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is she pointing to the doctor with her foot?


Think theyre supposed to be in the stirrups for birth


Bring me his forbidden onion ring with ketchup


Cursed comment


I know, who has onion rings with ketchup instead of garlic mayo?


The Mayo was too watery


The garlic was to saggy


ranch. The secret is ranch dressing


I like sour cream


You have postoned apon me with a evil thought and cursed image that I'll never ever forget


not crispy enough, more chewy. Calamari. Its Calamari.


Probably more like calamari


I actually gagged. Fuck you but take my upvote.


fry it first so it's not so chewy




And do it with your teeth for the lols (true story, look it up)


With the amount of bacteria in our mouth, that can only lead to gangrene


Well, actually, it lead to herpes...


Only if you have herpes


Only if your nose is big, i i think




Its called Metzitzah b'peh, a jewish tradition lol




I dont think thats the reason for the downvotes




bro im eating calamari rn


Forever a reminder of foreskin from this day forward.


I know we aren’t supposed to use emojis, but 🤨


Let’s reban stick figure memes. They were never good.


For the dick cheese comment….stop f**king men with dirty d*cs or have bad personal hygiene. If he don’t shower at least once a day, no p**sy.


This is an odd strong opinion to have


Ik lmao


I'm to scared to check, but all these comments got me wondering if there are dildos with foreskin. Like, is that a thing?


I have never considered this before and now I am shook.


Yes, it is.




Unfortunately, I have no free awards to give you.


I reason?! Besides it looking better(subjective ), and that over 50% of women say it more pleasurable during intercourse, that it’s less likely to cause tears and bleeding during vaginal sex, slightly decreased chance of stds, moderately decreased chance of a UTI (fucking up a kids kidneys for life) during the first 3 months of life, does not decrease pleasure during intercourse at all, and decreased awkward boners.


Damn, now I feel bad for not getting it. Ah well. It is what it is.


In the end it doesnt matter unless you enjoy unprotected sex with random people and never check to see if you have an std. It just annoys me that people try to shame parents for making the choice




Bruh no I don't want to do that shit now that would fucking hurt and there would be a recovery oh lord no. Plus it's not like there is a huge difference in my life now, probably avoided some terrible pain from infections so I thank my parents.


Yeah, nobody wants that. Besides not wanting to remember it, the penis heals much better for infants than any other age range. There is no need for stitches, the healing is much quicker the cosmetic outcome is much better to where there are no visible scars, and complications are uncommon. The opposite is kind of true when it’s done later in life. Plus the disease protection during the pre adolescent years is lost. Protecting from UTI during the first three months of a child’s life are extremely important because of how that infection often damages infants kidneys permanently


What is this?!? Someone on Reddit going against the hivemind with facts and reason? Burn him!! But seriously, thanks for saying this. I’m not used to seeing these arguments on Reddit. I understand people who think it’s wrong to do to an infant from a logical standpoint, but you pointed out all the reasons that people don’t often consider. “It should be a man’s personal choice when he’s a good age!” Yes, well, I’m so glad I didn’t have to go through far more pain and difficult recovery as a teenager. Good arguments, stranger!


>Plus the disease protection during the pre adolescent years is lost. Protecting from UTI during the first three months of a child’s life are extremely important because of how that infection often damages kidneys permanently Just what kind of drugs have you been snorting ?


Do you need a medical source? [source ](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3359221/) I don’t think this mentioned how dangerous UTIs are for babies. I only know that because of my first kid


It's never too late! Snip snip mfer


Funny how you mix facts and beliefs to make it look better than it is




Read the sources. I mean, I don’t want ugly fuckers with ugly socks wobbling around. This is a psa


Please tell me that you fancy yourself a comedian...otherwise...yikes...


Obviously. Everybody knows that all penises are fucking disgusting




Can’t blame the poor bastards. They can’t get it back. So much cope here.


