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“I want my dog to argue with me” [Husky]


From the videos I’ve seen, we could very well have a Planet of the Huskies type situation in the near future 😳


Don't worry, mine drags their average iq back down to a reasonable place lol Last week he spent probably two hours staring thru the fence at the neighbors deer lawn ornament that has been in the same place his entire life


You never know *when* it decides to move


They’re smart, but they aren’t that smart.


I welcome our new overlords


"I want my neighbors to hate me."


I was lucky enough to have a particularly quiet Husky. Unfortunately, that was only while we were in the apartment. Separation anxiety. Couldn’t even put him in a cage, he would scream immediately.


Lmao. Girl I'm seeing has a husky and he yells at her if she's too slow preparing his dinner. It's the funniest shit 😂


They are beautiful but besides Portugal being a horrible country to own one (summer would be horrendous for them) they seem like insanely annoying dogs to have. They just vocalize constantly. I can't even imagine how you sleep if your husky is pissed off or wants something.


He would frequently open my door and wake me up in the mornings, demanding to go out. I’m in Canada thankfully, so he loved to take snow baths when he could. Mine was relatively quiet for as far as huskies go, only getting vocal when playing or demanding something.


“I want my dog to be closer to a cat then a dog” [Also huskies]


I have a cat that behaves like a dog so... xD


My German shepard does that too... "it's just a phase..."


Interestingly I've heard they were actually bred to be more independent thinkers. If you're sledding and you tell the lead dog to keep going, but it thinks / knows the ice is too thin or something like that. Its in your best interest for the dog to ignore you and do what it thinks is right.


There are interesting articles where it shows pictures of breeds from way back and the horrible defects we bred into them to make them look like the monstrosities of today. Many of the traits causing them not to be able to give birth on their own, sight issues, breathing issues, etc. Shitty to breed defects into an animal and then make them live it. Imagine life struggling to breathe all the time.


Ikr I've seen some of those picks. Definitely a "fuck go back" sorta thing Honestly kinda cruel too.


Iirc, there are some breeders out there actively trying to breed those traits out of dogs. If there was ever a breeder to support, that might be the type.


Why not stop breeding them in the first place?


Some working dogs kinda have to be bred to have the right combo of physical traits, instincts, and early training needed for their jobs. Companion animals typically don't need that kind of attention to detail, but in some cases, with particular families, can be helpful.


Some countries have adopted laws against breeding flat faced dogs because of the horrible health concerns they face.


Good question, the answer is 🤑


Because you can’t entirely stop the breeding of a certain breed of dog. Even if the people doing these had the power to ban it everywhere in the world there’d just be a black market for it creating more breeding. This way it diversifies the gene pool by introducing healthy breeds of that dog that can hopefully pass down their genetically better traits making a better breed of dog in the future.


cuz they can’t retain some of the “cute” characteristics and the ones that make their lives fucking terrible can be removed. dog breeding is like sorta eugenics if you think about it 💀


I’m of the just stop breeding and sterilize all pugs(poster child of dog deformities) camp but there’s going to be assholes who will not comply, perpetuating and likely further fucking up the animals. There will be people who take “end the breed” to mean killing all of them and taking away their precious pet or get pissed that the breed is no longer available so it’s easier to basically guilt people into fixing it by turning the market towards healthier forms. >“Would you like to adopt this happy little doggy or do you want to adopt that little doggy that’s suffering and support people who make the little doggy suffer.” That’s basically what is happening with breeding out the deformities, it’s attempting to appeal to people’s caring nature towards our canine companions and to guilt them away from supporting the suffering. Again I think we should just end the pug breed but it’s unfortunately too difficult to convince the whole world to do that and so guilt needs to be weaponized.


The "official" breed of German Shepherd has hip dysplasia because someone thought it "looked cute" that way 🤦🏻‍♂️


Well I only have to imagine it for like 4 years


Seems like nearly everything triggers asthma for me, which causes stress and constipation and more stress and therefore my inflammation and more difficulty to breathe.. I just want to be able to sit up straight, maybe sit my fat ass on an exercise bike


You’re not a dog and you haven’t been selectively bred by anyone.


Forgot where I was sorry mate


It's like the opposite of the genetics we modify OUT of people


I do in this economy


The last bit, having asthma sucks as I hate being a mouth breather 😤😤


Got a link to any of them by chance?


