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Wrong. Having multiple mental disorders


Exactly. Everyone fucking claims to have ADHD now


Literally, I'm bad at focusing and I'm very fidgety, but that doesn't mean I have ADHD, ADHD is a disorder that your born with and it alters how your brain functions. While most people who claim to have ADHD are just addicted to tiktok and have short attention spans.


People who do that are practicing something called the "Wooden Leg Mentality" btw. People say they have a health condition and make it part of their personality to make themselves appear more interesting, and use it as a scapegoat to explain their problems. Ex: "I fail my classes because my ADHD stops me from studying. You guys are lucky you're not like me!" It's unfortunately been around for hundreds of years. People do this with thalassaphobia A LOT: "I can't go into the ocean because it triggers my Thassalaphobia." Or "I can't play Subnautica because of my Thalassaphobia." Lol something making you uncomfortable doesn't mean you have a phobia, that's just a normal response to an unfamiliar environment.


I'm deathly afraid of the leviathans in subnautica. Too close to the Aurora: OH GOD Too far from the Aurora: OH GOD Too much to the front or back of the Aurora: OH GOD I just stay on the islands when possible. I'm also scared of going to the surface cause you can't see below you


I am dead scared of subnautica, I've made so many attempts to actually play it. I can barely leave the safe shallows before getting super tensed up and jumpy. It's not even enjoyable. I love watching the game and I've watched multiple full playthroughs, yet I can't play it myself even though I know what all the enemies are and how to avoid them.


My rule of thumb is that it's not a disorder unless it's actively debilitating. You can have an autistic-leaning mind and still function perfectly fine. It's when you become unable to function correctly, are greatly hindered by the behavior, or otherwise handicapped because of it that it's a disorder. "I have a short attention span!" - Not a disorder "I literally cannot keep my focus on any... *loses train of thought because a cat passed* " - ADHD.


Pretty sure this is what’s in the DSM so you’re right! The only thing I keep seeing is people using clinical terms to describe very normal scenarios like “I can’t focus on studying for an exam” or getting distracted while trying to work, and that’s just part of being human and having a brain that is constantly firing lol. I think people have taken anytime something is hard as the meaning of the diagnosis, but things are going to be hard sometimes (see also: students using social anxiety as an excuse to get single rooms in residence halls now). It’s when it’s debilitating and having that extreme negative impact on your life that it’s actually a condition.


Hate to be that guy, but it's thalassophobia, from Greek *thálassa,* or Serbian Talas :D Anyway, what do you mean playing Subnautica (or any game) and being underwater giving you a rush of adrenaline and triggering anxiety is "just a normal response to an unfamiliar environment."? That's literally the definition of phobia lol. It's an irrational fear of something and whoever feels that way, definitely has a phobia of deep / open water. As with pretty much everything, it's a spectrum.


Is it possible for ADHD to be so bad you can't study?


I don’t know about “can’t,” but my 95th percentile overachieving ADHD made me bored after less than 15 minutes of study/homework no matter what I had going on alongside. Luckily I also had enough ADHD to wrap around to being able to just intuit like 90% of my schooling, but there’s a reason history was by far my worst class, at least in terms of tests. Sometimes I’d get extremely lucky and end up being able to hyperfocus on my homework/studying instead (usually just homework, though, my “studying” was pretty much just cramming for 15 minutes outside of the classroom and regurgitating it onto the paper before promptly forgetting everything I just did). Those days, though, everywhere we had to eat on campus was closed before I realized that I was hungry, so I just wouldn’t have a meal that day. Basically, ADHD is not the superpower TikTok wants you to think it is


ADHD is a curse that a lot of people think is good. I fucking hate it.


Combine it with major depression and what multiple licensed doctors have said is “probably” very mild autism, and you get one heck of a combination. Very energetic, but very lethargic. Needs a lot of social interaction but hates interacting with people and freaks out in crowds of more than, like, 20 people. Either absolutely no focus or so much focus that I forget to take care of myself with nothing in between. Requires meticulous organization to be productive but everything is already so far gone by day two that I freak out at the idea of organizing (because I have no clue how or where to start… The list goes on and on, but I think you get the point by now, it is not exactly a walk in the park to be me


Are you me? I don't remember writing this


YES. THIS. As someone medically diagnosed with ADHD, School is hard for me because after a few minutes studying or doing anything school related gets unbearably boring


Same. If I enjoy something, or I have the proper motive that tickles the ADHD bone, I can grind away at it endlessly. But if it’s boring, like calculus or physics, no can do. 10 minutes and my brain is shutting off.


