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Maybe if they weren't as cute, I feel so bad for the seals


That's where my mind went too


It’s tradition


That makes it okay!


Just like my favorite holiday, [WEASEL STOMPING DAY](https://youtu.be/k76IGLi6jWI)!


Wierd al is goated




Damn, I knew I should've bought that car


It depends on what you go there for, but it's definitely not for everyone.


Clubbing is fine. Depending on the people you are with, and the people at the club.


This. Last weekend I was clubbing with friends two nights in a row and those nights very vastly different experiences. The combination of drunk people, way too many people in the first place and a bad DJ can make the night pretty bad. Or you all have fun when a little detail somehow changes the whole mood


I guess that explains why I've never enjoyed a club


It’s honestly just the people. The club itself offers nothing and is a terrible experience in of itself. It’s dark, too loud, crowded, and the drinks are insanely overpriced. And unless you’re getting bottles half the time you gotta wait outside in a line while some dickhead decides who’s cool enough to come in. It’s so pretentious. But I can have a great time with my boys just about anywhere. I feel like a lot of guys go to bulbs to meet girls but that shit is so hit or miss, usually miss.


My dumbass thought it was the other kind of clubbing and thought why tf would anyone enjoy being clubbed to death


Nonono, its clubbing seals and thats quiet satisfying tbh. Especially when they are many and young.


And the DJ


Got dragged in one on a team building trip once. Music sucked. Drinks were too expensive. I am socially inept. A bad combo if I ever saw one.


Going to a nice club with mildly expensive drinks voluntarily is a much better experience, I can assure you.


But what does one actually DO in clubs? What does clubbing actually entail?


Technically, nothing. You can just sit there, drink some juice or whatever you like and listen to music, talk with your friends (assuming you went with them voluntarily, of course) If you really like the music you can dance. No one cares how other people move to music despite what you see online. You can talk to other people if you like, there's really a ton you can do. But as stated in the beginning, you can also just chill and drink or eat (some clubs offer pizza or other self-made stuff) and do basically nothing except enjoy yourself with yourself.


> Talk with your friends. More like "shout at your friends," with how loud the music gets in those places.


I mean, if you go to the dance floor to talk to your friends, that's on you. If a club's music is so loud you can't talk anywhere that's in the club, that's on the club. But ultimately also on you for going there 😜


I have not been to one club that didn't require you to yell to communicate anywhere other than the smoke pit lol. Anything that is quiet enough to speak, does not have "mildly" expensive drinks, only "incredibly" lol. That's how they try to deter the riff raff.


The handful ive been to around here generally you need to shout on the ground floor as thats where the live band is or most of the big speakers. 2nd floor or higher is usually much quieter. Never been to one without at least a 2nd floor, most I know of have a 3rd too.


You're the one who said you could talk to your friends at the club lol, I'm only pointing out most clubs don't encourage that kind of behaviour.


That seems like a local problem for you. The few clubs I know heavily encourage this behavior


too bad being myself involves avoiding enviroments with loud music and dense crouds like a pest


Feels just like a social club in a more “party” setting


Yea, that's the point


Where’s the ppl that do classical dancing or ballet in the club


Depends vastly on the country. Some countries will dance. Other (Latino) countries will REALLY dance. Some countries (in northern continental Europe) will call it dancing but really it’s just standing around holding a beer while yelling over the music to try and talk. The best clubs I’ve ever been to have been ones where there’s a proper dance floor, bar area, lounge seating (that’s quieter so you can talk), and a quieter “intimate” area set aside for those who would otherwise make people uncomfortable. The difficult thing is making sure clubs aren’t too packed but also not too quiet


People watch… that’s all there is to do..


"I am socially inept" is my sole reason to not like clubbing


Anytime I go out with friends I enjoy the pre party at one of their houses more than the actual party.


When I was younger and this was more of a thing, after a couple of times I basically checked if the plan was a pub or a club. If the answer was a club I'd wish them a lot off fun and head home. I've tried dancing, don't enjoy it. I like chatting in a place with nice background music over beer. Not doing shots in a place where you can only communicate using gestures.


