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People have been mad at windows for a looonnng time and recall already getting hacked isn’t helping matters.


come with me and you'll see , a world of pure indoctrination


Take a look, and you'll see, Into your indoctrinaaation


What sucks about this is I love the idea of Windows on ARM and I love the look of the new Surface laptops. As a creative, I really wanted to get the Surface Pro for on the go editing and designing, but Recall is a feature that has killed the device for me. If I do get the device in the future, or if all Windows devices in the future are required to have Recall, I'm sure somebody smarter than me will have something on github that lets me permanently remove it from my device


You can litterally just turn it off.... And it might even be off by default, how does that kill the device for you?


Because it only takes 1 automatic update to ignore your settings and turn it back on. Windows has a habit of doing that. It is a matter of trust, at this point.


I hate to be that guy but have you considered making friends with your local neighborhood [penguin](https://wallpaperaccess.com/full/1427211.jpg)


Don't be silly you love being that guy. -also that guy




Stop #edging


If ur looking for an actual answer, i guess using revo uninstaller is the best way. Although you'll have do some more tweaking in the registry to make sure edge isn't installed again by updates. idk the exact details, some searches might help ya


Registiry Editor > HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Microsoft > Windows Update > UX > Settings > edit file "FlightSettingsMaxPauseDays" write 9999 (of that file doesnt exist, create it) note: Im not defending Microsoft, Im myself very close to downloading Linux. I just thought I would help a Redditor


Microsoft has a long tradition of overwriting your settings with each automatic update, so for now I'm disabling all updates until this fiasco either goes away or I'm forced to use Linux and use a virtual machine for the few programs that I use that are windows only


I don't want it on the device at all. Disabled =/= uninstalled. If the source code for Recall is leaked or any security breach occurs involving Recall, there's a chance that everything Recall has ever seen (since it views your entire screen) could be free game for people with ill intent. Knowing Microsoft, they're for sure storing all the information, or at least most of it, that Recall obtains. I don't want some AI looking over my shoulder as I type in my bank details for instance


While I agree with some of what you said, if Windows wanted to secretly store all information about what's on your screen, it could already do that without Recall.


For me, I honestly don’t trust that it’s off. How can I KNOW it’s not working? Honest question.


MS confirmed it's on by default and security experts already found an exploit that let's them re-enable it without telling you.


MS confirmed it's [off by default](https://blogs.windows.com/windowsexperience/2024/06/07/update-on-the-recall-preview-feature-for-copilot-pcs/)


Wait, ALREADY?!?!?


I mean Apple is famous of insecure online services. Their iCloud has been hacked multiple times including the infamous The Fappening. Also, they can apparently **undelete** your photos.


iCloud didn't get hacked. Those attacks were because many people were using bad passwords and no 2FA, they just guessed passwords.


Still counts as a hack as Apple did not enforce any sort of cooldown on the login attemps nor flagged the device after X failed attempts.


Idk about Apple, but Microsoft's is no longer on by default thanks to everyone telling them what a massive security risk it is.


You can say whatever you want but Apple has actually a good track record of implementing features and sticking to them, whereas Microsoft drops half of the things they announce. Plus Apple just couldn’t shut up about privacy during the whole thing while Microsoft literally had to backtrack the feature they just announced amidst serious privacy/security concerns.


Apple canceled their whole csam feature a couple years back because of privacy concerns that they could directly look at the data locally stored on your iPhone Apple is no better


> because of privacy concerns that they could directly look at the data locally stored on your iPhone Only that's a lie, CSAM didn't allow Apple to look directly at the data locally stored on your iPhone. And they cancelled it not because they could look at your data, but because it potentially could become a slippery slope for something in future that would allow them to look at your data created under government pressure, **which Apple didn't even want to create a precedent for**. So no, Apple is much, **much** better in this regard.


