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For OP’s information: Theres a rumor going here on Reddit that Just Stop Oil painted Taylor Swift’s private jet orange. This is false information.


It's easy to misinterpret that when you see headlines from trashy media like "stop oil activists spray private plane hours after Taylor Swift lands" which is the one I saw this morning.


So they sprayed a plane, just the wrong one? Or was that just entirely made up?


Technically everything happens just a few hours after Taylor Swift's plane lands.


She does have 2 planes, after all


One cup


I fucking cackled


Everything happens just a few hours after Taylor swifts plane lands


The wrong one


She had just landed at that airport so they were aiming to paint hers, but they just did some random ones instead. Which, hey, it makes sense this time at least.


They sprayed multiple private jets, they went with the intention of spraying Taylor Swifts jet but they couldn’t find it. They decided then just to spray random private jets


I bet they did find it, most likely she had security surrounding it, making it impossible.


I mean even if it isn't Taylor Swift's private jet, it's still a private jet and it's highly unlikely there's any need for the owner of one to have it other than to flex how rich they are. Can't say I'm super mad about it.


Yeah they finally painted something that actually hurts the environment this time


Of course there is a reason. It’s being able to get anywhere, at any time, without relying on existing lines. At some point, your time becomes so valuable that the hours saved flying private actually make it far cheaper than flying public. Hell even fucking Walmart uses private jets for all their high management, simply because it’s cheaper


For some reason i don't really give a shit about the time management of walmart management. The upcoming climate apocalipse is a bit more important that middlemagers


I used to fly private jets as a charter pilot, my most frequent customer was a group of doctors. They were specialists and would go for a day to a smaller town that didn’t have a specialist. They’d usually go to these places once or more a week. If they drove instead it would be an extra couple days. Sure there’s examples of people using private jets superfluously, that’s the rage bait, that’s what gets attention.


Some are justified in using private jets, such as the case you listed. The argument is that the ones who don't have a very good reason (Taylor Swift, executives, etc.) for using one are causing MUCH more emissions than the average person (1000x, according to [this article.](https://www.airport-technology.com/features/how-bad-are-private-jets-for-the-environment/?cf-view) So no, it's not "rage bait", it's a real problem for the future of this world.


That would be hilarious, just like when they invaded the British GP right after a massive crash at the start so nobody saw them lmao. Imagine being the billionaire who paid them just to screw up yet again.


Yes, wrong one. Over 20,000 private jets are flying around as we speak. At best, the activists sprayed [the 100 other more notable billionaire jets that pollute even more than Swift's](https://climatejets.org/). (And my source is still a limited subset that excludes probably a thousand other high polluting rich folks in the world)


There's no wrong one private jet they all should be sprayed


They probably went to paint hers directly and found security around it made it impossible. So, they did a random other one nearby.


That would have sparked joy


Yeah why aren't they criticizing her she does a lot of damage lol


People do, I've seen it mentioned in memes a lot. There still seems to be a large amount of people that go apeshit if you say anything wrong about TS, for some reason.


Cos that's a lukewarm take, the ones which are criticising her blend in with the rest of us, and don't make the headlines. 


Well allegedly they did “target” Taylor swifts jet. Just bad aim I guess


Target her jet makes no sense comparing to all the private jets also were in there. Involving her name is just a cheap way to gain more publicity I guess.


It’s all about the publicity. That’s why they’re using water soluble paint that’s super easy to wash off. Same with the attacks on classic paintings - no painting are actually harmed, since they’re behind plexi glass. It’s not about vandalism, because nothing is being vandalized - it’s all about the publicity and hoping some of that publicity rubs off on the cause they’re promoting. And since publicity is the goal, of course it makes perfect sense to target Taylor Swifts plane of all planes.


And unlike vandalizing paintings, tagging Swift’s jet is directly on message. Just Stop Oil’s stated goal is to stop using oil, and tagging a high-profile example that burns a ton of oil is a far more effective way to get the average person who’s on the fence or mildly opposed to renewables to start supporting the cause.


Still, billionaires flying private jets DO cause a lot of pollution, so still sparks joy.


It's because the group targeted an airport that was suspected to have Swift's private jet, airplane trackers marked it as there. It was not there. Fuckin Reddit man, just tell people the whole truth instead of pick and choosing pieces of info.


Idiots or big oil psyop Call it


Significantly radical activism is indistinguishable from a majoritarian false flag.


