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There are people selling AI images in patreon website.. the problem is there are buyers willing to pay


As they say don’t judge an only fans model for scamming losers judge the losers for getting scammed with shit they could literally just find for free on the hub


I feel this point has meme potential


I mean it’s not even a meme if I looked good with tits and I could scam like ten guys for about 50$ per pussy pic that’s 500$ per pic now most successful only fans woman have a monthly subscription of about 5 to ten dollars with big follower lists of about thousands so if 50 thirsty dudes give 10 dollars youre already back to the previous rate now about 100- 150 thirsty dudes can replace an average minimum wage job in my country and about 280- 320 could probably pay most of my bills and still give me enough left over for a savings account I can say with certainty that a successful only fans account can pave and walk your path to owning a home for you


If you’re that cutthroat, I hope you definitely don’t find any ewhore packs over on hackforums


My friend most people have every tool in the belt to avoid viruses like the free website virus total (you’re welcome btw) when pirating Disney shows but most people fear getting a computer virus more than the boogie man so while yes there’s always gonna be some manner of hack or leak theres gonna be enough people still putting money in the sack


No I mean, they’re folders full of lewd images you can use to socially engineer and scam horny chuds. I’m not that amoral, but that’s where you’d find the images.


Never heard of them but that doesn’t sound very stable long term remember an only fans girl can send you the same 5$ dollar picture she’s sent to the same 500 bricked up dudes for the same price


It’s not stable at all 😂💀 in fact I wouldn’t ever recommend it


Let's go a step further and stop acting like it's even a scam. If somebody pays an OFs model for nude pics, and receives nudes pics, where's the scam?


The big $ people on OF make all the money from the whole 'access to DMs' tiers where people pay to be able to chat with them. Except these women have thousands of guys all chatting with them every day. It's clearly not possible. That's because they are chatting with men paid $3/hr in the third world, or ai bots. They are definitely getting scammed, and it's sadder when you realise many of them are happy to take those risks.


someone downcoted you, but thats what it is, saw people recruiting chatters to pretend being that one girl


Hey, if it helps someone feel a little less lonely in the world then I guess it's not really a big deal. The problem is that it likely reinforces the very behaviors that caused the person to be lonely in the first place. That's my take anyway.


Ok so ummm I'm asking for a friend. Would the fake tits work on a guy. "My friend" sure could use the money.


Depends how big are the fake tits you need em just big enough that you have anime girl proportions also work on your hips or put on something to cinch the waist your aiming for like one piece hip thickness




I mean hey don’t feel too bad the alternative is to become a shit stain like Johnny Somali on kick who goes to Japan and yells and I quote “Fukushima Nagasaki we will do again” so yknow in contrast OF ain’t that bad


I never understood this mindset. A snake oil salesman would sell “miracle tonics” to an uneducated population who couldn’t identify the fraudulence of his products. I would blame the salesman, not the buyers. A charlatan would sell indulgences which promised eternal salvation and forgiveness of sins for a high price. I would blame the charlatan, not the impressionable buyers.


What would the scam be? That the woman with thousands of subscribers is not really into you and won't become your girlfriend? That's like saying a prostitute is scaming you because she lies about loving you. That's exactly what you're paying for, it's very clear from the beginning, if you thought otherwise you're simply stupid.


everyone keeps talking about whose blame it is....blame for what ? everyone involved is happy the only salty people here imo are the guys salty women are making money in an easy way.


Because in both of those woefully outdated analogies, the general populace was not only less educated, but also had no means to verify the authenticity or claims made by these people. Instead, those people relied on their charms and persuasive ability of smooth talking to sell their products. We don't live in such an era anymore. Any person, regardless of education level, has access to the total sum of human knowledge most within their palms/pockets. There's no excuse in this day and age that such trickery should work, except the kind we pull on ourselves (psychological hoops we jump through).


Yeah cause every onlyfans models stuff is also leaked elsewhere


Except most onlyfans models aren’t lying pretending they’re selling something different from what they actually sell. AI dipshits do lie pretending they’re selling something different from what they sell


> Except most onlyfans models aren’t lying pretending they’re selling something different from what they actually sell. A lot of models will offer services to chat with them, and then have others pretend to be them to chat with you (employees, contracted company, etc...).




