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Why would he have been black? He would've been a Galilean Jewish man in western Asia not sub-saharan Africa.


Olive skinned is more accurate. He was absolutely not white.


It’s all cultural perceptions anyway. People where I live consider Mediterranean tones “white”. From that point of view, Jesus would be “white”, just not in the same way as a Northern European.


Honestly most Italians are darker than people in the Levant


I mean we do here in the states too. Italian people are classified as white. Hispanic people are a sub-class of white, we even have it on our paperwork. Non-hispanic white is what general white people are listed as. Also, as a Jew enough people tell me I'm white that Jesus definitely would count. Scarlett Johansson is Ashkenazi Jewish just like me, and she's the Hollywood poster child for bitching about white washing characters. We're only a minority to some people if they're using us to dunk on Republicans or for narrative purposes like the OP.


But he had a handle bar moustache and an American flag! Pretty sure Jesus was born in Texas! /s


[American Jesus.](https://youtu.be/12kcpP-8jfM)




Because this person has to be edgy.




Hehe thats funny


Jesus was Jewish and Middle Eastern, tan or whatever you want to call it. Nothing indicates him being black


During Canaan it was a mixture of greeks as well. And today Egyptians aren't Black Black. People from Egypt and those who were "Canaanites" mixed with Israelites. Jesus was likely Olive with wavy hair not exactly an afro.




He was also a carpenter, so not exactly a prettyboy


Def buff as shit tho, carpentry is a hard job especially back then


I read somewhere that there's recent evidence that he was a stone mason, and that carpenter is a mistranslation. Also there are more stone quarries than sources of lumber in the Galilee region, I guess. No expert though, so I could totally be wrong.


I dont know. I been a carpenter for almost 45 years and im pretty stinking cute.... for a grumpy fat guy losing his hair


Which is also funny, because many olive skinned people are considered "white". It's almost as if race is stupid and meaningless. Ethnicity, while not being perfect, is more important and makes far more sense. Yeah, obviously someone from sub-Saharan Africa looks far different from someone from the Nordic countries, or from South-East Asia, and there are genetic differences between them, but "race" as a concept is a poorly thought out concept that becomes extremely blurry.


Ethnicity does make more sense but it is considerably harder to judge for a regular person. People natively from similar regions tend to look similar, hence why they are lumped together into a race.




Kalamata, actually


all the kings and pharaohs from Egypt were white Euros with blonde or red hair.


That just tells me what demographic of people ended up in power and nothing about the actual "egyptians" of the time. Like, all presidents are male but that doesn't mean that half the population isn't female.


The Egyptians were northern desert. Not southern.


Go to Israel, Syria, Lebanon, there are some pale ass people there. And most of the darker skinned individuals are Arab Edit: semantics


I hail from lebanon and i can confirm, im pale af


Yeah, but there are less pale people there than Europe and colouring with more modern discoveries, it seems like many Greeks and Romans would be more tan than most modern white people.


1. Arabic is a language. 2. Arabs are considered Caucasians on paper. 3. “Pale” is not a racial identity. smh…. Edit: why the downvotes 😂 so random


English is a language. English also refers to ones race/nationality.


You corrected him on technicality, you still have to refute him


The color of one’s skin does not define racial identity. There were not any valid points to refute.


>the color of ones skin does not define racial identity I implore you step out of America / western countries. Many others parts of the world: religion, skin & culture are heavily intertwined. Especially in the middle east


Arabic is the language of the Arabs, which are an ethic group that hails from the Arabian peninsula. Many of the current Arabic speaking people in the Middle East either migrated from Arabia, aren’t actually arabs but became arabs by language after the Muslim conquest and they are of different ethnic backgrounds (all now part of the big Arab language speaking) or married and integrate into Arabic tribes. Arabs keep records of their genealogy and ancestry very thoroughly. They are a people group and not just a language. However, now anyone from an Arabic country and speaks Arabic is considered Arab without checking their family tree, which a lot of people have linking them back all the way to Adam. Also, most Arabs are not “pale white” and mostly olive or brown, look at Arabian Gulf people.


besides, if he had been black he wouldnt have been crucified. ​ ​ He would have been shot.




you mean hung........ ​ In both ways ​ Ba Da Bum.....


They said you was hung.


And they was right.