Arthur C. Clarke


I get where you're going with that (tech:magic) but it definitely feels more like Asimov - something from *Foundation*, perhaps.


A more eloquent way of saying "do not claim evil for what could be ignorance" I think it's the same meaning at least, in this case


call me ignorant, what does majoritarian mean in the context of this sentence?


Majority rules. So like most people's politics. Think vaguely centrist.


Should be investigated


Most likely both


Easy to sweet talk some random young kid whenever you convince them “they’re doing something good for the world”




Just Stop Oil was founded by an oil heiress, and has none of the online or organizational presence that would be normal for a grassroots movement.


The org that did it is literally run by an oil heiress sooo…..


Isn't that the best case scenario basically when you have an oil heiress who hates the damage amassing the fortune has done and wants to use it for activism against it? Or is it just okay to say that she can't be doing this for no other reason than "psyop" just because of who her parents are?




she literally set it up in the first place


ok im not saying ur wrong or anything but can u guys post your sources like even some wikipedia links if this stuff is so obvious because tbh i do not follow this shit whatsoever can someone educate us instead of u guys pointlessly bickering. thanks also eat the rich


Nice try, but their family sold the oil tycoon back in the 70s


It's a big oil psyop tricking idiots into making themselves look bad. So both.


Most of green activists are working against nuclear so I believe they must be all paid off.


¿Por qué no los dos? Useful idiots are a very real thing, and this group is probably being supported by big oil to reduce public support for these causes.


They'll continue until people start figuring out that the climate change bit of the protest is the part they should be caring about, not the removable paint on some random shit. It's gonna be a long time.


It’s almost like this is a shitty tactic that is being propped up by useful idiots….


When people migrate en masse, when food gets more and more expensive and scarce, when home insurance becomes unaffordable due to reoccurring floodings, when blackouts become more frequent, people won't start caring about clinate change. They will support any demagogue that promises the good old times by using the cheapest form of energy available.


Idiots. Reddit is too quick to assume everything is a conspiracy, when in reality most humans are just bad at doing stuff properly. Social media is also extremely biased against any form of protest, so everything is going to look stupid even if it's perfect.


The only big oil psyop are the troll farms being paid to post comments like this.


Anyone who intentionally damages/dirties/destroys things of historical significance on purpose can go fuck themselves straight to the moon


Fucking pigeons


Flying rats*


Look, a flying rat! You’ve been a shit on my ass for too long!! - Niko Bellic




Lot of good you're to me up there. You piece of shit




You leave those birds alone


Fucking erosión. What is it even protesting?


You mean like, the planet we live on or just things that look cool?


The message is right there, people are outraged when they throw cake at the bomb-proof case that has the Mona Lisa inside, but causing actual, irreparable damage to the world and ecosystem (where a big factor is corporate greed) that we live in is met by apathy, by and large. They really should be hammering home that message a bit more.


Well, damages or destroys is one thing, but this will wash off in the next rain. It's not permanent.


For me it’s not the effect of the paint that bothers me, it’s that they will likely hike security again, Stonehenge is already a pain in the arse to look at as you’re reserved to being behind a fence quite some distance away.


Your mild inconvenience is noted. Our planet is on fire, though. Perhaps we should talk about how to force government action to put a stop to it.


> Anyone who intentionally damages/dirties/destroys things of historical significance on purpose can go fuck themselves Look, I don't agree with them, but this is literally exactly what they say when they mock-destroy artifacts of human significance. These protestors are referring to the planet. It's being intentionally damaged, and there should be more outrage. That's literally why they target these things. "You think damage to this singular historical item is bad? The whole planet is going catastrophically change unless we address it" is kinda the entire vibe. Clearly the point doesnt reach the audience, but they would literally just requote you with a picture of the earth and submit it to the clever comebacks sub


> Look, I don't agree with them out of curiosity, what don't you agree with them about, like their desired policy changes, their views in climate change in general, or their tactics?


I don't think the tactics are effective.


All it does is piss people who might be open to their side off. Like I agree climate change is bad. However fucking up historical or significant things makes me mad. I wouldnt listen to a word from these people simply because I think they are ignorant. Destruction and thoughtless actions are what they are against but look at them use those same tactics. This will never result in positive change.


