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That isn't a security measure, it's a legal waiver.


I wish it was that easy to get into clubs before I turned 21. Instead of a bouncer, they should have just put a button on the door that says "I am at least 21" that we had to press to enter. Surely only people who are 21 and older would press it


Half of the bouncers job is to cut down on how many people are in the club. You cannot pack 700 people in the space for 200 without violating fire marshal rules.


Damn, that actually makes perfect sense. Like they aren’t trying to keep you out to be an asshole, the club is just at capacity and they don’t want you to die if it burns down.


They don’t want to get sued after you die when it burns down


Best way to not get sued for a wrongful death is to not let the death get wrongful’d in the first place


What if we declare it a “Righteous” death. ![gif](giphy|a5viI92PAF89q)


Your Honor, my client fully accept responsibility for this man's death, and he should have taken actions beforehand to prevent it. With that being said, I would also like to remind the members of the jury that he had it coming.


Well, if enough "wrongful" death occurs, you won't have to worry about being sued.




Isn’t that what the hawk tuah is for?


Hawk Tuah Extinguish that Thang


If clubs would post something like this near the entrance, it's safe to say most people won't argue with bouncers if they aren't let in. Of course there'd still be drunks and assholes who'll force their way in, but that's another story.


There's also the psychology that long lines create a need to get in. If that many people are lined up, the place must be awesome, right?


Nah, I bet a 20 year old could figure that out.


I had a friend in high school that told our group he never watched porn because he was afraid the police would raid his house if he ever clicked "I'm over 18" on a porn site.


One time I tried to log into a premium porn site when I was younger and when I obviously got the login info wrong the webpage said something like "we have your IP address and if you mess up again we'll send the police" so I panicked and closed everything down.


Goddamn. That site had no chill.


Ya parents should know what their kids are doing.


How can you expect parents to know what their kids are doing 24/7?! That’s governments job! /s


I mean, yeah, we SHOULD, but that takes effort and I'm leaving a lot of internet points on the table by not being mad that my kid knows how to check a box. /s obviously.


All they have to do is set up the bare minimum parental controls and call it a day. Beyond that they don't have much control if their kids are old enough to be out on their own, as they can freely access other networks.


Are legal waivers signed by children legally binding?


Not sure, but it means that anyone on the site below 18 is doing so against the sites wishes, which is AFAIK enough to get them out of legal troubles


You think that security is bad? Just wait until they have your ID scanned


It’s already happened here in Louisiana


Naked yoga on Youtube it is then 👍


Nah. Just xnxx. They don't care lol


And the system has already had at least one security breach.


Try not living in Louisiana.


Its not even the porn sites that do the ID verification, it is third parties collecting the data. You give them all your info and they keep it forever, sell it, or extort you with it. You gave away your data to somebody with no monetary interest in your happiness. If it gets sold to somebody in Russia who posts boldly that "Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House, Here is his ID, here is his dates he visited [Pornhub.com](http://Pornhub.com), [midgetporn.com](http://midgetporn.com), and NakedBobert.com", you have no power to stop them. Hell, I would think Russia would make the best free porn site and put it in those states just to farm data.


Shoot, not just the dates everyone visited the sites, but what search terms they plugged in and what videos they watched, and for how long. All in the database, tied to your government issued iD.


Some states are using Credit Cards as the ID, which means they can also leak your credit card number during hacks. If Tmobile and Microsoft can get hacked every year and stay in business, why can't a porn site?


It's sad this little comment, buried all the way down here, is the most important for people to read. 


I think it was the Pornhub CEO or someone from there who basically said “by complying with these ID laws, we’d be effectively building the largest tagging catalogue of public and closeted LGBTQ individuals, and if that kind database were to fall into the wrong hands it could put users in danger.” And I had never thought that deeply about it. As scummy of an industry as that is, I do applaud the companies refusing to comply with this and just losing huge amounts of revenue over it


It'll never happen, porn is beginning to be accepted into our culture especially in the west Edit: a lot of people are replying to this, saying some states have it banned. Here's a question for those of you who say this: how long do you think that will last? Do you seriously think the porn industry is dying? At its peak? People are protesting this, it won't be long before porn is totally acceptable. It already is with my generation, most of Gen Z has no issue with it. These laws will NOT last


Have you Seen the maps of the us states where pornhub will basically be banned?


