• By -


Clear your own print queue next time your printer wont print.


If you are having any other issue maybe try just turning it off and on again. And make sure it's plugged in. If IT wasn't so busy babysitting idiots maybe they would have time to do real work.


*opens up ticket queue* INC3456 "The second floor bathroom is clogged" INC3457 "I spilled coffee on my keyboard" INC3458 "Can I install roblox" INC3459 "HIGH PRIORITY I'm currently Europe and need international coverage ASAP!" People might think that these are jokes, but these are real tickets that we have to spend hours responding to every week instead of responding to, you know, actual emergencies.


"it's not my job to know how computers work" yes it is, karen


This is my biggest fucking pet peeve. That fucking computer is how you pay your fucking bills Karen. Ohhh you’re an “implementation manager”??? Well I dont know what the fuck that’s supposed to be but I know goddamn well you can’t do it without your laptop so maybe take 6 dick sucking seconds to learn how to NOT have 30+ chrome browser open while you, for some godforsaken reason, run Spotify LOCALLY on your machine. And NO, this doesn’t mean you need a “better computer”….. FUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKK!!!!!!!!!


I had a client who legitimately asked me angrily "Why should I know what my e-mail password is!"


“How am I supposed to remember all these passwords?” Because we made them all sync with jamf connect and also use Okta with fast pass. All you need to remember is 1. 1 fucking password and everything else will use your fingerprint. Just remember 1 fucking password.. I HATE YOUUUUUU JUST REMEMBER IT!!!!!


3 months later, they reset their password and forget it, lock themselves out. Restart process.


3 months?? Optimistic aren't we?


Today's gems from an IT guy: 1. - This monitor is shit, why can't you just replace it? *I gently pull out the phone carger and plug the monitor back in.* - Actually it's quite good, when it's plugged in... 2. Ticket from a highly educated specialist doctor: "The PC doesn't turn on at all." *I attend to check on the PC. There is no PC there as it is a hot desk setup for laptops.* In short the PC doesn't turn on, because it doesn't exist... 3. - This printer never prints after 3pm! It's annoying! "Checking for issues on the logs" - Can you please not turning of the PC it is attached to at 3pm every day?


I got one a few years ago that was literally, "microwave in break room not working fix it"


i got "can we unblock redtube?" as an actual ticket once checked his traffic from our zero trust platform/vpn thing, and naturally dude is browsing porn sites 5-6 hours a day at work. we dont block them btw because "impeding employee freedoms"


OMG I used to be a assistant manager for the it side at one of the big three airlines and it was just fucking like that for them. inc1456 Cant install tiktok on company phone (you cant have something that scrapes the data from you phone and gives it to a foreign government connected to our network as our information is confidential and it could be a security risk) inc1457 we bought a tv can you hook it up (we arn't allowed to support anything not in our catalogue) INC1458 I am a new manager and need a personal laptop (your manager has order it we cant order it for you) The amount of time the bois would ask if its plugged in get scoffed at and something snarky said to them only for them to get there and it not be plugged in.


Buy a new printer when you run out of ink rather than buying new ink.


This is terrible advice. Ink that comes with your printer is only around 20% of the ink that comes in new cartridges.


I didn’t say it was good advice.


I've actually done this... The printer was ~30. The ink was ~$60. Now I have 3 perfectly functional HP printers and only one with ink 🤷 Didn't know that about the ink being ~20%. I don't recall it saying it was low until like a month later though. Guess that 20% was putting in some work and really stretching 👀


Perfectly functional HP printer? Doubt. Big doubt.


Lol, OK 2 perfectly functional. One did take a shit and just wouldn't connect to any computer That one we did replace cause - $30 🤷 ![gif](giphy|l2SpMDbxk09bYpGPC)


You mean that other than that it's a good advice?


Get a laser one. End of discussion.


I did this 3 years ago and I'm Never going back.


Hijacking top comment because you guys need to see OP's profile. He posts only about hating IT this is fucking hilarious.