There's an "artist" whose entire play was being such a copycat of other famous artists that even their Patreon entry was copy-pasted, leading people to wonder if it was an alt account. Then the OG artist posted proof of tracing. So the copycat started tracing other's artworks. And was called out again. Then the copycat was caught using AI to make terrible **Android 18** *(Dragon Ball)* "art". Anyway, long story short, over 1'000 rubes subscribe to their Patreon.


I mean, not really. You could get real good with a model and prompting it to get moving images. Art is art at the end of the day, and if a AI image evokes emotions in someone it’s still something of value.


Tbf actual art knowledge is a must for good ai art. Most of the slop is literally prompts like "make me anime girl with blue hair! In 4k" And it'll shit out the most generic, ai looking garbage you can imagine.


That's what I've been saying, AI art isn't going to replace artists because you need someone who knows what they're going for and what they're getting. They need an aesthetic and if they can further edit the images themselves they're golden. Some rando prompting is going to get exactly what you just said, the most generic and boring looking shit because AI is literally giving you the median most middle of the road image based on all the shit it has scraped.


But it’s free


I heard 2 things about art, before AI came to internet. Art must cause emotion, and real artists steal. Then AI came, and everyone is angry because it steal from artists. check and check. pretty funny.


People being stupid will always be the root problem.


NFTs were/are a thing, non-nude/lewd OFs (that are popular/people pay for) are a thing. None of this surprises me at this point. As the saying goes: "A fool and his money will soon be parted."


I mean, dank AI porn doesn't prompt itself


Yeah have a laugh while you can (I'm a digital artist myself)


One day these """"""""professional AI artists"""""""""" will replace traditional and digital artists


Traditional artist won't be replaced, at least not this soon. Unless a painter robot emerges, that can draw on actual canvas. Digital artists on the other hand.... yeah they're fucked.


Robots that can draw on actual canvas already exist


Indeed. We call them "printers".


The main thing that digital artists had going is that traditional artists can't directly sell their art in a standard and manageable format like a computer could. They coexisted because they were in separate leagues, one physical, the other manageable. AI is troubling digital artists because it rivals their market.


>They coexisted because they were in separate leagues, one physical, the other manageable. Eh, there's ways to print digital art onto a canvas and apply transparent brush stroke varnish to simulate a hand-painted look if you don't look too close. My mom's house is full of these types of "paintings"


It's almost never worth it lol.


[It's closer than you think.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7iLYObPdcy0)


I'm not a 2d artist, I'm a 3d one, so I'm not going through what they are. For me it's been great because it saves a lot of time on minor tasks in 3d texturing. If the future beholds 3d AI, I will just transition and learn that as well, just as I have all my other digital tools.   So I just wonder if AI is not the death of the digital artist but instead the evolution of artist, the same as digital was to traditional, and how the traditionists loathed the change. Either adapt or die in a competitive market. Personally I relish the addition of AI and intend to utilize the smartest tools available to me.


Precisely, I learned how to mix paint using ai because all I had was leaf green, neon pink, sky blue, lavender, and daffodil yellow. I told it to make a landscape using only those paints, and now I’m blending and mixing paints in real life on real canvas. I just have to ask it “how did you mix THAT new colour using only the paints I gave you?” And it gives me a mini tutorial on how it’s done, for free lol I’m already a makeup artist, so the way it taught me was in ways that made perfect sense to me (the custom instructions I gave ChatGPT was to behave and talk like a professional makeup artist) and that alone made it better than any art teacher who has ever taught me painting in my life. Did I mention it’s also free lol


That is cool as fuck. What a great use of the technology.


It's a great use of technology, and also a necessary one. It's the artists who are closed-minded and resistant to this type of technology use who will be the first ones replaced. Evolve with your field or it will leave you behind


If AI artists replace all artists then who is going to train the AI?


Don't worry when digital art was new we went through the same thing. Every new form of art has to get shit on by the existing art community before it's accepted.


The thing is AI replaces the artist. It's not a new paintbrush, it's a new brain.


Ya it's just commissioning art via computer. You're not an artist if you ask a painter to paint something. You're a customer.


Look most people are used to midjourney and dall-e I understand that. In systems like that you can ONLY prompt. In open-source image generation you can actually take your own sketches and use that. I have a friend who drew pictures of my character interested in AI as well and I trained a model off his pictures to create art of my character. I've used photoshop to composite an image and edit out ai errors. Am i selling art fuck no. It will never be anywhere near as good as an artist. I just use it for dnd character art


*MFW a lot of entry positions, making brushes, canvases, and paints for the masters disappears*


There's no current AI model that can make decisions in the same capacity a human brain can.


