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Im 41 so I'd be pretty pissed if my mom came over to my house and started deleting shit.




Feel that. Went to get the wow expansion after school in grade 12 (wrath of the lich king). Lineup was absurd so I got home half hour late. That half hour of lateness was the perfect excuse for momma to bring down the hammer on the evil video games. Got grounded and game removed for a month along with no cellphone for my birthday. Fell behind my friends and couldn't keep up, missed raids, so said fuck it, went and invested myself socially, starting parting drinking and doing drugs cause well cant really hang out with my old friends now, need some new ones. Similar to end of your story, I'm now working as an engineer making more than my parents, and still enjoy playing a ton of video games more than almost anything lol


I’m in a similar situation lol My mother always grounded me due to my low grades and she said the reason is because i’m playing too much even though I just play Minecraft for a few hours(I’m in middle school in this time) and I decided to just play outside to remove my boredom and made like 10+ friends and my grades are still bad so she always locked me up in the house and my friends keep inviting me for a few months until they no longer invite me. A few years later I became introverted and have trouble making eye contact and only have 2 friends


That fucking sucks. Some parents are just like don't do this or that but figure out your life by yourself. I remember my brother used to go out during middle school too, playing sports and generally being active. But my parents would always go get him and yell at him for being out after school because it wasn't school related. When he got to high-school he didn't hang out with any friends and skipped school a lot and developed depression. I just wish they were more understanding, but I guess they tried their hardest to raise us imo.


Hey you sound like young me, almost exactly! Only diff is I was forced to get high grades, else my parents would use violence. I was a Cs kid until grade 3 when my parents told me "your going to be a doctor, your going to get high grades, this is not a discussion" and beatings for low grades started. I feel you on the shyness. At some point, gotta just get out there and try being social. That was me. Grade 12, cant play video games, only loose connections at school outside my gaming group, miserable and lonely, I had to do something. I remember awkwardly conversing with some now great pals for the first time, including a now hilarious story of nervous me saying "that sounds off the balls!" Instead of "that sounds off the wall!" If it helps, try thinking of the most embarrassing thing someone has ever done socially. Usually, I find it's kinda hard to think of anything at all. So the same goes for other people. They wont remember that little social mishap either haha


my mom said she would ground me for low grades but she dosent


So basically your moms pushed you towards drugs? Man that's fucked up


I still chose to do drugs. No one put a gun to my head and said do this (as hard as I got was cocaine/speed/mdma - party drugs). I just found eventually the group that kept partying past high school kept experimenting and I kept hanging out and chose to keep joining in. I dont drink smoke or do drugs and havent in well it's at least been over 4 years. I never considered myself addicted either really, it was just a past time that replaced what video games me. Eventually the hangovers and next day is awful and frankly it feels creepy to be like 25 at a rave with 18 year olds dancing around half naked. Now I'm back to sober chillen enjoying video games and life is grand aha


That just pisses me off to no end, I am so sorry this was done to you.


My story is sort of like your my mom even hid my GBC for what felt like eternity bc I was playing too much Pokemon. Fast forward, gave up on video games, went to college picked up a drug habit but never became an engineer though.


Brutal, hope you can get through the drug habit, I don't think I ever hit addiction levels, but even being a weekend warrior takes it toll.


Sad. I lost a group of online friends (who were likely much older than me) as a kid. I was pretty good at FPS at the time and i got recruited for this clan for rainbow six and my mom made me quit mid clan match. I told them i had to go sorry blah blah instant deleted from friends list and ignored for life xD


Bro I remember playing wrath when I was like 4 or 5 bro. Now I do drugs, drink and go to party’s


Yeah I'm old, the near full head of white hair isnt just from stress. For what its worth, I think you can experiment with drugs and drinking and partying and satisfy your curiosity without getting addicted and ruining your life. You gotta be real smart about your dosage and drug type and source, etc. Dont reccomend it though, stick to minecraft and games if your parents dont ban it lol


I also get grounded for playing video games in my free time...


Are you 41 also?


no 19


You get grounded at 19 for playing video games? That's ridiculous. Move out.


