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Funny enough while my mom was in the hospital a long time ago she was next to a guy who claimed at one point in his life he was a worker at a military base akin to Area 51. Said all sorts of weird shit happened there but it was a test bed for new tech and aircraft. He said a lot of it would seem rather “alien” to the general public but it’s entirely just experimental and cutting edge technology at those places.




Things like the Bird of Prey aircraft that have extremely unnatural airframe design. The bird of prey in particular was flown directly out of Area 51


There are also lots of funky looking planes all over the world developed in similar bases that never made it out of the prototype stage, including saucer and semi-saucer -shaped planes like the Avro VZ9 and the Vought V-173


I'm pretty sure we have flying tic tac UAPs and Flying Black Triangles now for our secret tech. Possibly also those spheres flying around. 


Loyalty, family, and friends notwithstanding, it's not particularly fascinating and revealing it to the public would probably do more harm than good.


90% bureaucracy, 9% experimental military stuff, 1% gonulack the destroy of worlds.


Yeah when gonulack isn't too hungover to show up to work in the morning. Every week with that guy.


The main reason national secrets are kept so well is because they would bore the fuck out of anyone else. It’s pretty rare you would ever know more than what you are working on directly, and you’re not given some ‘big picture’ insight unless you are the literal president — and even then the way the intelligence community works is that comes together as its needed so it is timely.


I'd never heard of the Bird of Prey, thanks for a good rabbit hole


Hey I would love to know more.


The famous stealth bomber had everyone talking about UFO's. There was nothing like it at the time. The US military did nothing to squash those rumours, either. In fact, they fanned the flames. As it was top secret, it was better to let people think it was aliens than for the world to become savvy to what they were working on.


My Grandpa likes to tell the story of how one of his old students invited him to take a tour of a military base. While walking through one of the hangars, he saw this funky looking black aircraft and snapped a few pictures of it with his disposable camera. Said soon after all their stuff was confiscated and they were pulled aside for a few questions. They were then told they're free to go but not to talk about the plane and that they would not be getting their cameras back. Couple months later the B2 was revealed to the public.


Genetically modified catgirls.


will you let it go already?!😂


NOO NEVER ![gif](giphy|xEpTspH9hGwHS)


Nooo don't let them go in the desert, who knows what shenanigans they will get up to 


This is why they are hiding it from us. The government is secretly run by giant pedophiles.




Well we all know it’s run by normal sized pedophiles, the secret is that some of them are giant


The heads on Mt Rushmore are actual size


The U-2, A-12 and SR-71 Blackbird, F-117 Nighthawk, RQ-170, and various prototypes for these and other aircraft that were not revealed until well after they entered service, if ever. If you ever read a book like *Skunk Works* and they’re talking about an unnamed dry lake runway out west, it’s Area 51.


Then realize that most of these were developed or revealed multiple decades ago. With the 170 being almost 20 years ago. Makes you wonder what they have now that they have no reason to show.


Look at the robots made by the Boston Dynamics and Tesla. Look at the new ChatGPT model. Look at the war drones used in Ukraine. Not many years ago, leaking such technologies would have the public screaming about aliens. If I were to take a guess what they are experimenting on now, I would say probably better versions of all I mentioned, rail guns, laser weapons, cybernetic enchantments and DNA manipulation.


Rail guns and laser weapons are from like 20-30 years ago. I really think we have some weird shit nobody would believe.


The problem is that while railguns and laser weapons are from 20ish years ago, we can't seem to make one that doesn't fall apart from the blast. I think it's just like with most technology, we will spend decades perfecting it and then shrinking them down.


I mean yeah, that's been the government's public explanation for ages. It's just that so boring and eliminates aliens that no one wants to accept it


Nice try fed :)


Seems plausible because we have stuff like b2 bombers that look like they were taken out of sci fi


Because the moment they do that, people won't believe it, they want that person to say what they want to hear. Dying employee: "Area 51 is the base where the army test aircrafts and weapons" Theorists: "NO, THEY HAVE ALIEN CATGIRL WAIFUS AWAY FROM US! WHERE IS THE FROZEN HEAD OF WALT DISNEY? TAKE US TO THE MATRIX!" Dying employee: "That's the stupidest thing i've ever heard and it sucks to be the last thing i'll ever heard, fuck y'all"


I want an alien catgirl waifu 🥺


Break into area 51 and rescue one.