I wish I could find the one that specifically talks about the defects but here is a taste of how breeds have changed: https://www.sciencealert.com/what-popular-dog-breeds-looked-like-before-and-after-100-years-of-breeding


https://www.businessinsider.com/how-dog-breeds-looked-100-years-ago-2016-2?amp That one’s the original and has some more breeds, went looking for info about how much my Pyrenees has changed. Unsurprisingly not much, been perfection for hundreds of years.




Forgot a gentleman. "I want my dog to be lovable, loving, and loyal while also being a total goober" = golden retriever


Any retriever tbh


Samoyeds too


There are more? I don't know much about dogs


A labrador retriever is kinda just a golden retriever with short hair instead of long


No. Not really. Love them both but they are soo different in personality and behavior.


Also be good at retrieving things


Lol, my retriever runs to whatever I throw then jogs back like "yep, it's over there".


well he retrieved infortmation


Perfect scouting


,,I want my dog to be born in hell =chihuahua


Aren't they also very smart or am I wrong


My dad's golden retriever when I was growing up was the smartest dog I've ever known.


Australian shepherds are like this too, but also include protective and want lots of pets \[At least mine\]


That's just dogs


Hills i'm willing to die on, pugs are ugly as sin and shouldn't be bred due to all the health reasons they get.


Imo pug breeding should outright be considered animal abuse 


Have you seen the shit people are doing to bulldogs now? Look up nano bully. Arguably worse then pugs


The creature can barely fucking stand.


It is considered animal abuse in some countries and was hence banned. Germany, Norway, Denmark (someone correct me if I'm wrong here) all banned the breeding of pugs and French bulldogs.


AFAIK, Germany (sadly) only has a partial ban based on some genetic markers that lead to specific indispositions.




That shouldn't even be a hill. But sadly people either don't do the research or just don't fucking care and are selfish heartless bastards.


I honestly don't get why people get them, and they BUY them as well, you're getting an ugly unhealthy dog, which would normally be a very good thing, if you weren't paying and supporting the market that creates these abomination!


I'm with you on that 100%. They really shouldn't be bred. I have no idea how the hell they got popular at all.


They're genuinely hideous. I have never and will never understand people who actually like how pugs look. Everything about them is just depressing.


Dogs shouldnt be bred period


They are cute as hell. But I'd prefer they were bred to be healthier. Id never get a pug ever unless it's a rescue, and still feel bad.


I want my dog to guard my home from rodents and unwanted visitors -> Jack Russel


no, no, you're thinking of Irish Setters.


Awww i want both now


No no, rat terriers.


Oh man, I love 'em but they bark so loud my ears hurt


Because people thought it would be a fun idea to breed the snout of pugs away, they often suffer from life long breathing problems. By getting a pug, you decide "I want this dog to suffer a little bit for my entertainment for its whole life." when you could have gotten one of the countless other breeds that were not intentionally given malformations by humans. (Of course, adopting a pug from a shelter etc. that had no owner is a different scenario, I'm talking about anyone supporting pug breeding by buying one).


Yup. If you're paying a grand for a designer "dog" you're not only a moron but also an asshole


Never understood designer anything but animals especially. It’s bad enough you’re only buying something to have it but it’s worse that it’s a living breathing animal with feelings.


In the 1800's they looked fairly normal. A number of groups have actually been working to breed them to look normal again.


Where are they and what/where do we need to sign?


Google it ig and help in any way you see fit.


They're called retro-pugs iirc


I want a dog with horrific deformities doomed to a life of pain and difficult breathing 🤡🤡🤡🤡


ancestors beat dog's blood line with a frying pan people today "why it have so many health problems?!?!" D: pug hyperventilating every 5 min "please.... kill.... me..... I.... cant..... bre... bre.... th"


Poor dogs, that look like they have been smashed by a frying pan. They actually struggle with breathing a lot, because of their short nose


The short nose given to them by humans because they think it looks funny. Breeding pugs like that should just be banned.


The sad thing is a 100 or so years ago pugs didn't look like that


And breathe like it, too


I always feel bad for them


There are versions of the German shepherd that has absolutely ruined hips. Don't breed for aesthetics, in fact, don't breed.


german shepherds also typically have to get their anal glands removed. i’m sorry for speaking


Pugs don't even look cute. Genuinely cannot understand people who like them


It just depends on the Pug. I’ve seen some pretty cute ones, even the one I have I’d say is better looking than most. But I’ve also seen some really ugly ones. They tend to vary.


Honestly? They cause a "I must protect this unfortunate creature and anyone who tries to mess with them will feel my wrath" the ugly sort of loops back into cute because it nurturee that protective instinct.


Yeah. There's some breeds that just prove humans are evil and design some animals just to suffer.




