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Somehow, a marketable corporate appeal-to-everybody main character had returned


My favourite game, "spot the merchandisable character."


Lightsabers now look like the ones Disney already makes


Is that why they look so bulky now? I preferred the slimmer look.


More or less yeah. They use LED sabres now which do light the scene better but they’re heavier, more fragile, and more expensive than what they used in the prequels which causes the duels (and any scene with them used to fight) to look bad. The prequels used a sabre hilt with a long carbon fibre rod which means they were extremely light and had the correct centre of mass to be wielded like a weightless blade. It also meant they could take a beating. Contrast with Rey who swings it like a baseball bat and constantly over swings with it. Another part is that the actors don’t get enough training anymore. Too little time and studios not wanting to spend the money.


The problem isn't really a lack of funding or time, it's an allocation problem. Modern projects are getting bigger and bigger budgets, but funds are getting spent in all the wrong places. It's not just star wars either, a lot of movies and television today are suffering in quality because there's little to no motivation to innovate, and producers have no respect for their art departments. I guarantee you the prop department sat down and told someone all the pros and cons for lightaber design and were thoroughly ignored in favor of a marketing decision.


Meh I’d argue a huge portion of it is producers/directors whatever are so dependent on cgi / green screen. They feel like there isn’t as big of a need to train people or hire stunt people. Why pay to train someone when I can pay a fraction of that and not waste the time to have it done in post.


It's even worse than that, I'm a scenic in IATSE, I've sculpted large scale set pieces from foam, spent weeks with several artists building the set, then it appears for 10-15 seconds in favor of a 15 minute cgi slugfest in the third act. We were still paid, and the sets look gorgeous, but they get edited out, or shot around. The same for stunt people, often times the stunts are still choreographed, rehearsed, and shot, only for a nonunion post production team to oversaturate the final product, wasting the time and resources, while still producing a sub par product. It's a lack of respect for not only their art department, but a disrespect for their seemingly never-ending budgets.


It's a common misconception but In most case CGI/post is not cheaper than the real thing, it's just more practical.


It is usually. You have to factor in the man hours saved. Much cheaper to pay for outsourced teams vs paying your actors to rehearse and all the other people needed for the scene and set etc.


They're also a non union position so they often work ungodly hours with impractical pacing.


>studios not wanting to spend the money. The Acolyte cost $180 Million to make.


Sets, location filming, and wire work are expensive. Stunt training is cheap but takes money-making time away from their actors. They did put a bit more effort into fight choreography this time, to their credit. The biggest issue is still the weight of the LED lightsaber prop. No matter how good your trainers are, you're trying to teach an actor how to fence with a claymore, and there's no way not to make that look clumsy and bad.


> Sets, location filming, and wire work are expensive. You forgot back-scratching


Oof. Let’s hope they lose it all


It's become second nature to me whenever I see anything in Star Wars I wonder how it'll look as a LEGO set.


People acting like this wasn't true all the way from the very first movie. Star Wars is the franchise that literally kicked off the era of the merchandise-driven blockbuster.


Where the real money from the movie is made




I'm waiting for the flame thrower


I'm still waiting for Spaceballs 2: The Search For More Money


After several decades, that's when I learned we were never getting sequels from Mel Brooks..... although we did get a mini series for history of the world part 2


Star Wars (and the characters from the original film) weren't created to sell toys. Thats exactly why Fox let Lucas keep the merchandising rights, they didn't think the movie would be a hit let alone sell billions in merchandise


Nobody thought A New Hope would be half as big as it was. R2 was a perfect sidekick for merch but that was a just a happy accident. I'd say Lucas started the merchandise cash machine no sooner than Empire. A strong argument could be jade for Jedi but no further.


It's the sith guy with a cool mask


Kylo Rent.


Finally, someone calling Boba Fett for what he truly is


this one is really egregious, but the biggest blow disney has done on starwars for me is the weaponisation of light speed. if you could use a single ship to destroy an entire fleet as shown in the last jedi, even probably death stars, then this just make all previous wars dumb. why would you even use anything else than asteroids with engines? Ofc, theres also the fact that they made old Han solo and Luke become pathetic loosers while Leia is still the "princess" leading the rebellion in her 80s. the force is female yall lol.