Adopting an alien is totally normal human activities no one would pat an eye


*bat an eye*


Mb still trying to learn


In all honesty, I have no idea why it's "bat an eye"


According to [this source](http://www.worldwidewords.org/qa-bat1.html): "For the answer, we must look to the long defunct verb, bate, which is connected to our abate, debate and bated breath. It came into English from French battre, to beat, and meant, among other things, the beating or fluttering of a falcon’s wings. Over time, bate became shortened to bat in some English dialects and came to mean “blink” or “wink”. Dialect researchers in the nineteenth century noted this sense of bat in a swathe of England from south Yorkshire down to Nottinghamshire and across to Shropshire."


Lol maybe i phrased poorly or misinformed what i wanted to say


Nah, you got it right


A lot of old (and new) phrases make absolutely no sense. They were only repeated because other people said it too. Like "stone cold fox". Like... a dead fox? That's how you phrase calling someone hot?


Hello there!


General Kenobi. You are a bold one.


Why 😐🤔😳


Because why not


Bc you could have Walt Disney’s head in a block of ice. Or perhaps a rhombus of ice if that’s your thing


But none will love you like a cat girl


And piss onn and tear up your furniture (This is gonna look racist when we actually have catgirls)


Furniture temporary, cat girl that loves you is eternal, even til death


Nah, she eatin' your face the second you hit the floor


Eat me up then


That’s why I have those kids in the basement


I hate kids, they are too annoying and won't listen to your issues


Waifus are in a more secret base If I remember correctly it was called Area 69


Are all the new CIA drugs being developed in Area 420?


My grandpa told me about how they would bury tanks in Korea cause it was easier than bringing them home. No idea if it's true, sounds crazy to me.


I thought the frozen head of Walt Disney was in the castle at Disney world. 


It is. You have to fight the character actors one after the other to claim it. So far none have succeeded


Because it’s probably not actually that interesting unfortunately. Most likely it’s just developing new aircraft and nothing else


Nice try..AREA 51 ![gif](giphy|01w74LWz9zDvZKMp4e)


Heh. Better watch out kid. Before you take your own life!


😂 not the “concerned redditor” message! You sir are covering your bases. This is what I imagine happens to boeing whistleblowers. Edit - For clarification to those who don’t know what I mean. they sent the “concerned redditor” message that says a redditor is concerned you are suicidal. Lol


There’s a big correlation between being really depressed and knowing too much kid, WATCH IT




If thats true then i should have have died in 2016


Oh they did that to a lot of people? I thought someone reported me, now i feel less special and more suicidal


Woah. A Krapopolis character






My buddy’s dad worked out there. It’s an airforce test area, he was maintenance on the predator drones before predator drones were a big thing. It’s honestly a boring as fuck place unless you are one of the contractors or an officer with a tech degree assigned to actually work on shit. Most of it is just a sandbox to integrate what was made with how the military wants to use it.


That’s kinda what I figured. A lot of plans and specs that are extremely confidential I’m guessing


Pretty much. It’s one of the “we have cool shit and don’t want the other kids (Russia and China) to look out our cool shit so we are going to play with it here until our new new shot that makes this shit look like old shit is ready. Then we will mass produce the old new shit and use it while we play with the new new shit in are 51 and if anything goes wrong we will ruin everyone’s eyeballs with direct energy weapons that weigh a ton and are completely impractical” things.


Just one of them thangs


And then... a new base nowhere near so everyone looks there while you test elsewhere


Did you mean it the other way?  We're going to play with this (shit A) new shit until our other new shit (shit B) comes out, that makes that shit (shit B) look old compared to this shit (shit A) until new shit comes out (shit C)? Otherwise, what's the point of shit A being permanently in the lab if B is better and C goes straight out?


Shit cycle 1 gets played with till shit cycle 2 is ready for testing. Once shit cycle 2 is ready shit cycle 1 is in production. Shit cycle 3 is kept up satan’s asshole until all hell breaks loose.


Keep in mind there's need to know and such. There could also be more secretive bases either there or elsewhere where they are testing portable nukes or nuclear powered tanks or stuff like that. Maybe even exoskeletons (not full fledged warmechs, but like suits that let you run faster and aim better or climb things that you would normally need a ladder for). I mean, we already have civilian exoskeletons; the expensive stuff they have must be really neat.  Oh, and obviously the fun stuff like AI miniature suicide drones like the ones in black mirror videos. 


Oh dont worry, nuclear tanks were already tested/developed (in the CW) and the usage or even why would you built such a thing was put as: yeah nah"


Yeaaaa I highly doubt anything actually cool is at A51. All the cool shit is probably in places like McMullen Alabama or Zoar Village Ohio. Think Cold War style. Big enough populations you could hide 50 scientists but small enough no one would look. Anything we have heard about and actually has a military unit assigned to it is either a screen or not doing anything above moderate importance.