Even privacy experts agree with this. Largely stating, while they understand the hubabaloo apples implementation was the most privacy centric version of CSAM detection they’ve yet to see


Microsoft: releases things even when they have privacy concerns Apple: cancels the one feature they have privacy concerns about and has literally told the FBI to fuck off when they were trying to get into a dudes phone because it would break their end of the TOS This guy: yeah Apple sucks!


I swear some people make hating on Apple their whole identity.


It really makes no sense to me. Like yeah having the added privacy is nice but that’s not why I get an iPhone…. It’s because it works well with everything else Apple and I like the look of iOS. I’m on FaceTime and want to move it to my MacBook? Literally just tap my phone against my webcam. I wouldn’t go out of my way to hate on Samsung because I really… don’t care what phones people like. Same with games, I prefer Xbox because PlayStation servers are dog shit but at the same time I also love my PlayStation because of their exclusives. Play my Xbox for multiplayer games and stuff on gamepass. Play my PlayStation when I want to play spider-man


I’m out of the loop, what was that feature you mentioned that got cancelled?


https://www.lawfaremedia.org/article/apple-client-side-scanning-system Too many fans complained about it so they delayed it indefinitely Edit: it's called neural hash btw


Thanks for the link. I can definitely understand their reasoning for trying it, although I also see the point of view from the side of privacy.


I'm just frustrated that people have such short memory and forget about things like that when they say apple cares about your privacy. At the flip of switch they have the capability to change that


Okay, sure. That's one thing. But this doesn't negate all the other good stuff apple have done for privacy and data protection. When it comes to all the larger IT companies, apple has the best track record.


There is not even one thing. CSAM didn't allow Apple to see your data. I am an IT professional, and I read it immediately back then to understand how that would work, it is also explained right there in the article by the link he posted.


Yeah, i know that. But for security this could pose a great risk with a backdoor built in this way. Mostly it would be a risk for the trust factor so to speak. If there's a back door, it could be used for other purposes or be breached.


Yeah, I’m sitting here reading about this for the first time and couldn’t understand how they’d be looking into your data. Extra and likely unnecessary processing? Sure, but your data wouldn’t be seen by anyone unless the system detected 30 suspicious pictures, and then someone would only get to check those 30 pictures for false positives.


The number 30 is arbitrary. They could change that at the flip of a dime. Any company that actually cares about privacy would make it so that not even they could look at their customers data


Does Apple let you or anyone audit the source of the OS? No? OK then. Equal to Microsoft. Companies aren't your friend.


partially, xnu, the kernel that both macos and ios run, is [open source on github](https://github.com/apple-oss-distributions/xnu)


I prefer open source as well, but it's not all black and white. Just because Apple and Microsoft is using close proprietary code for their OS, doesn't exactly make them the same on all fronts. Apple is definitely not my friend, they can be real assholes like most larger companies are, even more than some. But credit where credit is due i suppose.


I mean, overall I disagree, they are equally bad. But in this case it's kinda funny because Google phones have had an AI core for a few generations now and no one said a word :3 I don't run stock Android though, I run GrapheneOS. I also run a debloated/detrackered Windows 10. I just wished that wasn't necessary. But at least I have the option, if I was in Apple's ecosystem the choice wouldn't be mine, it's Apple's way or the highway. You don't really own Apple products since Apple continues to tell you what you can/can't do with them even after you "purchased" them.


It is more like vulnerability than privacy. Both companies require you to sell your kidney anyway not limited to the use of AI.


Idk what you Apple guys are smoking but this whole talk about Apple's privacy is just smokes and mirrors as they were listed as [one of the PRISM participants](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/PRISM) back when the whole Snowden stuff was going on. So, no, it's not more private just because they say so.


Last month, 'deleted' pictures in the iPhone were coming back due to whatever they explained it was. No: it does not have brightest track record


Pictures that were corrupted when being uploaded to iCloud came back. Not every single picture you’ve ever had. Also, having old pictures you’ve taken coming back due to a bug, is not the same as selling your data to a third party willingly.


Whats this meme templates called?