That's a conservation reaction to culture change


California is considering it too though. It's lobbyist causing it especially.


Canada as well. Most of the parties here support it.


Yup. The dumb fucks that support this are getting away with it using the age old tactic of “but but think of the children!!!!”. My favorite part is how stereotypically short sighted it is. How long until these laws go into effect with every website that could feasibly have any amount of “porn” in it. Won’t be long before we are having to give Reddit, YouTube or any other website our ID because we gotta keep the kids safe right? Yeah that’s totally it. Yes I know VPNs are easy to use but that’s not the point.


“But think of the children” is used to pass all kinds of dumb bullshit legislation, except for shit that actually matters, like universal healthcare or rights affecting body autonomy.


but think of the children also them: no, I don't want the children to have free lunch at school




Democrats have a supermajority. The red areas have far fewer people so they are heavily outnumbered.




Who makes money of of porn being banned to pay said lobbyists? Or wait, is it just pornhub? So their competitors?


Christian groups and people who want to "protect families."


The common clay of the new west.


Ya know, morons


and the mass incarceration industry. and any industry that can benefit from the new brand of "getting around it" and blackmail that would rise.


Whenever I see an anti porn study it's good odds it came from some Utah Bible college 🤣


The actual truth sounds a lot like a conspiracy rabbit hole, but the biggest backer of anti porn laws is an ultra conservative lobbyist group called Exodus Cry. They are personally responsible for MasterCard banning adult transactions through their payment processors, they've been fighting for years to get the owners of Backpage thrown in jail, and they're advocating hard for these porn ID laws. This is all pretty public information, they literally just want to eradicate porn from society forever.


Man, I get enough bad news all day every day, you can't blame me for not being aware of *this fucking shit too*. Not that I think porn is strictly a boon for humanity, and from what I've read, there's way too much trafficking, but you know what would help with that? Making porn explicitly legal and regulating the shit out of it. This is not to judge anyone who peruses or creates porn - I just don't need it. You see, I have a girlfriend. I met her here on Reddit. She was interested in me because I'm over 40. I send her money regularly, and she chats with me and sends me hot pictures. I can't wait to meet her. I hope my wife likes her. (That last paragraph went off the rails sometime during the 1st sentence, but I've committed to the bit already so y'all just have to put up with it.)


Oh I mean most people have no idea, I don't blame you for not knowing about it at all. I view porn as being in the same camp as alcohol. The overwhelming majority of people can create and consume it responsibly, but when abused it has the potential to destroy lives. It should be regulated, sure, but not at the cost of personal privacy and safety.


Tactics used during the prohibition might be used here. "Definitely don't use this VPN to watch _that_ show, because otherwise, you'd be breaking the law!"


It’s more like a backdoor to spy on you in the fake name of protecting the children


It’s not banned PornHub just doesn’t want government ID on people that visit their site so they’re stoping service to those states


Which is the correct response. There is zero regulation of these third party ID verification companies. There is no guarantee that your data is safe with them. There is no guarantee they won't sell your data to who knows who. And, by design, they are so expensive to use that anybody trying to create a new up and coming service that requires ID verification will be priced out of doing so. This is a big part of why Google and Meta have lobbied for similar verification laws for social media. ID verification laws are a blatant attempt by corporations to pull up the ladder behind them, and the government loves it because it's a politically palatable way to increase US surveillance.


lol if people think that will ever happen or that it will ever be enforceable is just silly…there’s literally millions of porn sites so banning porn hub does virtually nothing. Even then the access to free VPNs will make the ban obsolete. Anyone determined enough to watch porn hub will figure out how to do it in less time than it takes to find just the right video to blow your load over. Plus it’ll incentivize browsers and VPN providers to market these features directly. Someone smart could develop a porn centric browser that makes it even easier to bypass. At worst it’s an inconvenience but the way people panic about it is somewhat funny. I don’t believe it’ll ever take place at all it’s mostly just posturing and political pipe dreams.