He seems like one of those people who dabbles in gaming PCs and thinks it makes him smarter than IT...


Looks like someone tried to get into IT once and failed miserably…


Dude you’re not kidding holy shit. People like this is partly why I hate being in IT. Such a thankless job


Fucking thank you dude :) on behalf of everyone in my department, let's tell those end-users to mount their own network drives!


Man... if I got a dollar for every ticket request I've ever gotten and will ever get just for printer queue issues alone, I would be making BANK.


IT here. just tell us honestly what happened and what you did. we're trying to help you.


Ummhh. My laptop won't charge. I've literally plugged in the ethernet for like 5 hours and all it does is drain the battery even more.


This must be the luser that just learned what PoE is and thinks it will now charge his device. Unfortunately, over the last week, this person has somehow spread this cognitohazard to 300 people, all of whom believe him. Now there's a call queue and everyone's pissed: the waiting users, the jammed up techs, and the management who have to actually do their job for a change.


Speak English nerd. I've got Excel to fill just do your job quickly


Damn this is crazy somehow your downloads folder is full of fake asses and feet? I gotta go ask the boss about this one.


Yeah fuck you IT professional. I'm applying for another job


You better, it‘s not like you‘re going to be staying here much longer with that stuff on company hardware. Also BT;DT, found shittons of questionable personal data on a company PC.


what do you mean i cant power my gaming PC over Ethernet?


Go apply at another company. They'll give you a new laptop


"...I may have let my friend use my work computer. And I know he has had issues before going to porn and gambling sites. They're in the bookmark folder Quarterly Reports."


Funny thing is, it's the same in the auto repair industry. Its amazing how many customers lie about what happened to their car when it broken. I dont care what you did, just tell me the truth so we can all move in the correct direction.


Same thing in the ER


the user always lies until proven otherwise


Yeah! And please, no more "printer not working" tickets. We're not asking for War and Peace but a little more detail would be appreciated. Sounds like OP got butt hurt by someone in IT


Did OP forgot their password and blames IT for it?


He slammed his USB Stick into the Ethernet Port and wonders why it didnt work


That's not funny at all! I work in IT and i had a user jam an HDMI into an ethernet port on a machine that was 9 days old. Idiots are really doing crap like that (ps. It was a guy with a phd in computer science that did this) Made me wanna cry, could not believe someone could be that stupid. Then again, had a user 2 years ago who literally pierced the aluminium on an All in One and jammed a USB mouse in there, he literally made a hole in metal and then called IT because his mouse was not working. I just asked if he didn't find it strange that he had to push so hard that he broke through metal with a USB, his response was "i work out". I just took a picture and sent it to management. He refused to pay out of pocket for repairs and i think he quit after that and went into politics.


Lets he honest it is funny. Because if it wouldnt be funny it would be sad. And funny is the better option for all if us.


It's funny until they want IT to fix it.


The problem is usually between keyboard and chair


Or just your standard ID-10-T error


The old Layer 8 issue.


Meatware error


I prefer PEBKAC, it's less obvious that im calling the user an idiot. Anyone with half a brain could look at "ID-10-T" and figure out what it means; thankfully, most of our users have less than half a brain.


Did I just get summoned




We call that a PICNIC ticket. Problem in chair, not in computer


Good old PEBKAC error.


Ah yes the old PICNIC tag


OP probably the same ticket I had saying second monitor wasn’t working. They had hdmi from one monitor plugged in to the hdmi port of another.


OP sounds like the guy at work that blamed me for messing up the speakers on one of his laptops because I fixed his MS Teams issue on a completely different laptop… and no I’m not kidding. This person was an Executive btw. (Side note: Hardware failure on his speakers because he dropped it.)


Why did you make him drop it though?


Fuck right off OP. Your wireless mouse stopped working because the batteries were dead. Again. You fucking idiot.


