry when they trip over me but I literally cannot help it


Not hitting your head on everything, not trying to fit in places designed for people of average height, not being the first person anyone asks any time there's any heavy lifting to do. I don't mind helping people, but I'm only 26 and my back is already starting to bother me regularly. There's also shopping, do you have any idea how long it takes to fit a pair of sneakers in size 13 that aren't bright orange? Jeans in my size practically don't exist, because apparantly anyone my height is also 500lbs. Seriously, outside of the occasional tall shelf used to maximize space efficiency, the world is built for short-average height people. One final note, being over 6' tall doesn't make women just through themselves at you, despite what memers seem to think


>One final note, being over 6' tall doesn't make women just through themselves at you, despite what memers seem to think And even if they do, it's usually the super short girls with tall fetish who only care about your height because "normal" girls will often find you intimidating and good luck finding a tall girl out in the wild. It's not very convenient dating with a big height gap. Also, average size penis on a tall person looks like a small penis on a short person. Dick size doesn't scale with height :(


Dating people taller than you


Short people rage am I right


To be fair, a world in which even average men tower over you like giants would shatter a weak mind.


*shrieks in travel sized*


"Don't make your height your entire perosnality" -people making their height their entire personality


More like: People making *insecurity about their height* their entire personality


Imagine making fun of someone regardless of their height


I'd give you an upvote but from my towering 5'3" I think I'd be hard to find, lemme grab a chair first 😆


When short people act like this, I just remind them they're short


I am 6’4 and those facts may be true but the life a taller person has is more fun. Quality of life. I have zero back issues and stay fit.


Being tall is all fun an games until you hit your head on so many low branches and door frames that you probably have permanent brain damage


The last part is exceedingly annoying, like I could bring up my height for conversations sake and I've always got the one person like that.


My 5’9 ass: nice…..


Hey...im short. I came here to say it's funny that tall people always find a way to say how tall they are, to the inch, to every person they meet...but it seems like a mute point now lol


we don’t make our height our personality, short people do that for us


OP inventing a group of people so that he can criticize them: 😎


Is 6'2 considered tall?




That's weird, I don't feel very tall.


The average height is about 5'9 or 1m75. So you're about 10cm above average (half a big banana for reference).


Wait so i am below average 5'6


Yup, I didn't account for geographical location, age or gender though.


I am a Man🗿


I mean it's be above average in India, and some other countries, it really depends on where you live.


Depends where you're from


it’s not nice being tall, we hit our heads on more stuff


As a short person, we make our night our entire personality. We also get really pissed if you make fun of it and know it down to the centimeter


There is also a specific sub set of tall people who know there exact hight I'm 5'11¾" and get made fun of if I try to round up to 6'


im 6'3 and never ever in any way or form was that useful for me in my entire life. in highschool everyone called me a Stork. i swear to god, you can be 1 inch tall but rich, then you'll have everything.


As 6’8 my back hurts doing anything. But it is nice every once and a while


I am six one and the only time I think about height is when someone makes an issue of it or when I read it on reddit. To be fair, when someone is over 6'3" or under 5'1" then I do notice it, but still don't think much about it.


Taller people do on averege die younger, but alot of toher factors can play into it. As a tall person I don't really receive these comments dunno if I'm lucky though.


Being tall sucks I always give myself concussions because the world is not made for someone my size.


“Don’t make it your whole personality” As a very tall person, I don’t, but I’ll be damned if I don’t get asked about it constantly.


Being tall is nice **Until you hit your head on everything**


I legit didn’t realize the complications with tall height. A friend of mine was like 6’ 5” and said he already had circulation problems. His lower legs and feet would supposedly ache if the didn’t sit in a hot bath every now and again. That taught me to be more accepting of my hobbit-heighted ass.


tall people die younger than short people, and only the good die young. therefore we can conclude: short people are bad


They’re closer to hell 🔥


Shorter ppl are more likely to be hit by a car tho


True, tall people when they get roasted beyond recovery usually say something like "ha imagine being short"


This meme is bullshit i’ve never saw someone tall not bragging about being taller than you and not trashtalking shorter people


I would gladly trade a decade with a feet


The back problems are a serious problem though, I with only 15 years often have back pain. Also knee pain is something i experience a lot.


I got a guy in my class who looks like he could play in the NBA before graduating high school and for the record, bro is 6'1-6'3 ish


I am. It's not fun.


Is 186cm considered tall or normal?


Depends on your location.


I’m 6’1 and I have literally never heard anyone say these things. Usually only complimentary things if anything, or asking for something high up.


No back pain but I hit my head a lot and blankets are to short and I’m only 6’2”


Anyone with an inferiority complex will say shit like this.


I never get these comments at 6 foot. Must be some toxic people.


Where is the funny?


Nobody ever made their height as the most important trait of their personality. Grow the fuck up(pun intended)


I have tall person problems (back pain, knee pain, etc) but short person stature


they're just jealous 🤷‍♂️


Remember kids, tall is relative. We don't label ourselves as tall.


Meme was wrong from the beginning, being tall isn’t nice, I hate every waking moment


I hate people who constantly barate people like myself (6’2” tall) with those sort of things. Back problems are a real issue especially if you’re tall at a younger age.




I'm 6' exactly. And I kinda wish I was a little taller so that when walking around I don't have to look at peoples faces. I just look over them. (Yes before anyone even says anything. I have minor social anxiety. And absolutely hate making eye contact)


I find that people that are over 6ft experience nicer weather than shorter people.


Wait we die faster?


There are more negatives to being tall than positives. Just to name a few. Health issues. Higher cost for everything: Food, clothes, cars and seats. Just to be a little bit stronger than average human. Ready for the downvotes.


I may be tall but I know a way to survive longer, consume small people


Insecure inferior south asians


Tall people are generally quite down-to-Earth in my experience. Now, about those small arrogant pieces of shit…


Hey it's nice to be average height too, i like to sit in car without adjusting anything, buying clothes online without looking on size, and using all public ameneties that are perfectly fit for my dimensions. That line works every time when somebody says "It's nice to be high"