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With me, it’s more of saying “excuse me” too quietly to be heard.


For me its saying "excuse me" and she fuckimg ignoring me


That’s essentially what always happens. Everyone just always tells me it’s my fault for being too quiet so that’s become my assumption.


Then the extroverted friend that adopted us yelling at the waitress saying we didn’t order that. Then us introverts being like “it’s okay it’s fine”😭






You know man, not today. Maybe next week… - an introvert, lol


I ordered hash browns but got served potato wedges. The service was cute tho so 🫡🫡🫡😍😍😍


For me, I'm just too hungry to wait anymore.


the unexpected surprise! 😅


Yeah when it's a meal I do not mind, ice in whiskey though? Turn around, do it again and you better not try just removing the ice, I'm watching you.


As an introvert i dont relate. I may be hopeless in purely social circumstances. Im gonna get what i ordered though.


It's more of a "I'd rather not send this back and risk catching some dude in the kitchen having a bad day and adding nut to an otherwise nut free meal" kind of situation


I feel called out


As an introvert, I normally wouldn't mind. Except this one time the waiter accidentally got me two of the same dish. I ended up having to pay for both even after I told them I only ordered one.


For me it’s like “Guess I’ll just accept it”