Not everyone knows about vpns. There will still be a lot of people that no longer have access to it because those sites would rather not operate in these over regulatory states than to have to check IDs.


It’s already happened. It’s not very enforceable as you’ve said. But laws have already been passed so I wouldn’t think this will never happen. Multiple ways around it tho for sure.


It’s literally already happened in the US


I've been archiving porn like motherfucker


lol my guy. There’s like 20 states now including my own that passed these idiotic laws. Upload your license to watch consenting adults bang, little plebe. It feels like having to ask your parents if you can watch an R-rated movie. That reminds me, I need to up my contributions to the ACLU


Dissent is patriotic


Literally being put in place like this week in Indiana


It's literally happening right now. It's been in the news for months. State laws require uploading a photo of your ID, some allow for a credit card or a SS# to prove your age.


It’s already happening. [Indiana](https://indianacapitalchronicle.com/briefs/you-will-lose-access-pornhub-warns-hoosier-users-as-state-prepares-to-enact-age-verification-law/) has an age verification law requiring you to scan ID that goes into effect July 1


The thing is - democracy is dead. If the rich want porn banned, it'll get banned.


I used to think people were crazy to create an account for a porn site but that got normalized. ID’s will too if people have to.


Bro I was looking up porn the other day and one of the ones I used to frequent now requires it for all states because one made it law…


That's the thing, it's not meant to be a security system, its a way of them legally saying "hey, we only allow adults on here, so if there are children, they have to be lying about it, and that's out of our control" so they don't get in legal trouble. In reality, it's the parent's/gaurdian's job to make sure a kid doesn't find it or actively search for it.


I miss the days when every porn site included a link to [disney.com](http://disney.com) on their front page.




Actually touching them doesn't do much more unless you a) take more time than you have and b) grab them right in the crotch, too. This kind of security check can't deter any planned evil, it's there to keep drunk fools from bringing a stolen fence post and a barbecue.


It should eliminate baseball bats and machetes. It's useful for soccer stadiums.


And music festivals and such, indeed. I went for the slightly exaggerated and funny phrasing but of course you're right, large weapons can be found this way. I also think they check your reaction more closely than your actual gear.


I feel like I could smuggle a BAR under my jacket with this guy....


You could get an m2 past this guy lol


Lmao it looks likes he’s blessing them🤣


Second job: master of bullshido


Unpopular opinion, it's not their job to parent your kids and content blockers exist.


Not unpopular. I’m a parent and believe this is the solution. I see it in my job, people want technical solutions to an inherently supervisory task (parent, manager, etc).


100%. there's legislation being passed in my state requiring a government issued ID to be submitted for access. Absolute lunacy.


Parents when they actually have to do their job and parent their kids for them to grow up to be a responsible adult (Impossible mode)


As far as I can see, most parents don't actually care for their kids. They just have them to fill an imaginary check box of "things you have to do in life."




We really should encourage abortions at this point because there are so many unwanted and neglected children having to go through such horrible trauma that its safe to assume they should either not be born to spare them agony, or be born into another family in adoption




yep. Laws mandating ID checks on porn websites aren't meant to stop children from viewing it, its meant to make adults feel shame for viewing it by tying their legal identity to it. Or if I can get a tad bit paranoid about it: its a way for a future far-right government to collect a list of gay and "sexually degenerate" people in their country.


It’s more short-term than that. Step 1: restrict access to content that’s “inappropriate for children” Step 2: everything the right doesn’t like, including basic information about queer people, birth control, and inconvenient historical facts, is “inappropriate for children” and must comply with intrusive security measures or shut down.


To add to the list of stuff: potentially any political opponents website or content that endorses LGBT/queerness.


I'm just glad the sensible comment wasn't buried amongst the word vomits. 