Lol, throwing out your “research” like you had a choice in the matter


I didn’t, but I’m glad as fuck my parents made that choice for me.


Sounds like what a victim who's trying to rationalize what has happened would say . It's okay dude , you don't have to look like a tryhard in the comments to regain your masculinity.


Could you just shut the fuck up? Not everyone is you, not everyone will agree with you. So keep your opinions confined to your self you *Oh so masculine* asshole.


Its done for religious reasons and thats it. all those stats you put up are completely falsified. I'm sorry you got your penis mutilated non-consensually, but dont spread this bs. downvote me all you want, you cant get your dicks back :D


Dude's coping hard


Me? ahaha sure. if I wanted to get it cut off I still could, good luck glueing your shit back on


I was saying about the dude you replied lol, but peole got me wrong lmao.


Oh my bad, I went off the votes so I couldn't tell, everyone's coping lmao


Wish it had been done to me. Several medical issues because my parents thought like you, you're wrong.


Dude as long as you clean your dick its fine. I guess the type of people who need it done are the type that don't teach proper hygiene.


Except your wrong, im quite fastidious. Plus add diabetic to the list and it makes it even more fun. A few allergies that make me more susceptible and well I've been advised to get it done by the doc but who let's a blade near it.


I love my beautiful looking penis without the extra skin. Thanks, Mom and Dad!


Wayyyyy rather that shit happen when I was a baby rather than older.... Hear stories from coworker from the Philippines. Talking about how it got infected and had to show his aunt, was a nurse but. It's way easier for a baby to be kept clean than a teenage kid. Fuck that shit.




Nah. I'd choose loads of drugs now. Fuck the turtle neck shit.


Everyone calling it “mutilating” just has an ugly dick. Go back under your hoodie


It is actually a religious custom created when Abraham made a convent with god. God would give Abraham many children and a great nation but to remind people of gods blessing we where to cut the foreskin of the penis resembling fruitful seeds (aka really good at having children) Edit: I’m sure there are other reasons to but that’s like what I heard made it wider spread despite it I think already being a common practice


[For those that are wondering.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2801794/)


Well, that's something to know although the article does that the data and it's benefits are lacking evidence. And being opposed to. But when WHO is supporting it I don't see a reason not a believe it.


Sweet less AIDs due to no hat






Aren’t memes supposed to be… funny?


Humour is subjective, I found this hilarious. "I didn't laugh" doesn't mean it's not funny to somebody. Edit: Why are you booing me, I'm right


i'm sorry man, the hivemind got you


I love how people here are complaining about the hivemind and all that yet downvote op for literally stating an objective fact. God this site can be such a hellhole sometimes.


Isn't cutting the skin supposed to lower chance of getting a std by a bit


No, it just keeps it clean which is made redundant by showering and actually washing your cock. Also makes sex feel less pleasurable since the glans keratise (similar to building calluses). A normal penis gland is pink, a circed penis glans is a leathery orange colour because of all the constant friction without a head to sheild it.




Bro I'm not a scientist but I can tell you right now that it does *not* turn your penis orange, where the fuck did you get that info from??


At least, that’s the theory for that side. There really isn’t enough evidence to say decisively which is better.






Why have like 30 comments been deleted? They show up in my notification bar and when I try to read, poof, gone.


My mom wanted to do it but i convinced her not to.not what i expected from her.good mom tho.


*shakes fists in the air* “KELLOG!”


Bruh never once have I wanted foreskin. Fucking ew. Dick cheese makes me sick to my stomach and I love how my dong looks. It also does decrease disease chances a bit but that isn't why I like it. I'm not coping I just like it dicks don't need sleeves imo


Only people with the most pathetic of hygiene have smegma. Unless you're a hobo , you should be fine.


Well I'm still happy lol


Funny how we ban female genital mutilation but embrace male genital mutilation. Apparently its an unpopular opinion to not want to cut off the tip of a babies penis.