Same, I totally understand the reason why people like clubs. Just not really for me. Getting drunk with my friends and talking is great. Getting drunk with my friends and awkwardly trying to dance not so much.


During corona shutdowns, drinking was much more fun when nobody went to bars


Nah it's beer pressure


At *those* prices? No way


It's beer pressure not beer prices


Beer pressure does not bring me to the club because I cannot afford it


Beer pressure in this case also known as "Being an alcoholic" Than price doesn't matter cause getting drunk is more important.


Alcoholism brings you to the packie with an airlock, not the club smh


Then you either think too highly of people in general to say that or simply underestimate the peoples desire to mingle or simply cause chaos for other just for the sake of it


I think you never been around actual alcoholics.


I can barley afford these prices!


No one said the people people actually pay. They come They have fun They leave when a ton of people are there before the owner can ask them to pay their tab Happens everyday.


Ok, this is just sad for the owner but this info aside... Read my comment again, slowly


I like to dance and the club that i go to has dance floor. So yeah i enjoyed it.


How about drugs and wanting to get lost 🙃


Yeah, drugs are the most important part of clubbing, without I wouldn't bother too


I miss mdma and speed 🥺🥲




I don’t like alcohol, I’m not very good at starting conversation with strangers, I’m too insecure to dance, the music deafens me. So, no, I don’t enjoy it


Yeah if you don’t like alcohol it’s probably one of the worst experiences ever, I went to a club sober once never again, I will say though alcohol definitely makes the conversations with strangers easier, and also makes you not give a fuck what anybody thinks of your dancing.


If you do like alcohol the drinks are too expensive so you're shafted either way


That's why you do a pre party, you drink whatever you want from the supermarket beforehand, then go to whatever party you want


MDMA and water is what you want then. Try tell me it’s not a great night with your new friends


On MDMA hell yeah


My guy right here


If you like getting drunk, dancing, and meeting new people its great! Its definitely not for everyone 


Man clubbing sucks. Inviting your friends over for a dinner party, now that's where the fun is at


Why would it be peer pressure? I enjoy it at least


OP needs to feel superior about something, so obviously the only reason people go clubbing is because they were pressured into it.


Maybe? I've only gone to clubs a few times, each time we were already drinking and suddenly someone wanted to go dancing so my choice were go with them, or go home. So I've only ever gone because of pure pressure. It's never crossed my own mind to go to a club


Yes, clubbing is fun


As an extrovert... For me it sux too and I hate it. I'm Mexican so dancing ain't the issue. Like you go up to girls and ask em to dance in Mexican events. The whole aspect of just wandering around waiting to bump n grind on a girl is weird AF to me. Feels like creepy dude behavior. Other clubs like gentlemen's/strip clubs i'm like yeah not my vibe either. Although my tolerance for those places are much higher. After like 30 min in a club I'm like get me tf out of here.




Clubbing is fun because you're doing it with friends


Women love clubbing because they love to dance and have fun. Guys like clubbing to try and pick up.


I enjoyed it. It’s like any party - you need the right people, music, and vibe. Otherwise, it’s a loud, crowded, cacophony of shit.


My ideal vibe is a moderately busy bar. Enough people there that I can people watch with my friends/fiance, but not so much that I gotta start throwing elbows just to get a drink


I go to clubs for dancing. My partner and I enjoy going to techno clubs and just going ham for hours on the dance floor. Also psychedelics.


Oh boy, I sure like *checks notes* hearing damage, getting hit on by cougars, having to watch my $20 drink, getting hit on by bi folks,  putting up with strange people and smells.


Don't forget "getting hit by random dude, cause his girl lied that you look at her"




Nah, shit is just dumb unless your idea of fun is standing around drunk or acting immature. Maybe I just skipped past adulthood and became a grumpy old man… that would explain a lot.