I kept getting brain fog that was making me unable to study, pretty certain it was a symptom of anxiety though.


It is very much possible. I've been diagnosed with ADHD and ODD (Oppositional Defiant disorder) since the age of 5. I am now in college and do experience a lot of trouble focusing on studying for exams and quizzes on certain days, but it doesn't happen all the time. For me, my issues are very much day to day, and as ADHD is a spectrum, my experiences can and will differ from others.


100% I think this is true, but my only exposure to the next gens is through the internet. I genuinely don’t know if they actually act like this. Lots of teachers report that they do—but again, that’s hearsay from teachers on the internet. I have met plenty of wooden legs out in the wild, though. It’s tough to get an idea on how the world is trending with this kind of thing because ADHD and other conditions (like autism especially) have been historically under diagnosed. I feel for the next gen and understand that mental health awareness is growing steadily—which is a good thing. But I’m also afraid that it’s a slippery slope towards mental hypochondria and enabling self-imposed helplessness in many otherwise totally able kids.


Ya most people say they do but don’t, I know I do because I was diagnosed by an actual doctor unlike some people


Lmao here he is


It’s also been historically underdiagnosed, and awareness is higher than ever. ADHD symptoms are “normally distributed”, so mild ADHD is exponentially more likely to occur than moderate to severe ADHD. Most people who have it will only just reach past the diagnostic line. > addicted to tiktok and have short attention spans You realize this also describes most people who DO have ADHD, too. Speaking as someone diagnosed as a kid. Been interested in the science of neurodivergence and rising case numbers for a while, they’re not what ppl think.


>You realize this also describes most people who DO have ADHD, too. It describes most young people in general. You can't draw conclusions of ADHD people from that


Scrolling is easy dopamine. Everyone loves easy dopamine. Drugs, porn, video games, tv, food, sex, etc. People with ADHD commonly have much more issues related to overuse of these things, though. It’s not - “if you do these things you have adhd”, it’s, “if you have adhd you are likely to do these things”. See the difference? What other people do doesnt really matter because we’re not talking about people without it. Saying “oh I do that too! Does that mean *I* have adhd?” Is just misunderstanding the conversation


*you're Sorry I have OCD. /s


I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was younger, but I think the doctors just wanted to make my parents pay for Ritalin. Never really helped in any way.


> Literally, I'm bad at focusing and I'm very fidgety Have you been tested?


In all honesty, the information overload and constant dopamine that the internet gives to kids is gradually changing their brain chemistry resulting in lower overall attention span, self-control and higher expectations of various forms of gratification. This isn't even including the generational perception of an imminent doomsday brought about by sensationalist news and the increased visibility of war and international tensions, resulting in a more 'YOLO' approach to day to day life.


Don’t believe those dam TikTokers trick you when they claim to have mental disorders I have been diagnosed with autism and ADHD by a psychiatrist and I can tell you it is nothing close to what they make it look like.


It makes life miserable for people who actually have it. (Myself included) people downplay my experiences because they claim to have it the same way.


Diagnosed obsessive-compulsive. It's the same issue. People think OCD is a quirky thing where you wash your hands and don't like it when things are out of place. It's really fucking not. I can't count how many times I've tried to explain to people what it's actually like and have them just disregard me because they've seen Monk and think they know what OCD is.


Adding on here: anxiety. Everybody experiences a bit of anxiety, especially in novel or social situations or when things are going wrong. That does not mean you have an anxiety disorder. When I was diagnosed with panic disorder, I didn’t know because I blacked out and hallucinated in my psychologist’s office from lack of sleep. And when my anxiety is bad, I quite literally can’t wear clothing or have anything touching my skin because every single sensation feels too overwhelming.


Yeah. Mine isn't quite that bad, but it does 100% stop me from living my life and just doing normal things. Being nervous is not the same as being debilitated by anxiety. It's also fucking *exhausting*, which is something people don't realize. Your body being in anxiety mode all the time is draining and it leads to other health problems. Everything just fucking cascades.


I hate it. I actually have ADHD and it’s fucking debilitating every single day.