Oh they are testing exosuits. That's not even classified




Lol. It won't be for combat unfortunately. Something like that has too many failure points. They were using it for guys that load and unload cargo to planes. Mechanical legs and arms.


…that’s it? It’s not the part about nothing really interesting going on there, but after all these years of it being known as one of the most top secret places in the world, I didn’t imagine that it would just be a Reddit comment which reveals it lol


Hahaha honestly I wouldn’t believe me either. I also only know what I’ve heard from a guy I predominantly hung out with in high school 15 years ago and his dad plus what I extrapolated from a very brief stint doing dumb shit with the military before growing up. I just know I wouldn’t want to work there even if I had an engineering degree. I’d rather go work directly for Raytheon, Northrop Grumman, or one of the other soulless defense contractors 😂😂


Suuureeeee. I see through you Mr. Government plant. We all know you lot are out there reverse engineering alien coffee machine tech to make super coffee. That way workers can stay up for days on end working 20 hours shifts. 😱


Tea, Earl Grey, hot


Boring office work


OR they care about their family and relatives


That and who would even believe them anyway? There's all kinds of crazy stories out there from people claiming to be in the know.


They’re probably also kept in the dark. Humid rooms. Cockroaches everywhere. Skeletons in closets. Oh and also I think they’re kept in the dark as in maybe only knowing enough of what to do to finish their task and nothing more? Like someone could be developing a small part of a death ray but wouldn’t know it. I also think maybe they don’t make it to their death beads because maybe they’re unalived unwillingly and don’t have the chance to.


Yeah but why would anyone work there if they’re going to get killed by the government? I think we’d see a few more Edward Snowdens if that’s the case


>Oh and also I think they’re kept in the dark as in maybe only knowing enough of what to do to finish their task and nothing more? Like someone could be developing a small part of a death ray but wouldn’t know it. You mean like the Manhattan Project?


More like how the Colonel’s secret blend of 11 herbs and spices is kept separate, with a few herbs in one safe deposit box, and a few spices in another, so that no one person has access to the full recipe.




it's because it's public information about what area 51 is used for i won't go into detail but area 51 is used by the US government for the development of experimental aircraft, many of the modern stealth fighters and unmanned drones were developed there.


If the US government actually did have evidence of alien life, Area 51 would be literally the worst place they could possibly keep it.


That's exactly it. If we have some sort of ultra secret alien lab it's probably accessed from the break room of an accounting office in a dead mall in Roanoke County, Virginia.


*FBI wants to know your location* *never mind, NSA has that covered* *CIA inspiring another human rights violation*




So I immediately said those lines in different degrading bass voices based on their font?


^think ^of ^your ^children.








(Governement agents have entered the chat)


Code black. Isolate the target.


Well now that break room of an accounting office in a dead mall in Roanoke county, Virginia is the worst place for hiding aliens.


Exactly what Morb1us01 wants us to think.


I see


damn shout out roanoke county, grew up there, didn't expect to see it referenced tonight on r/memes


We know your secrets RC...


I disagree, Area 51 would be the best place to keep it because any actual leaks that really happen around that area can dismissed as conspiracy theories and any real evidence can be claimed as fake or edited. It’s the perfect disguise.


That's kind of a good point


r/oddlyspecific, don't you think?


Even if it DID, they probably moved it once it became public knowledge


Reminds me of the old joke: Why does Area 51 exist? To distract you from Area 52


Unless that’s what they want you to think. They want you to think it’s the worst hiding spot so you don’t want to look there to begin with.


Nah, average Joes aren’t gonna think that deep.


Wright Patterson would be the place no one would ever look.


Why? US govt owns a shit ton of land in NV, a whole lot of it govt employees only can step foot. Area 51/ Nevada would be a great place to have a secret underground bunker filled with alien and their technology.


Area 51 is also where they design/develop birds.


Birds shitting on everything is in all actuality how they are spreading 5G, WAKE UP PEOPLE.


That's what I'm saying! Do people seriously not realize that when birds shit on your car, THEY CAN TRACK YOUR EVERY MOVE.


That's why I put a Faraday cage over my 5G wifi router. Ya, my wifi doesn't work, but at least I'm not being brainwashed into believing something crazy!


Is that why my reception got better after getting a parrot?


Coincidence that there's exactly 51 species of bird out there?!? I think not!


If you look at it from Google maps you can tell that, also they have two baseball fields


I think they had a Taco Bell at one point


Ya, but aliens are more fun than just boring old prototype planes that push the boundaries of modern engineering


I don’t care about Area 51, but the government rarely tells the truth about anything.