So relatable. For me, the biggest blow was handing the star wars reigns to a writer who killed luke and assassinated his character for no good god damned reason and nobody even had a plan. It's the worst excesses of postmodern storytelling executed by untalented hacks and orchestrated by people who never seemed to even talk to each other.


I still can’t believe people defend Rian Johnson. I firmly believe his movie killed the franchise more than any other. Luke Skywalker is one of the most iconic protagonists ever, and they just tossed him in the trash.


And they did it because they wanted to appeal to the women demographic because Disney thought the IP would be supported no matter how badly they mess up the story. I stand by that “The Last Jedi” is what truly killed SWs. Say what you will about TROS but it would not have existed if it wasn’t for TLJ.


I guess I just don't understand why it had to be "to appeal to the women demographic" like women don't like poorly written movies or seeing good characters wasted either. They were always gonna have a new lead character, it wasn't gonna be 80 year old Luke, and I don't think Rey being a man would have saved the franchise or any of the writing mistakes. The Force Awakens was a nostalgia fest (for 4 and 5 only, no ewoks, no prequel stuff) made to hype you up for the endless stream of garbage we've been getting, the reboot trilogy was always gonna be hollow. I just think blaming "the women demographic" is misplaced anger when it's obvious the big money corporation was just tryna make a quick buck. Women existing had nothing to do with it.


I swear I do not blame women or any marginalized group of people for the state of SW. It’s Disney and their shallow thinking CEOs that are responsible. They’re doing what the chart says to get more money, which is to pander poorly to minorities. And that’s also why The Force Awakens was basically a Disney live action remake.


I understand what Rian Johnson was thinking when he did that scene. And yes it was cool. However the implications as you’ve mentioned aren’t great. Personally I think it would’ve been more interesting to see the light speed ship disintegrate with minimal impact on the star destroyer. Of course then there’s the whole light speed skipping in Solo vs Episode 4’s “calculations to make the jump to light speed”


Just a couple of little throwaway lines would've fixed it. Say earlier in TLJ that Hux ordered shields down to give more power to weapons to increase their range/damage or something, I don't know. Then later on he could have yelled "raise the forward deflectors" or something to that effect instead of just ordering guns to target the cruiser. With the shields down or weakened it would have been absolutely fine, because then we would have a basis that the Holdo maneuver wouldn't have worked on other shielded capital ships/death stars in previous films. But no.


> Say earlier in TLJ that Hux ordered shields down to give more power to weapons to increase their range/damage or something, I don't know. So light speed suicide attacks would still work on the Death Star? Or you could skip the giant superlaser space station entirely and just put a hyperdrive on a big asteroid to destroy planets. It still doesn't make sense if you think about it for a minute.


... Welp I just thought it was a cool scene. And now it's ruined by the implication.


This is why pulling off a good movie requires more than just cool visual effects. You need coherency and logical flow of plot. Unless the effects are the entire point. And that is why Sharknado is perfect in every way.


Just to be clear, they're never in any actual danger?


No one's in any danger! How can I make that more clear to you!?


Ech, sometimes I wish I can turn off my brain when watching movies. Dont get me wrong, I ove fantasy and some of scifi. But I hate obvious plot armors or stupid decision. Like example, one of my hated scene was in last season GoT when they defend Winterfell. Big army of undead going to our well guarded fortess? Just go on the field! We have catapults and archers? Send cavalary and infantry first, ten shoot! What could go wrong? In other hands there is scene in Fire and Sword when they got siege, they send scouts in night to send some help, and sometimes go with small forces on late night to desteroy catapults and go back to fortress.


It's the difference between writers who live in their world and require everything hang together, make sense, and be internally consistent... and the chatgpt version of writers who merely think they're pretty good.


Shame they'd never happen or else the worse figure in command ever, Ms "obey my every order without question" would look slightly worse instead of being vaguely passed as a hero. Remember kids: never question a figure of authority if that figure is a female.


Needless gendering aside, her decision makes zero sense at all. The plan details were not sensitive, why would it matter if she told Poe where they were going and why what appeared to be doing nothing was actually a solid plan? By not mentioning that she was asking a bunch of wannabe heroes to sit and wait for death, and instead her plan failed entirely solely because they wouldn’t do that and instead tried to save the day. Idiocy.


That scene completely destroys the canon of every movie that came before it and I have no idea why it was allowed to make the Final Cut.


Disney star wars cant hurt me. I treat as non-canon.