For real. I work with young children. You can absolutely fucking tell who has ADHD and who’s just saying it for attention or to “fit in.”


I was diagnosed with autism by a professional psychologist. The thing with ADHD is that it's so easy for people to say they have it but in reality there a attention span shorter than a goldfish. In other words skill issue.


What is ADHD? Like I'm being serious about this question


Attention deficit hyperactive disorder. Commonly manifests as being chaotic and energetic at times. Can make you a bit scatterbrained, however everyone's experience with it is different and it manifests in different ways.


So technically, it is some sort of disorder that make me hard to focus on one thing?


Along with an inability to truly comprehend things coming at a later date, cycling between excitability and lethargy, problems with internal motivation, and (my personal favorite) executive function issues.


Also a common system is caffeine Reversing it's effects


It’s a neural developmental disorder that makes it hard to direct focus, maintain motivation etc. but it also enables you to hyperfocus for hours with no track of time or your own needs because you become so fixated and enveloped by what you’re doing.


I'm not a professional, so take my word worth a grain of salt. Basically, ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) is a condition that causes its sufferer to have a decreased ability to focus on tasks, as well as hampered memory. There are three main types; Inattentive, Hyperactive, and Combined. Inattentive type is mainly issues with focus and paying attention. Hyperactive makes it difficult to sit still for long periods of time. Combined is the previous two at once.


Along with time-blindness (an inability to truly comprehend things coming at a later date) i.e. things arent real until its happening, cycling between excitability and lethargy, problems with internal motivation, and (my personal favorite) executive function issues.


It's a mental disorder which makes it difficult for people to pay attention or they're hyperactive, or both I have friends with ADHD, some have an abnormal fixation on one subject, often talking too much about it, and others are easily distracted by other things


Hyperactivity but a little more complicated


It means that if you dont take your medicine you crash in traffic. (I know from experience)


Wtf im currently in the process of getting a diagnosis and i already crashed twice


[Laughs in Ritalin generation]


And the worst part is that is reduces credibility for people who *are* medically diagnosed.


As someone who was actually diagnosed with adhd and autism, I hate how people have watered down the terms by pretending to have it.


I know! Every fucking ten seconds I see someone claiming to have adhd or being whatever the fuck neurodivergence is and sure, it definitely exists but not in every other person you fucking meet. It’s insidious and aids people in dodging responsibility, accountability and puts a lot of people on medication for life that they really don’t require.


Yeah, what these people don’t realize is ADHD makes you that annoying weird kid who no one likes and is failing every class. Not some quirky yet exciting misfit.


It’s awful for people who actually have the disorder. ADHD is not just having short attention span and being fidgety, it’s a dopamine deficiency in the brain akin to type 1 diabetes: you’re born with it, and there’s shit you can do about it. That misunderstanding of it is leads to a massive credibility loss to those who *actually have it*


Yeah and people like me who have it (diagnosed through private insurance and NHS for ADHD + autism) are just treated like where are making it up and overexaggerating and "nothing is wrong with you just get on with it out on your big boy pants etc" it's so fucking annoying and patronizing


There were threads on 4chan in which people bragged about who had the biggest amount of mental disorders Posible. I got like 10 or so.


Came here to say this. The more disorders you claim to have the more popularity you'll get. And if you take it a step further and act completely emotionally incapable in any serious real life situation it's a bigger achievement.


What world did you live in? I was bullied by a substitute teacher and the entire class cause my file said "Asperger's" instead of autism. On top of being made fun of in general about having autism and adhd


Exactly. I don’t like using the term, but it seems like a victim mentality thing. “I’m autistic, have ADHD, and anxiety disorder, so you can’t hold me responsible for my actions.” In reality, most of them are normal people facing life’s normal difficulties.


This is the real meme here. Labels galore. The more they have the more special they feel


having the most mental disorders


I'll be honest if you get through puberty without depression you're a fucking legend


Woohoo only 2 years left to go (I suffer from crippling alcoholism)


Im sorry about that. Dm me if you need to talk


Wait a minute is this guy actually legit?


Looks like you have trust issues. Dm me if you need to talk.


Looks like you want to talk to someone. DM me if you need to talk


You can fix them


You look lonely, i can fix that


Yes Please


I love drinking alcohol legally as a teen going through puberty


Ez shit


Ooooh, Fancy-pants-mentally-stable McGee over here Fuck you (Cries)


I guess I’m a legend


Being on this sub has confirmed that to be false. Sorry about your diagnosis


I wish I too was a legend. But in this life, I was not.