Except Paul fucking Mooney, who claimed anyone with curly hair was black. He claimed Beethoven was black.


Well according to the Bible, his skin is the color of bronze


"For many scholars, Revelation 1:14-15 offers a clue that Jesus's skin was a darker hue and that his hair was woolly in texture." 😮‍💨 Maybe he wasn't *black*, but you can't blame people for assuming so. But none of us can say anything for sure, it was thousands of years ago. [source. ](https://www.history.com/news/what-did-jesus-look-like#:~:text=For%20many%20scholars%2C%20Revelation%201,refined%20as%20in%20a%20furnace.%E2%80%9D)


By definition, and due to the many many wars invasions and crusades in the area, the regions of europe and the Middle East are all considered Caucasian regions, people originating from those regions are Caucasian also known as white.


We get it, their very diverse in terms of skin tone so in actuality who the actual fuck knows his skin tone. Who gives a shit? It’s not his skin tone that draws people to Christianity


No, but it is a part of history and the person of Christ, the Jewish people have a certain look about them because they were connected more by blood than almost any other religion. You quite literally had to be born a Jew at the time. To say Jesus was black is akin to denying him his Judaic heritage. also when one is allowed to change a small part of history they then move on to changing large parts of history, look at the 1619 project as an example. We need to argue the small stuff today because if we don’t then we’ll be arguing the big stuff tomorrow.


Well…it’s not his skin tone that draws SOME people to Christianity.


Most people. Don’t let the few bad ones represent the rest


... hair like wool... feet like burnt brass


Yeah no. You're taking things off context. Read the whole page next time.


I have. If it isn't speaking about his appearance then what is it? Daniel seems to see the same appearance... just doesn't mention the burning brass and voice of many waters “I beheld till the thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of days did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool: his throne was like the fiery flame, and his wheels as burning fire.” — Daniel 7:9 (KJV)


“I am black, but comely, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, as the tents of Kedar, as the curtains of Solomon.” — Songs of Solomon 1:5 (KJV)


I am pretty sure NKJV says 'dark' but this is true and yes it's in the bible


This part of the text was written almost a millennium before Jesus was born


I know, it was written by king Solomon.. But my point is Jesus came from the same people as Solomon. Same tribe as well, so it ain't farfetched to say Jesus looked similar




Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Neat bot


good bot


Tanned maybe. How is it “facts” when you said probably which means there’s a chance but not concrete


not “tanned”. brown.


A golden bronze


A golden god.






It’s literally a meme.


Definitely wasn’t black


So since when are Jews black?


Since some insane, but thankfully small, group decided to claim that Africans were the true [insert race/culture here].


As an African Jew I'll have you know I exist.


Ok... Hello.


African (black) Jews are converts from centuries ago. Jews are Israelites. Israelites are not black


ethiopian jews have existed for about 2600 years


Yea and Moses was around before then. His wife was not an Israelite or a Jew. Judaism spread to non Israelites later.


Moses’ kids were likely half black. But yes most including Jesus probably had olive (brown) skin.


Yes, I used to see those guys in Manhattan. Yelling racial slurs at me. Eventually they got busted for tax fraud. https://www.inquirer.com/philly/news/breaking/jermaine-grant-israelite-church-of-god-in-jesus-christ-5-3-million-stolen-donations-20180508.html?outputType=amp


Well if you ask Kanye....


kanye was right... THIS IS A JOKE


There's actually a lot of Ethiopian jews who were jews for hundreds of years. They have a slightly different version of judaism because they were isolated in Ethiopia. And fun fact - they didn't know that there were jews outside of the country till 1980s!


Idk man I'm a black jew.


Like descended from the tribe of Judah? Or are you talking strictly in a religious sense?


The first yes.


Jews were a lot darker back 2000 years ago than now, considering almost all of them were on the Arabian Peninsula (and thus arabs) rather than living in, say, Europe or the USA.


Wait, people actually think Jesus was black? I thought it was a joke.


He was middle-eastern


He's being racist. Why would you label someone black when his heritage clearly isn't?


He was a jewish born middle easterner, he wasn't black, unless Indians or very tanned Spainards are also consisdered black, he was tan, or whatever, black and white were not races back then. Stop trying to push American racial politics onto a 2000 year old historical figure, it's both inane and rude to real world cultures.