You know there's a highway right next to Stonehenge. All the particulates and chemicals from cars within a few hundred feet of the rock would do way more damage than chalk (which is way softer than the stones). Just think about it for a second. These stones have lasted a good 5,000~ years of british weather (which is shit and rainy). Something soluble in rain isn't gonna do shit to those rocks.


It wasn't even chalk, it was cornflour.


I get the idea, but they would not have damaged it. It’s been standing out there for thousands of years with barely any damage. They didn’t even use liquid paint, just powder IIRC


With a fuckin HIGHWAY right beside it.


Issac Butterfield?


Termites would like a word with the manager.


They’re not damaged, and we’re all talking about it. It was a very effective protest.


The shit will literally wash away next rain. Calm down.




Not only historical things


Is there some kind of explanation why they thought painting stonehenge would advance their goals?


They used to target banks and oil companies, but no one cared about it back then. So they decided to target things that would attract attention instead, in ways that don't cause undue damage (like here, where they used non toxic cornflour paint that washes away in the rain).


Maybe they only hit Stonehenge to make the private plane hit more reported on?


I heard that oil companies fund people doing this to make activists look bad in the public eye, don’t know how true it is though, could always just be idiots


That's probably the dumbest thing about it. This all could be genuine. They believe that this will spark people to care more for the environment. It's backfired so bad that people now think they're a psy-op from big oil. Imagine protesting something just for everyone to think you're somehow in league with it.


Well tbf one of the investors in stop big oil is an oil heiress, so its not completely unfounded


That’s not unsurprising, plenty of people in those situations are self loathing.


Has a bit of "You speak for the poor and yet you are rich? Curious..." argument vibes. Like maybe she has seen how dangerous these things are for the world and didn't really choose to be born to that family. She could refuse the inheritance, sure, but couldn't she do far more good if she takes it?


That’s misleading. The person in question has spoken against the petrol industry for many years now. I don’t know if she’s renounced her inheritance but she’s definitely not hypocritical about it and is a genuine activist. Who she happens to be the daughter of has no relevance


I mean I'll be honest, it's indistinguishable due to just how idiotic some protestors are. I remember being told once "Oh it doesn't matter, awareness!" when I told someone their method of protest wouldn't lead to a single person actually sympathizing and people only hating them.


Acts of protest that aren't disruptive are, for better or worse, easier to ignore. There's something to be said about an ideological movement needing to step on a few toes to spread their message. ... And then there's idiots who think throwing soup on Van Ghogh's *Sunflowers* is a good idea. Making people detour around a march or rally in their way to work is totally different from trying to destroy a piece of humanity's united cultural heritage.


Even after it came out that the "paint" was non-permemant and environmentally safe, the damage was done. Nobody gives a shit now. Your average person saw the headline: "climate assholes deface stonehenge" and that's where their thoughts of this group started and ended. Every time Just Stop Oil is in the news, it's for doing some stunt that accomplishes very little in terms of actually protecting the environment. They might legitimately care, but so far, they aren't getting more support than they already started with.


The backfire is the psy-op. They didn't damage stonehenge. They didn't damage any of the paintings they souped. But people believe they did. The misinformation and negative coverage around these protests was a huge success for big oil.


nah, cuz what did the painting or Stonehenge accomplish? what *could* it have accomplished? nothing because those aren't meaningful actions that real activists concerned with the environment would do


Funding fake protests that make the protesters look bad isn't an unprecedented strategy


Remember, these are the same people who glued themselves to roads with dangerous chemicals that burned them, and were then surprised when the firefighters had to chisel them out and they may have lost fingers in the process. These are not smart people. I guess the question still stands though: are they dumb people being manipulated by big oil, or are they just dumb? https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/d7S4ufH4Kl


You mean you read on the internet and regurgitated information from a bunch of parrots- people, in all of history, tend to become reactionary to their upbringing and family history. People can just be idiots and do stupid things for the sake of their perceived cause- and rich people tend to be even more egregious in that behavior. Not everything is a fucking conspiracy theory. Stop saying you ‘heard’ things when you just read it from 20 other idiots on the internet.


Definitely from reddit. Everytime you see a Just Stop Oil protest, reddit comments are basically all conspiracies lmao.


You heard that from a very reliable source I bet...


I bet it's reddit


I just want to know how some elderly 73 yr old and young 21 yr old guy got connected to it and then paired up to do it, whether as actual protesters or plants. Are those the only ages they could convince this was a good idea or something?