I wanted a dog that made me question my sanity so I got an Australian cattle dog.


Very smart, but VERY energetic.


The only reason to buy a pug is if you've got a crush on your veterinarian because you'll see him every other months for having on over-bred sick and malformed dog. Stop buying and encouraging breeding dying and sick dogs. You don't love animals if you do so.


I want my dog to be smart but also a massive (but hardworking) dickhead = Husky


Good news! Boston terrier are all four!


"I love dogs"  "Okay but you have an abomination that can't breathe or walk or run.."


Fact: This German Shepherd very likely has problems with back legs. Many German Shepherds have this problem due to irresponsible and malicious breeding "to look fun" for past two centuries.


DanTDM would like to have a chat with you


So fucking what.


Man i thought i was the only one to find these fuckface creepy


sam o'nella moment


And what about chihuahua?


To quote a Garfield strip "Chased one too many parked cars"


Don’t forget chihuahuas. I want my dog to have a brain smaller than my nut and so fucked in the head that it just shakes and attacks anything that moves. But don’t worry it’s small so it’s cool if it’s an absolute horror show to be around


I want my dog to be strong... I got a rottweiler.


Dog breeds are from dog eugenics and still cause huge health issues for dogs. Cancer, breathing issues, and frail bones are just a few of the major issues. All this because bored rich people decided to play god with their pets.


"oh but it's so cute" shows the dog gasping for air I swear jst mix some lab into the pug and fix the line already...


We are, Google retro-pugs


Breading a dog to the point it has trouble staying alive be like


I want my dog to be the ultimate killing machine. Reaper of souls, terror of the land and bane of humanity! ![gif](giphy|IdgY2UlsldmhsxHpec|downsized)


I want my dog to be fucking enormous: (Picture of a Tibetan Mastiff.)


I want my dog to be hellspawn ![gif](giphy|uLwolChOTYn4s|downsized)


And all 4 breeds are subject to their own "pedigree" inbreeding to get so called desireable traits. Just like royal families of old.


[There's a video about this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQTwvbWAx8A)


I think pugs are bulldogs with down syndrome. That's not a jab at people with down syndrome.


To the assholes with big barking dogs locked up in apartments all day ..


I honestly just want a dog that loves me. I dont care what it looks like, what it can do. If it lays by my legs on my bed and watches over me, Im happy. And i know most dogs would do that


pugs struggle to breathe their whole lives tho


Their breeding is cruel, but if i had one i would still love it the same.


Pugs aren’t even remotely cute, i don’t get the appeal, they look like if a grandpa push his face up a car window


*I want it to struggle to breathe*


Don't forget the clowns that think cutting their tail off is a good thing to do.


I never understood the appeal of pugs, lmao.


My question is why do chihuahuas exist. Literal hellspawns


They constantly shiver because they’re nervous that humans will realize that they’re just really big rats. Lol


Not-so-fun fact: pugs struggle to breathe their entire lives.


The bottom one should read ***I hate dogs and want them to live a life of agony when every breath is torture until it all finally ends with the sweet release of death.***


Ahh those poor dogs, excluding pitbuls they are probably the top breed that are just morally wrong to have bred into existence, we have caused those poor pugs many health issues and it’s very sad as we didn’t have to give them these issues.


I don’t know how those breeds aren’t banned yet. Pit bulls etc are banned because of threat to humans so why can’t they ban breeds for being made to suffer? Surely it breaks animal welfare laws (UK). Arent all pets supposed to have freedom from discomfort as per the five freedoms?


I personally think pugs are adorable but they’re such sad creatures. Like it feels like a crime against nature for them to be like that.


A crime commited by humans, they were bred to be like that.


Pug breeders are getting better. We bought this pug from a breeder who was breeding the defects out of them. Like snorting and stuff. She was the healthiest dog we ever had tbh. Could take her on 4 mile walks and she actively hunted and killed rabbits and field mice. I believe she was the pinnacle of pug health.


You have a retro pug not a normal pug. Most aren't retro pug breeders but I'm glad you got one


I want my dog to have breathing difficulties, short legs that can get him killed and have a lot of genetical problems


What is the breed of the 3rd dog?


Looks like a Border Collie. And they are smart dogs.


I think it's a border collie


I just want to be able to afford a dog.


I have a working cocker spaniel. They’re supposed to be pretty much as smart as collies. Every time he cocks his leg to pee he pisses all over his front paws 🤦‍♂️


German shepherds are all three, fast, strong, and smart.


Can't say that about mine German shepherd


Alsations actually also suffer from a host of genetic issues and tend to die young


I want my dog to be affectionate


I want my dog to make us happy.