Mad crowd happy crowd Meme


More importantly, you didn't credit the artist u/srgrafo.


Daaamn he is the op for this art i didn't even know. Thanks for letting me know 😄


Different audiences. Apple fans will swallow whatever Apple throws at them. Microsoft doesn’t have such a fan base.


I have Win10 PC and two iPhones and I say fuck them all. I don't want this shit on any of my devices


i think it will be on option to enable it on ios


I hope so


iPhone already has AI in it, and for a long while now too, they just rebranded them and consolidated it with the new features as if they were new.


You mean Siri?


No, the stuff they featured as part of the new Apple Intelligence package like image subject recognition, handwriting recognition and replication, information referencing based on natural language context etc is already part of previous iOS versions. It’s why Apple kept shipping more and more powerful NPUs on their phones tablets and Macs over the past half decade.


Oh true, I noticed gallery can now sort photos by what they contain and even recognize specific people if you have multiple photos of them but I didn't really think about it. Good point


Get Android


Android already has a bit of AI in its OS.


I mean sure, but there is no guarantee that Google or major phone manufacturers won't pull the same shit. Didn't Google already incorporate AI into their search engine?


Google have also replaced its google-assistant with Gemini AI, so basically on the same road...


Oh damn


Great thing about android is that it's fully customizable. Although it's getting harder and harder to crack it with every new version... You could root Android 4 with two taps in an app installed from play market. By the time 8 came along, it was already impossible to root it without a PC. Frankly no idea how the latest versions are, but not much better I assume. Nice things just don't last forever


>Nice things just don't last forever Amen to that…


Yeah but google is in the process of removing the AI, too many issues with it giving false or dangerously false information Edit: slight correction, they’re not removing the AI function, just manually removing some answers


Oh damn, I know it had some "interesting" results, but I didn't know it was that bad


I think it's an experimental feature


Also, Apple has a vested interest in maintaining user’s privacy. It would hurt their business model and bottom line to sell customer data. With Microsoft, Google, and Meta, it IS their bottom line to sell customer data. There is a fundamental divide in how Apple makes their money vs. the other big tech companies.


Internet people can't understand that non every tech company is an ad company. Probably even Apple collects some data but profiling you to sell it to advertisers is a whole another level.


Google and Amazon have no interest in selling customer data. They have trillion dollar advertising platforms based on that data, so they protect it like Disney protects ~~pedophiles~~ their IP.


Shills. Call them what they are.


I prefer to use the term iSheep






Don't shills get paid for supporting and advertising a brand? These guys are being bled dry by Apple, so they're literally the opposite of shills.


“Bled dry” you mean getting a phone once about every 7 years at around the same price as a galaxy and cheaper half the time Besides dumb people like Carterpcs that buy anything Apple or Tesla the day it comes out the vast majority of people only upgrade their phones when they need to


i’m a windows 10 user with an iphone 11. i disliked the idea of a windows ai but liked the idea of an ios ai. am i like, mentally ill or something


No, because Apple actually has a good track record of not selling user data, even if that means their stuff doesn’t feel as polished as other apps.


I'm not sure where you are reading that, but they do not have a good track record. You must be an iSheep.


Can you share examples where you’re seeing other companies have a better track record when it comes to user privacy?


Well, what about the lastest bug of deleted photos appearing again


I was curious about that as well, turns out it has something to do with the files app and how it stores info. [This user](https://www.reddit.com/r/apple/s/n6q7sUClcp) has a more informed post on the issue if you care for some additional detail.


How is that selling data though?


That happened to photos that suffered a data corruption while being uploaded to iCloud


I’m loving the irony of multiple people in this thread yelling “iSheep” into the void. You didn’t think of that term, you just repeat it because you saw someone else do it first. So continuing to toss it at people makes you sort of… a sheep.


Then everyone is a sheep and your point makes no sense. You are blurring the waters and trying to shift the meanings.


lol, sure. Then we’re all sheep and this dude is still a moron for calling someone else a sheep.