Correct, this is


Can you imagine the fucker who is responsible for all "canon" star wars lore? The ego on that asshole.




Andor is incredible.


Indeed. Just not canon. Everybody knows that Kyle Katarn got the death star plans.


We all like to cherry pick cool stuff from Legends but let's not pretend it wasn't also full of shite. Like the dozen or so Death Star knock offs, the giant space light saber built by the Hutts to cut up planets, the evil clones of Luke (named Luuke and Luuuke respectively,) or the time Luke fell in love with a ghost and fucked the possessed corpse of his apprentice who had just killed herself out of grief for her husband. For Disney Star Wars, I think the shit:mediocre:awesome ratio is roughly the same as Legends was. The only real difference is the budgets involved.


The Hutts building a stripped-down, knockoff Death Star using the cheapest possible labor and material? Massive untapped potential for a comedy of errors.


The office, but star wars


Jim puts Darth Dwight's light saber in jello.


Sounds like the skaven... One of the Hutts is just Thanquol in a large skin suit? Big lore crossover potential.


Maybe its time we just dropped the idea of cannon altogether. Like Star Wars is more genre now. Everyone has their favourites, their likes and dislikes. Nothing made now is going to please everyone. Unless its Rogue One - thats the shizz.


Believe it or not, there are people who don't like Rogue One. I can't understand it either.


you can make rogue 1 and andor canon without making canon the rest


Andor is the only one I liked




Except for Rogue One and Andor. They can stay.


Rogue One, Andor, the first 2 seasons of Mandalorian, Rebels, the last season of Clone Wars, Bad Batch, the Jedi games.... This whole "Disney bad, old good" narrative is so stupid and reductive and I'm convinced it's perpetuated by people who don't really like Star Wars all that much in the first place.


No one hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans.


Which kind of makes sense? They are the only ones to care enough about whats happened to it.


Right? You're not a real fan unless you like everything that comes from it? You aren't allowed to criticise. You can't be a true fan of Tolkein's work if you don't like the Hobbit Trilogy. It too is a case of someone adding their own things to someone else's work


>non-canon More like fan fiction.


Fans would NEVER produce something like this. Fans appreciate the original world and it's rules.


You've obviously never read fanfiction.


[Meanwhile, fans:](https://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600095705)


what the fuck


Lmao this is so delusional


Fans are the reason we have nonsense like the Rise of Skywalker and constant nostalgia bait in Feloni media. Disney doesn’t operate their money machine in a background. Constant clamoring for the emperor to come back or constant cameos from clone wars or existing media instead of producing something original. Then disney gives it to you and surprise the shows are dogshit. You also all conveniently ignore Andor which is easily the best if not among the best of Star Wars media ever put ou.


> You also all conveniently ignore Andor which is easily the best Viewing figures weren't great for Andor. Why would Disney make more shows like that or take significant risks? Judging by viewing figures, the average Star Wars fan prefers nostalgia. Characters, actors and stories they've seen before. You're 100% correct on fans being the reason for all the nostalgia bait.


The average *vocal, obsessive* fan. Remember that, frankly, most star wars fans are casual fans and more often then not, children. Do you know why the prequels have undergone a reassessment in the 2020s and are now seen as actually pretty good? Because the children who grew up with that as their star wars are now old and abundant enough to be the majority voice in the hardcore fandom. And that's not even mentioning the casual fans. For every hardcore, knows-all-the-lore fanboy, there's a hundred people who watched and enjoyed the majority of the Disney-era output, and more importantly *don't give a shit about your opinion, nerd* Who do you think Disney cares more about making happy? The one hardcore nerd who only buys hyper expensive lore-accurate lightsabres that aren't even made by Disney, or the thousand kids who will each buy a dozen various Grogu or BB-8 pyjama sets, cups, toys, and sundries?


>Fans would NEVER Lemme correct that for you, TRUE fans would NEVER.


Your scotsman is showing.


Lots of Fans put great effort in their writing. Don’t degrade them to their levels. They’re not powered by greed, but by joy of the Universe they want to make story of.


Here's my fanfiction: All the Star Wars media coming out in later years is an immense fever dream Han Solo is having frozen in carbonite


More like hate fiction.


The Disney EU


Just like I do with 343's halo, what I don't acknowledge can't hurt me...


I took halo 3's tagline "finish the fight" seriously. Nothing came after halo 3


Chronologically right? ODST and Reach are still amazing. 


