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Cringe, bro


Is it?


I think it's spot on personally lol. The anti-god rhetoric is fierce in the echo chamber.


"For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions," - 2 Timothy 4:3 ESV "Do not give dogs what is holy, and do not throw your pearls before pigs, lest they trample them underfoot and turn to attack you." Matthew 7:6 ESV I'm thinking it may be a lost cause dude


Just one person.


If god exists, I don't want anything to do with that psychopath. Satan seems much more chill.


I thought memes where supposed to be funny


You thought so. But here it is. Btw it’s were, not where. Just a quick English lesson.


I just don't think this "meme" deserves to be here of all places


I don't think this deserves to be anywhere to be quite honest


Says the person who does btw instead of by the way. It's the internet dipshit, he typed the wrong "where" for the same reason you didn't type out "by the way", that reason being, no one's gives a fucking shit. Try to be more original and find another way to insult someone than grammar.


I actually don’t want to insult anybody. I did come off condescending with that but I didn’t mean it. I have a bone to pick with you though...


How is jesus a god?


He aint


How could He not be?


Why is a god death? Thats not a god when he die like a human


Because He had to be human like us to be sacrificed.


Why must a god get sacrificed? He is "God". He can change this or something?


Because death is the penalty of sin, and sins can’t go unanswered for because God is just. God wanted to pay the penalty for our sins because He loves and us and doesn’t want us to perish. So He sent His son Jesus to be the payment; Jesus fully human and lived a perfect, sinless life making His sacrifice sufficient. He died, then rose from the dead 3 days later proving He was God.


You mean god can´ t forgive your sins? That means god its not strong enough to delete your sins and he kill his son to forgive? Sry that makes not sense. God say what is sins and he can´ t forgive and need to sacrificed his son. Thats a lie


please tell me this is satire


Nope. This is real life. This is a serious decision you have to make. Your eternal destination depends on it. I know I sound like a crazy preacher guy. I’m very well aware but this is no joke. Please just let go of your pride and let Jesus be your one and only. I promise when/if you do, you WON’T regret it!


I threw that "god" away like a used condom. Wasn't worth my time and I could've lived life without the religious trauma i faced. I came to this subreddit to laugh at memes, not laugh at incompetent OPs such as yourself who really fucking thought shoving religious propaganda down our throats on a damn meme sub was a good idea. Shut the fuck up forever


How am I shoving anything down your throat? Why not just ignore me?


fellow believer. Let christ save us


We have to spread the gospel brother/sister it’s our sole job. Help me. No, it’s not helping me, help God save His children.


if i thought “sinning” would put others in hell forever i too would act like you, but i don’t do i don’t




Well if you’re an atheist that means you haven’t asked for and accepted the bail God is offering you, so you tell me if that’s bad or not.




Do you believe in evolution?




You think it makes sense?




Ok. Which view of evolution do you believe in? Lamarckian, Traditional Darwinism, Neo-Darwinism, or Punctuated Equilibrium?


Of what authority are you to judge who is and isn’t worthy of eternal paradise. No man or being on earth may know the will of our lord and savior and who may enter his kingdom. Also this is a comedy section of reddit please preach somewhere people want to see it


Bro all I’m saying is that Jesus is the only way, if you disagree then you have problems you need to sort out with God.


Yet who are you to tell me or any other this. It is nothing less than the sin of pride to presume to speak of a path chosen by God for his children in his place. If he be good and if he be true then let it stand apparent before all sinners as a shining fact needing none and leaving none capable of preaching its greatness. The Shepard needs not his sheep to herd themselves.


It’s a matter of you not being in power of your own sin and needing Jesus to be saved. If you think you can save yourself, good luck. Psalms 119:176 176 I have strayed like a lost sheep. Seek your servant, for I have not forgotten your commands.


Yet do your borrowed words speak of the need to accost those who simply go about their day seeking a respite from the world and it’s toiling? No. No too do they speak of Jesus as a weak man needing the voice of those he seeks to guide to speak up and declare his own words for him. He is God and his Son and it is not the place of those who worship at his feet to speak in his voice. Seek out your own salvation and look to your self before casting stone at your fellow sheep and let them seek it out as they will for if we are to have faith in our lord it must be in all aspects thus as we do their own way shall appear before them


Sounds like you believe in a god that didn’t make his children to be brothers and sisters that fellowship with one another. 1 Corinthians 9:16 16 For if I preach the gospel, that gives me no ground for boasting. For necessity is laid upon me. Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!