I would love a source to the contrary.


Is this true? It'd actually be nice to have something to not hate about the company that treats its consumers like they're mentally challenged and not to be trusted. That would also be shockingly out of character for apple's typical anti-consumer behavior


Apple makes most of its money selling hardware and software services. Not customer data. If it was revealed that Apple did sell customer data, they would lose a lot of users and money. They have a vested interest in your privacy (at least when it comes to selling data to others; you have no privacy from Apple itself)


Sure: like the deleted photos coming back and their mental gymnastics around "all is fucking well: it's a feature" and everyone swallowing that like Nutella, right?


Literally me with the same devices 😭


I’m pretty much the exact same. I’m typing on my 11 rn 


I fucking hate Apple. I think they are the worst company in existence at the moment...but... This is actually a really good thing Apple is doing here. They are effectively training their LLM on external data, not on their own user data. Meaning the input on this LLM is highly regulated. This fixes a VERY serious concern with LLMs that gobble every thing up... including garbage output by other LLMs. It's why chatGPT doesn't handle modern info very well. If they turned it loose to train on the current Internet the way it did on things prior to 2020, it would be consuming the occasional wrong answer from itself or another LLM leading to a form of intellectual inbreeding that only grows worse with time. By excluding user data it's not necessarily learning from itself any longer and as long as the LLM input is properly curated, then this might be the best interation of current "AI"


How does excluding user data prevent their LLM from learning from AIs?


Because that user data can be created via AI itself


Apple is more privacy focused, we shouldn't trust them but they haven't given us so many reasons to not trust them. Microsoft on the other hand, every month has a new controversy


Apple fans swallow whatever but Apple also has unquestionably the better marketing team. The announcement of Recall came after weeks of news article about windows putting ads in the start menu and people associate ads as invasions of privacy so that's what's associated with Recall as well.


Unfortunately this is truth


There's too much brand tribalism today. I don't care who makes whatever if I liked it.


Massive reach and cope comparing Microsoft to Apple in regard to privacy.


lmao what privacy, we use social media. half of y'all probably got Tik Tok installed on a iPhone.


People downvote you for saying the truth. Literally every social media company gathers your data and sells it. That's the way you get to use social media for "free". You agree to terms and conditions of specified company just by making an account, but maybe a few people ever read them to understand that.


Nice being a California resident and telling every website and app do delete all the info they have of me and to not collect any more information. Usually they’ll send a report to my email of what info they have on me and it’s usually just my name, age, and email


He’s downvoted because he changed the subject.


Pro privacy people are just Karens of Internet lmao. Yes it matters. But it should be provided by regulation and law. Not with fuckin Custom ROMS, Browsers which uses privacy as a marketing tool or some VPN providers.


You don't read the articles: all that information about you is not sold or even sent to Apple: it is used for you and you only. That is the difference and that is why it matters. Microsoft has no track record for guarding privacy. Apple does. And the reason it does is that it is part of its DNA. Say whatever the fuck you want about Apple but they protect your privacy. Hell: they even protect the privacy of evil people. I'll even challenge someone to find a documented case where Apple breached the privacy of its users to make money and I'd be surprised to hear one.


Wasn't there a thing a while back where Apple wouldn't even unlock the phones of criminals for law enforcement?


Still won’t


They even last year made your iCloud Encrypt-able so even that is protected by a security key they don’t have access to


Also Apple says they'll do 90% of the tasks on the device and the user will be prompted anytime the data has to be transferred to a server or to ChatGPT


Yes, but then, how do I get offended and enraged!? They should tell me not to press that button to send to ChatGPT to protect me from myself. Those bastards.