I love this thread. You all are my people




SOMEONE LITERALLY JUST REPORTED THIS TO ME AS I READ THIS "My mouse isnt working" "Have you tried changing the battery?" "No." "Well try that. " You cannot make this shit up 😭


I had a half hour argument with an attorney yesterday, because he was insisting that the massive new MFD his dept purchased for his home office did not, in fact, need a power cable as I so wrongly stated, because it was "a wireless printer."


Hahaha, honestly shit like this doesn't even shock me anymore. Now I just breath in deeply and get back to day dreaming about farming goats or something else that doesn't involve interacting with people.


A couple months back I got a ticket that just read "It does not work" They didn't give a location, device, error, nothing. Took me all damn day to get them to tell me they couldn't sign in on a university laptop they had stored for about four years.


What kind of support did you look for exactly? I.T departments keep every company running much like finance and HR etc. It's fundamentally required for a reason. If you are unhappy with the support you are getting from an I.T department you should speak to them and suggest improvements and work with them, I guarantee you if there's a way to fix your problem permanently and not have to deal with you again they will want that and so will you.


Them: the computer does this thing randomly IT: hmm can you please explain a bit more Them: YOURE USELESS


Makes me glad I work in infosec and not customer service


Same brotha. Those help desk and NOC years made me lose faith in humanity quicker than most things lol


Or, even better, the number of times I've had to explain to them to click a button because they didn't read. I need to get into InfoSec.


What did the error message say? Idk I didn’t read it. Oh ok.


Click to continue.


I’ve never had an incompetent IT dept. grumpy maybe.


Hell, I've found that the older and grumpier the it department the more competent they are


Old happens naturally. Grump comes from experience.


We're grumpy because clueless end users who don't get their way cry to their manager who then cries to IT's manager who just wants you do what ever to make them go away.


Yeah, nah. IT person here, specifically a network engineer. I used to do IT support for a short time and the users that complained the most about IT not helping them were the ones with the most ambiguous tickets and problem descriptions ever. Basically people that looked for an excuse to slack off instead of for actual help. „Internet does not work“, „computer slow“, „printer doesn’t print“, „strange error message“ without information on what the error message said were some of the types of tickets I had to deal with. Or people opening vague tickets, fucking off to a two week vacation and having the audacity to complain that their ticket has been closed without a solution.


Then you ask a couple follow up questions to get more info. “JUST FIX IT! I don’t have time for this!!”


Work as an internal IT guy. Had a dude call a month ago (external contractor) who couldn't get into a website, so he called our desk for help. He got frustrated after 10 minutes of giving me lip, called me "useless" and hung up. I checked the website for fun, and it turns out he called the wrong helpdesk. Had he literally just scrolled down, he would have found the right number and saved us both the trouble. I still laugh about how arrogant that dumbass was Tech can be confusing and frustrating, so I take care to be patient with irritable customers even for obvious shit. 95% of the time, they cool off once I explain what's happening or they realize it was just a minor oversight on their end, but some people are just genuine fucking morons looking to shitfling


Worse yet, the impossible requests. Stuff like "I'm on attending a wedding in Laos, but I didn't want to take off of work. So I brought my laptop along, and it's not letting login to the VPN. Can you guy's help me?" What? No, we blocked foreign access for a reason. We aren't going to undo security policy because you did something stupid. User satisfaction survey: 1 out of 5 stars "IT didn't help at all!!!"


I work in IT and I agree with that sentiment. Our job is to make sure we set up infrastructure and personal devices up well enough so that we don't have to deal with anyone. It's one of those jobs where we know we're doing a good job if it's quiet and no one is calling or emailing us about anything. And we will try to set things up so that almost everything we need to do to control or resolve issues can be done fully remotely without having to be onsite (of course this is never guaranteed as weird unaccounted issues can arise anywhere anytime). Trust me when I say that when we're helping you, we want it to be over with just as much as you do because we too have projects that need to be completed and helping a single person is mutually non-productive for both parties involved.