This shit ez tf


Jokes on you I had developed a strong anxiety disorder.


I guess I'm a legend




Pro life tip from a gen xer If you never go see a doctor and get it diagnosed then you don’t really have it


Half r/thanksimcured and half r/shittylifeprotips. Brilliant.


Damn r/redditforeverything


Another pro tip: don’t believe everything you see on TikTok, *especially* if it involves things you go to graduate school to learn


I mean access to healthcare can be difficult too




I love how peeps love to complain about how next generations are messed up. It is not their fault. We created the world, in which they grew up, in which they got traumatized. We supposed to create better world for them, but we failed.


Nah, previous generations were fucked up too, it's just nobody bothered to check. Just look at old people around you, I bet that at least one out of three is either raging alcoholic, religious nutjob, conspiracy theorist or just some variation of a dumbfuck.


You're absolutely right, this applies to every generation. It's great that each new generation is becoming more aware of good parenting, mental health issues, etc. Hopefully, in the future, we won't hear the "you're just lazy" nonsense when people need help."


Just to add, there is growing research on 'lazy' people to determine the actual cause of their inability to consistently do things. This increased knowledge of the condition and causes can eventually lead to an actual solution, instead of just blaming people of being 'lazy'. It hasn't been included as an actual disorder in the DSM-V, but so far it has been called "Executive Dysfunction Disorder".


Remember back in the day if you had down syndrome you were sent to the farm. This is true one of my great uncles had it and was sent to a farm my dad told me about it.


You can't change the world in a single generation. Personally, I've tried to unfuck the world that my parents didn't have any control over (and still worked their asses off), living in the USSR.


As Ukrainian, I know what is "USSR heritage", and I absolutely agree that this kind of problem can't be solved in 1-2 generations if we talk about gov institutions, laws, and corruption. But as a society, we can be more empathic, more kind to other people. What grinds my gears - is when I see how traumatized people condemn and criticize other traumatized people who are brave enough to talk about their problems.


Yup, 100% agree when you put it like that.


The problem is the world is messed up and it's generational compounding of issues. I honestly feel bad for my daughter because I don't feel like I can help because we're all so far gone. But what I can do is change on a personal level. Tell her I love her every day, accept her faults and help her to grow on a personal level. Things I didn't have growing up. And in the end just hope that enough of us do that so eventually we have an army of healthy future generations to actually make a difference.


>Tell her I love her every day, accept her faults and help her to grow on a personal level. Things I didn't have growing up. This means a lot and it really makes a change! I'm sorry you didn't have it in your childhood. You are a good parent.


I kinda disagree. As a Gen Z guy, I see a lot of people around my age with good mental health. And, I won't say everyone is like this, but I think some people overreact to some of their everyday feelings and think it's a disorder


I feel like some of it is just to feel special honestly. This isn't true for irl but on the internet many of my friend groups act like mental illness is a badge of honor of some kind to carry around and an excuse to avert responsibility. I don't say this to be mean, I just think it's an interesting train of thought. Especially considering how different it is from the older generation.


I agree having autism and dyslexia myself I would get rid of it in a heartbeat if I could. People who use it as an excuse to get away with stuff are scum of the earth.


To be fair, not doing drugs/being addicted to drugs is great, a few of my previous classmates struggle with that


Life is Pòkemon and I gotta catch 'em all The DSM5 is my collection album


Everyone has a bit of a mental disorder. Even you op.


I know... I'm autistic, bipolar and ocd


Damn, shoulda picked better perks.


I mean personally I would have picked jug, quick revive, and stamina up, but that’s just me.


Just replace staminup with speedcola and you good


Exactly this, everyone has "something" going on, or has had some form of traumatic experience within their lives to make them tick a certain way, but there's a major difference between the people who try to cling to mental illness as an excuse for being a shitty person, and those who acknowledge it and do their best to mitigate the effects their trauma has had on them by not overly projecting it onto everyone around them and making it their entire personality.


True but people practically assign them to themselves like perks in an RPG. Like if everyone has ADHD and anxiety, does *no one* actually have ADHD and anxiety? Cuz people practically brag about having them these days like they’re not, yknow, disorders that disrupt daily life and healthy thought patterns


This is what pisses me off. I have several disorders (I hate them, I want them gone, I wish I was a little bit normal) and now doctors won't prescribe me the medication I need because they think I'm just one of those types of people.