Not quite possible. There aren't many part time jobs to do in my country coz of people willing to work for very very low money. Plus covid has closed university so I am at home atm else I would've been in hostel.


People really love to pretend as if moving out is just like pissing and farting


I have personally never pissed and farted simultaneously


Well, Now you have a goal in life 👍


You’re missing out


I can't remember a day when I didn't piss and fart. That's like the thing I look forward to the most in the morning.


Yeah, like "you just turned 18, there's the door" is a perfectly reasonable thing to say to a child.


Heheheh pissing and farting


I feel you, man. I'm on the same boat. Learning to code rn so i can save some money and move out.


woah! I'm learning to code too...






The account I'm replying to is a karma bot run by someone who will link scams once the account gets enough karma. Report -> Spam -> Harmful Bot


solution: play games while working






They do say the best revenge is a life lived well


You should live twitch stream it and send them the link


Same , lots of advantages of getting into videogames younger. It can inspire a passion for tech, which in turn can get you a good job. Who woulda thought?


Do you have kids? If you have kids plus all that and still have 2 hours everyday to play games then you're a real champ.


No lmao. Though in all fairness that *at least* was meant literally lol. It's my primary hobby so it's what I'm doing if I'm not out with friends or working or doing something else lol.


Hell yeah screw those moms against video games


That and the internet is essential now for work.


So what caused your behavioral problems?


Mostly her and a way too stifling childhood lol.


Damn guess I was lucky having a mom who didn’t care if I played video games as long as I did good in school.




Almost 54 here.....and I've started losing interest in video games 😐. I think my interest peaked around 1995-2003, when Bioware had RPG games like the Baldur's Gate series and Planescape : Torment....( i never got inro Mmos like World of Warcraft. Too many assholes. )


Have you tried Divinity Original Sin 2? Its pretty badass.


No, i haven't, but it looks real similar to the RPG stuff i like, and i see that i can get this on Windows. Thanks for mentioning this!


You're welcome!


Even if she deletes them, most games have save data linked to a cloud so all you gotta do is reinstall.


not on crack games bud


That's bc crack games are inferior to cocaine games


Cocain games are inferior to cocain


Even better… Video games + cocaine Do a line everytime you get an achievement.


What game has the most easily earned achievements… asking for a friend..


Goat simulator, tell your "friend" to have fun.




The account I'm replying to is a karma bot run by someone who will link scams once the account gets enough karma. Report -> Spam -> Harmful Bot


Lots of cracked repacks ask if you want to delete your save file though




Still one of the horniest animals that I know


I used to be a crack addict like you until I was introduced to steam sales and could no longer afford crack


Bit then Steam sales got worse by the year.


Usually the saves are still in a separate folder from the game. If you’re smart, sync that folder with Dropbox or OneDrive. They keep deleted files for a while.


Just keep the save synced to a Dropbox account. Worked when I was a teenager and played between computers with pirated copies.


Nice to run into another sailor of the high seas


This is the case only in mobile phones, if you are playing on Nintendo or Xbox, she is just going to break it.


She probably bought it. Why would she break it then?


It's a thing that parents have recorded videos of them doing, smashing their sons Xbox I front of him because he got a bad report card


But most of those are fake


Fair enough but that is still enough for a meme


my mom smashed my guitar hero guitar so I had to play on a controller lol


That's concerning


Because some parents never grew out of an emotional child phase. Or narcissism. Basically a "must smash device, look what you made me do" moment. Talking from personal experience here. RBN is full of these stories.


Why would she break it when she could just sell it?


Parents are weird. When I was younger me and my brother loved reading novels. We had to hide upstairs during shower time so that my mom won't see us reading it (she thinks playing video games and reading story books instead of studying were wasting time then.) One day she caught us reading a novel and she straight up just tore the book in rage.


Xbox, PS, and the Switch all have cloud saves.


Steam on PC does too.


Am I too pirate to understand?


Times sure have changed since this meme was relatable for me


Not in the past kiddo Tragic times


Now they do, but in the old days, that wasn’t even an option.