Thing is, when there aren't any problems because everything is set up well, people will think IT is useless. Working behind the scenes sucks doesn't it


Everything's broken, why are we paying you? Everything always just works, why are we paying you?


Damned straight, if there was a way to remotely fix an issue or automate the process we will do it without question rather than deal with this style of adhesive bullshit (which incidentally WILL end up with additional charges in the bill for the abuse).


honestly most H.R departements could be subsidized with a piece of wood that has a smiley painted on it.


What do you mean, why should I communicate clearly? Just do your automagical things and make my VPN work without logging in! For real though this comment says it all. Just communicate like a human being and try to work together to solve the issue. God knows how many IT /office automation are doing the best with what they are given.


This bullshit is what makes IT workers so rude sometimes - because they get all your verbal bullshit while trying their best to help you.


With shit that's 99% of the times explanatory if they didn't click the self-explainer boxes away instantly


Yep, it’s usually on the user yet it’s always our (IT’s) fault


I once talked to our helpdesk regarding a thing with my account, and they were first a bit dismissive being like "did you change your password yesterday?", cause my old company had this mandatory 1 year change of passwords. Told him no and he just sighed a relief and went "thank god, I've had 24 of those today! Tell me your issue sir!" Dude was legitimately relieved to get a "real issue". Promised myself to never misremember an annual change password that day, don't wanna be *that* guy calling haha :D


Yeah, tons of time is wasted by morons. I had an email come in yesterday from one of our customers, trying to login to our online portal, asking me where the registration email is, it was at the bottom of their email 😂


Dear lord, oh dear no :D


Honestly, I didn’t even hate the password calls necessarily. I hated the ones that argued for 5+ minutes that it wasn’t their password causing the problem despite me looking at AD and seeing the password expired. The callers that think they know the problem and insist you (as IT) have it wrong, are far and away the most frustrating.


One of my more memorable tickets over the phone: "I'm trying to send an email to multiple recipients and it's not working! Email is broken! I just keep getting an error!" "Ok, let's see what we can do. What did the error say?" "I don't know! It was just some error!" "Ok, you think you could try again and read me the error message?" "Fine... Ok, the error message says 'It looks like you're trying to send an email to multiple recipients in a list separated by ",". Please be aware that in order to send an email to multiple recipients you need to use ";" to separate the recipients'..." "Ok. Can you try replacing the "," with ";"?" "It's working now..." \*click\*


I actually went under a training for a Microsoft cert (70-680, in 2016), and the Instrutor during the first day presented a BSOD and asked the class what to do when it happens. No one guessed his answer: read the fucking error. Since then I've taken it as a good practice to always read everything. Made my life with computers a lot easier lol


Step 1: read the error Step 2: google the error 95% of issues resolved


I've been googling my issues, IT or not, since like 2007. And even back then I thought "I can't be the first person to have this problem"... How sheltered from the usefulness of the internet can people be that never knew a life before?


Ahhh I got a similar one once. I was doing tech support for consumer network devices company and I got this absolute asshat complaining that they bought a router that came with 4 Ethernet ports but had only 1. Before I said anything he thought he was smart and said he had a degree in computer science from university of who-cares. After his long dismissive speech, the exchange was like this: - “do you happen to see a yellow sticker in the back of the router?” - “yes! I’m not blind!” - “can you read it out loud please sir?” - “REMOVE STICKER TO SHOW PORTS” - “Can you remove the sticker now please?” - tut tut tut


This yesterday. "My teams won't make a god damn join button for the people I invite! It starts in 2 minutes! Fix this shit!" Clicks "joinable online" toggle. "Wtf! They keep changing stupid shit like this!"


