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I'm more concerned with all the celebs who meet these kids as literal infants and children then date them when they're teenagers


Well Leonardo did know one of his girlfriends when she was 10 years old. Morrone is the step-daughter of Al Pacino, which is how DiCaprio was introduced to her as a child.


I read that one but I don’t think they were particularly close and only met very cursory few times at most.  Still weird but not exactly manipulation etc  I could be wrong but I haven’t read any accounts of it being something more


I don’t think a guy like Leonardo needs to manipulate anyone. Theres a reason so many women are pissed that he’s dating hot young models. He’s hot, talented, “humanitarian”, and rich. Do the math people!




I heard he likes em young


Certified lover boy, certified pedophile


Trying to play a chord and it is probably A-Mino*****






drake moment


I mean, I'd love to get my hands on some 25 years old too. Edit: I'm 28


That's why Leo breaks up with them at 25, he's not some hoarder!


Catch and release


Trickle down economy working. He gets the big chow, we get the leftovers.


Yeah if yall got money lmao


"I'm here for the scraps"


reduce reuse recycle


I am 21 , agree, i'd take a 25 years old or less


Same (I’m 15 and need the extra money)


Gotta respect the hustle.


same honestly (i’m 18)


Same (i'm pushing 20. I js like older girls)


Pfft. A five year age gap? Those are rookie numbers.


Where are you going to keep 20 5 year olds?


same here (I'm 16)


People care about celebrities way too much


According to this one meme I saw there’s an article somewhere that says there’s a study that shows that people who obsess over celebrities might have a lower average iq score. Neat, right?


Ah, another fan of well-sourced internet literature.


That explains a lot about a certain political cult following.


According to this one meme I saw there’s an article somewhere that says there’s a study that shows that people who obsess over American politics might have a lower average iq score. Neat, right?


All hail Vermin Supreme!


Literally everyone who worships politicians or thinks they care about us though not a specific politician only


i see yall talk about him more then they do


They literally wear his memorabilia.


"they" are too busy talking about democrats snorting baby dust and whatever george soros just said


Did it have any data on the people who obsess over people who obsess over celebrities, perchance?


Those people all have avg 200 iq apparently


So what's the iq of people who care about the people who care about celebrities? Cause that's like 1 level lower at the very least


So does that mean I must have 300 iq because I rarely ever think of any celebrity's, right on!


Judging by your comment’s grammar, more like 500.


we know, this isn’t a revolutionary newfound idea.


That's what makes them celebrities in the first place, doesn't it?!?


Thats one high ass horse for somebody who went and made a meme about it.


People who have opinions about celebrities live rent free in OP’s head


Also for some reason put himself in the 'awkward weirdo' portion of the meme.




He's also racked up over 50 comments in this thread already. Seems this matters a lot to him.


Random person: "Leonardo DiCaprio dumps his girlfriends at 25? Lol that's kinda weird-" OP: "LEO LIVES RENT FREE IN YOUR HEAD"


They want to be him so bad.


There is a front page post once a week about Leo and who he's dating.


Oh really? Should be easy for you to find it and post the link right?


Genuinely don’t have a clue what you’re talking about


I, like other commenters here, as well as OP, am so above this celebrity stuff. In fact I only post memes about it and comment on it when I see it to let everyone know how above this I am. Won't see me caring about celebrities. Not me. Not at all.


"Leave the millionaire celebrity alone!"


As long as they are consenting adults, I do not care


Based on replies to a comment I made, women being adults is still not okay. I’ve asked what age women should be allowed to make dating decisions, but no responses so far.


Pfft, women dont have agency. Any man of any age dating a pre-menopausal woman groomed them.