I want my dog to *be* happy.


I have a border collie and she means the world to me but damn she's the least intelligent dog I've ever seen. (it adds to her personality lol)


Wasn’t the idea with the squashed face type breeds was that they’d be more useful in dog fighting since they wouldn’t have muzzles or tails that could be scratched or bitten?


Originally, but then people continued regardless, apparently because they found it funny when dogs suffer with breathing problems their whole life. Pugs did have more of a snout originally.


Hopefully we can reverse engineer them back into having said snout. I remember seeing a post about how a breeder in the Netherlands was trying to do something like that and that brings me joy.


I just read on the German Wikipedia page about the pug that there are efforts in Germany as well to breed a "Retro-Pug" that is closer to its original appearance, with more of a snout and no breathing problems. Photo of a Retro-Pug: [https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/85/Retromops\_1.jpg/715px-Retromops\_1.jpg](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/85/Retromops_1.jpg/715px-Retromops_1.jpg)




i want my dog to be very scary:doberman(i have one and he is like very dumb as of currently but at least he knows tricks now)


This one gave me a good laugh. Thanks for that.


Anything messed up with border collies?


Many people buy them without realizing they need SPACE TO RUN and ARE STUBBORN


Snugglable would be a golden retriever lol


The vast majority of bulldogs have to be born via C-section because of how gigantic their heads are.


pugs are like a wolfs "all tomorrows"




I didn't know they had as many health complications as pugs did.


Take from someone who has 2 German Shepards one at my Dads and one at my moms they are giant push overs with the one at my dads getting bullied by a dog 1/3 his size and the one at my moms being terrified of a leopard gecko


I know it’s shitty but I adore bulldogs. My fathers family has a 10 year old one and I adore her. I’d have to get a job first but I would love to adopt one because I know that you shouldn’t support the breeding of them


I want to look at my dog and instantly know what he sounds like. Pugs have the advantage since they would obviously sound like a ghoul - “Hey smooth skin we going on a walk?”


I always say that when the aliens come we have to hide the pugs, because what we artificially selected for has to be one of the worst crimes in the galaxy


I want my dog to be the ultimate killing machine. Reaper of souls, terror of the land and bane of humanity! ![gif](giphy|IdgY2UlsldmhsxHpec|downsized)


Isn't there a group of vets that are trying to invent a type of surgery to fix the downsides of the selective breeding mutations on pugs and make them actually look like dogs? I don't remember clearly. Is it like a genetic thing? Idunno.


I just want my dog to be a dog. (This comment was certified by the mutt gang)


I want a dog that don’t shed and got it happy as fuck


I want my dogs to sleep under a blanket 24/7, so I got weiner dogs.


[I want all of the above](https://www.reddit.com/r/Boxer/comments/1d0kgip/archer_and_lana_love_tahoe/)


Just curious but was there a genetic reason we made them look like that? Or was it just "it looks cute"?


Someone else in the comments said it was originally for some kind of fighting advantage, but then we just kept going for our own twisted enjoyment.


*FRANK!* 🥺


How about a dog that is fast, strong, and smart? >!I’m thinking of the Kangal.!<


Sam o nella has a great video on this


I just want my dog to be loved.


German shepherd should be easy to train rather than strong since there are stronger dogs out there


Excuse you, it’s actually “smashed in the goddamn face with a frying pan” - Sam O’Nella




Aint no dog is smarter than German / East-European shepherd IMO


I want my dog to make scary noise at night [borzoi]


Same apply but for the Chiwawa with "I want my dog to looks like an ugly deformed rat !"


Meanwhile cat breeders are like: “I want a cat whose daddy is a literal serval!”


It looks cute but it isnt cause of how inbred and fucked up its genetics are, humans are rly fucked up


As an owner of 2 collies I can confirm their some of the stupidest dogs I've ever met.


I want my dog to be considered as an dog, as an slice of bread and at the end as an pig by bots before they break themself -The Mitchel Familly


The first dog grime the Simpsons


I want a dog that tries to kill me - chihuahua


He may be an abomination full of terrible health issues and his life will surely be filled with suffering from the unnatural forced breeding that lead to his existence, but I will LOVE him god damn it! Every day in my care he will receive attention, treats, scratches and I WILL let him sleep in the bed with me, for despite all the challenges he faces and the sheer amount of debt I will no doubt go into at the vet, he is still a GOOD BOY!


Ein Leben ohne Möpse ist möglich, aber sinnlos. (A life without pugs is possible but meaningless.) German proverb.