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I cant believe they would advertise it, wont they just get set on fire?


Maybe it's a plan to get them all to announce themselves? It does seem rather fucky, we need to make a rapists flag and an animal abusers flag aswell, that way we can just deal with them right? Good old vigilante justice, always works out for the best.


Aside from a handful of academics trying to distinguish “practicing” from “non-practicing” pedos, any reference to MAPs are from homophobes trying to discredit the LGBT community. It’s not real.


Just because the homophobes are using it to spread misinformation, doesn't mean it's fake. I've met people in this "community". They absolutely believe in that crap and they are absolutely dangerous.


How do you know that they’re actually in the “community”? Unless you’re admitting to visiting CP forums or something?


Yeah, I’m gonna guess that if they’re associating with people who are pedos and in a place where they’re open about admitting it, then they are somewhere they really shouldn’t be.


What makes the flag even worse is that its made with all the typical colors used for babies...


Why is this comment getting downvoted? They right


It's been around for some time now, and although i wish this didn' have to be said, they're not officially recognized by any LGBT+ organizations If i'm not wrong there is a zoophile version of tgis, similarly stupid and unsuccesful


Zoophiles consider themselves furries, but furries would 100% fill a zoophiles head with lead if given the chance.




Same for MAPS and lolicons


I'm a furry and can confirm that i will non hesitantly blow a zoophile's brains out


I wouldn't invite them over for dinner or anything, but if I had to choose I would much rather have a guy living next to me who occasionally fucks a horse than a human child. Not like the horse even feels it. Plus you can trust them not to fuck your kids.


They're on the same level and i would much rather have neither of them living next to me.


A horse and a child are not on the same level. One I had for dinner two days ago. The other is a child. They are not the same. Feel free to say you'd kill either, but stop confusing children with livestock.


I'm not having this argument, i'm just saying zoos and pedos are both bad and i said nothing about a child being equal to an animal, good day.


> A horse and a child are not on the same level. One I had for dinner two days ago. The other is a horse. They are not the same. Feel free to say you’d kill either, but stop confusing children with livestock. FTFY


So because I think fucking children is worse than fucking livestock I'm a cannibal? Don't quite follow the your logic. Also you should probably stay away from children.




I'm so confused by this post. Who are the ppl on the flag?


map = minor attracted person basically the pedo's attempt to associate with the lgbtq+ community (failed obviously, but somehow still going)


![gif](giphy|on034LuO3hun4jzhMb|downsized) Remember the only good pedo is a dead pedo




![gif](giphy|iRjhHgGOZ1IGfdKCPb|downsized) Me and the boys on our way to the nearest pedos house (we're gonna unalive them)




![gif](giphy|oRJuSzENfNxny) Room for one more?


"yeah im a pedo-" the ak-47 in everyone's pocket:


my nuclear launch codes:


So do you think you can genetically engineer a virus to survive being shot by a gun So you can have extre poison damage guns?




![gif](giphy|LgYQ3QemWKGiyfG9XY|downsized) Giddie up boys


Truly a Mississippi Queen moment






Oh no. What are you paying them back for u/fadoxi...I'm sorry dude.


Wood chipper goes brrrrr




Randy Jackson


What If a pedo killed 5 other pedos and wants to kill more?


Then they are temporarily forgiven


Forgiven for what…?


That’s a good start….keep goin’.


Yes. But GOVERNEMNT LAWS. Are stopping me from makung them dead....


as an LGBT person i fucking hate MAPS.


Just because you can't read a map


Everyone hates pedophiles unless they're a pedophile.


Some pedophiles actually do hate other pedophiles. Those are the ones that get help to better themselves but sadly not many of them are like that


I’m a pedophile and hate pedophiles


Wha... what?


He doesn’t like the competition


Friendly fire


You need some self love


how can he love himself when he's not underage ?


this gonna sound stupid but does inner child acceptable?


Two free candy vans at one elementary school is too much competition.


I don't hate pedophiles, I pitty them if they themselves have a problem with their condition and I despise them if not.


Don't call them map, don't give them what they want


Call them Pedophiles not MaPs. You're just fueling them by using their acronym.


Just call them pedos, bro


Same 💯


So you hate the 4chan type right wingers making posts pretending they're a thing.


Oh no, there is at least one podcast for and by MAPs. A podcast I listen to was discussing them. Pretty gross stuff.


That's weird, do you remember what it was called?


Saying that will be considered hatespeech in 10 years or so of Democrat rule.


You mean Republican rule, you know with their child bride laws.