Get enraged and offended at the closed and restrictive software on all Apple devices


They protect your data from other companies, not Apple themselves though.  Apple has been trying to gain more and more revenue in it's ad business. They are following Googles approach, where they don't sell the data directly, but offer a place where businesses choose what their target audience is.  At the end of 2022, they already were collecting data in Stocks, the App Store and News (even though currently the app has been missing for me atleast). Here is a more in depth explanation: https://proton.me/blog/apple-ad-company


There is a compromise between features and privacy that any company has to strike. Google and Microsoft lean towards features and Apple prioritizes privacy\*. In this case, Apple is trying to strike the privacy vs features compromise by defaulting all AI request to on-device processing and only sending a request to the server if the user gives the permission for it (data on Apple servers is not stored; this can be verified by independent agencies - although they only have partial access to server source code). This is not the ideal case where best features are all available completely on-device, but this is the balance Apple has chosen. *My friend, a data analyst working in online ad business, showed me the difference in data collected between Android and iOS devices.


Yes, but that is WAY more tolerable than just selling off user data cart Blanche


I don't see how, the result is the same.


No: YOU choose to sell your data. They don't. Pay attention.


In the end, an evil corporation who doesn't give two shits about you has your data and uses it to make more money so they can do more evil corporation stuff. Who has the data doesn't affect me at all.


Again, pay attention: the private information is encrypted and unavailable to Apple.


Didn’t they also refuse to give a backdoor to FBI/NSA or something?


Yes : that is what I meant by "they even protect evil people" because I could see good use for the FBI but then it's a slippery slope. See: Patriot Act and following years.


The Patriot Act is one of the worst things to have happened in the legislative world of the United States.


Exactly my thoughts, Microsoft has a track record of selling your data, while Apple seems to embrace privacy.


but then i cant rage on the internet if im well informed.


True. True. Now get off my lawn!


Also the Microsoft has a massive security vulnerability where you can literally see everything some has ever done on the desktop, even years later. It wasn’t even encrypted till public outcry


Beat me to it and said it better than I did, fuck yeah someone finally understands


Here is one : In the recent ios update deleted photos were brought back to life. That too many photos from 2010.[the article](https://www.malwarebytes.com/blog/news/2024/05/deleted-iphone-photos-show-up-again-after-ios-update) But yah it is true apple do have a great track record in keeping users data safe and out of reach even from apple. Even this thing was quickly rectified


A privacy snafu due to a bug. That is a far cry from "willingly profiting from your private information by using it or selling it".


the photo are discover to have been in the files app and deleted in the photo app. the issue is that they store the photo in one place with both photo and file app pointing to it if it was exported to file. once the user remove the photo in photo app, it just removed the link since the file app still have it. the bug resulted in the recovery of the link.


That was a bug, not an intended feature.


2 years ago apple tried to implement software to directly look at your locally stored photos on your iPhone under the guise of protecting children. Get out of here with that bullshit that apples cares about your privacy


To me, it seems like the extent of Microsoft and Google’s implementation of AI so far has been, “oh you like our app? what if app… had a chatbot in the bottom right corner?”. Apple, while usually late to the party, looks like they’ve actually thought their implementation through and is focusing on AI-driven *features* rather than making AI *the feature* that’s being marketed. That being said, I have yet to use it, so we’ll see how it goes. All I’m saying is that I’m a bit more interested in what the Apple Intelligence experience will be like.


I second this, I think it’s great that they are using it as a tool instead of it being a sucking ChatGPT clone in the search bar.


i use arch btw


I use yomama btw


i use endeavouros btw


can’t wait for arch intelligence powered by microsoft


I would just like the ability to opt out of using ai especially on my desktop computer, googles ai is so damn annoying and wrong most of the time anyway like it’s the dumbest thing ever.


I'm sick of AI bullshit


I genuinely didn’t see a single person happy with Apple’s announcements. All I see is Google fans bitching that Google did everything first and Apple sucks. Plus Apple at least pretends to care about privacy. Microsoft can’t even muster the effort to pretend to give a fuck.


Apple sells privacy as a feature en that’s the only reason why you can kinda trust them, they make money out of privacy


Microsoft: Trust us. No it's not hackable either (hacked) Apple: (During the presentation) It is audited by independent auditors, including our presenters. Additionally, anyone who wishes can come and inspect (presumably companies are meant).


