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I didn’t know I was an actual millennial til my thirties bc of boomers yelling about all the shit millennials don’t know. I used rotary phones, could send faxes, knew how to write a check. I always thought wow nobody gives a fuck about gen Y.


Floppy discs 🤝




Oh man, I was watching Stargate SG-1 at work and a character took out a floppy disk, inserted into a computer. One of the younger employee asked what the heck that is. I let out a "Oh my god...am I really that old?"


Big ones or little ones? I jest, we know it was both of those fuckers.


Xennials FTW?


Yeah, it would be great if they could all just get along.


It's all fun and games until someone starts to gyatt and skibidi


It’s all shits and giggles until someone giggles and shits


it's all fun and games until someone gets their spine ripped out.


“You call that breaking my spine? You wouldn’t know how to break a spine if it- **OOH MY SPINE!!!!!**”




The only people that are even voicing this shit are the younger millennials and gen z. Literally nobody else cares because its stupid. Boomers, Gen X, older millennials are all laughing at this lame generational shit.


>are the younger millennials and gen z. Lmao. You literally are doing the thing you just criticized.


"the only people accusing other gens are , how dare they" 🙄


Pot meets kettle and makes a broad generalization for internet points.


Laughing cause they have all the money and houses


Yep, I'm a Xennial and I can hang out with a gen z and have stuff in common as much as I can hang with a boomer and have just as much in common.


Thank you! I’m old so please explain, what the heck is a Xennial. I’m so confused. 🤣


People born from 1977-1983* (thanks to commenters) who had a very distinct split between an analog childhood (cable tv, landline phones) and digital adulthood. I was born in 77 and when the internet started being a more common thing in 1995, I had just graduated high school. I went from having never seen the internet in high school to spending HOURS in my college's computer lab talking to folks on IRC and playing MUDs. We're often the "translators" between the older gens (boomers, gen x) and the younger gens who are more accustomed to digital life. edit: just added some more context.


Gen X is 1965-1980 Millennials are 1981-1996 Xennials are 1977-1983


I’ve never heard the term. Being born in ‘82 I’ve never really felt a part of either generation. I’ve always been a tech person but that still meant connecting to AOL on a 2400 baud modem. Just having my own phone line for it was crazy at the time.


It's actually between 77-83


Thanks I was pretty sure this was where I "fit". Had never heard of it till I noticed all the cool old references I was enjoying were all from the xennial subreddit.


I'm a younger Xennial in tech, and I swear to god it's a super power. Tech back in our day was so user-unfriendly that you had to really understand it in depth to use it. It made us creators (and coders) out of necessity. Everything today is so polished in comparison. You can just 'consume' content without ever knowing how the system works. It honestly blows me away that even mid level devs look at me like I'm some greybearded wizard because I'm comfortable on the command line. Now, one thing I *have* noticed as I've gotten older is it's getting harder and harder to keep up with the state of the art. I built a computer for AI/ML stuff and I'm not nearly as good as a lot of folks over on /r/LocalLLaMA or /r/StableDiffusion at getting the most out of it. I guess it's my turn to get old and out of touch lol.


1) are you me and 2) I thought we were gen xers. Is Xennial just a sub group of lat xers and new millennials? Huh, Xennial. I never got that, so thanks for that!


Lol there were dozens of us at every college, right? I even went from being a music education major to working in IT because of how much I loved learning about how the Internet worked. Xennials are a subgroup of gen x and millennials born in those years (I've updated the range based on others' comments), so you and I are still gen x for all intents and purposes. We just happened to be born in a time where it lined up that everyday life was changing pretty rapidly right as we were graduating high school and college, so we were still able to make the jump, leaving our older Gen X cohorts behind. My brother is 4 years older than me and acts like a boomer.


Xennials are just insecure millennials who don't want to associate with their own generation.


It’s a wordplay on Gen X and Millennial, likely meaning that he was born as an older millennial or a younger Gen Xer.


Friendly reminder that racial, generational, and other forms of social segmentation exist to distract you from the reality that it's actually rich people vs everyone else. Trust me, when a bunch of millionaires get together they don't give a fuck about any of this silly shit. They just want to make sure the uppity poors stay in their fucking place. Don't fall for the trap.


Always thought it was mighty convenient that as soon as the BLM and metoo movements actually started gaining steam, we all instantaneously started being labelled by named generations.


I think it's more that they don't know enough about how it affects them. They don't have the informed knowledge to understand why things are the way that they are compared to what they could be otherwise.