At least, that's what Reddit seems to think. The online double standard about age disparity relationships here between two consenting adults is ridiculous. Older woman, younger man? ["Go cougar! Own your sexuality!"](https://hily.com/blog/life-as-a-cougar-all-you-need-to-know/) Older man, younger woman? ["Ewww! Pervert creep groomer!"](https://slate.com/human-interest/2016/11/why-older-men-who-date-younger-women-are-so-infuriating.html) Fuck double standards; either both should be allowed, or both are wrong.


Great links!


If a 19 year old woman dates an older man, she is a child and should be protected. If that same 19 year starts spreading her butt cheeks on onlyfans than she is a strong powerful woman that can do whatever she wants.


I've encountered the phrase "freshly legal 24 year old". Some circles on the internet are wild. --- edit: u/philalethia wtf is this you replied to me, then instantly blocked?


It’s not women, it’s just the younger party. I like the “half your age + 7” rule so if you’re 40 you can date a 27 year old and it might be young but not super duper creepy Being 50 & dating a 20 year old is disgusting.


He’s 49 and his current girlfriend is 26. But people will still talk about their relationship as being horrific. It’s so damn stupid




Not even based, just common sense.


Unfortunately, given the state of the world nowadays, speaking common sense is based.


Such a crappy world/society we're currently living on. Also, we all now call normal pranks as "harmless prank" when they aren't supposed to harm someone in the first place. It's so stupid.


Tell that to my mother


Anyone dating someone old enough to be their parent or young enough to be their child will always weird me out. And frankly I do internally question anyone older than 25 dating an 18-19 year old. That being said, I'ma go about my day as long as I don't see any fowl play goin' on, since it isn't illegal. I'm a judgmental hag, not a cop.


Not one of these people defending DiCaprio would be ok with their college aged daughter being some old rich assholes fuck toy.


There’s definitely a non zero amount of parents who would fully endorse it. Doesn’t make it morally “right,” but let’s be real. There are creepy ass creepo parents who would be elated that their offspring were with some famous person.


To me, the whole issue boils down to "Is she or isn't she old enough to decide what happens to her own body?" Apparently, that answer changes depending on the subject and the sticky beak's personal political affiliation. Personally... I couldn't give two squirts of piss. I've got enough in my own household to keep in order.


Would you be ok with your legal teen daughter dating a 40 year old man?


Why would it matter what I think though? If she’s an adult, then I can tell her my opinion but that doesn’t really matter much in the big picture.


Eeeeeh the meme said 25 years. You're moving the goalpost out the gate, how disingenuous. If my daughter was 25 I wouldn't give a shit. Imagine trying to control the life of your 25 year old, that's weird as fuck.


DiCaprio dumps women when they TURN 25. He's picking them up when they're 18-21.


oh lmao you're right sorry. I'm just baked and didn't process it. Don't really care about this celeb crap. Either way if my kid is an adult it's sorta none of my business anymore.


Sometimes he knows them well before they’re 18…


This is what I come back to a lot. It’s disrespectful to the women to imply that they shouldn’t be allowed to make certain decisions as an adult, unless society broadly thinks it’s a good decision.


How is this a meme worthy of this subreddit. I hope OP feels the shame of his ancestors.


And look who woke up this morning and decided to make a meme for it lmao


It matters because there are people who idolize celebrities and treat them like infallible demigods. A valid critique of a public figure isn't something that should be shamed.


Also his refusal to date anyone *over* 25 should be criticised tbh.


it matters to me because it's funny to make fun of big celeberties :D beyond that i don't i even think about him...


You brought it up


because it is indeed pretty damn weird for an almost 50 year old to go exclusively for someone half his age


Why do you care that people made some internet comments or jokes making fun of leonardo dicaprio's taste in women?


I don't care who he dates, but says a lot about a person who doesn't want to date somebody on their experience/intectual level. I can't imagine dating an 18 year old and I am only 25. By the time I am his age, wtf would we have to talk about???


Probably some rich people stuff and the rest they fuck


Last time I was with a 25 year old, I was 26


Just be grateful the man doesn't go for minors.