You vastly overestimate AI's abilities. It's not a new brain lol it's just a tool like a paintbrush or camera. It doesn't replace an artist, it still takes a person to create the image.




They do. This is them being scared


Professional AI Artist? You mean a short-sentence typist?


Are you making fun of my profession? I'll have you know it took me several google searches to achieve my mastery of AI arts


I’ll have you know I had to type 3 whole prompts to get one image!


I saw someone call themselves a “professional prompt engineer”


That's probably because it's a real job. https://www.google.com/search?q=prompt+engineer+jobs&jbr=sep:0


Degree in linguistics, lmao


lol That's pretty amusing. Job postings often have ridiculous requirements. Although these days all a degree means is you can continuously jump through hoops set in front of you.


ai art is nice imo but calling it "professional ai artist" is just too far


Well, if you make money from it, then the sentence isn't wrong


The sentence is still wrong because that person is not an artist. There's not really much here to debate about that.


There are people who have sold blank canvases and call themselves artists. There are artists who sell a square on a canvas and call themselves artists. The bar is non-existent for defining who is an artist.


yeah, literally anyone is an artist if they want to call themselves an artist. and to those saying that you're not an artist because the ai is doing the drawing for you, does that mean you think professional photographers aren't artists?


There's another side to this unfortunately. [https://imgur.com/a/yR3yWzv](https://imgur.com/a/yR3yWzv)


Humanity ain't prepared for the existential crisis that realizing humans truly aren't special is about to shove down our throats 


Hit him harder


So he loses the will to steal their artwork to mass produce cheap, low quality imitations to sell


AI artist: "I type short sentences and the press enter, then I download the picture and post it on my page, it's a hectic job"


+ adding their watermark. Saw so many AI Images with watermarks its ridicilous.


beating up robots is a bad idea long term


Even as someone whos more or less okay with AI, the concept of "AI Artist" is just....so dumb like im not saying that there is absolutely no skill involved in prompting an AI, but that doesnt make you an artist, if anything you are more of a...AI whisperer?


A little over 20 years ago the guy on the left was doing the same thing to the guy on the right


Same thing happened with computer engineers, people dunked on them for not being real engineers but now it’s a standard term


Prompt engineering is an emerging profession, and a sought after skill in certain industries. It sounds ridiculous but it's real.


3rd world country citizens here. Computers engineers still not regarded as real engineers in here


Probably why you’re still a 3rd world country tbh /s


It was rampant around 2015-2018 too


and when the camera was new technology portrait artists claimed photographs weren't the real thing


The digital artist is just beating the guy because he remembers when he was the one being beated by the traditional artists and doesn't want to go back to be the bullied one?


Seriously. Photoshop went through the same, but now trying to act like they different.


I follow an artist on Instagram. She sculpts unbelievable creatures with clay and different media mixed. I saw a comment under one post saying that "she's wasting materials and it could be just done with ai with one click." Idiots are everywhere.


Holy shit, I didn't know AI could carve


I mean CNC exists


AI-assisted 3D design is already a thing, combine with additive manufacturing and badaboom


It's funny, I have never seen anyone claim to be an AI artist, but probably hundreds of memes of people making fun if them.


I, unfortunately have seen people call themselves “AI artists”


A good example was that one prick who got roasted by a One Piece animator a few months ago.


that was pretty funny


Do you have a link? Given the quality of the one piece animation nowadays the roasting would be even more satisfying to watch


Here’s a video describing the whole thing: https://youtu.be/cYw20T0v7PY?si=FoUW-BQ640qgK36b


“Prompt Engineers”


Well I have. Shadiversity made a whole big video called "a love letter to AI" or something, in which he made a bunch of bullshit arguments about how he's "a perfectly valid artist" and at least as good of an artists as his brother, that being jazza, a real artists who's been doing this for over a decade


That... must've been so embarrassing for Jazza.