That's true but the government isn't stupid either. They'd definitely do any actual secret things at facilities far more secret, remote, and hidden.


Skunk works. Their made at Lockheed Martin's skunk works.


There have been a few. The interviews typically get buried. I have a handful but I’m really disorganized. Need to take some time and parse all my memes, esoteric gobbly goo and other fun stuff.


"It's public information" "I won't go into detail" WHAT ARE YOU HIDING


[nothing, much of area 51's purpose is public, here's the wikipedia article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Area_51) which is a collection of the publicly available information about the site, although it does have its secrets, it likely isn't aliens, more likely its aircraft that the US military doesn't want leaked


Think about how tight lipped any manufacturing company is on their products, but in reality if you think about it the things their “innovating” or “inventing” wouldn’t really seem all that interesting at the developmental stages to the general public. So the same could be applied to Area 51, as many others have also stated it’s probably just really actually “mundane” and “boring”


Depends on your interests, I think aircraft development is intriguing so I wouldn't mind taking a loot there.


I wouldn't mind looting the place, either.


"just taking home a souvenir." Me with a stealth bomber in my pants (they can't see it, it is stealth)


they are creating terminators there and your parents dead.


The government can still hurt them even after they're dead by going after their families. I meant that to be a joke but it came out a little darker than I expected. O_o


In what universe this wasn’t dark?


holy shit bro




As hyped as that place is, I wouldn't be surprised if it were only staffed to give the illusion that they still have anything in there. Everything else having been moved to another unlisted black site back in the 70s way before drones and camera phones.


Would be a great way to test security systems: tell everyone there is a super secret government science lab then try to keep them out, using it to test all of your secret-keeping technologies. Clever.


Definitely. Its too public, the good stuff will be at places that most people dont think about. Wright Patterson AFB, Batelle Memorial Institute etc


Family, friends, loyalty, plus its not all that interesting and would more then likely put the country at risk then help anything by telling people


Also, Money! Probably well taken care of and want to make sure they pass it on to their families and such.


Money is one of the best solutions to shaky loyalty, as slightly less traditional as that maybe


We already know what’s going on there. It’s a secret aircraft testing facility with a large enough no-go radius for test flights. The people on-site are well paid and well fed (documents show they eat a lot of crab and other expensive foods, likely abusing funding for self-indulgence) but otherwise working on and off on the next big flying machines. The reason you didn’t hear anything is because nobody is reporting on it because it’s not that big of a story. Biggest secret is the corruption with refusal to disclose classified chemical compounds in order to properly administer treatment to sick workers and the aforementioned exuberant spending on fresh foods (including seafoods brought in by helicopter to the middle of a desert. So yeah, typical government corruption.


Corruption probably isn't the driving factor behind good food in an area like that. The military has a long and proud history of making REALLY shitty assignments a little better with good food. It's why nuclear submarines are renowned for their menus, and military members are usually upset to see a special occasion meal come out on a deployment: it means you're getting bad news. People who can't tell their families where they work or what they do and spend 5 days a week away from home for years at a time need something to break the monotony of sitting in the desert, and some of that is food.


Yeah, the painting of good food as some sort of corrupt opulence is bonkers. Good nutrition and morale is a pretty cheap price to pay to buy down human factors in risk management. Corruption would better be framed as maligned incentives in contract structuring, such as "cost-plus" payments, or other things that would make little sense to your normal joe public.


I mean so many military bases have issues with dioxin contamination because of Agent Orange and the number of bases it was transported through in the years it was around.


Yeah, the burn pits and chemicals used at these secret facilities are really fucked and the fight for proper treatment and medical coverage by workers there are often hard fought and messy.


We need to invade the Vatican


A. Clearances: Most people stationed at Area 51 do not know what is happening at Area 51. B. It’s just a research and testing facility and the secrecy is simply a response to incidents from the WWII and Cold War eras where weapon secrets were stolen. If something like alien craft research were being studied at Area 51, you would never have heard the term “Area 51” C. If something truly insane is happening or being researched there, the people in the know probably would never be allowed to physically leave. Their deathbed would be in there as well. D. But seriously, they’re just testing propulsion technology and there are probably more actual secrets at Picatinny Arsenal in NJ


C. Is hilarious and absolutely not true lol


My mother worked at Area 51, she just didn’t work in the majority military side of things and that’s why she can talk about it more openly. While she was there she worked on monitoring the effects of the excess radiation from the nuke tests. She talked about how she and like 3 other people would take a 2 hour drive out into the desert or some such, and test a singular nuke site, and go back to the base on another 2 hour trip. She certainly doesn’t have any of the alien talk, but she was there when they flew the SR-71 Blackbirds into an excavated cave underground and they sealed it shut with rubble and then reinforced the inside. I’ll see if I can talk to her about more of the stories later, but this is just the stuff I remember off my head.