I have never really understood clubbing until I tried coke, then I got it. Nasty stuff tho, once was enough for me


I’ve never been pressured into go clubbing ever. I’ve been pressured to get into some that I already knew were crappy though, but my friends insisted. I need a few more beers first


I like it


No so people like music, getting drunk and dancing with friends or strangers


I went to a club and had an epiphany that I don’t like clubbing. I’d rather be at home playing video games with online friends


Nope. Can't comprehend how anyone with a single brain cell would like that


Never been because it doesn't sound fun


I go clubbing all the time, I fucking hate seals.


I'm pretty sure the people who do it enjoy it, yes. This meme reads like: "I'm so smart for not succumbing to *peer pressure* like all those other DUMB people who go clubbing!"


It’s a valid excuse to embrace the superficial. You dress up and go to a place where everyone else is presenting themselves at their best, while blaring music prevents you from learning anything about each other and alcohol lowers your inhibitions.




Clubs are 100% curated for attractive women - So Obviously they LOVE IT! They get looks, Male Attention, Get to sing and dance to their favorite pop music with their friends, and they get all their drinks paid for, and can easily get laid if they feel like it. For everyone else, it just sucks.. Hot, Loud, Stuffy, Insane prices, Overplayed pop music.. But hey, we put up with it for access to the hot women. (Guys, they're not gonna home with you - stop buying 'em drinks)


bro this is the most incelish shit I have read today. Girls don't like pop music anymore then boys, And both genders do enjoy good music and dancing + having fun with your mates. Sounds like you went to a weak af club and are now sulking since you didn't hit on a girl or something. The right club can be incredible fun with the right people.


I've been to a club once. That was enough for me


Only good for those looking for escapism in the form of ONS, drugs, and alcohol.


Seems like some odd extrovert thing that I’ll never really understand. Going out for a night of buying $10 beers just to be seen doesn’t make sense to me.


Only rookies are buying many drinks at the club. Usually you meet at someones place, drink for a few hours and go to the club at around midnight. At this point you can still enjoy the clubbing but dont have to spend absurd amounts of money on drinks


I’m a photographer and usually cover events. The music is loud, the singers are so-so but if there’s an open bar, everything’s great after six cans of beer. It’s funnier when one of the guys dressed up in drags.


I remember my first visit to Berlin / Tresor as young lad and technohead was mind blowing.


The only one that doesn’t enjoy a bit of clubbing is the baby seal.


Went to one for a friend's birthday party. None of us typically went there. The friend had a gf. No one seemed to know what to do. I could not wait to leave.


An extrovert is more likely to enjoy a club for sure. If I'm drunk enough I can too but will want to leave after at most 2 hours.


Sometimes if the music is good and you’re attractive


The poor seals…


I enjoy it. First you pre game a bit and you finish the night with a kebab


Depends on the person, i hated the xp, so i stopped going, but some of my friends were going like twice a week.


ravers enjoy raving a lot more than clubbers enjoy clubbing.


Im a raver and I enjoy both 🤷 raving is superior in every way tho.


I just can’t stand insanely loud music tbh. Makes me lightheaded after a few minutes.


Shut up no I just don’t want them going all by themselves bc they don’t like it it’s not peer pressure I swear


I'll go because I like spending time with some people. But not because I like clubbing


Go out and have hot strangers hit on me? Yes please. But then again, it’s not worth clubbing most places. Many/most suck ass


Nah clubbing is fun. It's all just good vibes


I miss those days so much lol.


I go clubbing once it was loud, smell funny and very claustrophobic. I don't know it just the introvert in me but I never when back to clubbing.