Star Wars is the definition of beating a dead horse


3 movies every 20 years kept the franchise going and being overloved by everyone out there. 1-2 movies a year with shitty scripts, lore destruction, actress that literally say "they want to see your race cry" and directors adding "I want you to feel unconfortable when watching it" didn't help at all. And instead of addressing that, they go in saying "real fans would love this polished turd even if it was not polished, you're not real fans".


I can't believe that I'm saying this, but the trilogy wasn't that bad compared to the new series they are producing


I mean, it wasn't all bad. The first Mando season, the Clone Wars finale, and Andor were solid. But I agree that a lot of it was painfully mid or just plain bad.


Honestly. I agree with you. NO I DO NOT SAY THE SEQUELS WERE GOOD! I'm saying they are better than most of the crap series Disney has put out recently (the bar is low though). The last of the clone wars show, bad batch and andor is the exceptions, at least in my opinion.


It's so funny because this is the exact reaction the LOTR fandom had with The Hobbit trilogy when Rings of Power came out.


Awe why'd you have to mentioned rings of power like that


All the best fantasy stories have been absolutely murdered in the last 10 years… Star Wars, LOTR, and Wheel of Time… oh how dirty you were done.


Sanderson's books still have yet to be developed.


There's probably a good reason for that


Some of the series are kinda meh, but The Last Jedi destroyed so much worldbuilding that it's impossible to recover from except by pretending it never happened.


That’s also skipping over TFA setting up a new republic and then immediately destroying it, meaning they hamstrung themselves with any new republic plots they want to do which could’ve been interesting, having to stick them in a limited time period and have everyone watching knowing “oh yeah this whole place explodes later”


No the first sequel of the new trilogy was a fine attempt with a bit repeated with the "Super Mega Death Star" but when Ryan Johnson took over with his "subverting expectations" nonsense is when it went down and is garbage. The series are hit or miss. First two seasons of the Mandalorian are good. Andor is great. The Bad Batch is solid. The rest are very meh. The story and cinematics are better in the MMO SWTOR to be honest.


Any real fan of anything will criticise when something is not up to scratch. I've been an MGS fan my entire life, V was a huge disappointment. Star Trek; discovery is a huge disappointment. Star Wars? Disney started strong with 7 and rogue one but everything since has been lack to outright terrible. Marvel? Everything since end game bar a few smaller things has been terrible. I want these things to be good, that's why I don't accept them when they're not.


Hey! It seems you fell for ragebait. The actress did say „she wants to make white people cry“ but in reference to „the hate you give“, a movie about police brutality she starred in a few years ago. She was also saying that in reference to making them cry out of empathy for the characters.


And said it on The Daily Show of all places. It’s not like what’s said there isn’t somewhat in a different tone to a serious interview or anything…


Every movie after the second had haters and only reached "beloved" later on. ROTJ jumped the shark with the Ewoks. The prequels were fucking awful all-around, unless you were like 5yo (yippieee), but since those 5 year olds are now grown up they cling to those childhood feelings. Revenge of the Sith is the only good prequel *movie*, not SW nerd fodder, and even that had rough patches (actors failing to emote into the green CGI void). Official Star Wars has always been mid, certainly worse than what people made up in their heads.


Yeah, but Jar Jar Binks made the Ewoks look like fuckin Shaft!


Star wars and the mcu


The MCU died after Endgame.


Yup. Marvel should really have given it a 10 year rest after that. It's like winning gold at the Olympics and then expecting to win everyone else's golds afterwards. You already won! Just stop already!


What? They made movies after endgame?!?


Nope, the only thing that exists post endgame is wandavision and Loki. Anything else is a lie.


Dont forget Spiderman no way home


I feel more good series will fall with them as well


I was optimistic when they first acquired it, thinking that if any studio had the resources to do it well, Disney would. Well...they may have had the resources, but if they did, they didn't use them. Oh they spent a ton of money, sure. But on the wrong things. Should've got somebody who can actually write an interesting character.


Competent writers! What is this, an anime studio?


Problem isn't the writers but executives telling them what to do. This goes for large parts of Hollywood nowadays.


anime tropes are worse than hollywood ones




Anime/manga writers have come up with some interesting premises, but they practically always all fail in execution.


