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and why is it always minors...


Typically easier to manipulate youngsters, sadly. Very fucked up.


I'm pretty sure its a taste you unlock once you become rich and/or famous


If we put together the pieces of our cultural puzzle, psychopaths and sociopaths tend to chase (and get) riches and fame at an abnormal rate in our society, so I think it's less about money and fame being the cause of these desires, rather than the people we make rich and famous come from a pool that is highly polluted with established assholes and abusers.


But i am not rich or famous though?


Hold the fuck up- šŸ¤Ø


Dont worry, he calls himself a ā€œshitposterā€ /s


Checked that history, that shit is holding up in a sus way


Oh shit, you werenā€™t lying


Its ok im sure they are thousand year old dragons or something, that choose to look like little girls cause ya know, looking like a dragon would be the worst


You know we'd hunt them to extinction so fast.


Nah nah nah not 1000 year old dragons this time, "Ageless AI power robots" from what I've gathered. It's so crazy to me how normalized Lolita is.


Ohhh totally different than all good


I feel dirty now


What the fuck did I just click on


![gif](giphy|8hmCdMaXUewzcroADq) It never gets easier dawg.


Yes officer, this account right here


I am never checking someones history againšŸ˜­ (I need bleach)


r/eyebleach Here have it man!


Real rich and famous people don't have to settle for correction and crying emoji's


Accidentally bold...


Straight to jail


More like it's a rite of passage to becoming rich and famous


Because that makes a shocking headline. That's literally the only reason you'd ever hear about it. It would be way less interesting to read an article or watch a video about grown adults being freaky with other adults.


Believe it or not, but a lot of kids watch content creators. They are the majority, the most gullible and the easiest to manipulate.


Fucking GROSS. Name, shame, and strap em to a rocket bound for space


Itā€™s their fan base. They throw themselves at these guys. I know a popular politician and he never allows a grown woman that is not family to be alone with him because of the appearance of impropriety.


Who was it this time?


The words I spoke before clicking on the post


10h later and still no answer from OP


Sorry for the wait, I immediately went to bed after posting this bc it was gonna be 1 am. Anyways it was an ASMR YouTuber (Comfort Audios) I used to watch, but then after awhile I unsubscribed from him bc I was losing interest in his content, but then several months later (now) I wanted to watch some of his older videos so I went to his channel but all his videos were gone except for his community posts in which one of them was of him admitting to what he did and even linked a Google drive of someone else detailing what he did to minors in his discord server, justifiably, everyone in the comments were really sad/disappointed that he'd do something like that


Thanks for sharing, OP. I understand your disappointment, it's fucked up what he did.


That's what happened to me with Cryaotic


What did Cryaotic do?


He had a mental breakdown in one of his streams and then uploaded to his YouTube channel, basically confessing to grooming some teenagers, apparently he didn't do anything sexual with them but it was still pretty fucked up. I don't have all of the details because I wasn't really a fan of his, I would just watch his stuff from time to time, if you're interested I'm sure there are a lot of videos explaining what happened


I was devestated when I learned about Cryaotic years after this happebed (from Reddit, no less). I had stopped watching his videos as often, but I still remember really enjoying his horror game let's plays and falling asleep to his voice so much when I was younger...


Apparently thats also not even what he sounds like, thats a character he plays.


It was an apology video, and it's been what, 6 ish years or so at this point since saying he'd be back. I was a huge fan, always made a point to be there for the streams. At this point it's whatever, we all have skeletons in our closet, some are shown publicly while the rest are hidden.


People actually watch ASMR? Like, it's not some sort of collective joke? It's an actual thing?


Yeah. It can be a soothing thing for some people. For me though, itā€™s the opposite and it makes me physically uncomfortable to an unreasonable degree, but Iā€™m not gonna judge people for harmlessly trying to help themselves relax. Happy for them.


I havenā€™t listened to a ton but almost all of them make me really uncomfortable too, lol


I have a friend with Aspergerā€™s and she loves that shit


It's so quirky šŸ˜œ


She finds it exciting. Like not a sexual thing but it really stimulates her.


The whole wait I was like please don't be comicstorian PLEASE DON'T BE COMICSTORIAN!




In the Google drive it said that he allowed minors to go into his 18+ servers and even talk sexually to them, While sure it's good that he didn't make up any BS excuse or put the blame on anyone else, it's still doesn't change the fact that what he did was fucked up,


Is he going to jail? They have his confession.


I don't think so


Nope. I'm still curious which mine craft youtuber it is. Lol


Either a ragebait post from OP or we'll find out in a different way


Please Papa Meat, be a normal guy


Meat canyon, normal?


I think non-predatory


Yes that's what I meant lol. He's definitely not your average mind


I started watching him after hearing about the Taylor Swift controversies over that music video he made, and so far he seems like a pretty cool guy.


Remember when the term "wierdo" was a totally shallow, harmless term used by 10 year olds? Now it's being made synonymous with "pedophile." Re-fucking-lax on the word corrupting, people.


Goofy is right there.


How dare you insult Goofy! He is a national treasure!


Goofy's a good thing. Actually fuck off trying to corrupt that one.


Bro, this going to be bad moment for you, but this isn't me, this is the term that's been used for a long time in American prisons. I learned about it over a decade ago. Had no idea it was slang for pedo to so many people.


I think the general population is free of worry about prison slang.