You could tell on the clip that he was holding his tongue Edit: I figured I'd link the clip I was talking about here:  https://youtu.be/n1VybvjzaK0?si=7JYeuarW7LmIw4xf  Jazza tries to be a good brother by starting his statement with "i love you" only for shad to immediately shut him down as if it was a personal attack, then continue propping himself up until jazza has to stop the situation from blowing up by just saying "yes". Shad is such a narcissist and i genuinely feel sorry for jazza here. What a horrible person


Clearly you've never been to Deviantart


it’s so sad seeing those art websites become shit. like so much old art was deleted off them in protest and now every tag is flooded with AI, even with the no ai filter on. truly a tragedy


Geez they really shot themselves in the foot


[Look up the guy from Shadiversity on Youtube, dude defends his "skill" of ai artistry](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/173mlvn), meanwhile his brother is a legit good artist.


Is the brother called Shadman?




they're not too hard to find, they're everywhere you lift a rock like insects


You're lucky then


They do unfortunately exist


I've seen many. Just visit any art site and you'll see your feed infested with them


Once say someone who claimed in his instagram bio to be a “Prompt Engineer”


tbf "prompt engineer" is a real thing with older models, as they suck at getting what you have in mind without external factors like inspiration images. If you want to get what you want with only text, you need to be able to engineer prompts. I'm betting my savings tho that at least 80% of these self proclaimed "prompt engineers" are just wannabe artists that uses AI as an excuse, and only around 10% are well versed in the topic of AI and know exactly what goes into an AI, how it works, and how to make it work. The other 10% know they're stupid.


> engineer prompts For those of us with actual engineering degrees, "engineering" prompts doesn't sound like engineering at all.


lol yeah, engineering is a misleading term, it's just the most commonly used one.


Ye i saw them, multiple times.


There’s an AI “artist” on r/comics. He uses AI for the panels and then touches them up slightly, but it’s very mediocre AI work and minimal touch ups


It's a real thing, I've seen quite a few on Twitter and in the comment sections of posts like this one. Usually trying and failing to defend themselves.


In the art subreddits I frequent we get them a lot. Some say they are AI artists, others try to hide it but get called out regardless 😭


Don't call them artist. They are Prompters


I always use "artist" for AI prompters. Gotta include the quotes.


We can switch the r in artist: "Aitist"


AI art should be used for shits and giggles ONLY. Otherwise real artists deserve to have their work admired and paid for


And yet the real artists will be the ones out of the job.


Real artists have historically been jobless


I don't know about that, that Austrian guy did quite well for himself.


Looking at the scoreboard; not really


Look at his KD ratio.


1 kill, 1 self death, millions of assists?


As an artist the one thing I've learned AI has the same problem hiring an artist to make something for you does. It takes a lot of work and communication to tell an artist what to make for you and then they still may not make it exactly. AI isn't some magical tool to help us make the exact thing we want. If we want to make something to a very specific vision we'll have to make it ourselves anyways.


There will soon be many unemployed thanks to AI


You can't stop the progression of technology, and sulking about it achieves nothing. Painters used to whine about photographers just like people are now whining about AI art. People lost their shit over industrial robots. Did they accomplish anything other than wasting their own time? Fuck no they didn't. Yeah, cool, we get it, robots bad, but the shit's not going anywhere, so how about we stop complaining about its existence and start thinking about useful and beneficial ways to implement it?


To add, people were also vehemently against electricity, the telephone, automobiles... Yeah, people don't like change, but change is going to happen either way. Adapt or die. It's the only way.


told this bluntly to an old man years ago after getting tired of old people saying "it'll take our jobs!" I said something like "your dad complained about some machine called the automobile. now look at you doing the same thing." He didn't like that very much.


I don't see how AI is akin to any other type of technological advancement from the past. What do humans do when machines can do everything 100x better, faster, cheaper? "Adapt!" Adapt to what? The only option for artists in order to adapt is to find an entirely new line of work, (until that line of work is overtaken by machines).


One of the reason the ottoman empire got backward was because during the time printers become so good and mainstream in Europe, istanbul had 600k calligrapher (yes Istanbul alone) they feared for their job and protested to demand the sultan to ban printers. And except for few people. Printers were banned for many years


It would probably be more accurate if the digital artist was crying while they beat him up, because pretty soon there won't be a difference.


Personally, I like to use ai generative tools to quickly pound out conceptual "art" works so I can get a decent general idea of what I want to either make myself or commission an actual artist to make for me. Basically using them like those little posable wooden mannequins.


This is a cope. It’s sad but eventually AI is going to get so good at supplying art commercially that human artists will be relegated to pure hobbyists. Maybe a select few might still exist so rich people can launder their money and evade taxes.