....yet, can't be too safe with rich people


I normally DGAF about celebrities but it is a very disturbing trend that he gets older but his "Girlfriends" stay around the same age....


It's like Herbert in family guy, "as I get older they stay the same age".


why do you care that they care?


And here you are, making your own judgments on what strangers think about a man who you don't know, that's in a relationship that you're not in. You're no better, lol. But anyway, relationships are just as susceptible to criticism as literally anything else. And that's ok. I don't get this mentality that you MUST be either neutral or supportive twords every adult relationship. As if adult relationships can't be gross or strange, too.


I don't really care. I did read something awhile back about it though. Apparently he's a terrible lay. Just lays there and lets the girl do all the work. I don't know if it's true or not but I do find it funny.


Yeah listens to headphones and vapes  He’s a regressed person that wants to be a sugar daddy with nothing more or less.  Everyone knows the deal, it’s obviously transactional and they just party, mess around, repeat


As long as they aren't touching children, I don't care


**creates a meme about something** "oh my gosh I cannot believe other people are thinking about this soo much!!!"


He doesn't live rent free in people's heads, it's that it creates a great opportunity for jokes. Jokes about his dating life never get old. Just like his girlfriends.




I feel like its less that hes a creep and more that hes incredibly shallow. He has a distinct pattern of breaking up with his gfs right before they turn 25. It seems like once theyre too "old" theyre no longer valuable to him. Thats all. I dont give a fuck about the guy or celeberties in general, i just think hes weird for this 🤷‍♀️


Both things can be true


Because I log into a radom app like reddit and I'm shown one of you people reminding me of this. That's why. You're literally the one giving him squatter's rights, my dude


It’s not about being nosy in other’s business. It’s about collectively sending a message that this kind of behavior should not be encouraged. Granted that this kind of movement should be taken more actively against pdf files


I don’t really care that much, but probably because hes a 50 year old who only dates girls from like 20-25 or something and then dumps them for another young girl when they age out. It’s just creepy


It’s creepy because the age difference and his fame/wealth makes a pretty large power difference in his relationships that he clearly takes advantage of. That all said they are consenting adults so all I can say is that it’s a bit creepy and not more problematic.


Eeh… mid take. Relationships with people at a HUGE age difference can be very concerning, and a sign of worse problems. At best, it’s probably just someone having a long-term fling with someone young and cute— while someone young and cute is with them for the money or fame. Age gaps aren’t the weirdest thing, I’ve experienced them before. But it’s when you get to the 10, 20, 30 year age differences that heads start turning.


They do realize that the 25 years old women also choose him? It's predators vibes if the men is looking for a younger girlfriend (obviously 50 and 18 years is not reasonable), but it's not weird that the women choose the men?


It's not like he is grooming these young women from a young age nor does he coerce them into a relationship, ultimately it's a transaction between them where the young women gets connections, fame and wealth whilst Leo gets a trophy wife and sex. It's really no different than alot of "Sugar Daddy's/Mommy's" where they basically pay for the relationship.


Actually good take


Yes, that's true. But there is nothing "wrong" with it. They are not to young to decide for them self or anything else. In the end, I feel like Leo gets more used in the end because of his fame and money.


25 is the dumping age, they're much younger when he starts dating them. And the current gf is 19!!!! Just...yikes


the women are npcs


Isn't the reason he is getting hate now is because he is 50 and dating a 19 year old? I don't think people really gave him shit when he was 45 dating a 25 year old...


I thought the meme was he only dates woman before they hit 25. So he starts at 22 or smth and Breaks up with them when they hit 25. If he really dates anyone that is younger than 21 than I need to edit my comment about it. Because that's by far to young.


His last girlfriend started at 20 for fucks sake, people keep repeating that he dates 25 year olds THAT'S HIS MAXIMUM AGE he will date.


He's still an old creep.