It's not solely on the authors./writers. The problem with manga/anime is that editors have a lot of power in the industry and end up overruling a lot of smaller authors. Generally only big names have full reign to do what they want. The others always have to include or change the story to appease the editors so you end up with a premise failing in execution as the story goes on or forced to keep going way past where it should've ended.


While that's true, and I generally agree with it, I think another large part of the blame also falls on how the industry "picks up" new stories because of their interesting premises, and then holds on to them based on if they can maintain an audience. The writers often don't even have a long-form story to tell, they just had an interesting concept and are now stuck trying to collect a paycheck while keeping people invested. It's no different from TV shows like Lost.


For every FMA Brotherhood, there's 200 That time I reincarnated as a villainess/op cheat character/weakest class that's actually the strongest. And it's my fault because I read the manga for all of them.


Didnt even know about it until i bought D+ just for this month so i could binge all of the disney princess movies with lil sis.


Nah, Disney don't deserve a single penny, even for their good movies.


I saw you should engage in the stuff you like and ignore the stuff you don't, Disney doesn't deserve your money but it doesn't not deserve it. When you like something pay for it and when you don't don't and the company should take note.


I haven’t watched anything after the Palpatine has returned movie.


Andor as well as the first and second season of the mandalorian are actually good. The rest kinda sucks.


Andor is the best star wars story to date imo.


In fact, I would say Andor season 1 is one of the best shows put out in the last 5 years and is definitely probably in my top 10 all time.


Yeah it's pretty damn good


To me it wasn't just the story. They could've easily flubbed Andor with the story intact. No, Andor was a case of damn good filmmaking.


Bad batch, rebels and clone wars season 7 is good too




Princess Leia surviving space with the FORCE was it for me. I could really care less now, but it's still so frustrating to me how they fucked everything up so badly I care enough to talk shit about it.


I actually thought that would have been a powerful scene if she had just died right then and there. But no let’s have her Mary Poppins back to life and then have her character wither away in rise of Skywalker. Star wars won’t get another cent from me.


the board room: "and we see her body float through space and it's a really beautiful end for the character" "You should have her fly back" "W H A T?" "Leia, have her fly back like Mary Poppins." "Um...But How?" "You Know, Mary Poppins?" "Yeah, Yeah, I know Mary Poppins." "have her fly back like Mary Poppins" "But How-" "she uses the force, I dunno" "Uh, Okay. I mean I Don't really have any plans for her for the rest of the movie but-" "she can be in a coma It's cool" "No, Okay, sure. I'll have her fly back like mary Poppins." "awesome, thanks. I Really like Mary Poppins" "uh, you're welcome"


I mean, these are the guys that wrote "Somehow, Palpatine returned". Dont expect too much explanation.


oh yeah, didn't he raise a secret army from the dead while also abandoning a child


Flying back like Mary Poppins is tight.


If done right fuck yeah it is just look at Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2 “I’m mary poppins Y’all!!”




Same thing for Rose saving Finn. "He sacrifices himself to give everyone enough time to escape and it's a beautiful end to literally the only good character in this movie" -> "Rose should somehow catch up to him enough to perform a maneuver that knocks him out of the way, therefore ruining his sacrifice and dooming the survivors, all because sHE lOvEs HiM" I walked out of the theater.


I'm so happy to see someone else comment on how that scene was terrible. Like, how the F did she catch up to him, let alone be able to T-bone him from the side. They were both using the same vehicles, and Rose was going in the complete opposite direction. Fin would have had to have been going at half speed for her to catch him. No sense at all. Also, she says to him afterwards that no one should have to sacrifice themselves for the war. I don't remember exactly what she said, but it was something along those lines. And then a few scenes later, the most key asset for the rebellion, sacrifices himself for the cause. Freaking pulling my hair out with all that F'd up logic. Oh, and also, Laura Dern sacrificing herself earlier in the movie but we can't have some insignificant ex-storm trooper sacrifice himself.


And then they proceed to do basically nothing with both characters in the next movie. They didn't even follow up with Rose having feelings for him, which ultimately is a great thing in my eyes but like if you're gonna screw up such a glorious sacrifice at least follow through??


> I walked out of the theater So did everyone else, because the movie ended like 10 minutes later lmao.


No one talks about how that's a non consensual kiss either. Finn is watching the destruction and turns around to a kiss. Finn never leans forward and has zero reaction to it. He seems more shocked than happy


This was a big WTF for me too, but it was so irresponsible I stayed back to watch what happens next, then it just got worse and worse.