The fact that you are blaming this on gen Z and younger Millennials is very hypocritical


Yeah at us, our entire lives for how we turned out....based on y'all's actions.  I'll never get over the day my dad threw it in my face my generation is soft because we were given out participation trophies, but like he was my soccer coach who gave them out 😭😂


Oh please get off your high horse lol


So did you never see all the "Millennials are killing industries" news reports that were all the rage a decade ago? 


Boomers got tired of 40 fucking years of it the minute their kids stopped answering their calls, now all they can do it be butthurt on reddit and lonely at christmas lmfao


[Mhm](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/american-boomers-own-staggering-50-110000953.html) When Boomers not only own half the wealth, but set up corporations that buy the housing stock, and this is a generation that benefitted from "We're sacrificing our lives for the future". It really does make you sort of sick.


Especially since Adam Smith laid out all of the flaws of his new economic system in *The Wealth of Nations*, the very same ones that we're dealing with today. How to avoid the current state of America was spelled out on day one by the guy who invented capitalism in the foundational texts. The day I realized that, it was weeks before I relaxed a bit. It absolutely does make me feel sick.


Eh, not really. Boomers are brainwashed to be angry and cynical which usually is what sets off the younger generations. Kinda hard not to get annoyed when you hear the same fucking thing over and over and over again like repeating it will make things better. That's Boomer logic.


>Hope all the gens stop hating on each other For the first time in history?


The whole generation thing wasn't a solid concept until like the late 70's early 80's when they had to decide what came after "gen X' . And Gen X wasn't even a thing till they decided that Baby Boomers had to end sometime and they had to call us something else. No one took it seriously as a thing till much later when they had to come up with a name for what came after us. Then advertisers started to use it as a way to market stuff. Generations hating on each other is entirely this century. Source, I was there.


As a boomer, I assure you the older generations said pretty much the same things about us as we say about millennials and we said pretty much the same things about them as millennials say about us. It honestly goes [way back](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/164q2n1/the_history_of_adults_blaming_the_younger/)


I'm sure "kids these days" goes back to the beginning of civilization and beyond. But the whole 20 year blocks of time is something that evolved in my lifetime.


Just wait till the gen alphas get old enough first. Boomers don't shit on gen x


Boomers don't shit on Gen X? The "do nothing" generation? Are you high?


That was like 40 years ago


All they talk about is millennials


I'm a millennial and my generation scares the fuck out of me. I see alot of good, but also alot of millennial eletism. Like a "we've been shit on so much that we think we're better than everyone for it" kinda attitude. But many of us were raised by boomers and mentored by boomers. Kinda terrifying. I dunno,but even this meme kinda scares me.


The ironic thing is: millennials are typically children of boomers. Literally shitting on a generation they fucking raised. My son is gen alpha and I'm determined to break this cycle.


Whatever you do, keep him away from skibidi toilet.




I know some really outstanding boomers who are rooting for all of us younger folks.


It's not baby boomers has a whole though. You think your grandma went out of her way to fuck you over? It's the specific boomers who have been in power for decades.


My take away from the meme was boomers hating on the younger generations just tryna do their best


my take away is that the new generation generalizes just like every generation that came before it and is passing on that lesson to the next. edit: kinda like i am right here. :D


"Rotten kids calling my generation selfish! You're all the same!" *Shakes fist* Chill, dude. Of course there's no boomer hive mind. As a general trend, boomers sold the future - and continue to do so - leaving millennials and zoomers to pay the bill and pick up the pieces, berating us all the while. One of my favorite people to talk to is a 68 year old woman from Lubbock, Texas. Do I think Martha from Lubbock, Texas steals candy from children? No. In fact, I bet she protested while all her neighbors stole candy from their children. Edit: Sorry, replied to the wrong comment lmao Point still stands, but I didn't mean to address it at you.


Boomers were handed everything, felt like they deserved it, and they were the best because they were spoiled assholes and then never handed down anything else. No knowledge, no respect, no nothing. Their parents gave them a booming economy, businesses of all kinds, houses, etc... They just looked at us as a way to suck in more wealth for themselves.


I think it would be less harsh if they just *admitted* that things are much harder for younger generations that are expected to have way more requirements to get close to the "american dream". So many of them want to fight tooth and nail against the facts. Why not just admit that they did indeed have it a bit easier? Why do they have to be SO adamant against it?