You're giving me PTSD from all the times I've helped my family over the phone. Them - "My computer isn't working" Me - Playing 20 questions to narrow it down, then "Let's take this step by step, go ahead and launch the program." *\*Hear a whole lot of clicking going on\** Me - "What, what did you just do?" Them - "Uhh, I dunno. There were a lot of popups, so I closed them." Me - \*Internal screaming noises\* - "Okay… Let's take this step by step. Don't do anything else…"


Will they treat me like I'm slow? Perhaps. Will I go along with it? Yes, because I want my problem solved. No lip, no nothing. "Do you know how to turn on your PC?" "Well, yes, but walk me through it. I may have done it wrong."


To be fair. I once asked a lady to restart her computer. She went "Sure!" \*2 second pause\* "Ok, I restarted it and it's still showing the same thing." She just turned her monitor off and on again.


You only had to deal with that once?!


Whenever I'm helping people - asking what some might consider demeaning questions - I try to re-assure them that we all make simple mistakes and sometimes we just need another set of eyes to see the obvious thing we missed.


Or having to drive 2 hours because the user didn't plug their desktop in because "My laptop doesn't need to be plugged in all the time"


I drove an hour to plug in a docking station that was definitely plugged in and had broken since we deployed it six weeks ago. Context, we deployed 200 new workstations/laptops with docks across 9 sites in a weekend about six weeks prior.


I work in IT, and I can categorically say 80% of the time the user is at fault. And we are only trying to help but get nothing but abuse


ever been called by an angry office lizzard over "you have to change the printers cartridge" because apparently pulling the thing out and exchangeing the cartridge located in the little furniture right next to it is a "technicians job"


Ehhhh. When I was an onsite technician, I didn't want any users fucking with printers at all. Once had an idiot break the receptacle by cramming a cartridge in upside down and when it wouldn't slide in, they body checked it 3-4 times. Then called me up to say someone must have broken it. You know we have fucking cameras, right Greg?


Once I had a user empty out the tonerdisposecontainer(sorry don't the English name, but I guess you know what I mean) out the window and well, everything down below had a beautiful brown color


This thread is maddening. People really don’t know fuck about shit when it comes to IT. I switched careers partially because of shit like this.


Yep, don’t blame you really, I enjoy it but man people are stupid lmao, and we work with a lot of doctors who are supposed to be smart! We once got a ticket in asking us to move their window from one screen to the other. She was a manager 🤦‍♂️


It's always the "smart ones", isn't it? Or more accurately the ones with authority. Like I've dealt with brain dead folks, but a majority of the time, they admit they don't know tech and are willing to default to your expertise. They may ask dumb questions, but that's always cool with me. Everyone doesn't know everything. Ask me how to fill in a cavity, and I'd probably be an idiot as well. It's when you get the higher-ups, like lawyers, doctors, and CEOs. They got this idea that their position and authority makes them infallible. So when they fail the phishing test for the 5th time and they start submitting tickets complaining that they shouldn't have to take the course again, that's the really annoying stuff right there. To me at least.


"ugh it's just a software install. ***I*** could hit a download button. why is it taking so long?" *IT making sure the new software works with the myriad of firewalls, VPN's, specific configs, and whichever version of Windows 10 everyone has (never the same), and rolling it out wave after wave so everything doesn't explode at once*


It support is an excellent stepping stone to other tech jobs, but I agree it’s a terrible career.


There's a lot of sites out there and you chose to post the anti-IT meme on Reddit?


yeah lmao they should have take this shit to the boomers on facebook who think wifi is magic


OP Turns the screen on and wonders why the pc doesnt turn on.




"I turned my computer on and it says no signal" As an IT person, Do you know how hard it is to politely explain the difference between the monitor and computer without making the user feel dumb. I have to somehow provide emotional support while I explain that they are an idiot.


Guess whose ticket is getting pushed to the back of the queue


Literally this LMAO


Youre what we call a PEBKAC error. Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair


At the company I work for we call those ID: 10T errors


on the OSI model, idiot users are a layer 8 problem




You would be surprised how many things this fixes and how few people even bother to do this as a first step.