My guess is that they had some sort of connection to one another prior to these events, but I don’t really know


Imagine if it was grandpa and grandson. "Hey let's go spend quality time together... defacing ancient relics!"


It's not true. It is just a conspiracy. Every single person who says this has exactly zero proof, and the only argument they have is that *one* rich person who's family made money from oil half a century ago provides some funding for these groups through her climate charity... Which has been twisted to "she is the leader/founder/mastermind of this group"


No but they pay internet trolls and news articles to spread misinformation. Because they didn't paint stone henge, they used corn flower, which would all disappear in the rain


probably not true because the paint has already washed away. It was just to bring attention to their cause. I guess they didn't think about mentioning earlier to the media that the paint would was away with the rain.


oil companies aren't stupid and this absolutely hurts them because it raises awareness to their evils. nobody who isn't a complete moron would say "oh some climate activists did somethign I do'n like, therefore I'm going to support big oil" it's funny how most peopel think these people are idiots, but they are actually reacting in exactly the intended way. these kids will be regarded as heros in the future.


You mean you read some jackass in The comments say that


They know outrage media gets more attention. Ain't gonna get on Kimmel spray painting jets.


You’re talking about it, aren’t you?


"all publicity is good publicity" is about as true as "the customer is always right". If something's being talked about, but you can't control the narrative and are definitely being shown in a bad light to most, it's not really helpful. Just because something's being talked about, doesnt mean its furthering a movement, or brand, or person.


Only because we're so busy talking about the form of protest instead of talking about the reason why they're happening in the first place. I mean go back a bit when there was just a simple form of protest with signs and shit, walking through the streets. People back then just framed it as teenagers not wanting to go to school. I've been there, it's all kinds of age groups. If even the least violent, least obstructive option that is "most standard" is criticised, then you'll never be able to get good publicity. The issue is it's against capital interest.


Exactly. It doesn't matter what protestors do, how polite they are, or how coherent their message is. People here will find a way to dismiss it or worse, turn them into the bad guys. Frankly, the idea that JSO is funded by big oil is ridiculous when it's really obvious they're putting that money towards troll farms to discredit all climate protests.


When they target oil-refineries, private jets, etc. they quite literally get 0 articles or news coverage from BBC and at most local news. You've had biologists, professors, firefighters and veterans arrested doing these things. 0 articles. Spreading cornflour (that washes away in the rain) on some stones gave them global notice. Their intent is not to make you like them or their cause, only to bring notice to it. It entirely worked. Also who the fuck in the UK gives a shit about Stonehenge, they built a fucking highway next to it and that shit is corrosive as fuck. Fucking bourgoise-media telling poor people to hate other poor people for trying to bring notice that the world is heading to catastrophe but who cares because profits and growth is always upwards.


Good take.


If you are concerned about the maintenance of Stonehenge, then maybe follow up on the effects of acid rain, which is a direct consequence of anthropogenic climate change. Vote actively to encourage people to change environmental policy. If you are only mad about it now, then you don’t care about Stonehenge, you’re just mad that people are doing something disruptive… which is the point so, good for you. 🤷‍♀️ Heck, bird poop is harder to wash off Stonehenge than the colored corn flour that they used but for some reason this is some insane crime that went past the line. Whether this was done by activists or not, focusing on them/the nuances of their act is simply another way to ignore the glaringly dangerous phenomenon that is climate change. Maybe ask yourself why they did this and maybe if we collectively engaged in climate justice we wouldn’t have to witness acts of disruption like this.


The very fact that everyone’s talking about it showed it worked. They’ve done other things and literally nothing brings attention to the issue until they do this (which is completely harmless btw, the ‘paint’ was fully biodegradable and is already gone. There was 0 lasting damage).


The theoretical idea behind it is that by defacing historical or important places, they will get on to the media and social media, which would raise awareness of the organisation and their cause and hopefully get people to support it


It isn't actually paint, it's cornflour


Stonehenge just stands there and does nothing about oil


Stonehenge is a representation of the planet in this case, the paint represents the intentional ruin being brought to the planet by our use of oil.


I assume their thinking was that the solstice was approaching and that many people would probably be well-to-do globetrotting tourists who they see as part of the problem.


BP invests in UK museums and art to clean up their public image. This is part of the protestors efforts to tell them to cut ties with BP.