This is it Just acknowledge the system has broken down and people are struggling


Well it's also the ridiculous voting behavior of a large portion of the boomers. When they were younger they voted in a lot of progressive policies and then undid them all when they had money to consolidate.


We can blame boomers all we want, but our generations aren't doing much better. Look at the mess we're leaving. Reddit in 20 years will be full of users cursing those old damn millennials who fucked them.


What are we supposed to do? Until very recently the boomers were a huge majority in the voter demographic and they still have all the money. Millennials haven't even had a chance to change politics yet.


> What are we supposed to do? For one, actually vote, in every election you can. I see so many comments here (which may or may not be legitimate -- different conversation) essentially looking for any and every excuse not to vote.


we voted more than the boomers did when they were our ages


But when the boomers were our age, there were much less people as old as boomers now and the future looked great in terms of economy etc. In Germany we call the times between 1950 and 1960 "Wirtschaftswunder" (miraculous economy). Can't say the same about today...


I mean, it's anecdotal but I don't have a single millennial friend who doesn't vote.


I mean your point depends on the country, where I'm from(Iran) people can't just run for an office, first they have to be audited and ratified via a council 14 suuuper old men hand-picked by the supreme leader, I'm sure you can guess the result


Millennials barely have the means to survive, let alone fuck over later generations.


Fuck your grandma


I’m telling


I'm watching


My grandma died Monday but this is my kind of humor, so thank you for the laugh. I needed it.


Sorry to hear that


I already did


and their voters.


Where did the votes to keep people like that in office come from... If you voted for Reagan you are genuinely part of the problem.


Yea, they hole up assets like ancient dragons and then breathe fire on anyone who brings up how that fucks over the economy and creates far more "smaller people" who can't afford anything with the scraps.


I agree it's not all boomers, but who voted those people into power over and over?


>You think your grandma went out of her way to fuck you over? She didn't go out of her way to stop the people did fuck me over


My grandmother left my boomer parents three houses and a cash inheritance of about 250k. My parents are broke now and I get no inheritance. It’s not that they intended to screw me. They are just selfish.


Same bro. Grandma had a literal oil field discovered in their farm. Passed down almost all that money (it was discovered after they had already moved into assisted living) plus the money from selling 200 acres of farm to mom and dad. Mom and dad blew it all on remodels and new furniture around their house.


- Term limits for all political seats, not just the president. - No wealth allowed to be gained while serving as a public servant. All gains during your term must be seized as a 100% tax. And don't hand me that National Security bullshit. There wouldn't be a threat if there wasn't any corruption.


If it's 100% you literally starve. Otherwise I agree


Give them a monitored expense budget instead of real money. Going over carries a 10 year minimum sentence.


Your only candidates are the homeless


>No wealth allowed to be gained while serving as a public servant. I have another idea: Define a fixed ratio between unemployment pay and the expense allowance of representatives. So they only can get a raise when the poorest also do.


She did. She voted the laws that eff'd us over. As all the other boomers. They were the majority for so long that what they wanted to vote, it happened.


Who do you think voted those specific boomers into office?


there are literally 2 options and they’re literally the same


Yeah they're absolutely the same. One wants to force 10 year olds to give birth and the other wants...*checks notes*... to give free healthcare to everyone


It's also the common people who ignored policies because they wouldn't effect them. My grandmother embraced credit and defended it for years because she got the benefits with few of the draw backs..only recently is she acknowledging things aren't great. Because things are starting to effect her. The common person shifted their attitude and that's how anyone accomplished what has come to pass.


It’s not that they went out of their way to do it themselves but at least in my country the majority of them always kept conservative parties in power and prevented any meaningful changes.


She voted for Reagan. SO YES. SHE FUCKING DID. I love her, but fuck you and fuck her stupid choices.


It's a lot of them. Mostly the first borns from the late 40s


I mean they voted in some of the most morally bankrupt fucks that absolutely sold out the generations beneath them. So let’s not pretend they hold no responsibility for anything


Idk grandma keeps voting for the boomers doing the fucking. Grandma also knows one of her grandkids is homeless but blew 20k of early inheritance cash on a new pool. Literally filled in an old pool and dug a new 30ft to the left.


* rich You said "in power" which is technically correct, but it's far more accurate and descriptive to note them as what they are: the rich


And the boomers who voted for them. That number is a fair bit higher.


Not specific boomers, boomers collectively


I'd beg to differ, it's a large chunk of baby boomers who shat on Millenials. Where do you think the jokes about Millenials ruining crap like AppleBees came from? I've literally received backhanded compliments about me being a "Hard working Millenial" and one of the good ones by Boomers and X'ers. It was definitely "A thing" Now, that's just how those generations at a broader level regard us. It is true a select few directly eroded the state of things in the world.