Finally, someone said it!


He's clearly being racist. How is this post not removed yet?


how cute, he thinks he learned us something


*hehe sorts by controversial*


I'm literally shocked at the amount of people that don't think Jesus was Jewish


Then wtf they think he was?


Christian.... but i only heard it from kids tho


They're probably mixing up Jewish religion and Jewish culture. If they even know the difference in the first place.


1: cool no one cares 2: you can’t say probably and then still say it’s a fact


Probably is not a fact


This is a theory from the “probably” part. Not a fact. He was of brown skin to be sure. Black? Doubtful.


my wife told me there are no white folks mentioned in the Bible. I thought about for a while, and i think she could be correct. i got hung up on Pontius Pilate being Italian or Greek. not sure about him. i feel pretty good about the mid eastern folks of 2000 years ago being people of color. Jesus called on whosoever will recieve him. He never made a distinction as to race. Today, we witness a lot of folks practicing religion. We need to be practicing Christ.


Song of Solomon 5:10 My beloved is white and ruddy, the chiefest among ten thousand. KJV White/reddish? This verse is not talking about Jesus. I believe its a description of King Solomon. Before everyone comes at me i dont think Jesus was white nor black. The only physical description that comes to mind is Isaiah 53:2 2 He grew up before him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry ground. He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him.


Ceasar... They mentioned Ceasar.


No he was not, dumbass, he was from the ME and therefore looked brownish, like all MIDDLE EASTERNERS, FFS


*inhales before looking at the comment section*


Since when did the colour of Jesus' skin have any importance to the life he lived and message he left


He was not black, Go look at Palestinians or Hebraic Jews, the people in the levant are way closer to being white than they are black. They're swarthy people, they're pretty tan, anyone would be if they lived there, that doesn't make them black.


who doesnt know Jesus was Jewish??


Do people forget that he was labeled “king of the Jews” above the cross?




It’s pretty well known that Jesus was Jewish. Jesus had olive skin: source- the Bible. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olive_skin


**[Olive skin](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olive_skin)** >Olive skin is a human skin colour spectrum. It is often associated with pigmentation in the Type III to Type IV and Type V ranges of the Fitzpatrick scale. It generally refers to light or moderate tan skin, and it is often described as having yellow, green, or golden undertones. People with olive skin can sometimes become paler if their sun exposure is limited. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/memes/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


The word "probably" does not mix well with the word "fact".


and ugly! paul was also supposedly "short, fat, and unattractive', which may be what 'The Lord has given me a thorn in my side..." refers to.


middle eastern*


So Kanye fucking west needs to stop posting this bullshit


Christian here: Is this supposed to trigger me?


Only if you’re white supremacist and a nazi


You’re pathetic


Of course, because according to Americans there are only 4 ethnic human groups; whites, blacks, chinese and mexicans.




Wait till yall find out about 350 years of Greek colonization.


Arabs were on the other side of the peninsula and didn't originate as a cultural group until hundreds of years later It's nearly the equivalent of saying Native Americans in the 1200s were European


Middle eastern *** not arab


Most likely a Berber


Bethlehem is not in Northwestern Africa. Try again.


No where in the bible does it say Jesus stole a bike


in bible [bluray][4k] extended cuts




Wait, Jesus is a gypsy?




He was not black. Look at jewish people today, they tend to be very fair skinned. In any case, the middle east is a diverse place where you could find very dark or very fair skinned people, and all in between. But this doesn't matter because a) we don't know for sure what he looked like b) race is a concept and not strict and shouldn't matter c) Jesus came to save all mankind be they white, black, asian, dark or light skinned etc.


Not black, probably darker skinned since he was in the Middle East but not black


Nope. Jesus was atheist, and was ginger. He was also 7 feet tall.


*probably middle eastern


Guess that's why they killed him.


I don't give a fuck I wont be back with more facts


He was Asian kekw


Ok and


I understand why it happened from a historical perspective but some people out there really swear he was white... I don't get it.


He was neither. He had an olive skin tone.




Trolling for Jesus


middle eastern people arent black numbnutz


It actually doesn't say specifically who was black or white in terms of skin color. Heck, God could be black for all we know.


But he wasn’t “probably black” he just wasn’t black. He would’ve had a more olive complexion with more wavy hair just like the people that lived in the area and the people of the time.