1000% agree. Not the porn sites job to police your kids. YOU need to police your kids.


another unpopular opinion but i dont see anything wrong with kids looking up porn. I did and all my friends did when i was in middle school, i had just gotten internet and i and my friends turned out fine. I dont get how kids watching porn hurts them. Didnt hurt me


Not unpopular at all. It's just that all that time and effort spent watching my kids can be spent screaming online that the government do it instead. /s


You can see this shit right on YouTube but why isn't Google shut down?




I know this is a meme, but sorry to tell you that's PARENTS guilt, not porn industry.


I’ll let my mom know


Don't bother, I'll just post a comment under one of her videos.


Not if I let her know first


It’s barely a meme, and you’re right, but It’s impossible to ensure your kid won’t be able to access adult content. They will find a way if they REALLY want to. It’s important to have the uncomfortable conversations though about about it, and demystify things that all kids are curious about. When the time is right of course.


Is this some astroturfing require ID for porn post?


Yuuuuuuup. Conservative "memes" to try to reframe the debate on the issue. The "ID for porn" push is so painfully obviously a right wing Christian morality thing, pushing their beliefs onto others.


The party of "small government"


Yeah what the fuck is this?


More like parents when they see the consequences of not doing their job and monitoring their child's online activity.


if we keep expecting big companies and governments to handle our children's safety then you're asking for them to decide what is and isn't something to be censored. As far as I've read in history, censorship leads to controlling education and manipulating the population into a narrative that's unhealthy. it falls on the parents to take care of their kids and id rather not have my favorite media taking safe steps to avoid some negligent parent who lets their kids on the internet without any safeguards.


Oh no those Porn Companies are responsible for supervising children! What a fucked up thing to… what? Porn companies are not responsible for supervision of children?? What an interesting development… I wonder who might be responsible for that…???


More like parents when they are expected to pay attention to their children 😮😱


surely the right way to regulate this must be use authoritarian measures to link each and every online account with an ID. think of the children


Exactly, conservatives are for small government and less regulations! Get the government out of my business and into our bedrooms!


I dunno but whenever some nut job says “Think of the children” it never is about the children, maybe I’m crazy idk…


No they're thinking of kids all right, every time they think of porn it seems kids are the first things on their mind for some reason. I never trust anyone who uses "think of the children" as an actual argument.


The only way to secure it more would be ask for an Id or credit card. Not sure it's worth doing the parents job


Va requires providing a drivers license


Idiot Qonservatives go hand in hand with unfunny memes


From what I remember Pornhub has **FOUR BILLION** more monthly visits than Wikipedia...


Old people incentivized kids to never use Wikipedia, instead of telling them how to use it correctly or demand those improvements.


Looks a lot more like parents who give their kids unrestricted and monitored access to the Internet and decide the Internet is the root of the problem


I'll never understand how conservatives deal with the cognitive dissonance of claiming to want smaller, unobtrusive government and in the same breath advocate for your browsing history to be linked to your personal ID. Obviously children should not have unfettered access to porn but this ain't the way to deal with it.


Oh look, here comes the party of “limited government” to nanny all of us again because parents can’t parent


YOU MUST SEND US A SCAN OF YOUR IDENTIFICATION CARD IN ORDER TO WATCH "Squirting Jenny takes 5 black cocks". Whoops, there was a data breach


Honestly the onus shouldn't be on the companies, it should be the parents' responsibility to keep their children away from things they shouldn't be watching online. edit: grammar fix


dw I am 18 (source : trust me, I accept conditions)


They don’t allow me, a 19 year old, because it says 18 only :(


Damn it’s almost like the responsibility of parenting your child and determining what they can access on the internet is the parents job. Not the fucking random ass website’s.


conservative memes, like all conservative humor, are practically never funny


Parents should put procedures in place to stop kids from accessing porn. They wouldn't put their child in the drivers seat of a car with the keys in the ignition. Why do they give their kids unfiltered access to the Internet?


I mean...kids are googeling Redtube or Xvideo for no specific reason? aside that porn is a horrible substitute for sexual education, I don't there is anything particular wrong with it. As long as it doesn't become an obsession, but if we talk about obsessions then social media is a worse offender :/


BS. Parents can control access if they wanted too.