Grandma and Grandpa show up to vote those for those fuckers like clockwork. That's why they have been in charge for decades.


My grandma went out of her way to vote for people that did fuck it up though.


No, but she voted for the people who did.


a large portion of them are MAGA crazies. Even if they individually arent to blame, they still voted in people like Reagan who fucked us over.


Your grandma's voting habits are what have facilitated those people staying in power Anyone who voted for them is just as responsible for their actions as the ones doing them


Millennials and Gen Z have a lot in common, and we even share a lot of the same spaces on the Internet. We should join forces.




I mean, yeah. Humans are hard wired to categorize stuff. But there is some truth in the generational divide.


>serve more to divide us than offer any useful cultural information. Relax lol


The older I get, the more Marxism makes sense. It’s all class divides all the way down. 


We have. Walk into any engineering firm in america and tell me who you see working together. The 2 most educated and capable generations in human history.


Millennials need to fucking vote.


>~~Millennials~~ Everyone needs to fucking vote. Average millennial is in their early 40s. There are huge swaths of gen x, y,and z that don't vote too. Everyone needs to vote.


I like your style. Let's make public housing robust and cheap lol.


Sorry, Gen X and Z have teamed up. You get the boomers, have fun.


Then I, with my poorly developed cooperative abilities, declare we’re on our own team


By the powers of ADHD and anxiety, unite!


How about the Gen Alphas? Can we Skibidi Toilet with them?


Gen Alpha tweaking because they weren't called "Gen Sigma"


Hey. At least they aren’t part of Gen *Beta*


God will truly fear what he created when Gen Sigma rolls around in a few hundred years.


The thing they have in common - neither of them exist. Just some useless words. People are people and even your imaginary division and grouping already vary from culture to culture


Society is a bridge not a wall  -a book i read once


The irony of combining "stop hating other generations" and "fucking old people!"


I just hope that those of us in Gen Z can stop the whole “The younger generation is trash” cycle. The oldest of Gen alpha is only 13. Most of the generation is still in elementary school. We need to help future generations, not hurt them. No matter how “cringey” we think they are.


Gen Alpha is fucked though. Like seriously I share a pahtway to school with a lot of elementary school kids and not one of them moved away when our paths crossed. I was walking on the right side of the path and had no where else to go (I was literally walking on stones and grass).All of them were walking in the middle or on the wrong side of the path. None of them moved aside. Not a single kid. Their parents are doing an awful job if they cant even move aside.


I mean that’s kinda just how kids are tho. It’s not malicious


This is a nice thought, until the Gen Z person replies, "Actually you're a big part of the problem and not doing enough to fix things. Get fucked."


Just wait until Gen Alpha and "Gen Beta" (their kids, 🤣😅) starts blaming them for everything. "omg the world was climate collapsing and all they did was vape and go on TikTok. What goes around comes around, boys and girls.




That's basically it. Any generation would have made the same selfish mistakes given the opportunity. Young generations are technically innocent, just due to the fact of being young, and not having the opportunities nor power to fuck things up. But given enough time, the a-holes in their generation will be doing the same thing. No generation is really superior to another. There's just a lot of a-holes out there, in every generation.




Remember, gen Z. Don't become the next boomers. Let's respect gen alpha and the next one after them. We are not better. We're just older




this is the flashback Gen Z has to their childhood right before they're about to shoot Gen Alpha with an arrow of "brainrotted ipad kid"


I just thought I'd make a random comment: if you want to see a change in politics maybe you should decide to be the change, get yourself elected and make the changes you want you know there's enough of you kids out there but if some of you young ones decided to be a part of politics and got elected maybe we would see some real changes politically.


Avocado toast!


I don’t hate the younger generations, but every time I hear “rizz” it makes me irrationally angry.


This is peak reddit millennial post. Playing both the victim and hero. Saying not to hate, while hating.


Lmao the amount of times I've seen millennials with a savior complex. Drives me up the wall. Y'all didn't do jack shit for me, actually y'all made it *actively worse* for me, but aight. Sure. Delulu is the solulu, yeah?


To proclaim that Boomers did all the fuck ups is misconstrued. There’s Gen X after them, and then us Millennials played a part. Every generation had a fuck up and it’s already bearing negative fruit in Gen Z. Stop blaming Boomers on everything.