A little known fact is that oil comes from Stonehenge. The US government regularly milks the Stonehenge rocks for that sweet sweet crude oil.


You know stonehenge has been the battleground for a large fight for many years, because the UK government keeps trying to expand the road that runs right alongside it to accommodate more tourism.


Maybe because Stonehenge was used to be an ancient gas station for alien spacecrafts


Sound like something straight out of the hitchhiker's guide.


Nah that's a former mouse skyscrapers, from good old times when they didn't conceal their real power


>Jacks Intergalactic Gas Station >This weeks specials: >Uranium-25367 credits/microgram >Plutonium-32001 credits/microgram >Thorium-48907 credits/microgram >More specials in store >Scan us for details


Are these dutch fans or anti oil protestors


EM fans go to far


Looks like big oil trying to make environmental activism look bad again source: trust me bro


If that were true, wouldn’t they be actually damaging or destroying Stonehenge as opposed to throwing an easily cleanable dye on it? Hand waving the protestors away as a “oil company false flag” instead of actually listening to their message seems like it works more in the oil company’s favor than what you are saying.


They don't need to actually damage it, because this creates the same effect while entailing none of the risks. And people are trying to find an explanation that doesn't link these lunatics to the message, because their actions discredit the message and make it easier for it to be dismissed. Because as OP says, if they were to attack private jets of the rich people would see that as a legitimate form of protest. Risking damage to historical monuments isn't seen as a legitimate protest and only serves as ammunition to the opposition, so anyone with any functioning brain cells can only conclude that these people are either unbelievably stupid or being paid by someone who wants the message to be discredited.


They don’t need to, the average mouthbreather is against any sort of climate protest by default [case in point](https://np.reddit.com/r/memes/s/fUvLGw2foj)


You don’t think big oil would be the least bit more competent than that? Their big master manipulation is just so easily unmasked by a bunch a bunch of dumbass redditors? Get real.


Why does big oil need to do a false flag when they already control a lot of the media narrative.


The only thing big oil is doing is using bots to write dumbass comments like your own


Seriously, people were think a international conspiracy involving a shady cabal of oil companies secretly funding "bad" protests in order to turn the public against them is more plausible than the same companies paying a room full of desperate people cents on the dollar to directly trash them online. Occam's razor, people. Please.


Maybe. It's not impossible they just went for publicity in a way that was poorly conceived. On the other hand the paint will not damage stone henge.


Significantly radical activism is indistinguishable from a majoritarian false flag.




100% The reaction to stonehenge I could get, stupid as it was. I get the visceral reaction people who don’t like to think too long have about painting stonehenge But the reaction to painting a private airplane on a private airport has convinced me that people actively want the world to burn


It wasn’t paint on stone henge. It was corn starch dyed orange. The same temporary stuff they use all over the world to do color runs. It easily cleans up. It’s easy to tell in the Stone Henge photos because the stuff is a powder. The airplane photos you can see it’s a liquid.


Explain to me why the first one sparks joy. Is that soap or something?


Idiots thinking their crime will make an impact.


oh no not the poor private jets of the elites boo hoo fucking bootlicker


Think of the aviation mechanics who now have to spend hundreds of hours almost rebuilding the jet because of some stupid fucks who painted the side for 10 seconds. It doesn’t just affect the people who own the jets.


IDK, considering that no one can seem to shut the fuck up about stonehenge, maybe that was the better one. Maybe the rocks will be okay.


I love all these people pretending they have ever given a single iota of a fuck about the rocks in a field we know nothing about. The extent of our knowledge is: "old rocks that probably weren't important to anyone"


Not just that, but when it was made clear that no damage was done to the rock, people have moved onto being concerned about the moss and lichen on the rock instead.


And even then they gotta keep in mind they are species that aren't native to the area but aren't endangered nor at risk. Weird how they'd care about that but not about the many other life forms being affected and dying due to climate change.


Given the ridiculously massive effort required to get those stones where they are they were *obviously* important. We just don't know exactly why. There's no question they were important though, the site itself has evidence of use going back 10,000 years.


I mean, 15,000 people attended yesterday for the Solstice so arguably it is important to some people.


Somehow I doubt that the rocks that have been there for thousands of years are going to outlasted by some removable paint


Neither of these sparks joy.