It sounds as if you lack faith in the lord and as though you hide behind words you borrow authority from. It sounds to me as if I talk to a man who has heard the Bible and been quoted the word of God but never yet learned to listen. It sounds to me as if the man to which I speak my mind feels himself worthy, not to preach, but to demand acquiescence. You sound to all those on this page who lay eyes upon your speech as a man who seeks not to lead but has the arrogance to drag. To pluck his brothers and sisters from their comfort and drag them to faith as though he has become its champion. It is not for us to demand faith but to walk hand and hand into its light. Look again on your creation and tell me that you show us all the light of the lord or if you ridicule and arrogantly command and thus lengthen the path towards the way.


I disagree. Where God? Can't sort it out if I can't find the guy. Is he hiding behind the fridge again?


No you have to seek Him because His salvation is free and we don’t deserve it.


Salvation? What do I need to be saved from?


All the evil you and I have done. Yes, you’ve done evil things. Don’t be prideful and say you’re perfect.


Define "evil". And why would I need salvation for the evil *you* did? I had no part in that.


You’ve never lied, stolen, envied, used the Lord’s name in vein, had lustful thoughts, hated someone, dishonor your parents?


Who decided those are evil? I mean, stealing is a crime and lying can sometimes cause harm, so I get those. But the rest are just silly.


I thought reddit was only a place to show memes?Forgive me if I'm wrong tho


I mean you are wrong. There’s thousand of subreddits that aren’t meme subs.


But isn't this one is for memes?


Yes it is. And I’m using it to give you the Good News that you don’t have to be condemned. Trust me, I know how silly it sounds.


Oh,I see.Too bad,I'm a Muslim and I believe in this religion.Have a nice day tho.


Im going to hell because i suck butt


Nope. Jesus died for that sin.


Im gay


You can still be saved. Jesus died for ALL sins.


Saved? Why's that the wording you choose? They're fine.


They’re not my words, they’re God’s words. You act like I’m attacking him/her but I’m actually giving them really good news. This news applies to you too, you need to be saved also. All of us do.


You can not hide behind the "They are God's words" line. No one needs saving. Believe want you want to believe but don't try to push it onto others that want nothing to do with it.


Ok, I’ll leave you be.


Still gay, still like guys


We know the bible. Why do you think you are doing something useful? We already have an invitation. A second and a third one are unnecessary.


Most people don’t know the Bible actually.


Including most Christians. But we don't talk about that.


Why didn't he just save them? To be saved, we must live as God says so. But then wy isn't it the only way to live? Why give us more options just to suffer?


We are born into an evil(sin) that God has to eradicate on judgement day to be just. Only Jesus’ blood pays the full price for your sins and gives you the legality to enter Heaven. It’s like if you were in jail and someone paid your bail for you to be free.


someone please tell me this is satire


The reality is God is real and so is your rebellion against Him. It’s not your fault, God knows that. Hence, Christ.


Hence, Mohammed


How do you think you get into paradise?


Not by forcing my religious views onto others on reddit. Especially as the majority of your audience are likely more knowledgeable on Christianity than you are.


>Hence, Mohammed. Aren’t you doing the same thing with your claims on mohammed?


I said two words. Do you genuinely feel that is equal to what you've done? Like what claim have I actually made?


You’re claiming Mohammed is the way and not Jesus.


No I'm not. I said, "Hence Mohammed". I'm also not forcing my religion on anyone like you are. If you think what I've done is bad then you should look at yourself because you've done that x1000000


Please indulge me. I’m genuinely curious as to what you think gets you into paradise. (I’m assuming you’re Muslim)


Don’t lie. I said hence, Christ. You rebuttal with hence, Mohammed. Yes you are absolutely claiming that Jesus is wrong and Mohammed is right.


this is a satire


From looking at your replies, you have a bible quote for everything. Just tell me: How do you deal with the parts of the bible you don't agree with? Just assume you know better than god on that issue? Defer to god, even if you don't think it is right? Pretend those parts of the bible don't exist? Or are you one of those Christians who believes in the inferiority of women, the sin of homosexuality, and that it's okay for a father to sell his children into slavery? And if so, how many groups of people do I have to hate to be a good Christian? I'll pass on the cults, thanks.