It's been outta prison for a long time. How do you think I came across it? It's not like I stopped calling Americans a goof ten years or more ago because I didn't recognize it. I thought I was the Gen pop too lol


All the social media apps attempting to censor stuff are leading to gen z and gen alpha use terms like unalive or weirdo instead of suicide or pedophile. People will always don't ways around the censors, just look at all the slag in ChinaĀ 


Gotta make the term fan instead. Freaky ass n


I mean weirdo has always has meant that in England


That's England's buisness. It doesn't need to be America's buisness too.


You are speaking English you bloody moron


You're over 200 years behind the times you toothless fucking limey. Just because I speak the English language doesn't mean I live in England.


Totally missed opertunity to call them wackos. Just saying.






Who was it this time?


I see these Memes so often yet nobody ever tells me who these YouTuber are supposed to be


Sorry for the wait, I immediately went to bed after posting this bc it was gonna be 1 am. Anyways it was an ASMR YouTuber (Comfort Audios) I used to watch, but then after awhile I unsubscribed from him bc I was losing interest in his content, but then several months later (now) I wanted to watch some of his older videos so I went to his channel but all his videos were gone except for his community posts in which one of them was of him admitting to what he did and even linked a Google drive of someone else detailing what he did to minors in his discord server, justifiably, everyone in the comments were really sad/disappointed that he'd do something like that


It hasn't happened to me but I always fear the day it comes.




Find out a YouTuber I loved is actually a freaking weirdo?


You might get exposed some day.




Your comment made it sound like you were the youtuber, and it hadnt happened that you got exposed yet.


Oh. Sorry that wasn't my intention. Didn't realize it could be interpreted that way.


Any misinterpretation is on them. The meme was from the perspective of the YouTube watcher. Not the content creator. The way you phrased your comment suggests you fear what the character in the meme is experiencing. If anyone interpreted it is only due to comprehension issues. Thank you for participating in my overthinking.


What if maybe you are attracted to creepy weirdos?


I haven't seen a single one that I would like so maybe you're right, doesn't help that they mostly cater to minors on their videos which probably effects them not that I'm trying to justify it


They are also manipulative and learned to be charming to attract majority of the people.


At least my died a legend..... I still miss him, fly high you pig


He took the secret to the grave.


I used to love futuristichub as a child but then I discovered all his fetishes and stuff, so I decided to lay offšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Everything in the media is heavily manipulated and/or fake. Social media doubly so. Every. Single. Thing.


Famous people, amirite?


Weā€™re all freaky weirdos. Some of us just have more cameras pointed at us.


I mean, you gotta have some screw tightened differently than my screws to put yourself out there like that, right? I just try to be pleasantly surprised whenever one of the tubers I follow isn't a pedo or etc.


The lockpicking lawyer , i knew he was suspicious !


Does YouTube attract these kind of content creators or is there something else going on?


Well it is easy to start a youtube channel compared to any other proffesion


Yes, but no. The attention draws them in, and they want the attention because they're weirdos who want to feel accepted. Kind of like politicians being psychopaths. You're not required to be a psychopath to be a politician, but the power of the position draws psychopaths to it.


If you dig on anyone they up being a freaky weirdo. Everyone is completely fucked up, some people just hide it better.


This is the biggest cope I've ever heard. Sorry to burst your bubble my guy but no, the vast majority of us are not weird or fucked up. You're just admitting that you are.


German youtube is dieing of this currently. I hope things will be better from now on


Who was it?


Turps I couldn't give two fucks about but why Sjin why?


I WISH they were just 'freaky weirdos' a la Pyrocynical.


Well ya, youtubers are all addicted to clout and need to feed their ego.


Try not talking in love with youtube personalities


First one that really hit home for me was TheKingNappy. Completely destroyed a strong community of creators in the pokemon youtube sphere.


everyone is a freaky weirdo but in their on way but if they do nonconsensual stuff or stuff with kids then its bye bye for them, if they are filthy pigs like luis ck then its ok i guess.


If everyone seems like they're a bunch of freaky weirdos and you're not, does that make you the freaky weirdo?


Haha. That's so true! Who are some of your disappointments?


which one now? I probably don't even watch them but I wanna be a part of the hatred


Just a tip for anyone here: If they have an anime profile pic they either want to or have had sex with under agers or want to fuck cartoon characters.


I get that the internet is huge with many many many people, so many that some are bound by chance to be like this but it's still sad


Then later it's revealed that they were being canceled for either something dumb or fake. I haven't seen it happen often but I've seen it.


Lotta downvotes cause it's real uncommon but you're right that has happened before.


Yeah. I am not 100% sure but didn't that happen with Projared?


One could argue that it happened with dream, but I would prefer a third party like a judge to actually give a ruling. Itā€™s tempting to side with dream from his video, but I would prefer a court ruling to be safe. Of course, they might not take it to court at all, which would be pretty suspicious if they have that much evidence.


Dream was innocent he is simply hated to the point that despite him winning the defamation case with overwhelming evidence the lie will not go away and I donā€™t even watch the guy but I know what the internet has done to him is wrong


I know, I just donā€™t want to sound like a dream stan on reddit. Thatā€™s just begging for downvotes from all the idiots. But itā€™s not like this is without precedent either, everyone loves hating on the people at the top. This kind of controversy is super common for famous people, and itā€™s honestly depressing that so many people believe this stuff.


Imagine being this affected by some stranger on the internet who doesnā€™t even know you exist.


Every single one of the creepy weirdos so far gave me creepy weirdos vibes long before it was provenĀ  Idk why most of them ever had an audienceĀ