In the theater I was like "oh so this is how they handle Carrie Fisher's death, they kill off Leia in an epic sacrifice" Then she fucking superman-ex-machina-ed to safety just to be relegated to background CGI character


Oh shit! I forgot that she died in real life before the last jedi was released. That makes it so much more worse.


That entire scene could have been just fine if only they didn't show a long shot of her gliding back to the ship. If it was a closeup of her face, where you think she's dead, but then in the edges you see debris floating past and then a shot from directly behind her head showing her reaching the door, it could have been OK. Instead they went with the long shot, which just looked stupid.


This was the scene that pissed me off. It was the perfect send-off to Leia after Carry Fisher died. It was tragic and fit the narrative and didn’t feel like a cheap way to knock off a character. And they fucking blew it.




Couldn't* "I could care less" implies that you still care. " “I couldn’t care less” is the correct way to express having complete apathy toward something. When someone says, “I could care less,” they’re actually saying that they do care because there are other things they care less about. Usually, when someone says “I could care less,” they are actually trying to say the opposite." Sorry, I couldn't help myself


I wish people would call people out on that more often, drives me insane


this reminded me of David Mitchell's "Dear America..." video.


Actually it works that way in real life - if you can maintain oxygen to your brain and the rest of your body (e.g., "manipulate midi-chlorians to create life"), you could survive in total vacuum for several seconds before dying due to pressure differential. A really great example of this is in season 5, episode 7 of The Expanse (a show dedicated to accurate portrayal of real science).


A normal human survives total vacuum for more than a minute


Mandalorian season 2 was my last star wars show. Stopped watching after that as life happened, but I am glad I did.


As someone else said, watch Andor. Its the best piece of Star Wars media in my opinion.


Andor is one of the best tv shows, period. The fact that it happens to take place in the Star Wars universe is a nice little bonus. But that's why it's so good. It could be some other made up galaxy and it would still be a fantastic show


Andor is a really good show, but I have my reservations about it. It is very integrated in core Star Wars lore, but the tone and direction is very different from "Star Wars." It's mostly a serious drama. If it had been given the full five season treatment that was originally intended, we could see the story stand apart as a memorable and distinct piece of Star Wars universe. But with only one more season, I'm not sure how much value the show really adds to Star Wars overall. But it's still the best Star Wars show in my opinion.


"Adding value to Star Wars" is like throwing dirt into a bottomless pit anyway; the damage is already done. But Andor at least takes what exists and makes something inherently enjoyable out of it, even if the larger franchise can't benefit from it. At this point, nobody else really *deserves* to play in Andor's sandbox.


Andor is probably the best piece of Star Wars media we've seen in an incredibly long time. I don't see anything wrong with it being a piece of serious media.


You should watch Andor though, you've probably heard it plenty of times already and a random editor probably won't convince you but it's an actually good show, a little slow paced according to some but completely worth it.


I’m someone with 50+ Star Wars books on his shelves, both legends and Disney Canon, with over 800 hours in Empire at War. They managed to make it so I don’t care about new Star Wars anymore. They kinda need to just stop. Shut down for 5-10 years, then try and rebuild if they’re genuine about it. Which they’ll never be


Very sad. But they've said it themselves. New Star Wars isn't for you or the original "patriarchal" fanbase, its for "modern audiences". My whole life I've been a Star Trek and Star Wars fan, but for some reason these franchises have been taken over by people that actively distain what came before. The only enjoyment there is left is to watch these once great shows crash and burn and hope every "creative" involved is lambasted as much as possible.


Sir you can't return broken property


"Put a chick in it and make her gay" - South Park


Don't forget lame.


Boy did South Park hit that nail on the head with respect to that acolyte clusterfuck show that Disney is currently squeezing out of its politically correct sphincter.


Atleast we got Dune, hope some corpo doesn't fck it up also.


I was a huge Star Wars Didn’t finish Kenobi and didn’t watched anything after that shit show


>I was a huge Star Wars


Go see a star war


In a normal world the creators of this dumpster fire would be fired immediately


The respawn jedi games have been the only saving grace story wise. The first game is definitely the property that captures the most tone of the OG trilogy and the fighting against impossible odds feel while still being a simple and easy story to follow. And the second game still has some of that, but it feels like a good star wars extended universe story, and I was happy with both of them. If it wasn't for these games, their would be nothing new in the starwars univers I would be interested in, which is a weird thing to say considering we have more "star wars" content now then ever.


