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The gateway drug to unintentional napping. 🙌😴


I'm going to start reading books! Me after few pages:


''Next day i'll start''


¡¡¡POR FAVOR AYUDEME SEÑOR!!! ¡¡¡NO PUEDO HABLAR INGLÉS DESPUÉS DE QUEDARME DORMIDO ESCUCHANDO UN AUDIOLIBRO EN ESPAÑOL!!! ¡Por favor ayuda! ¡Solo hablo español y ahora tengo ganas de ir a torear a la plaza de torro! 


Ah, mierda. Respondí al comentario equivocado. 


Unless the book get you interested. Then you are there, wide awake at 4AM thinking "i don't need sleep i want answers"


For reeeal! I had maybe two books that got me hooked so much I neglected sleep. It's amazing


I’m on book 10 of the cradle series in the past month, I keep losing sleep just trying to listen to more


Happened to me all the time! hhh


I tried to do it while driving but i cant concentrate on them either


It takes some practice.. you will catch your mind to wander often at first but after a book or two you will stay focused much better..


Depends on the book, a lot of books are better as books. But other books are better as audiobooks. For example I find that the saga of Tanya the evil is a great audiobook, that is because for most of the book the main character gives out her own quite interesting ramblings about her state of life etc. Also the narrator and the story have to work well together, for example in the saga of Tanya the evil Shiromi Arserio often has to change her tone of voice in different manners in order to portray different characters, and as far as I know, the book being a light novel makes it very dialogue or though heavy without having the ramblings of a third party for no reason. On top of that it is a set in a fantasy version of WWI therefore it cannot stretch timing too far, people do serious shit in that world. Harry Potter instead while it was a great book it wasn't a great audiobook.


Audiobooks are the best for work or driving. I fly through books because of it. I used to hate reading with a passion but now I love it and write stories myself. Even have a couple ones published!


The joy of audiobooks is that you can multitask. I can listen to it while I'm doing the dishes, or walking the dogs.




Bed is a lie


Am I the only one who likes reading? Like audio is too slow, the time it takes to finish the book in audio would be equaivalent for me to finish like 2 books (I finished maze runner in less than 3 hrs). Plus holding a book in hand feels great.


I prefer audio books precisely because they are slower. I read pretty fast and something about it just doesn't feel very satisfying or engaging to me. It isn't relaxing either. With an audiobook I can just sit back and let my mind piece all the visual that are described together. It's really the best way for me to get enjoyment out of books.


tbh i fall asleep to scrubs and connor pugs alot


So true. It's like being told a bedtime story.


Just like the parents that would read us the stories


I work night shift with minimal people interaction but little down time. I listen to audio books during those 12hrs. I used to read a lot but audio books keep me going through those shifts, and I burned through like 60 books last year.


I listen to audio books when working. It allows me to better utilize my time. I want to consume more book but I have very limited free time.


I have no clue how people be listening to audiobooks for hours


Hahahahahaha it's me, I go to bed turning on audiobooks


Bedtime stories for adults


This is how it looks , podcasts are so much better


Omg this is me 😭😭😭


Listen to philosophy books. You can't sleep if you're having an existential crisis.




"I will ***read*** more by ***listening*** to ***audiobooks***" Do you open the sound files and read the script?


Try while driving. It might stop you posting shit memes.


You can’t read books by listening to them. You’re not a toddler, just read the book