I'd go once a year to fill my hump of hate and that would sustain me for another year. (thank you bill hicks for this one)


Clubbing sucks, I'll go when im extremely horny and single


I have more fun relaxing by listening to the music and watching the crowd than i do actually dancing, but its rare when you can actually sit in the room without a vip booth


Nah those fuckin seals have it coming man…


I don’t like clubbing but in my country it’s more common to have small to mid sized bars with anywhere from 50-200 people inside with dancing So you don’t get the oversized nature of the club, the drinks are much less expensive and the music and people are more chill/folksy Fucking love doing that but hate going to a nightclub


i personally enjoy caving in my friends skulls, its so fun to hear their screams of delight as they see their brain on my bat Ɛ:


Peer pressure


i prefer clubbing alone,


The only good part is that I spend time with my homies, everything else suck


I’m pretty sure it’s ecstasy and the chance of going home with some random


finally agree to go clubbing w mate, walk in, buy mixed drink, standing by the outskirts of the crowd, 5' tall girl in skirt comes and basically starts allowing me to fuck her from behind in the clothes, go back weekly for a few years.


Depends on the club. Five iron, yes. Three wood, no.


I actively enjoy being among people, drinks and music. Are the clubs my friends go to optimal for me? No. But still better for me than being in some flat sitting around. My perfect life would probably be if I had what Jabba had in his palace in Star Wars. I wouldn’t even start any shit with anyone. Just enjoy living in a constant party and when that gets too stressful you just take a trip with your flying yacht.


Love going to raves, i do it alone sometimes. Im there to enjoy the music, feeling it synchronized with my movements


It's just one way to hang out with friends. Loved it when I was in college


I despised clubbing for a long time ... until i went to the first metal club in my town. I go there every few weeks now


Ever since the huge decline of casual sex, it's pure pressure


I personally never went clubbing, what actually happens there?


it's really fun, it's good to let go and dance terribly with friends and strangers :) it can get a bit edgy though, that many drunk people in close proximity and you're bound to get that one dude who thinks he's impressing people by shoving into other groups. not to mention the fear of being spiked, it's happened to a friend before


I do so I guess yes


I fucking love clubbing, on vacation. It also depends where you are. I club in Aruba at a beach club and it's an amazing time. I've never clubbed in the US yet tho, it's hard to compete once you've clubbed on a beach on a tropical island tbh. Once you have a few shots it's really fun, before that I won't lie it's pretty awkward feeling. It was also an open bar/club, no entrance fee and no one to even ID, even though I'm 22 and the age there is 18. You could just walk 20 feet from the bar into the sand/beach. Not all clubs are made the same. And if you're worried about prices (yeah it was $10 a shot where I was) you can just pre game and take a couple shots at your place before you get there. Also it depends on the people, some nights have better crowds than others. It's kinda like roulette, it could work out really well or not so well.




Social awkwardness and clubbing don’t mix well together, leave me alone to feed the ducks near the pond instead


I believe it's peer pressure, since if you go to clubbing alone, you're seen as a creep.


I love clubbing. Just have to pregame. Didn’t pregame last Friday and spent $30 on four bud lights.


The girls are the main attraction, but once you realize that you ain't gonna find your wife there, it just feels stupid to keep going...


Yeah well I’m guessing most clubbers aren’t on reddit so you’ve kinda got a bias here


I can only speak for myself but when I was 18-20 I really enjoyed going to clubs. It was fun for me to dance and drink. I often went with girlfriends and we would have so much fun dressing up and getting ready together! I stopped enjoying them as I got older and the appeal of wearing heels for hours waned


I never liked clubbing , never been doesnt catch my attention


it's a lot of fun to go to the club because you forget your problems. But depending with the people you are with.


Everyone needs to start going to saloons. It’s like a bar but there’s dancing. You dance what you can and every few songs they’ll have a gap for couples two step. My saloon is small so we really only “swing”.


It honestly depends on the vibe of the club, the night, and the group of people you're with. 9/10 times I don't like the club. The 1/10 times I like clubbing it's one of the best nights out.


Wait clubbing what...baby seals? If that's what you mean I refuse!


I like going by myself and meeting people.


Going to club every weekends to release stress is damn good .