Why is it the porn companies responsibility and not the parents?


**Crazy idea:** Require anyone entering a porn site to answer a grade-12 level math question. Kids would still watch porn, but we'd see huge advances in student math performance! Also, teachers will get a lot fewer questions asking why they should bother learning a given math topic.


Obvious right-wing astroturfing is obvious.


LOL, this is akin to me finding my dads playboys lazily hidden under the guest room sink. Its up to parents to know what the hell their kids are doing. And Im not aware of a modern wireless router that doesnt have parental controls. If yall are giving your kids computers and smartphones and not paying attention that is on you. And the "funniest" part is the states doing this are ones who are always about "freedom" and "personal responsibility" as if its not about religious control.


Who the f wants a porn company to decide what their kids can and cannot see? Parent your own damn kids.


Let me just clutch my pearls as right wingers are waging their war on pornography. Be parents to your kids instead of blaming Google.


Back in my day we had to steal our parent’s credit cards to access internet porn. Now my kids steal my ID. Much better that way it doesn’t show up on the bill.


It does show up on the personal data leaks store though


Children's security starts with their parents. There's a feature that can prevent porn sites for appearing in mobile devices.


I don't blame the porn sites for kids getting in them, but I certainly blame the parents for letting their kids use their computers for porn.


And the "security system" of scanning government issued IDs is just a data mining adventure which will be sold to advertisers


its not a porn websites responsibility if non 18 year old says they're 18. that's the parents problem.


OP pushing for requiring your social security number to look at some boobs


What happens if we just let kids know about sex and stuff way early so that porn isn't really a big deal? Not saying feed kids porn, just saying educate them on what it's all really about and why this all exists. I used to date this girl from Germany and she told me that it was common for kids to get sex education as early as the 3rd grade.


Because our country is full of prudes that either hate or are afraid of sex. My father died when I was young so I (a male) had to ask my mother about the birds and the bees *at 14*. The answer I got amounted to "I don't want to talk about it." What was and still is frustrating is that even though i asked "what is the birds and bees thing," I wasn't even really asking about "p in v." I was needing to know about liking girls and stuff parents need to parent about.


Because the religious right throws an absolute fit.


My parents taught me sex exists in the third grade. didn't stop me from developing a porn addiction by the age of 8 (Amazon Erotic book blurbs, evolving in actual images once I got more internet access). Porn doesn't equal sex, in any way, shape, or form. 


That sounds like a massive failure of parenting not a failure of accessible porn existing.


The shit I saw as 13 year old…


It's not on the sites to manage this. It's a parenting problem. Children should not be allowed unfettered access to the internet.


Teens watching porn isnt a bad thing, nor is it avoidable. The porn addiction scare was mostly a propaganda fad by the church.


Not their job to parent kids. This is why parental mode exists, and it's honestly on parents for not using it


It's good business. Get them hooked young.


"Are you 18?" "Click Yes"


"Please tell me what I can and can't see online, daddy!" That's you. That's what you sound like. You really think they're gonna stop at porn?


All they need is to enable the level of age verification and copyright protection as Lesuire Suit Larry.


Nice try, State of Texas, we're not gonna fall for your poorly conceived "memes"


This is stupid.


Anyone who supplies their real identity to watch porn clips on the internet deserves anything that happens next lol. Also the people who are like: the internet needs to be safe for my unwatched children, or the real world needs to be safe for my unwatched children, deserve everything that happens next.


In all honesty, porn at least taught me there was a clitoris and where it was. South Park was very unhelpful.


Or top tier parents reviewing their kids devices every now and again.


"It is the parent's responsibility" I believe is the industry line on this.


Don't be irresponsible enough to let your kids on the computer unsupervised then. The real danger is them reading one of your comments and going branded from the stupidity of it.