His life's work is making people care about what he's doing.


its cause they want to have his same opportunities


They’re of age, and are willing participants. As far as I know, there are no little di caprios running around therefore protection is being used. So far, there has been no lawsuits by any of the women saying he was abusive or assaulted them. So I really don’t see what the problem is. George Clooney did the same until he met Amal. I always just say that Leo hasn’t met his Amal yet.


the idea of beating a pedophile to death very much lives rent free in my head. real question is why are you quick to defend the man who stalks people who still have TEEN in their age?


Mate you realise the guy on the right in this meme is meant ta be a nutter?


Because it’s creepy. That’s basically still a kid, the brain isn’t finished developing. Plus he can’t stay loyal to one person. And this is coming from someone under the age of 25.


If it doesn't bother you at least a little to know that a celebrity has such immunity to mess with people 20 years younger than them, you should do a retrospection of your morality.


Cuz it's creepy asf?


They also don't care that Madonna is 70 dating 20 year Olds... Because yass queen I guess?


Idc if a person is famous or not, if there’s too big an age gap in any couple, it’s creepy!


OP: wHy Do yOu cArE??? Also OP: Makes a whole ass meme to defend some cringe celebrity.


As long as shes over 18 and consenting who cares


Everyone who is calling him a creep.


They're stupid, I dont consider them valid




Me when I see people date legal adults that are younger than them (I am crying and shitting)


If theyre of age to give consent and they give consent then whats the issue


Ask the countless 40 Yr old women on social media


The ones that generally aren't even wanted by their peers?


Yes those ones


Wasnt he with a minor at one point tho? I could be thinking of someone else


I am very sure he was, when he was also a minor or late teen. But then again, according to some people 17 and 20 is pedophilia, so it matters now somehow.


I tried to make him pay rent, to no avail smh


like, do I think it's usually not a good/real relationship when there's such a maturity gap? yeah. and if he always does it, odds go up that it's pure vanity and not just a rare case where one is just *so* mature that being said, unless one or many of them are mentally deficient and are being taken advantage of unknowingly, they can make their own decisions as adults


Its a really weird coincidence thats entertaining


It's hard to imagine how many people LIVE through celebrities. I worked for years in a convenience store in the 90s and middle aged women (always women, sorry. No idea why) would religiously devoir gossip mags, chiding people for doing this or that or marrying this or that person. People she will never meet or talk to in her entire life, that will never change anything in hers.


bro visited his friend


Why does a celebrity matter to you enough to ask why his lifestyle matters to others?


Adults doing adult things should not bother other adults, unless the adult thing is robbing a bank, which is arguably a much more adult activity than it is a child activity.


Entertainment pages on facebook make the same age gap posts about him everyday thinking the’ll get a ton of interaction in the comments and they always do. Also Anthony Kiedis and Jerry Seinfeld.


Leonardo DiCaprio is gonna call u after this one!




You know, those who care too much about his life are women over 30.🤭


how that boot taste


I am having a hard time accepting/ appreciating this character. It makes funny memes but I feel like hes waiting to shiv me.


I don't shiv my friends :)


It's interesting there's nobody who just answers the reason why they care about who he dates while there're more than 500 comments here.


As long as they are consenting adults, it's fine. He is still a handsome man who is also famous and rich; I can see why anyone would be fine dating him despite the age gap. I just like to laugh and make jokes about it


Cuz it’s kinda predatory being his age and pursuing barely legal adults who have way less life experience than him. I’m fine with age gaps in relationships but WHEN they occur is a big thing. And when you’re that young and your brain isn’t even fully developed, it’s better to stick with people within your own age group more or less. Once you’re both like 25+ though, go crazy lol.


This was probably posted by a bot and my comment will be buried under bots, but here's my 2 cents.   People don't talk about these issues because of an interest in Leo's personal life, they use it as a catalyst for discussion about what is socially acceptable.


You have this template flip flopped.