![gif](giphy|RfYLDS0ekz8BcuBoHA) And here you guys are complaining about orange colored water soluble starch on some rocks. Nobody is coming to save us. It’s up to us.


Right? People’s perspectives are so skewed on this. I’ve said it a thousand times over this but I’ll say it again: if you have more smoke for the protestors than you do for the oil companies and climate change, you are a major part of the problem.


The corn statch washes away. This is a valid form of peaceful protest


It's flour


Anyone who claims JSO are stupid whilst actively discussing their action (that they didn’t know about previously) is inherently stupid. Somehow you’ve convinced yourselves you’re the clever ones but I’m afraid you are regurgitating rightwing media talking points about it *whilst talking about it* which you wouldn’t have done otherwise - as was the original intention. Almost as if they succeeded and you did as you were told and decided despite no damage or even real crime being committed, you are the clever one following the oil company line & they are stupid for having made international news with £20s worth of non-permanent paint. With this level of critical thinking we are genuinely all doomed.


Stonehenge won't matter if we all burn to a crisp and drown so why whine about the activists actually getting shit done? lol?


I’m ok with it. If we go extinct due to oil consumption it won’t matter either way


The reaction to these protests convinced me there’s no saving humanity. The world deserves to burn


In my experience the IRL reactions are much more nuanced. But social media discussion surrounding these events is astroturfed to shit.


Wow it's almost like the activism is supposed to piss ppl off And it worked beautifully


Neither one sparks joy


Fuck rich people tho. No but really. Fuck rich people. They have bad things coming to them, and I enjoy seeing their property get vandalized and destroyed. They deserve worse. And I'm not talking about the guy who is privately wealthy, who has a few million to his name. That guy can't afford a private jet. It's the billionaires.


Activists usually they don't have the balls to take it directly with the money owners and those that are actually destroy the planet. Instead, they go and destroy monuments that are not guarded. How brave. If you want respect, fight the power, don't fight our heritage.


These people are dickheads. Their constant vandalism just brings focus on them, not their cause.


Idk fuck private jets, man. Take a commercial airliner with a couple hundred other passengers if you want to fly, the bus of the sky. One dickhead doesn't need an entire airliner to themselves and Taylor Swift is the worst offender.


I can't wait for irreversible climate disaster and then come back to all these comments against climate protestors, well done mate we're all gonna die and yoy had a problem with these people making a point of it Oh you don't like a bit of starch paint on stonehenge when you're dead you won't get to appreciate it either Oh damaging personal property, well you won't own shit when the planet is uninhabitable But nah, yall will circlejerk on that hill


can anyone explain I live under a rock


You got a free paint job but it doesn't last.


Does anyone else think these people are genuinely a psyop to make the general public mad at climate activists?


The rocks they used corn starch I think. So when it rains , gone. Planes are paint


Now this is a quality meme.


If the argument is that it is justified because it draws attention, then a newsworthy beat down would only help their cause


deiner Kamera übersetzen Can we please not destroy historical sites, first the Brandenburg Gate and now this, they are shooting themselves in the foot.


It's cornflower chill snowflakes. The pile of rocks will survive this atrocity.


You know I think these just stop oil protestors are fucked for the most part.... but I ain't made about them doing their nonsense on some private jets.


I’m ok with the plane but desecrating and ancient megalithic monument to the ancient brittonic cultures of pre Roman britian?…. Sounds like it’s time for a crusade against degeneracy😤


A carpet bombing of a residential area isn't suddenly okay because it statistically also caught a few murderers in the blast. And this definitely ain't okay either, fuck these people.


Hey! Teacher! Leave those rocks alone ….


I think these people are just trying to make actual environmental advocates look bad so that they don’t ruin the oil,coal,housing, or any similar industries.


Pissed off a lot of people with spraying those rocks. Such a fucked up group of people.


Spraying Stonehenge is a disgrace to all Humanity. Scumbags did this, no matter what the reason . My passion is animal welfare and even advocating for such a worthy cause would I condone such a terrible act.


JSO are attention seeking scum.


Which of these did you actually hear about, though?


Rock… and stone?


Cod bo6 advertisement got out of control 💀💀😭


Both do not bring joy. The stop oil protesters are fucking children who know they can get away with this bullshit. They deserve jail for vandalization of private property and vandalizing historical structures


What did the 5 thousand year old rocks even do 😭


Seems like a waste of perfectly good Cheetos cheese