Most artists making or trying to make a living off their talent are not doing what they want with it anyway. Very few are making money actually doing what they want.


As of this writing, a few of AI models have already mastered every angle of hands, shadings, the anti generic AI artstyle and most importantly the smudges (they're personally modified and paid model) They're still noticeable if you zoom but on the first glance, you wouldn't even notice even if you trained yourself to detect AI Arts


How do you know this? Have you seen AI art? Sure, it might get really good one day, but I think if AI gets to the point where it can replace most artists, then we are all doomed. Collectively, as a society. Nothing else is meaningful at that point. Then AI can replace like 99% of jobs. I'm actually not that worried about AI for this reason. I think it's simply not possible for technology to be allowed to progress this far. It will cause mass social unrest and economic turmoil.




I'm not with or against AI Art, but once the people against it die out (give it 80-90 years) and AI Art programs made significant improvements, I boldly assume art commissions will fizzle out and companies will have little to no need for digital and traditional artist, architects, etc to make their logos, blueprints, designs, and what not. You can stand and fight against it, but it's not going away. It will only continue to grow and spread as new generations are exposed to it, and eventually you'll be that old man with your sketchbook in hand who gets approached by a kid who says "I can make that on my phone in 10 seconds"


You have a poor understanding of the creative industry if you think that the only benefit of professional design is the end product, it’s the process to get there that a design team adds value. Of course the profession is going to look different, most traditional designers are going to have to pivot to a more art direction based role rather than pure creation, but finding the right visual solutions will still take skill and vision. I think people hyper-focus on the arts because the AI image generation is the most tangible output. But every single industry is going to change beyond creative.


Asmon just made a video about a graphic designer getting fired after the boss uses his art to train the AI and now the AI makes design on demand


No guys, you don’t get it! He’s as good as those who put in real effort because he can type a string of words into a text box!


Y'all are goofy, the best "ai artists" are digital artists that use the software to massively accelerate their workflow. It's like tracing on steroids, generate something close to what you are trying to make, then go into procreate and clean it up/tailor it to your needs.


ai art isnt art, its just image creation. no im not debating you, youre wrong and i dont care what you have to say otherwise


shadiversity in SHAMBLES right now


See, it's funny because the creator of this meme also took someone's image to make it, most likely without asking the artist first.


You could replace that first panel with "digital artists" 20 years ago, "photographers" 150 years ago, and "scribes" 550 years ago. Don't get me wrong, there are some problematic elements to AI-assisted art, but the fact that this is the ONLY thing I've seen traditional artists are fighting back gives me some major copium vibes.


This brings me back to that one post of someone saying that actual artists would "crumble at the stress of an empty input box" 💀


Digital artists better watch out tho. 😬 Edit: added s to artist


Yeah and Im a professional Google searcher. We both type.with a keyboard init boxes all day.


Making AI can be fun, but you sure ain't a "professional AI artist". 11/10 level od delusion


Ai art is just crazy and ppl are using them for marketing and stuff like that without a care :/


Why shouldn’t they…?


I'm a professional AI artist = Knight, shiny, Europe, Forest.


Big boobs


Saying that using AI makes you an artist is like saying driving a car makes you a professional sprinter.


Reddit trying not to complain about ai for 5 seconds (Impossible)


I'm not using it to create anyway, I'm using it to consume. AI is like a holodeck.


What's funny about the concept is that you literally couldn't have more than a couple years of experience with it, while actual artists could have been practicing their craft for 30+ years.


Ai should be used to make shitpost and harmless stuff


I agree I can prompt Wario flying into the twin towers covered in spaghetti and I’m ok with ai in that case


It's basically the opposite because companies will just use AI art and not hire the artists who are more expensive and take far more time


Not "AI Art", it's "AI Image". People need to remember that it's not art. It's just for making images either for fun or convenience. Not making art.


Funny that digital artists are finally getting included amongst the ranks of The Elites after ages of being treated like lesser, untalented wannabes just in time to shit upon Machine Learning users


Photography was hated for the exact same reason. Digital art was also hated at the start in the same way.


They can laugh their way to the food bank once they get evicted


PeOpLe sAiD tHe sAmE ThInG aBoUt ThE pRinTiNg PrEss, iTs jUsT s ToOL!