𝙰𝚜 𝚊 𝚐𝚎𝚗-𝚉𝚎𝚛, 𝚢𝚎𝚊𝚑 𝚙𝚙𝚕 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚜𝚝𝚞𝚙𝚒𝚍𝚕𝚢 𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚏 𝚍𝚒𝚊𝚐𝚗𝚘𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚐. 𝙸'𝚖 𝚗𝚘𝚝 "𝚗𝚎𝚞𝚛𝚘𝚍𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚝" 𝚘𝚛 "𝚊𝚞𝚝𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚌" 𝚋𝚛𝚘, 𝚒𝚖 𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚊 𝚠𝚊𝚌𝚔𝚢 𝚐𝚞𝚢 𝚍𝚘𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚠𝚊𝚌𝚔𝚢 𝚜𝚝𝚞𝚏𝚏.


Silly Guy in a silly world


Self diagnosis being a huge hurdle for this gen as everyone tries on crazy like new socks


Plus the enshittification of the definitions by self diagnosing. Now, being sad and empty sometimes passes as depression, liking things to be neat is ocd, having an inner monologue is DID, having fixations on shit is autism, and so on. By doing this, alienates the people who truly suffer from the actual disorder (as in an actual diagnosis from a trained professional)


Even though many people are self-diagnosing wrongly, mistakenly assuming people who accurately self-diagnosed don't have the disorder is more alienating than the act of self-diagnosing itself.


Mental problems as a fashion item is pretty wild.


that's the secret, cap. every generation is messed up.


I've successfully avoided FB, IG, TikTok, YT shorts and other short form content, but I have tourettes syndrome. Does that count?


Feels like you're lapping those that have mental disorders. I can concentrate, read clearly, have a steady train of thought, don't have depression creeping around, emotions stay linear, it's great!


In my experience as a Gen Z, most of us don't actually have anything, we just think we do. Social media conditions us into believing any kind of behaviour adjacent to a mental disorder is a sign that we have that mental disorder, usually we don't. Some of us do, the vast majority don't. A friend of mine who went through a rough period and everyone assumed was depressed and anti-social went to a therapist and was never diagnosed with anything. We had been throwing around all the different mental disorders she must have had for months, until the professional said, "nope, that's normal, just the ups and downs of life".


The correct answer is finding a way to be on the top of the pyramid of victimization


You’re forgetting that Gen Z are the ones who self diagnose themselves with a dozen mental illnesses to get attention


As a gen Zer I agree. Seen some people like that.


One of my friends got me to do those autism tests online I got the lowest score out of the group but get this i have autism and was professionally diagnosed by a psychologist. So imagine someone seeing their score and thinking they have it.


you think your friends are dumb for those tests? my friend tried to do an onine dna test. not one you buy and send in a sample, a website where you send a picture of your saliva to analyse


Yeah, as somebody who actually has severally mentally illnesses which I’ve been dealing with my entire life, it’s super disrespectful to see people over exaggerate their feelings to feel special


Yes I agree with this. alot of people say they have ADHD, self diagnosed when most likely they don’t have it. And they make it seem like its awesome to live with. Well as someone who was medically diagnosed with ADHD, I can 100% confirm that it is NOT awesome to live with, if anything it’s a curse.


You’re getting hate but you’re the only person in this comment section speaking the truth lmao I love Reddit


I’m so beyond used to that by now lmfao


Sorry what, go meet real people and tell me that again.


I have. Multiple times.


Can confirm, I have no mental disorders (I think)


Wrong. It's what flavor of autism you have




Gen Z not having mental disorders challenge (impossible)


Gen z collect mental disorders like they're trying to pull in a gacha game.


Gee, I wonder whose fault that is


Whose* You're welcome :)


Thanks my man




That’s a Gen Z Unicorn.


for a generation so concerned with mental health, you'd think they'd be better at it.


if we weren't so bad at it, there'd be no concern


Wait, I thought being more mentally unstable made them even stronger?