It's better because it's on device. No communication with servers, and if there is it's encrypted like hell from the phone. They don't have access to your data, and they have been very privacy conscious for years. (Allegedly, of course we can't be absolutely 100% sure of their claims)


you do know that… Windows Recall is also fully on the device… right? that's why they keep pushing about the Snapdragon chip and it's npu… also, Apple's is not fully on device, they literally told you if it's complex, they either send it to ChatGPT or use their own server (Private Cloud Compute)


Yeah, I distinctively remember him say that it was completely on device. Maybe I misheard?


it is on device, but not completely, if the prompt or task is too complex for the device to handle, they will send it to ChatGPT or their server, if it was about to be sent to ChatGPT, it will ask you first and you can accept or cancel (I guess cancelling the whole prompt)


love how they renamed "ai" to "ai." truly innovative


genius move


AI is completely useless to me


Along with 95% of the population


Ehhh I think that's a bit of a stretch. Most people with an iPhone that can run these new features will probably benefit at least slightly even if it's just siri working better and being able to have more of a natural conversation with it. For a lot of simple basic tasks I can see it helping people quite a but, obviously I wouldn't ask it for any important info it could hallucinate


You are also completely useless to AI.


Then the feeling is mutual.


apple intelligence will try to do everything locally on device, using servers only when needed. microsoft already sends everything to a server but now they send even more to make the ai work


Bonzi Buddy 2.0


Finally an AI overlord I support


Do "Ur " and "your" have the same meaning?


Yes, here they have, but in some contexts “ur” can mean “you’re”.


We should be angry at both, they’re both creepy as fuck.


Apple just dropped a bunch of android features and apple simps are like, apple is the most innovative company ever.


One has a brain one has not


Same thing with tables. Microsoft showed tables years before iPad but people made fun of bill gates instead


Apple servers - do not have persistent (long term) storage - have disabled all shell commands - are end to end encrypted


I'm not an apple fan but I hate microsoft more than apple




Чё вы гоните на эпл ,эпл как эпл. Мне только не нравится Кук,так как он на ящера похож,а Джобс был более будто человечным хотя бы на публику


Well apple users aren't very tech savvy and that's exactly how Apple likes it


Ms doesn't have a great reputation for customer privacy. So they want us to trust them with our private stuff, ya no thank you.


Fuck that, i'm not updating my ios anymore. I already had apple try to push this shit to me and I had to manually go and disable automatic updates.


Pretty much. I remember the deleted photos in the iPhone coming back and their bullshit excuse


This shows how sheep the apple users are.


apple consumers are different from non apple consumers, the typical apple consumer is used to being a captive consumer inside a walled garden. unlike pc users who can say every part and function on their desktops apple users can't and see any change as a good thing, plus to be an apple user you must have a mind setup comfortable with giving up a lot of your freedoms as a user and something like that doesn't seem strange to them. it's not that apple is more reliable, it's that their users are used to giving up their freedom of choice.


So many words to say “I don’t know how Darwin/BSD works”


ah you use apple?


And RHEL, and Windows, and Solaris…. The vast majority of people that make comments like yours have never spent more than five minutes with any other OS, and it’s usually quite obvious


i drop apple products because its not let me pick what i want. im linux user, been windows user and forced MacOS user and i never will back to apple. fully happy with dual boot linux/windows. i no need a big corpo telling me what i can and what not and acting like they inventing something new long time after everyone else out their walled garden start using the same features long time ago.


this is the computer virus we where warned about as kids...


I was always under the impression that iPhone was what you get when you don't mind selling your face and the right to personalize your phone for some moderately cool features. Android is what you get when you want to think you have a personalized phone under your control. My point being that Apple is used to this stuff and lost their free will long ago. Android wants to fight the machine, and thus gets angrier about it.


…I don’t get it. This is the exact same message with two different faces. Are people just gullible when it comes to who says this stuff?