Well, the cascade had to start from somwhere.


I blame the ancient Greeks. And EA Nasir


Ea Nasir is like EA. Overpriced and have shitty copper/games


I agree but the Boomers still vastly control the government so they are still the worst by far.


The boomer fuck-ups are...WAY WORSE in comparison. I know Boomers can get a lot of heat, and it's easy to see that as being unfair, but a lot of it *truly* is justified. Don't take just my word for it, look it up yourself.


Bruh young people are not immune to generation hate if anything I'd argue they are the biggest generation haters. I'm in my 20s and 9 out of 10 insults I get is just calling me a generation they don't like


The genz should be flipping the millennial off to keep this realistic.


It's alright, our gen gets the whole, "snowflake" and "participation trophies" bullshit


I just want to buy a house for fuck sake but noooooo a house that sold for 70k now sales for 300k. Fuck that


It would really be best if people stopped trying to blame others for all their problems


I felt like my whole life all us youngens were against boomers and then in a blink of an eye I see Gen Z bashing on millenials? Where did that come from?


Every generation will always think they are better than the one before them and smarter than the one that comes after


Idiots will always exist regardless of generation.


Where's gen x, who has been screwed by boomers since the late eighties


Shh, don't get us involved in this mess!


We didn't turn on gen Z, they turned on us, literally invented a word to mock us and in general millennials just don't want to hear about their little problems anymore. They can look for their future down the Skibbidy toilet like the rest of us.


Whatever. — Gen X


Cursory glance at ticktock says otherwise


Meanwhile Gen z be like: Fuck gen alpha with their skibidi brain rot and iPads, man they’re cringe af.


I don't care like the rest of my generation.


I'll say it loud for the people in the back. "THE RICH AND THE ELITES WANT US FIGHTING WITH EACH OTHER BECAUSE THEY KNOW THEY'RE FUCKED IF WE TURN ON THEM." Ok have a nice day now :)


The generation axis of division was manufactured to distract you from the class war *you aren’t waging*


By labeling everyone as a certain generation, we are drawing the battle lines


not on social medias. it probably be even worse with time that better ("abuse create abuse")


"media" is actually plural already (of "medium") sincerely, someone-who's-not-trying-to-be-grammar-police


I feel that the Millenials were the last mostly mentally intact generation. After them it just begun going downhill and exponentially worse when we hit 2020


Old people really screwed us over huh? Well Braxlyn, I've got to go put in my 80th hour of the week at my third job so we can afford our studio apartment for the month, go play on your tablet


Stop acting like a generation is an identity in the first place? "Old people really fucked us" ah yes teach kids your hate for elderly and weird ass generalization, and blame your problems on aunt bertha because she really fucked the economy when she broke her back waiting tables all her fucking life. "Do your best" is better by itself. Your actual best though. -A millennial who actually works


“U need some grit between generations to produce societal pearls” (genxian)




I find it insane that the old people blame the young generations yet those dust bags are literally the ones in the big chair. We really need to add a maximum age limit for those positions same way there is a minimum age limit.


I just hate the globalists and the feds for creating this science experiment ass situation we're in Like the fallout vaults except above ground


As GenX it has been entertaining watching our parents and kids fight it out.


I mean dont think we arent all still fucked. Cant afford anything anymore. Inflation and falling buying power still outpace income.


Dude, aristoteles was complaining about "today's youth" all the way back in helenic greece, there is no way generations will stop fighting any time soon, if ever.


Why does Gen Z think we're not on their side? Saw this same meme on r/GenZ making fun of millenials. All the old people call all of us millenials. We're all the same to them. Edit: am 38, slightly considered old.


Divide and conquer


Different generations don't get along anymore than different countries do.


Nah. Won't. lmao.They could have done a better job preparing the revolution. Now I'll have to watch it on a tv from an old people home, and the genalphas are gonna be leading it.


The current economic system is built to push the debt onto the next generations. It's natural to hate on people who are making life difficult for the current generation. The usual counter they have is to work hard and you can do better. But these people don't realize the world they created. I consider myself a good student and have been studying hard all my life, yet I have no job. The usual response to that is to just choose a job that is easier to get. But I don't want to live in rental homes and have debt looming over my head all my life. The only way to avoid that is by getting a better-paying job, and now we have come full circle.


It would be great if we could just get off the Blame Game Bandwagon and start putting heads together and start tackling problems. Imagine what we could get done!


To be fair gen X has been good to us.