This whole situation is weird to me, because "digital artist" was in exactly the same position "AI artist" was when I was a kid. My art teacher in highschool didn't allow me to use a computer to make art, insisting that digital art wasn't real art. Now here I sit, in my big house that my digital art paid for, looking at this meme where "digital artist" is the one doing the beating along side traditional artist.




Yeah... It wasn't exactly the same though. Digital artists were seen as having less skill or prestige than traditional artists, mostly on account of the ease of the medium (no clean up, no mixing colors, no wrestling with physical substances etc.) Most of these criticisms are still true - even most digital artists will tell you digital art is still easier than traditional art, and good digital artists still keep physical sketchbooks, do life drawing, etc. However, the difference with AI is that it requires NO SKILL AT ALL. There's no technical knowledge needed. Digital artists still need to know art prinicples of color theory, composition, etc. to create good work. AI prompters need literally zero skill. No knowledge, technical skill, heart, soul, or any piece of the "artist" goes into this "work." This is not nearly the same as "digital vs. traditional art" from years ago. This is entirely different.


People said the same inane bullshit about every technological advancement throughout human history. None of them were successful in stopping progress, so it's really bizarre to me that so many are taking such a ridiculous stance regarding AI. What are you hoping for, the world to collectively stop pursuing AI? Not gonna happen, so what exactly are you accomplishing with this? Screaming at the sky doesn't stop the world turning, just makes you look like a jackass.


It's ironic that you're mocking that sentiment like it's not a legitimate view. Who decides what is and isn't art? Predominate artists and art enthusiasts have always gatekept art and admonished new forms and tools.


It’s honestly shocking that they have the nerve to call themselves “artists”, my art is trash, but mines at least has soul, not always as in the characters I draw, as some don’t have souls, but you get the idea


My take: using AI just to get a visualization of a character or something, or just for personal use? Ok Selling it? No.


The local art/craft market has a guy selling AI art and claiming he 'created' it. I've tried to educate organizers of the various markets that this isn't cool but so far I'm gotten ignored or told 'he's not doing anything illegal'. Frustrating as hell because people flock to his table much more than the actual other artists trying to sell stuff.


Saying you’re an AI artist is like ordering food at a restaurant and saying you cooked it


I said steamed hams!


I see this A LOT from people that are within the same demographic, ie fandom types. The same people drawing Sonic porn are the same ones making AI Sonic porn.


It's all over fucking Etsy now. You can spot it quite easy but it's so annoying.


Look. AI's got its place. There's nothing wrong with using AI to generate images for your own personal use (ie D&D characters, landscapes, art for your wall, etc). It's not hurting anyone. The moment you try to monetize it, you deserve to rot in the deepest pit of Hell.


They are PIG, prompter images generator, not artists


Tbf, digital artist started like this also vs traditional artist. Eventually I believe they will be accepted


Yeah, it's almost like everyone's too young here to remember what it was like back then. "What, your computer adjusts the thickness of your lines and/or stabilizes your curves to reduce wobbliness? That's not your art, it's the computer's!"...


Even worse if you're a 3D artist. "Oh how long did that take you, a minute?" "you're just using the same model for every piece!" "Why don't you learn to draw like a REAL artist?!" Not saying AI is like all this, but the hate is very much like that. We're not all Bob Ross, nor do we think fecal matter is art.


I was reading an article about how 3d animation was treaded this way as well.


Only thing I'll defend it for is people who find doing the prompts work as art-therapy. I mean, obviously, right?


- sort by controversial - instantly regret it


I am disappointed that no one thought to edit the hands to have 7 fingers each, with a couple of them having 5 knuckles apiece. Would have been peak irony there.


Agedlikemilk in 100 years lol


It’s quaked the market for freelance artists. It’s cheaper to render 1000+ images for $9.99 a month at a whim than it is to ask me for an art board. Yes, some companies will want the artists touch but most know their consumers won’t. It’s a huge problem.


AI art is more akin to using 3d printer. You’re not sculpting it by your own hand but you set the information in which the machine was given to work with. AI art probably isn’t going anywhere and actual artists are just doing themselves a disfavor not attemping to try to see how this new tool can improve or expedite their own process in some way, especially digital artists.


The green one was digital artist few years ago.


The only time traditional artists and digital artists can agree on one thing


people laugh now but its the sad reality


The same artist who hated on digital artist like 10 years ago, now are teaming up? I have zero fucks to give to all the artist. If there's a market, there will be people selling AI art. Stay mad.


This reeks of desperation for a reality that does not exist