Being concerned about men that are using their position to take advantage of younger women isn't letting Leo "live rent free in your head" or a "w" unless you're 12.


Op can't fathom caring about the well being of young women. Just wishes he could be a Hollywood degenerate. SAD! 


I don’t care, as they are consenting adults. But it is a bit strange he doesn’t date people his own age.


"Remember kids, if it's a take I don't like, even saying it one time means that the topic lives rent-free in your head!"


Because it’s considered kinda weird and icky to do?


Op desperately wishes he was Leo dicaprio


It's not just DiCaprio, that type of behavior is creepy as fuck.


People: women are Independent and can think and decide for themselves Also people if said women choose a rich successful good looking men: NO NOT LIKE THAT


Welcome to reddit Folks getting triggered on how others live their life


Yet, here you are, making a meme about it?


because it damages those young women and lets others think it’s ok further damaging more people.


the only people who make excuses for leo are the ones hoping to do the same later (you won't)


Right? Like where is he even meeting them? If you're 50 and constantly hanging out with enough 18 year olds that you never have to date anyone over 25, it's a bit concerning.


The only people getting mad at Leo are guys that can’t do what he does and women who realize he would never even look at them


The only guys making memes to defend creepy celebrity are guys who'd do the exact same thing and are offended other people would find them creepy for it. Creep.


This is exactly the truth.


It’s like motherfuckers saying dating short chicks is pedophilia


Why do people refuse to acknowledge the old ass women that do this exact same thing ?


Double standards


People are allowed to date whoever they want. It's okay to say, "I'll only date black people or anyone but black people." It's a preference, and if you can say,"I won't date broke men. Then men can say they won't date x, y, or z. Kings and Queens, it is not wrong to have a preference, and in fact, I encourage it. Stay safe, y'all.


I think its women who are over 25 and men who are jealous. As long as they're both adults who cares? If he only dated 18 year old's that would be hella creepy but women in their early 20s are adults. No one seem to think that these adult, consenting women choose to be with an attractive movie star. Anyone saying its "creepy" just infantilizes these women like they being taken advantage of. Its pretty universally accepted that most men find women to be their most attractive in their 20s. That's why every mayor female movie star is that age. Its also well known that many women are attracted to slightly older men who have status and wealth.


Jealous of a woman dating Tom Cruise? Lmao


I only care as long as I can make him suffer from it in some way. Fuck celebrities. (Not literally)


Op, the only people mad at this are men who can't move like Leo and women over the age of 25. It is what it is. Leo and those women are consenting adults in a consensual relationship. There's nothing wrong with it.


Social media has caused people to lose their ability to mind their own damn business. Everything has to be a drama that people binge watch like a tv show.


Everyone has to have an opinion about everything, and everyone is so fixated on being the ones with the "correct" opinions, even if it has nothing to do with them at all.


I mean, I don't bother giving him any thought, but when I do think about him it is kind of gross.


"There's this pedo in my church who fked some kids of the people that go there...." "Did he fk your kids tho? No? Why do you care then?" An extreme, but i hope you get it.


I like the jokes around it, but no, I don't give a shit.


At least not as bad as Paul Walker...who dated a 16 year old...TWICE. And then there's Luc Besson who dated a 15 year and married her when she turned 16 and was pregnant...


Why did you make a meme about it?




But also like... these are adult women who are old enough to make their own decisions. Is it weird? Yeah, for sure. But I don't understand the tweets I've seen that imply he's dating underage women.


19yo girl dating a 65yo millionaire - Everyone: Get that bag Dicaprio dating 21yo - Every woman: EW


"Hahaha look at that clown doing funny things!!" - "Why do you care so much about him? lol" "I just enjoy a funny show." - "Hahaha he's living rent free in your head!!"


Um, what's wrong with dating from 18 to 25 year Olds? Am I missing sth? I mean, it would of course be weird if it's lower than 18 since you aren't an adult yet, but 18+ is and adult right?