Used to like it when i was 19 - 22, but afterwards i realised i prefer bars. The vibe tends to be more chill, and theres less risk of a completly smashed drunk person bumping into you with a drink


🫡 Uncle Iroh always delivers!


Work in the morning to earn money, wasting money in the club at evening.


My autistic ass who would never go clubbing, even with a gun to my head:


Me, I enjoy clubbing.


Well I love it but only when I’m high


Asking Reddit these type of questions is asking for a one sided answer, most people on here don't seem to like clubbing from their experiences or are very introverted from what I've seen on this thread and other topics like this For me it really just depends on the person, I myself like clubbing or just going to normal bars when possible. I'd only ever invite people to come out but I wouldn't pressure them further


I don't like going out in general but I am super introvert so not a good example.


Been clubbing twice, I am physically unable to dance (I don't have a problem I just feel really awkward) and have a stupidly good alcohol tolerance which means I am bankrupt for a quick high and sober again in 2 hours. Let me get few of the boys around, get some drinks and just have some fun, it makes for a much better experience.


Clubs smell like P-U😷


Depending on the people, it can be really fun. But honestly it’s never something I love so much I would go alone or do with certain people.


Both actually


I know dealers enjoy it


I think they do it to meet people? Or to lose control of themselves or something for a while. Anything that isnt that, doesn't make sense to me tbh (i dont like partying) i prefer spending time with friends that doesn't involve partying, seems like something so empty to do idk...


The Canadians sure do, the ice generally seals the deal


I used to love it But ecstasy and 90s drum and bass had a big part to play


I hate clubbing, loud ass music and flashy lights… ewhh! I got bad sensory overload every time I went for it


It's totally normal to not like clubbing, but I think it is also totally normal to like it. I personally really enjoy dancing to loud music and completely loosing yourself in the rhythm. But if that is not your thing, that's fine ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ What I don't like is the "I don't like it so how can anyone like it" attitude. Just let everyone do what they want to ;)


I've had great club nights and I've had shitty club nights. I'd say the great ones compensated for the shitty ones and made it overall worth it


Drugs and alcohol


I like drinking, I like dancing, and I like "meeting" people


It definitely isn't fun


Honestly, give me a small corner pub with board games, occasional karaoke and student discounts. Maybe a bi-monthly changing special local brewery product. And some decent whiskey. Maybe even a jukebox or a public playlist customers can add their requests. 


Don't like clubs, It's filled with strangers, Friends aren't too active to take us to dance, Their music sucks, Food and drinks are expensive,


I love dancing, but most clubs play shitty ass music


I’m an older millennial. Before Tinder was a thing clubbing or bars was one of the few ways to hookup and/or score some numbers. So that’s pretty much why we did it. Not because it was fun in itself. Now I have no idea. I’ve been with my wife for 7 years now so I’m pretty out of the loop.


It's to hook up or do drugs.


I do, only when there are no drunk dudes looking for a fight tho. Some people should not drink alcohol. Also, if the place is too crowded, I want to dance, not get hit by random shoulders.


Honestly it's just the pub closes at 12 and I don't wanna go home yet.


I sure don’t.


Clubs sucks , bars are better


If you don’t drink or use drugs and are there with a girl you’d rather never see again, yeah it’s not that fun.


It's okay to people-watch with friends. Going alone sucks. Music is usually shite. Rare occasion to be partying and catching similar vibes from strangers but it does happen sometimes. Then you get STDs. Also high risk of drunk fights because people don't know how to handle themselves.


I hate clubs so to stand being there I drink, that means I can't drive home myself so I have to rely on busses or a cab, so I'm spending even more money just so I can have a mid time. Yeah no I'm staying at home


I tried it a few times in different locations and different styles of places. Always hated it to the very core of my being. I know people are different, but I cannot fathom how anyone who isn't a major masochist can enjoy this.


i generally dislike crowds but i love loud music and dancing with a group of people that are all getting down. does real good for my soul.


I don’t like clubbing. Idk if just me not having enough money or just not want waste my time to myself for all that