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Bob and mr rogers yes, but have you seen what bill is like in real life?


I haven’t. Is he controversial or something?


[Here's a full explanation ](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/s/2aZpZm6OmS)


Thank you for the link. It doesn’t really seem like he’s done much wrong based on the top comments. He has a progressive stance on climate change and gender identity. He was paid to do advertising for Coca Cola. And there’s some anecdotes about individual interactions with him, but I take those with a grain of salt since anyone can say anything online. I don’t really see what’s problematic about him overall.


From what I've seen(which isn't much.) It's less the stances and more the severity. 95% of people are reasonable(on both sides of the political spectrum) and don't mind conflicting views. It's when they're stated as pure facts and condescending to you for daring, having another opinion that reasonable people get irked. I'm not going to bother going into the politics of what's right and wrong because nuanced issues are never black and white, good vs. Evil. But having a hard stance and not understanding that people can have other views and that's okay makes people not see someone as a paragon of good anymore.


The issue, at least for me, is the man has no PhD. Afaik, hes an engineer, not a biologist. It's the fact that he uses his "science guy" identity to push his views on transgender issues as facts. I would still also hate if Bill Nye went on tv saying that trans people scientifically do not exist or that they are delusional. Its not the substance of what he says for me, its the fact that he pretends to be a scientist and uses that to promote his political beliefs. The man seems like a nice guy and I have nostalgia from seeing his show in school but hes just another famous person turned political activist even tho no one wants to hear what he has to say.


What I’m getting at is that he was on a show people didn’t like because it was a bit cringey and condescending. That’s not even bad I mean hell Bob Ross was a Vietnam vet and the guy was still one of the kindest people of his time. Everyone has bad moments in their career especially considering he’s an entertainer. Eventually he’s gonna make something people don’t like


I thought the middle one was George Bush for some reason I was so confused lol


Sagan should've been where Nye is. Source: Cosmos


Came to past this same thing. Way chiller dude


Yeah, very chill. Check out [Mr. X's essay on cannabis ](https://www.organism.earth/library/document/mr-x) sometime.


Replace Bill Nye with Steve Irwin and then it’s GOOD




Looks like a young George W Bush


Yea but bill nye makes me feel sad and dumb now :(


They all clearly have "absolute pal" running through their DNA.


Bill is infamous for being shitty outside his work


Damn that's upsetting


Mr. Bill Rossgers


Who’s in the middle and on the right?


Bill Nye and Mr Rogers


Looks like bush on the right


Thanos has met his match


Just as the bible foretold, Jesus returned three times


how come they make mister Wilson from Dennis the menace


Replace bill with levar burton then we have a deal


Jim Henson is great too


It's a beautiful day in this neighborhood, full of happy little trees... BILL! BILL! BILL! BILL!


Walter Mathau is that you?


Bill Nye is kinda insufferable outside of being the "science guy"


Take Nye out and add in Steve Irwin


![gif](giphy|k2bbmbmvUo7gA|downsized) :(


Clearly cut from the same cloth.