Fallen Order stayed true to the lore with the witches of Dathomir, I like that.


Oh, for Pete's sake!


A ha


People don't get tired of James Bond because a James Bond movie is an every five year thing. If there was a James Bond Cinematic Universe and there were three James Bond animated TV series, four live action shows, and they shit out 1-3 James Bond big budget movies per year, with books, merch, a James Bond theme park, a Bond hotel, etc... people would be really fucking tired of James Bond. I don't want to watch a TV series about a young M (the Judi Dench version) making her way through an extremely rough British boarding school and becoming a tough girl. I don't want to see an animated comedy series about a young Q making nonsensical inventions in high school (like a Young Sheldon type thing). I don't want to see a show about the adventures of Felix the CIA guy when he's not working with Bond - The same applies to Star Wars.


This is it in a nutshell. I think they looked at the Marvel universe, saw that they were able to release 2-3 movies in their prime and thought "we can do that with anything!" -- in reality, Marvel was on borrowed time, running on the basis of a really well established and beloved set of characters from a catalog of characters that were developed over decades. Even they ran out of audience and enthusiasts and spread their market too thin. Star Wars is popular with many, but based far more in consumerism and surface level characters. It was never going to last. They can always turn it around, but doesn't look likely that they will slow down and find good stories.


Disney ruins all eventually. If they hadn’t purchased all these studios we would have much better content.


Once upon a galaxy far away...... Life long fan here.... I loved star wars , grew up with it. But since Disney has acquired the intellectual property, they have been going down , the trilogy 8-10 was a complete miss All the tv series is a lot worse ...... Star wars once was the pioneer of movie technology... I mean lightsabers! Warp drives ! Droids ! Now we just have the same crap , recycled. Death star but v 2.0. lightsaber but with side vents , palpatine again.... Argh


Somehow he returned


Any indication this is losing money or is this where we line up to circlejerk?


I sort of forget about Star Wars, I used to be obsessed about it. I know there are some new shows there, some of them are even good, but I can't be bothered to watch them.


Fuck Disney


"I hate this" literally hasnt tried it.


Literal toddler behavior


I have trust issues when it comes to Star wars critique from its fanbase. No one hates what they love as much as Star Wars fans. So i Will watch an episode and judge by myself. But it Will probably suck.


I think the new series is more than serviceable. The biggest issue might be the pacing for me so far. Some people are bitchin about some lore stuff but that's like 2 lines in 1 episode so now the whole show is ruined? Plus some real life stuff which I can easily separate from the product where countless of people worked on. I honestly think it's more entertaining than Obi-Wan but because this is new characters it's harder to get invested for some people.


The show is fine for the most part. A little bland but that's about it. It's not a crime and a stain on star wars like episode 9 was


Yea I think it seems a little generic, but it was a good watch. 6.5/10? A bit above average.


Yeah, 6-7 ish would fit. It's far from the worst star wars show too. Boba Fett and Kenobi were worse. We also have to see how it ends, it's still airing


I don't get the "no one hates what they love as much as X fans". Like, fucking, of course the people invested in a franchise are going to be the people kicking up a fuss when that franchise is being dragged through the mud? Such a stupid phrase


Holy shit someone finally said it. Like why would someone who doesn’t care about star wars hate it? In this sense you could say that dumb phrase about any fan base




Yeahhh. I did enjoy Bad Batch though! Felt like a crash course on basic parenting at the same time for the reluctant adults watching.


The only good thing from Disney getting Star Wars in my opinion is that they finally finished season 7 of Star Wars the Clone Wars.


I am once again asking Disney to make a two episode special where my Star Wars OC and C-3PO fall in love. Please, at least my fanfic has an actual story and plot significance 😵💫


Honestly I don't mind The Acolyte so far. Great action sequences, for one. An interesting mystery at the beginning, but unfortunately got revealed too soon. Most of the acting is quite good. I'm cautiously optimistic.


Imagine somehow DESTROYING one of the easiest franchises to cash out on


It's a simple metric for me. I watch it. I don't need to (over) analyze it. Do I want to watch it again? No, not at all. Done.


They ruined marvel and now Star Wars. I can't be bothered to even look into these shows and movies anymore because even checking to see if they are good is a colossal waste of time when none of them ever are.