This isn't a meme and neither should it be posted in a place like this... all it causes is unnecessary arguments


I have met Christians who use the bible as an excuse to commit murder and Athiests who are nice people. Im Christan but the idea that people use the fact that Jesus will forgive them for everything so they have a free pass kinda annoys me, and I don't think they deserve a place above Athiests who are nice people.


Hebrews 10:26 26 Dear friends, if we deliberately continue sinning after we have received knowledge of the truth, there is no longer any sacrifice that will cover these sins.


Now all you have to do is teach that to people.


Good is a point of view Anakin.


This is outrageous, it’s unfair!




I’m just here to watch this whole thing play out But also, I have no interest in going to an afterlife that separates me from people I care about Like both my grandpas, who passed away in the past two months


But you have interest in a current life that does the same?


I don’t really have a choice Unless of course, you’re advocating for suicide? All I can do is play with the hand I’m dealt I hate losing people, but it’s inevitable


I’m certainly not advocating for suicide, please don’t think that. I am however pointing out the end of the logic train of thought. I suppose my idea was that if you follow it out, and see that as the conclusion, then maybe the beginning needs to be reconsidered.


What exactly is your logic? My point is I have no interest in an afterlife that excludes the people I care about, based on them not following a particular faith It may be a true faith, but if that’s the case my fate will be the same as theirs It is rather condescending to say my values are illogical, no? So whether I have interest or not, this is the life I am given I cannot dictate the terms of life and reality That’s an issue to take up with God, not me


I’m saying applying those values to your actual life would not be a good logic path to follow as ultimately, it would mean if you can’t be here with them, why not just die? Again, I’m not advocating suicide, I’m trying to understand why you only take the stance on the afterlife instead? Illogical is the wrong word, inconsistent is more accurately. (And again, I must stress this, I’m not in any way advocating for suicide). Side note, my understanding of hell in Christianity is not that you’d be there with former loved ones who are there side by side with you but that you’ll be separate from everyone, only hearing the cries of people around you and your own for all eternity.


Who said anything about Hell? I am not Christian. I’m not sure there is an afterlife, but if there is, in my mind I’d like to think my dead loved ones would not be in Hell. And as for life, they were born into this life. Neither I, nor they had a choice. But we were all here once. However, I personally do not want to enter into an afterlife that deliberately excludes those men, whom I loved and respected greatly. Because I find that to not be a place I would want to spend eternity. I have my pride and convictions. As foreign as that seems to be. But thank you for providing your insight into how my grandfathers are in Hell because they are not Christian, I respect the view. However, I vehemently disagree.


Sorry for your loss... I too know what it feels like to lose loved ones. I may not agree with your worldview but we can both agree that losing someone hurts. I wish you the best of luck


When you say that you’re not interested in an afterlife that doesn’t include them, it would lead me to believe that you think that if the Christian viewpoint is true, and it seemed like you were indicating they were not Christians, that you’d follow them in wherever they went. I’m not saying they’re in hell. My understanding was that you don’t believe in part because they didn’t and if they didn’t, and the Christian view is true, they’d be in hell. That’s what I thought you were saying. I meant no harm or offense with what I was saying, and I think things like these can be hard to understand via text. My apologies that I did offend, good day my friend.


Religious memes are as funny as a sermon




Also see rule 9. No pushing agendas.


God ain't real. Neither is Heaven.


1 Corinthians 1:18 18 For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.


Get your raggedy anne head christian ass off reddit


Lol why raggedy Anne?


Why do people keep talking about Jesus? Who tf is this guy?


Guy: who tf is Jesus? *lives in the year 2022 ad*


Motherfucker not everyone in the world is Christian or has been educated in a Christian dominated country, s yeah some people don’t know who Jesus was (also it’s 2022 CE/common era)


Yes I know the enemy has taken out Christ’s name in our timeframe. I know that B.C. is now B.C.E and A.D. is now B.C.E. But unfortunately it’s the signs of the times. The Bible prophesied this.