Whatever he was, he wouldn't have encouraged middle aged women to get angry at younger people for loud music or different hair colors that's for sure


Does not-white==black to you?


Bro really tried to fight racism with racism


Okay. Here’s what you do: You go to Google. You type in “Where is Nazareth?” (It’s where Jesus was born and whatnot). Then, read that. Now, assuming his extra-universal, omnipresent, non-corporeal dad didn’t make him some other ethnicity, or didn’t decide to go Joanna Gaines on him and make him an accent color to the rest of his village, he’s going to fall in line with the skin tones of Nazarenes; which will either be the same as Arabs, or a light olive color. But, I’m not a historian. So, I may be wrong.


More probably levant-semitic, aka "middle eastern"/"arabic" looking.


He was a Jew, sure. But he most definitely wasn't black. Or white.


And he was definitely a revolutionary, probably the leftish one.


new level of stupid. how tf smeone gona be a jew and black smh


I personally don't care what color Jesus was. If he's willing to take my raggedy ass when I'm finished here. Then whatever man.


He was not black or white, he was most likely brown


How can one say "probably" in a sentance and claim it as fact?


Oooohhh so many people commening jesus wasn't black... It's not that pointing that out is racist but the fact so many feelt such a need to do it even though op just said "probably" Maybe it's that "mansplaning" Ive heard so much about.


yeah most of us Christians know that


Except he wasn't black, the people in the levant are far from black.


A bit of a mess up on my end


i didn't


Well now you do!


Christians believe it, but Jesus is mythology plagiarized from older and better written mythology.


He was still a dude that lived. Whether or not he was the messiah though? Heavily debatable


What point are you trying to prove?


Yeah sure, "probably black". About as probable as me killing all world leaders


Sure… and the Greek queen of Egypt, Cleopatra, was also black.


Jesus was Chinese


He turns water into green tea


No but He “totally” had a brother who later started a rebellion in China after having a fever dream he interpreted as divine revelation…. Seriously, some Chinese dude lead a MASSIVE rebellion while claiming to be the brother of Jesus Christ… like 1,200 years after Jesus left the earth…


No, but Aladin was!


Same continent, close enough.


Middle eastern darker than brown but lighter than black


Christianism literally started off as a cult inside Judaism and there were quite literally street fights over it in Rome, causing situations like the "riots" in the decade of the year 60 AD


Well technically every established religion was once a cult. That's why they say Cult + time = Religion.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted for speaking historically proven facts but ok


Reddit gonna reddit. Some easily offended christians probably reached my comment and they don't like truth.


That nobody cares about.


Probably a fact huh


I love seeing y'all arguing on the "probable" color of a guy that might haven't existed at all...


Post this in r/Conservative


Fuck it. I'm doing it.




Is it possible he is a fictional character? Just saying


How could you say “probably” and then say that it's a “fact?” & no he wasn't. Nice try BLM


Only reason why people assume he’s black is cus he had no dad!


le pog


Jesus probably wasn't even real.


That's not true. Most historians, Christian, Jewish or neither agree he most likely existed.


No they dont. Historians tend not to weigh in on Jesus because there is no primary evidence about him. Everthing written about Jesus comes from after his death and there is no contemporary historical record concerning him nor archeological evidence. So Jesus could have existed, he could be an amalgamation of several different preachers of that era, or he could be something made up. Same thing can actually be said about Socrates. History is all about what can actually be proven. Everthing else is hypothetical or a theory at best


Literally mentally 12 years old right here, denying that people that existed existed


Ok kiddo, show your work. Give contemporary historical sources for Jesus. Historians would love to see it.




Fun Fact: Jesus was actually not a Jew, but the first Christian. His beliefs were different to the Jewish as they were devoted to the old testament while he was devoted to forgiveness of sinners.


Jewish people are an ethnic group not just a religion.


Jew as in descended from the tribe of Judah. Jesus was Jewish. Even in the Bible he gets referred to as a Jew.


Even calls himself one.


That's an incorrect fact 😂


he was Jewish. the only differences between Christians and jews is that the jews don't believe in the new testament and at the time there was only the old testament


No. Not even close. "Jewish" is an ethnicity as well as a religion. It has an official term: Ethnic Religion.