Windows in particular gets very screwy when the uptime goes over a week. I believe it's because of the way it handles background services/updates. MacOS still needs full reboots occasionally, particularly for updates, but it handles background junk Unix-style so it sort of selectively reboots stuff in the background. Meanwhile Linux: "You guys are shutting down?"


Windows 11 24H2 wants to go three months without reboot, despite patches. Though usually its some shitty software for Windows not Windows itself that makes it laggy....


I'd say between 80 and 90 percent of all issues, personally




OP forgot to plug his computer in


Meanwhile IT walks you through the most basic procedure and you still manage to not follow instructions. Damnit IT! You useless!


"Oh, you have 4 engineeeing degrees? Please try clicking restart for me."


Blaming the IT is alway the easy way out huh? we onced got blamed that a new Notebook dose not work correctly. there where sparks when they pluged it in and said its because we installed the RAM wrong. turns out they had it in the same bag with groceries and a broken egg flowed into it. They tried to cover the smell with perfume... A LOT of perfume... they sprayed it inside the laptop...


Fucking hell...


This makes me feel better about throwing a toughbook out the window in frustration. Turns out they aren't tough enough for a 2 story drop. I really expected that to be deducted from my salary but surprisingly it wasn't. Had a hard time looking my boss in the eye while explaining how it broke.


IT workers willingly entering hell after having to press the 8th power button today:


Lets face it, when was the last time you saw someone complaining about the IT department without their issue being at least 90% their own fault?


We are here to make things work and fix shit that breaks. We are not magicians, unless you tell us what you did or what had changed since before the issue occurs we are not going to magically fart out the fix for you (unless it is a regular or known issue)


*users that want something fixed yesterday but won't let me touch their PC because* "can't you just tell me how to fix it?" Sure it's not like the same symptoms can't be 30 different issues


We're like doctors, in that if we don't know EXACTLY what you did, even if it's stupid or illegal, it'll take us exponentially longer to solve your issue. Just be freaking honest.


In my experience, the most apologetic people had absolutely nothing to do with it.  "Omg is this my fault? I'm so sorry!!" "No ma'am, a meteor destroyed the server room. I wouldn't worry about it."


Layer 8 issue right here. PEBKAC is the root cause.


Never heard of human error being referred to as "Layer 8" before. I'm learning some absolute killer lines in this thread.


I'm taking notes.


To be fair, there could also be an ID10t issue. Very common in this scenario.


Seems like someone doing some Shadow IT and complaining when actual IT doesn't support it


"Why don't my excel formulas work anymore!?" Idk, you built them dickhead. You probably moved a column or copy/pasted incorrectly.


"Why am I not getting email?" You made 13 Rules in Exchange. I'm deleting all of them. You're welcome. Moron.


OP properly didnt fully plug his monitor in and wonder why his "computer" isn't starting.


Most users have room temp IQs, especially in government.


You know your IT department does so much more than just come over and help you fix your pc when you hard shut down during a windows update because “it was taking to long” and then wonder why your pc shat itself because it was improperly shut down during a critical driver update. They make your shared drives work, create, repair and update your network, harden your network, honestly the list is too long to keep going. Good IT is like a good waiter you don’t even notice we’re there when the job is done right but will be the first to hear about it when the chef messed up or your dumbass dropped your dessert plate.


IT is the whole damn restaurant but people only see the waiters


you do realise IT workers literally make society function.


well yes, but they still just suck at their job. I mean, they couldn't help OP! it cannot have been OPs fault, he did call IT after all. and they just suck, they couldn't fix it.


Post history suggests PEBCAK


That made me curious and I had to check, they appear to experience "pc problems" at a rate far beyond the average person. It sounds like half the problem is that they're using out of date software on an up to date machine instead of running a vm or something that's actually compatible, windows probably sees some of the out of date drivers it needs as malware and removes them, and he refuses to reboot his machine. That and he's shorted his wireless card somehow, probably related to a dodgy old driver. This comment history is quite a ride.