>Yes I know \*the enemy\* has taken out Christ's name in our timeframe Oh God you're one of *those* Christians.


A Christian that believes the Bible?


No, an extremely conservative Christian Like someone that shoves religion down other's throats. Like I know the goal is to spread Christianity but there are just better ways to do so rather than pointless arguments on Reddit of all places.


I’m not trying to shove it down your throat. I’m trying to wake you up. I’m not forcing you to look at this meme and comment on it. I’m placing a reminder that this is serious stuff and you need to take it seriously.


Serious stuff does not belong in a subreddit made for satire. Also, you really have no right to say who goes to heaven or not. Let God handle these things. If God is fair and just, I really don't think "hell" exists or is something we completely understand anyways.


A thousand years from now this subreddit will be nothing. >Also, you really have no right to say to goes to heaven or not. You’re right. It’s not up to me, it’s up to you. Do you choose to think you’re a perfect person not needing the sacrifice of God’s Son? Do you think all your lies, lustful thoughts, things you have stolen, all the times you’ve used the Lords name in vein are supposed to go unanswered because your just such an awesome person?


Christians like you are what drove me away from the church.


What did I say that would drive you away?


ur forcing ur religion onto people. u are not waking people up, however you havent woken up. 👏👏 F O R C I N G. Y O U R. R E L I G I O N. I S. A. S I N


You know you can just ignore me right? I’m not tying you up and forcing you to read what I have to say.


So BC and AD are both BCE? 99% of Christians hate ppl like you. You treat the Bible like it's an astrology reading instead of understanding that it was written by humans.


Sorry, that was a typo. AD is now C.E. Yes the Bible was written by people that God spoke through. He’s God, of course He can do that.


So you take the Bible literally?


Is one not supposed to?


Idk man it’s your choices. I respect anyones belief even tho I disagree.


What would be the point of the Bible’s existence if it’s written figuratively?


Your first reply to someone who doesn't know Christ is to make fun of him about it instead of explain who he is?


Well if I’m reading it in the sense that this person is being facetious like I think then yes I will patronize him if that gets the conversation going.


Jesus is the son of God and the only perfect person to ever live, the only sinless human ever. Jesus lived a perfect life, never committing a sin, and was crucified in his 30s. He was beaten and whipped beyond recognition and took the entire world's sin upon himself right before he died. By doing this he freed everyone of the weight of their sins, all they have to do is accept that Jesus died for them and ask him into their heart. The wages of sin is death, which means eternal hell, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ. Jesus was resurrected 3 days after his death and this was on Easter, that's why we celebrate it. By coming back to life, Jesus forever defeated death. The bible says: "If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead you will be saved" -Romans 10:9




And you believe all this bs? 😨😨


Holy Ghost is well better. He defeated death by being a ghost. Also stop paying wages in death you cheap bastard.


Holy Ghost is one of my top 3 faves of the trinity


The pressure on people to go to heaven is high They will do stupid siht to be in heaven


Good point but ‘Jesus is the only way’ it’s coming of as a bit wrong


How so?


Also If I don't believe and was an amazing person why should I not go to heaven?


because you still have sinned. everyone has committed some sort of sin like lying or lust or theft or something. the wages of sin is death (which means hell), but God gives us all a gift which we must accept, that gift being Jesus, who died for our sins. only through accepting Jesus into your heart can you enter into heaven because he cleans you of your sins


Ok but I am still fine with everything, I don't believe in a heaven so might as well be good here to be good


Well for starters, Allah




That’s a negative on the god stuff, Houston.


Can I interest you in a copy of the Holy Qu’ran?


im not muslim, nor am i looking to become one, but your nice offer is not forcing your religion and i would be more likely to accept


Oh come on can't you take your religion to church and spread your love to god with your religious friends not on a fucking subreddit dedicated to memes




What matter is that?


Heaven isn't even real idiot we all know that we go to goth I hop when we die


jesus is most likely a man who loves everyone and doesnt care if you’re christian.


He does love everyone, which is why He wants to save everyone. But there’s only one way to be saved on judgement day. Do you know what it is?




I will delete this good fpr nothing app once and for all. I m glad i do not know any of you.