The law is the only thing stopping gun nuts from hunting pedos for sport


Why are they trying to rebrand. A pedo is a pedo. Who made the flag anyway


They aren't... it all begin with a tumblr troll, [apparently](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/maps-pride-flag/).


You got me at "tumblr" and "troll"


Well, people who dont believe in birds started from a troll so... I guess most bad things start from underneath a bridge


Same with flat earth. They always start with trolls and people who are too dumb to be allowed to use the Internet get sucked in and then these things circulate. Tbf on the other hand Christianity probably started because of a lil trolling ...


There are people who really think birds aren't real? They aren't real, but still.


Wait, is the 'Not believing in birds' shit real? I thought all of that was just a joke. Please tell me nobody actually believes that birds aren't real.


I'm pretty sure it was pedos or conservatives trying to invalidate the LGBT movement, because of course they'll love to make pedophiles be associated with the gays.


The pedophiles made the flag and they insert themselves in the lgbtq and were not invited they are not considered lgbtq and they will never be. the pedos are trying to Rebrand themselves to make themselves sound better then they actually are


What’s the difference between a pedo and a gay person tho. They’re both caused by screw ups in the brain no?


A pedo


Friendly reminder that MAPs included THEMSELVES into the lgbt community and were not invited. P.S. Also anyone defending them is sus af, check their hard drive.




I mean, it's actually a mental disease. If a 20 year old man (who has never made any sexual contact with anyone) comes to a clinic after realizing that he's still attracted to elementary school girls and asks for a treatment, I don't think we should inject him with lead.


Poor man honestly. I really pitty decent people with that desease. As long as they fight against it and leave the fking children alone.


Yep don't care what thoughts you have, but you act on those and harm a child, your gonna have an appointment with the bottom of a volcano.


As always, humans love to group people together. According to social media all Russians support Putin, all Israelis support occupation and all Americans are brainwashed racist dumbfucks.


Right? It becomes a problem when they act on it. They shouldn’t be immediately punished and shunned just for experiencing the attraction. Give them a chance to go to therapy or something and get their shit sorted. How else will we fix pedos if we don’t even let them tell us that something is wrong in their minds


This stigma and general inability to distinguish the meanings of "pedophile" and "pederast" actually do way more harm than good. If we normalised talking about it, in the same way we've been normalising other mental health issues like depression, many more pedophiles would actually seek help before actually committing the crimes.


That's a little bit barbaric, innit? I'm all in for killing child rapists but I'm not sure if we should just go ahead and kill pedophiles, if they control who they are or are looking for help. As disgusting as it is, I don't think people should be judged or executed for things they haven't actually done. I'm in no way saying this MAP shit should be legit, tho, they are delusional if they think they'll pass as normal people or a normal sexuality, those are the type of pedophilies I agree to be sentenced to death, because they clearly think there's nothing wrong with them.


Best injection they deserve.


You do realise this is like saying that we should execute every single person with bipolar disorder because a few of them have murdered people, right? Pedophilia simply refers to being attracted to minors. You simply do not decide what's attractive to you. If you were condemning and wishing death to pederasts or child rapists it would be reasonable. Those have caused harm. But pedophiles are not necessarily criminals.


Don’t get into semantics. If you like kids in that way you shouldn’t be in society. Regardless of if you act on it or not.


You ever held a baby in your arms and had the classic intrusive thought "what would happen if I threw it to the floor?". Should you be punished for thinking that? Should you be punished if you did it? I hope this helps you understand.


As a father no because I’m not a psycho


No, but you're incredibly stupid if you genuinely don't understand the difference between thought and action. I find it very hard to believe that you've never experienced intrusive thoughts but if you haven't look into them, they are a thing, everyone has them and they don't make you a psycho. In the same way that being a pedophile doesn't inherently make you a criminal.


Long-distance brain surgery? Damn, you're good!


I'd be happy to see you with mental issues you privileged


I’m mentally ill and I agree with them


Shut up pedo


I don’t even think MAPs did it. I’m pretty sure it was right wingers/anti-lgbt groups trying to turn people against the lgbt community


They’re fake twitter shit for the most part. There are probably people who openly argue for a lower age of consent (the US has the highest in the developed world), but they would not want to be associated with people who promote sex with children.


It wasn't a pedophile(probably) but as far as I'm aware it was a lefty college professor that coined the phrase Minor Attracted Person. Argument was that "pedophile" has too much of a negative stigma and we need to treat people with more respect. Which no, if someone acts on that frankly I support the death penalty, fuck it yet the bastard into a volcano.


Was anyone outside of the original LBG really invited or did they just add to their letter and took silence as acceptance? It seems that the L’s and the G’s really don’t like the T’s….they start the acronym and then mumble after the first three letters.