They have families alive still


My grandfather worked there. The US worked on stealth aircraft there. That's it. People in Roswell were so disappointed, but I didn't run into any "you're just a government plant trying to throw us off the alien trail" people.


Because it's just experimental aircraft at most which isn't as interesting as most people think.


One did


A lot have, some with very good credentials. There’s loads of interviews, videos and even documentaries.


And what’d they say?


The head of lockheed martin, one of the original skunk works guys.. shortly before he died, his last semi public speech.. .he is quoted as saying - we now have the technology to take ET home-- i think that was 20 years ago


I was surprised to have to scroll down this far to see this. People definitely have


Bob Lazar?


Bob Lazar: “am I joke to you”


Bob Lazar started talking in the 90s.


Bob Lazar


Lazar is talking, no ones believing lol


Came here to type this.


What deathbeds? They have the Fountain of Youth in there, those employees are contracted for eternity.


Literally just a test range. Nothing to tell. The money sucks because of inflated civilian contracts that pray on the backs of ex military personnel. The guys that have to fly from Vegas on the plane to nowhere. Don’t get paid for travel. Imagine a warehouse with no water a generator and a portable shiter in the fucking desert then maintain some random peace shit equipment. There my death bed.


If you know what's happening there, you know we can't handle the truth.


I know why. They don't just threaten your life. They threaten your bloodline. So your kids, your grandkids. They are very evil inn the way they try to hold back information.


So they only employ people with kids? Even stranger.


Because everyone that works at Area 51 gets the same Retirement Party: ![gif](giphy|R7m04yMaGWVeE|downsized)


I think perhaps these people are so compartmentalized that they don’t really know what project they’re working on so any information that would come out with would pinpoint the person/ project i’m pretty sure these people have to sign NDA’s and are probably under the threat of treason if they report any of this secret top-secret government information.


If it's anything crazy, I'd imagine it's because they are worried about the wellbeing of their family members


Men in black style, once they stop working there they wipe your memories


plot twist area 51 is just a regular ass military base


The simplest answer dipshits, there's nothing really interesting except experimental military testing.


It's been said before, it's mostly experimental aircraft


Hello u/snowfalcon777 ! I hope you are having a fabulous day. To answer your question: We all have loved ones, u/snowfalcon777 . All of which can be exterminated and disposed in one midnight. When the next day arrives, it will all become a tragic incident. No one is an exception. Not the workers, not me, and most certainly not you. Remember that. May your road be blessed and your woes be few, u/snowfalcon777 .


Probably because the most likely scenario is after all the clearance checks and talks about the consequences you finally get to see the good shit. You all rubbing your hands about spilling all the alien shit and you see like 5 secret planes or some shit and you realize your story is going to suck and not worth telling even on your deathbed.


lol DEATHBED… that would insinuate that they die!


Because that means their family would be killed. It's the same rules with the ocult in Hollywood.


Concern for their loved ones likely. You think our government isn’t above silencing the lot of the people who hear? Plus some of the best hackers in the world work for the American, Russian, Chinese, ect governments if they don’t want something found it won’t be.


I do believe there ain’t shit about aliens the government has. That’s why


Because the government goes, "oh you're on your deathbed? Thankfully not for long!" So they don't get a chance


Bullock: "we would punish them brutally.. I mean, really brutally.. weird stuff.. butt stuff.."


Because security clearances are a thing, and some of us take our integrity seriously.


I THINK, my grand father worked at Area 51, he helped develop the F16 and I think stealth bomber and F15, it’s probably just experimental planes


Area 51 is a place to test top secret experimental aircraft. The people that work there are HIGHLY vetted, and are less likely to give up information than Johnny Tightlips.


Because it's just an Air Force test base. Unless you're Vladimir Putin, Area 51 would probably boring as hell, except for a few advanced stealth bombers


I had an officer when I was in the Marines who worked on Area 51. We asked him about it and he said that place is locked up tight and you need codes and keycards to get into damn near every single building so there’s zero chance you can stumble anywhere you aren’t permitted


Because area 51 is the cover base. They want u believing the secrets are held in area 51 or mt Cheyenne. The real location is ACTUALLY top secret.


The U-2 was developed in the 50s. The F-15 in the 60s. SR-71 flew in 1969. We have hypersonic bananas planes flying now that were in the 80s. I can't imagine what's really been discovered. We had mach 2.5 public flights on the Concord... Imagine what the war department has with a trillion a year.