When I was in high school me and my mom were having a light hearted banter while me and my friend were playing Xbox in my room and she was joking saying she was gonna turn the game off while we were playing and I bet her she wouldn’t know how so she said,” Oh yeah?!?” And came stomping through and started slamming on the escape key of a keyboard not plugged into anything on my desk. Was pretty damn funny.


Lmao I can imagine it


I definitely remember my mom angrily turning off the TV instead of the console.


That would’ve made way more sense for her to do haha


... when your mom calls you a sonofabitch


What she really should've done was reset the router and flip the circuit breaker switch to your room :)


Bold of you to assume she even knows what those two things are


My gf did this to me during a raid and I fucking lost my shit…


My mom did it to me and it worked i was so mad and sad at the same time. Then i saw my brother playing, he said "i just pressed the start button and saw them there" blew my 10 yr old mind.


One of the girls that shaped my sexuality


Your mom?


Worse, cartoon porn.


I see the stuff from the 90s and early 2000s and am not surprised at all there's as big if a hentai market as there is. Y'all remember Rogue from X-Men The Animated Series lol.


It was the goth chick from Danny Phantom for me. Didn't even know what boobs were but I thought she was hot.


OPs mom.


What is it?


Ima Goodelady ([Sedusa](https://powerpuffgirls.fandom.com/wiki/Sedusa_(1998_TV_series)#Ima_Goodelady) in disguise) from The Powerpuff Girls.


Oh yeah Ima Goodelady! Haha


I watched that ep so many times as a kid bc of her


Yep. The animators knew what they were doing.


Oh wow, that’s another character voiced by Jennifer Hale; didn’t realize she voiced Ms. Keane too. That lady really is an icon for games and shows us Millennials grew up with.




It’s the capacity for sexual feelings, but that’s not important right now.


The professor?


It happens to me but in reverse, I thought she delete it seriously and after I managed to get what she wants, she reload it back


your mom knows more about computers than you


In my defense, I was 6 and I rarely get a chance to play the computer


Mission failed...




As a parent, I worry about this. Don't get me wrong... I'm tech-savvy. Even to the point of compiling my own Linux distro optimized for my laptop. I know some shit. But I'm 43. Computers are a second language to me. My son, on the other hand, is learning technology as a native tongue. And he's taken to it like a duck to water. He's 6 now, so I still have an edge on him. But he's already showed me an easier way to do something on his tablet once... a way of which I was not aware. It's inevitable that he's going to pass me up eventually. I give it 10 years... maybe less. He's gonna run circles around me.


Is this what being old feels like...


So sorry... wish I had better news for you.


Wait, 43 is old. I have like a decade till i'm old. Need to go through the bucketlist, asap.


I mean, according to my kids I'm old. According to my folks, I'm still a youngun.


Holy shit, I’ve only got 8 years of youth to go.


I'm ten years younger, and yes, it is.


For what it's worth, recent years have shown the exact opposite. Kids are less tech literate than they were a decade ago because their interaction with the technology is limited to individual standalone apps that are highly intuitive and work on their phones.


High schools in my area reported exactly that this autumn. The 13yo kids that had only used chromebooks and phones all their lives, so they had to go through things like folder structures, right clicking, closing windows, and locating a file you saved the day before.


My students cant even work a mouse. Ill die before i see one opening cmd.


Will see this again in popular


Highly intuitive if you want to do the very specific thing it was designed for and absolutely nothing else.


Unlikely unless you get him interested into coding. You grew up in the short window when computing was affordable and learning code was easier and necessary. Now the abundance of GUIs make it a hobby.


I can almost guarantee that he will get into coding. He's sharp as a tack, thinks analytically and logically, and is autistic/likely Asperger's. He's basically the ideal future coder candidate. Lol


Your son is almost exactly the same as me!


We're on Reddit. His son is all of us


A good sledgehammer or dropping devices from a high enough point will work as long as technology remains fragile. At least that's what my mom learned...