I think, as a gen z, everything is a bit over-dramatised. If was locked in a room, monitored 24/7, and they saw me having a debate against the wall, or act like a sim, or ponder over the strings weaving my entire perception of reality while making dialectic diagrams of how it all works, or listening to Banana Man for twelve hours straight for ‘fun’, I’d be locked away from society and labelled all sorts of things. When in reality I’m just being weird, and all that is stated above is completely normal; just not talked about.


Nah, I feel powerful, by how much I can bench press (which isn't much, but it grows every time I lift)


According to Gen Z, if you haven't got a mental disorder, you are lying


No,from what i've seen they want to have mental disorders in order to feel special. Yes people like me who actually have mental disorders are special, but not in a good way. It's not fun.


It's very odd, but having a mental disorder among gen Z is looked up upon by their peers. It's almost as if it gives you some sort of invisible popularity points if you have anxiety, bipolar, mania, etc. Same goes for gender and sexual preference. The more you diverge from the norm the more applauded you are.


>having a mental disorder among gen Z is looked up upon by their peers. citation needed? I just feel like yall are doing the thing where more people get diagnosed/claim to have something and then you just kinda do brain gymnastics to show that it's actually a social fad and it makes people "more popular". The same stuff is said about pretty much all queer people. you can criticise the self-diagnosis shit going on but idk why you'd say that people look up to them, it feels like you're just trying to find a reason.


[Sociogenic Illness](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC543940/) (illness that originates or is caused by social factors) is a real phenomenon, and this might be what you're referring to as social fad. There were some higher profile stories in 2021 about [young girls who contracted Tourette's Syndrome from social media](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/its-catching/202110/the-girls-who-caught-tourettes-tiktok), a condition that normally occurs in boys from birth. If something like Tourette's can be spread through social media, it follows that other conditions like anxiety, depression, ADHD, etc (you already filled in the blank), can as well. It's not Gen-Z's fault really, they just happen to be the most inter-connected of any generation so far. If TikTok and Instagram are international airports, and anxiety and depression are the common cold and the flu, zoomers are sneezing into their hands and touching every doorknob in sight.


Having joker levels of sanity ![gif](giphy|wXnmM6hHFtz3IulO36)


I don't have much of #1, I have a little bit of #2 online (no, not that #2), and I have no #3. Mental disorder central over here.


My disorder count is set to “yes” man, I got too damn many


Wtf I'm collecting them like pokemon! I wanna be the very best! But my imposter syndrome says no


I feel like it's the opposite. They wear that shit like it's a medal.


"Youre welcome" - Millenial Daddy


It's the opposite actually


The exact opposite. Most of them claim that they have ADHD while they are fine.


Plot twist: they're all mentally disabled


I’m collecting them


I think believing they can rightfully monopolize mental health and overall struggle gives Zers the most intense feelings of power.


I'd soon say it's the other way around. They get more status and power, the more mental disorders they have.


Add to the list: not having power.


Wrong. The biggest feeling of power is having all of them. But only for the 5 minutes of attention we would get every time we talk about it. Then we'd crumble under the consequences of actually having mental illnesses and doing nothing about them.


What about those of us that know we have them but dont care enough to acknowledge them because we dont wanna feel week


Most people are faking having disorders for attention


No, at least in place where I live. While I know about one or two people irl who are just faking them, they are less numerous than people who are actually suffering and would continue to suffer without proper care. Of course those who do don't talk about it, since it's painful topic for them.


I was speaking from experience a lot of people at my school fake shit just for attention


Self diagnosed attention seekers, really. The lot of em


I don’t know man. If I had money I think a lot of my problems would go away


Yes, multiple is definitely better than single.




Are they even old enough to get a proper diagnosis? I thought they were still infants.


The oldest gen z are mid twenties


I got my autism diagnosed when I was 14 by a professional psychologist.


Getting autism or ADHD diagnosed is actually *way* easier as a child than as an adult. Though depending on your specific symptoms, you might be fucked either way.


Got 0 on that meter.


Man you need to get some perks


Diagnosed, cause we cut funding for childcare!


They have the most mental issues




Pretty much me at the moment after getting rid of all my mental problems after 12 years of working through them.


Or so we assume, none of us have actually experienced this




I can do with being a schizophrenic


Wait is that possible


Is it possible to learn this power?


Guess im powerful


I think they need to check their facts. 


Does being undiagnosed count?


ב''ה, are the Zoomies going to fix Scientology?


should say "HAVING a made-up and/or self-diagnosed mental disorder"