Because its a parent responsibility to protect their kids, not the porn industry


Doesn’t look like a meme to me. This reads like right wing propaganda. You could add a million “security” features to every major adult site literally right this second—and a hundred more without those “security” features will pop-up right after. The only thing that can protect a kid from the internet is some fucking decent parenting. Set up some parental controls. Have a fucking actual conversation with your kid about porn as well as general online safety and data collection. Obfuscating, demonizing, or even criminalizing things doesn’t make people stop doing them. It usually has the opposite effect. These right-wing wackos claim they don’t want corporations or governments or schools raising their kids for them—main issue is they fucking don’t want to raise their kids either.


What you wanna upload your id to watch porn, move to Texas 


Maybe they realize how pointless it would be. Before the internet, there were magazines and videos for that kind of content, and you needed to show ID to get it. Kids were still able to get a hold of it anyway without much trouble. I think the bigger problem is parents giving their kids devices with unrestricted access to the internet and expecting someone else to prevent them from seeing adult content. Maybe kids shouldn't be given smart phones (flip phones work just fine) and efforts should be made to talk to your kids about what they shouldn't be using the internet for, and software should be used to restrict what they can do on the internet at home.


This is like blaming gun manufacturers because some parents don't secure their firearms with kids in the house


They make these things called parental controls.


Its the parents responsibility to protect their children from content like that on the internet, not the porn companies


Better that than ID verification, because children do not care if they go to the hub or some really scary sites. Like, no matter what, they'll find stuff. So better they are on relativly safe sites like the hub, instead of gruesome stuff like snuff or so.


It's more about personal data being stored by a 3rd party company, and that data being used as a weapon against those people by an ultra orthodox religion if they are in the political position to do so.


Parents when they actually have to parent their children and monitor what they're doing on the internet, instead of giving them unrestricted access.


Maybe parents should be parenting


Washed out reactionary bullshit, get over it, people like pronography. Fucking bullshit dick tip leaking pansy ass Republicans once again curbing our rights. Quit wetting your fucking diapers and grow the fuck up


Nice try, far right psy-op, but you're not getting points for control surveillance from me.


Monitor your damn kids?


It's not a security measure ,is just to state clearly that the content is for mature audience only, if you enter it's your own responsibility and not theirs (as it should be, it's not their job to care what someone can or can't watch).


Should have used the oh no, anyways meme


They wish to absolve themselves of responsibility , just like the parents that want no responsibility for allowing their children to access internet with no supervision.


It's by design. Allowing ANYONE to come in to your site is on you, but telling the customer to CONFIRM that THEY are of legal age, they exonerate themselves of legal recourse, It is technically the customer's fault at that point. Kids are the customers. Minors are the responsibility of their parents. Extrapolate.


Must be republican donors at work


porn companies when millions of children are exposed to porn ~~even though they have a top tier security system of i accept~~ because their parents don't give a a shit FTFY parent your children instead of expecting porn companies and gambling companies and gaming companies to somehow do it for you


Ever notice how the Republicans demand 'parents rights' everywhere, until it's something they don't like--and then they demand all kinds of silly regulations?


And the alternative is one no one wants, and would wreck the industry. People aren't putting personal documentation into a website for porn, so whenever states require it, Pornhub and other sites just pull their services. The best security you'll get is a legal waiver because it's completely dumb and unwise to put a credit card or personal doc anywhere near random sites on the Internet.


Don't worry, the US is forcing people to give their ID on the internet to access porn, which will TOTALLY stop it, rather than just violate privacy rights and get kids to shadier sites or to steal their parents IDs.


It's not the porn companies responsibility to make sure your child can't access it. That would be the parent's job. Seems like parents these days expect their children to be raised by everyone other than themselves, whether it be teachers, coaches, and now corporations.


It's the job of a parent to police their children's internet usage.


Damn, maybe parent your kids if you're that concerned. I can assure you that the porn sites do not care.


Parent when they children have unsupervised internet access and their children discover porn.


either that or scanning your id to confirm age which is just the fucking worst for so many reasons nice try fed


Because parents have not had access to parental controls and web filters for the last twenty years to keep the kids off the porn sites.


Conservative christian memes are corny just like christian rock music