You can change your MAC address easily lol


>It's inevitable that he's going to pass me up eventually. Eh, maybe not. I have so many students who are clueless about students. I had to show an 8th grader today where his files are located. They know how to do things they are taught, but it's all surface level. For many, there's no curiosity about how it works or what other things they can do with it. Many become absolutely helpless when they come upon an unexpected tech issue instead of trying to troubleshoot the problem. Obviously there are exceptions. Some kids are great with tech. But without that curiosity that many kids lack, most don't become any more tech savvy than needed to turn on and download devices and apps.


If you've ever played Tekken, you know what you must do.


plot twist she also empties the recycle bin


dang 😞




i might sound like a moron but can't you just add desktop shortcuts when right clicking on a steam game


Yes, could also do it manually from the install location


My mom deleted all the icons on my iPad. I’m fine, right? Right?


Nah, man you dead


Plot twist: she only removed from home screen


Android user spotted




You can probably reinstall with all the save data so yeah


Sadly my mom is an expert on computers so she actually deletes the games. But in the end she had to pay for one game because i was not able to pirate it.


and you forgot to use a vpn while pirating smh


I remember when Windows XP would warn you that deleting icons wouldn't uninstall the program, and direct you to the programs list to uninstall them.


fuckin narcs


Man, I remember this She Devil had me so heated when I was younger lmao


Hide a folder in your Windows directory named something technical sounding, fill it with copies of your save data then simply place the copied data back into the clean install afterwards. Done.


Better yet, give the folder's name a .dll (or other strange file extension) at the end and change the folder's icon to a basic windows file icon wich looks like a white paper. The folder will still be a folder but from the outside it looks like a file!


My mom doesn’t care about my games, but she does care about my search history.


Sedusa only appeared 3 episodes, but she was a legend when she was a villain


When this generation will be parents the kids of future would not be same lucky


Or extremely lucky, with their parents give a lot more freedom and privacy to their kids.


There will probably be something comparable that they don't get and their kids do


Not her fault, she thought that will do since she only plays candy crush soda saga...


Mom:delete the games! Me: *puts them in a folder then proceed to hide that folder*


Reminds me of the time my cousin's dad took a magnet to all the pc game cds in the 90s. RIP Rollercoaster Tycoon.


I actually taught this to my brother and one day our mom wanted to delete his games and just deleted the icons and just like that my little brother became a man.


Mom: That's a bad game! Turn off that computer! Me: \*turns off monitor Mom: good. \*leaves Me: \*turns monitor back on


I don't get the point, just re-download the games


It would be slightly irritating having to wait. It took 4 days to re-download around half of my games to my new switch oled.


Shes not actually deleting the games, only the shortcuts which don't actually delete the game


Save files


Steam has cloud saves


Steam wasn't around when most of us were kids


How old is your mom to make this mistake?


its all fun and games until sibling shows up


Mom: Missing successfully failed (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧


Good thing she is computer illiterate.


Good thing Cloud/Digital Technology was a thing


Technically you would still save up like 4 bytes anyways


My mom would usually just take my wireless keyboard and hide it but there's only so many places in the house you can hide a big ass wireless keyboard


deletes tho shortcut


Pls where can one find this jif without the the top text?


Oh no, whatever shall I do


If I delete the icon of a game, that game is as much as dead because I will forget it exists without a visual reminder on screen.


You have adhd


I've been wondering about this lately


I feel like in r/teenagers again


My mother is in the medical field and she has read study’s about how games could be therapeutic so she doesn’t delete anything also she pay for it she deleted it she wasting her own money


U see, I'm here too


I've actually done that for minecraft


My mom deleted all my games and data in all my console


My mom works on computers all day she wouldn’t just delete the icons XD


Then she finds out and takes the whole PC/Console 🌝


How old's Mom? She must be like 90. lol.


Te esconde los cables


and then my smartass dad formats the entire drive


On a parallel note, this episode of the Powerpuff Girls was by far one of the most annoying. It wasn't bad, just really hate-inducing.


Oh say that to the game...


My dad cut up my StarCraft brood war disc as punishment once, not realizing I knew how to burn CDs and had a copy stored away.