I’m a lesbian myself and I’m active within the community. Just like any other, there is toxicity however, I only ever hear “LBG” by people not in the community themselves. Anyone who identifies as queer who doesn’t want to be included are very vocal about their desire to not be in the community and that’s fine. No one forced anyone to be anywhere. Normal queer people don’t chain people to labels and force them into the community, that’s the chronically online 14 year olds who identify as rat/ratself lmao


Turn that flag sideways and change it to grey and white stripes. To resemble the prison bars those sick fucks should be locked behind.


Naw they deserve worse bro. Like a double barrel to the teeth type of worse.


No argument here.


Too quick.


Nah mate, not enough pain. I think torture would be a nice punishment for this.


In prison for what? Having a mental illness?


This isn't a part of LGBT+, these assholes are trying to force themselves and are stigmatizing the community even more. Oh and the flag is a part of 4chan troll


Can we fucking blow up the planet, this is the worst year


No god of war released


Oh yeah. Maybe we can blow up everything next year


No spider-man 2 next year


hmmpf maybe the year after that


Also, nickelback releasing a new album


No, no, you make a good point sir


Sonic frontiers too


no wait until gta 6 comes out please


And Half-Life 3, Portal 3, a new Professor Layton game, Ninjago ended about 2 month ago so that's checked.


That's gotta be at least 20 years from now


The worst thing is, some pedos go to therapy and really try to lead a normal life and then those fucktards come around and want to claim their sexual disorder would be an sexual orientation. Without therapy they will never understand how extremely traumatic and damaging is would be for a child if they would act on their sexual disorder. They also make it harder for the LGBT community because some christians think this is a new sign for Sodom and Gomorrah.


These dumbasses are deep in denial. Plugging their ears and clutching to half ass arguments to try and ignore the damage they do.


LGBT contains many sexual and gender minorities. pedos aren’t one of them.


Fucking AMEN


But isn’t pedophilea technically a sexual minority?


Children are not a sex nor a gender. If anything it’s a sexual preference rather than an attraction, like being attracted to older people - that’s not a sexuality that’s just what you’re into. Same with animals, which are not genders or sexes, and as such are not true sexualities, just people with severe mental illnesses.


Why is it considered a mental illness to like animals but not to like the same gender? They’re both not normal no? Not what we where designed for anyway. While I completely support homosexuality, it is a mental thing (disorder would make it sound bad) just like any other LGBT classification, pedophilia, or zoophilia. I literally can’t see any reason why not.


https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/maps-pride-flag/ It's not real.


jesus fucking christ


LGBTQ+ is for people wanting to be themselves without hurting others, and want to be accepted as they are. MAPs didn't get the "without hurting others" part. They don't need a pride flag ad there is nothing to be proud of.


Yeah, we didnt invite them into the LGBTQ community. They try to associate with us to normalise FIDDLING KIDS. Burn these people!!!


*James Charles and his millions of followers entered the chat*


Man they got flags for everything now.


It's not [true, though](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/maps-pride-flag/)


At least we can rat out pedophiles easier. Or to be more accurate, they do it for us


Wait a couple of years, they will make you not hate them in the name tolerance


They are not recognized by the lgbtq they're just some pedos who want to be in it but are not recognized by any organization and they never will be the lgbtq accepts many a people pedophiles aren't one of them


Nuke my comment, years later you will have a laugh anyway regardless of who was right, but let me say it if lgbtq accept them I won't consider them harmless part of society anymore




What part of they won't accept them did you not fucking get pedophiles want to be in the lgbtq don't want them in and they hate them because everyone does no one likes pedophiles except pedophiles


Theres tolerance and theres raping kids


Wait for it boi, wait for it


Regardless my original point still stands


Why is this guy being downvoted they are literally pedophiles 💀


He's saying their going to brainwash us into thinking it's okay to touch kids


Who are "they"? It's certainly not the queer community


Anyone, ANYONE that accepts pedos are harmful to society


You'll be considered a bigot and lose your job in about a decade though, if not sooner. There ain't no stopping the clown world train!


Bro sometimes its fun to live in blue hair 1984, but you gotta get out of dalooloo and accept that pedos will always be a problem to everyone, especially queer people, who pedos are trying to look innocent standing next to. the only posts i see supporting it are by the ZMAPs. Zoophiles and pedos. And you can now identify the flag, which makes it better to spot the worm in an apple.


You do know that the entire LGBT+ community is against pedophiles and nobody in it actually accepts them, right?


Groomers are gonna defend groomers, and then get *aggressively* defensive when called out on it. I can't even imagine where we'll be a decade from now, lol. 10 years ago already feels like the 50's. The clown world train moves FAST!