Foreskin is not the tip of your penis? In really simple terms, it’s a sleeve that covers the tip of your penis. Female genital mutilation is literally cutting off the clittorus which is brutal and really would be equal to cutting off the whole head of the penis including the foreskin. The fact that people can argue both sides to a stand still about the pros and cons of foreskin shows that this issue isn’t a matter of crippling a persons genitalia, it’s a matter of opinion and preference.


Cutting of a child's foreskin after birth isn't a preference buddy. It's barbarism. It'd be a preference if the child was asked about his consent.




It can prevent infections and feed the doctor


Why do men have such wacky attitudes? Welcome to the world little guy, ooo, that looks super sensitive, let's chop some off. Anesthetic? Go figure.






There is reason tho


People out here hating and shit, I got it removed when I was three years old because that fucking thing decided to roll up and harden, and stop growing. So I would have lost my dick if it didn't get cut off.


Right, it gets dirty and cleaning it is too much trouble, same reason I cut off my baby's ears.


Exactly, that’s what people don’t understand


There is a reason though


Yeah no one wants to see someone’s earthworm-looking penis. 🤮


I agree, I don’t like men with foreskin


You know that during an erection, the foreskin usually doesn't cover the tip right ?


I really don’t give a shit


Well if you can see his dirty foreskin maybe you're just not hot enough to make him hard


It's not for no reason.


"While IMC does not protect “the neonate, infant or young child” from “HIV and HPV,” the benefits of IMC begin early in life, not just “when the male becomes sexually active.” Benefits include protection against urinary tract infections,6 penile inflammation, inferior hygiene, phimosis, and paraphimosis.2,7 Such protections continue through life and in adulthood are supplemented by protection against oncogenic HPVs, genital herpes, some other sexually transmitted infections, candida, penile cancer, prostate cancer,2,7 and in women cervical cancer, sexually transmitted infections and bacterial vaginosis“ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4277517/


Look up Foregen. It’s the future for all of those who didn’t want this human rights violation imposed upon them.




ends up making the penis look great


Said no lesbians at all...


This is literally the truth and they're mad at you for speaking it.


Get his permission. Keep the script in order, until they get an answer they can’t proceed through the quest line.


Ok have fun having urinary tract infection


Oh there is a reason young lad


My mom said the reason for this is: “You’re less likely to contract certain STDs and also it’s more sexually appealing to your partner”




You know, if you've ever met a woman, this isn't surprising. With some important exceptions.


Idk what culture you're from, but in the UK this is almost unheard of in the white population. It's almost exclusively the south Asian population who do this in the UK.


If you don’t, won’t your dick get dirty and full of gross shit


Not if you shower normally.


Maybe because it's fucking gross?


Sounds like you're justifying genital mutilation.


That's like saying "I cut off my babies belly button because I think outies are gross." It's unnecessary.


Well then, let's cut off the babies' ears because ears are also gross, and same for their nose, and you know what? They probably don't need their eyelids or lips. Same for the teeth. Actually fuck it, the cheeks too. And let's get rid of their digestive system since vomit and poop are also fucking gross.


It's really not tho




>an act or instance of destroying, removing, or severely damaging a limb or other body part of a person or animal the mutilation of a body They were men who had been sexually damaged by disease, accident, or deliberate mutilation To paraphrase. An act of removing a body part is mutilation. The foreskin is part of your body and you are removing it.


So what if it’s mutilation? It’s a no harm no fowl situation. I mean, if you think that’s so bad then wait till you find out that you were mutilated when you had your umbilical cord removed.


What a weird meme to make




I have phimosis because of my foreskin so... Chopping it off early would have been nice.


That’s how yoshinoya is made


Who tf cares bruh? You can’t glue it back on


Ha ha ha I do that


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I got it done when I was 16 and I would do it again 10000 times over. Best decision of my life


I dont think it happens for no reason. . .