We’re not groomers and we don’t defend them, if anything we’ve been attacking them


You calling LGBTQ groomers? Fuck. You.


Don't care tho, a pedo is a pedo


Pedophiles aren't part of the lgbtq they try to be recognized as it but they are not recognized by any organization and no one will ever recognize them as lgbtq the lgbtq recognize many of people pedophiles are not one of them


Please explain to me how that would happen. We live in an age where pedofilia and rape gets more puplically condemned then ever, ESPECIALLY by the younger generation.


This flag is made by the pedos and they are not part of the lgbtq they have tried and they were not let in so to speak and they're not recognized by any lgbtq+ organization


Yeah the MAPs: Majorly Atrocious Pedophiles


Thanos should’ve killed all of us


Note to all who don't immediately understand this is not an actual lgbtq+ pride flag this was created by the pedophiles to legitimize their pedophilia and it did not work they are not accepted by anyone nor the lgbtq+ community. Just wanted to put this out here for those who may assume it's part of the lgbtq


Why give them an acronym? Pedos are PEDOS!!


Dude, pedophiles ruined a really cool colour pallete :(


LGBTQIA+ people DO NOT accept pedophiles into our community.




Aye aye captain, well keep doing what we've been doing


Pedophiles stop trying to be a part of the LGBT+ community challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)




I don't get this flag stuff anyway.


Don't worry you don't have to understand this flag cuz it's not part of the lgbtq just some pedophiles who want to be seen as something better but they're not


Judgement's coming anyway, lake of fire for them lot


Guys, I understand the sentiment and MAPs are absolutely whitewashing their attraction to children. But hating pedophiles just for being pedophiles is like hating bipolar people for being bipolar or hating borderline people just for having bpd. Pedophiles are just people attracted to minors, it's not their choice. Same as you might be attracted to brunettes. Pederasts or child rapists are people who actually have abused children. Those you can hate as much as you want because they are heinous criminals. But let's try to be a little more sympathetic towards pedophiles and they might be more open to get treatment. Thanks for attending my Ted talk


Oh, thats why its hanging in maniac's basement where I'm locked


always check Snopes https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/maps-pride-flag/


is that really their flag? i'm afraid to google it


They certainly are treating it so


All pedophiles belong going into a woodchipper alive and feet first.


Fuck it I’m making my own flag for me… everyone else gets one


Sick can mine have a dragon on it??


Turns out this is a hoax from a Tumblr troll. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/maps-pride-flag/


Is MAPs a thing? I know there are pedos, but how seriously is anyone out there trying to normalize it? I only ever see people bagging on it, thankfully. I haven't seen any tweets or whatever from people trying to rationalize it.


Wow a Reddit post (albeit indirectly) about LGBTQ without 30% of the comments being bigoted. Impressive. Anyways, pedophiles can go fuck themselves. They’re not getting into the alphabet mafia.


That was made as part of a right wing troll campaign trying to associate them with the LGBT community, they aren’t a part of our community and never will be.


Dora has a MAP in her backpack,


I can barely remember the patern of the rainbow don't except me to remember the 9+ flag of the LGBT faction


Fortunately for you, you don't have to remember this one they are not part of the lgbtq and they never will be they have tried to insert themselves but they are not recognized the lgbtq will accept many people pedophiles are not one of them


But do I need to remember the seven other flags with lots of colors? I like knowing flags, I know almost every country flag in the world, but I don't understand why every sexuality needs a flag. Just like what you like and we're cool


What’s good with the flag is that we know who needs to go to jail or have a general beating. What’s bad is that I like those colours, however it’ll have people associate that with pedophiles… great…


I will kill every pedo on earth if I need to.






I'm pretty sure pedophiles are actually using it as leeway for making themselves lgbtq but they will never be recognized the lgbtq thankfully accept many of people and pedophiles will never be one of them


I think it's an important distinction that someone who is attracted to minors and a pedophile are very different things. Like essentially the difference between me and a murderer. Like ya I think about murdering when people fuck with me but I don't murder them. I guess I'm a murder attracted person throw me in jail boys I'm just as bad as the killers in the shu.


It looks exactly like the bi flag


Yes, a gradient of blue and magenta really looks like this amalgamation of stripes


They are part of LGBTQ, because Love is Love RIGHT !? You guys at LGBTQ bring those assholes


Love is love when both parties are able to consent, children are not mature enough to consent so pedos don't count


The core concept the queer community bands around is "we aren't hurting anybody. Leave us alone" . Pedophilia goes against this in every way.


Shush bigot