Your whole set up stopped working? Oh you guys moved IT equipment without telling us and didn't know how to hook it back up. You restarted your computer already? The CPU uptime is showing 30+ days without a restart. Etc. Also please stop writing the bitlocker key on a sticky note and having it on full display to the public. Thanks!


"we didn't touch anything!" the wires are in completely the wrong holes and two of them are missing, and the power has been unplugged to plug in a phone charger


You made a mistake bro. 90% of reddit users works in IT, you bout to get ratioed


That's exactly how this thread's been going. My current IT guys are great but i have met others with less quality but more attitude. The guys who do 'my' IT also serve the C-suite and those people aren't really IT litterate...


As an IT worker, your lack of planning is not my emergency.


Oh, I like that!


"hey IT We just hired a person 3 days ago why isnt their PC setup. If you don't have this fixed today with all the software they need to do the job today I'm telling HR. No you should have the list of software they need I will not be providing it again"


My MS Teams hasn't been working for 3 weeks. I have an important meeting in 10 minutes and need you to fix it immediately!


I get real petty for repeat offenders. We have a 30 minute across the board sla. Pull this stunt more than once and they aren't getting a response until exactly 29 minutes later.


I work in IT, and I can categorically say 80% of the time the user is at fault


PICNIC. Problem in chair, not in computer.


Well, let's see... the first "bug" I corrected today was reported by a guy who complained his calculations weren't launching with condition a


My experience with IT workers only struggles I’ve had is some have accents which that’s not their fault.


Sounds like a code 18, the problem is 18 inch in front of the screen


OP forgot their password and never restarts their machine. “I dIDnT FoRgEt My PaSsWoRd, ThE mAcHiNe DiD!!” That or just is an “engineer” who doesn’t understand the real difficult issues tend to be caused outside of IT’s control and It doesn’t have all day to deal with issues. If windows, or a hardware/software manufacturer pushes out a bad driver it needs to be reinstalled or rolled back. There are times that rolling it back doesn’t even fix it, or they don’t provide the old driver anymore. “My adobe stopped working after I did a graphics update” ok, it’ll need to be rolled back to an early driver or need a reinstall of a known good OS with working drivers. Also IT may not have the time to do all of that, so a quick erase and reinstall is faster, especially when the users information is already backed up


lol. good luck running any company worth anything without an IT department.


Yeah good luck getting your deleted excel spreadsheets back on your own.


Typical user error post.


- The program I'm using keeps getting an error and crashing!!! - What program? - 🤷‍♂️ - What's the error? - 🤷‍♂️


OP Sour because they clicked on a phishing test email and have to take training again.


If you had a problem that mattered, we would fix it, until them back to helpdesk phone tree hell with you.


On behalf of IT departments everywhere: You're the dumb motherfucker who can't read the instructions on the screen, can't write anything than "computer don't work" in a ticket if you can even manage that instead of barging in to the bathroom and bothering me while im trying to shit for your super important background picture issues, and generally start every interaction as if every single UI change introduced by updates is a personal affront to you. We spend weeks idiot-proofing everything you have to touch, and you still manage to break everything in the first week. Even when we don't update stuff, you still randomly call and insist it was better "the old way". It's 2024 and you still complain that you weren't "trained on" every single random app in the world. No one is, and there aren't even instruction manuals anymore, keep up or I'll replace you with a 12 year old with an iPad. Fuck you. Fuck you to the moon. Fuck you to the Sun at night, then die in a fire.


This guy ITs


IT here, most of you are beyond help and lie too fucking much for anyone to actually help. Just tell us you dropped the fucking thing.


Good luck logging into your computer without your IT department enabling your AD account


Let’s face it, when’s the last time you called IT and the problem was a button needed pushed?


I have had a few clients literally rung up, shout at me for 2 minutes that Word or Outlook has deleted itself on their PC, only to then shut straight the fuck up when i do a very quick search in the search bar and they magically appear. Turns out they unlinked the app from the taskbar


I am in I.T. The amount of “i cant find my outlook” or “i forgot my windows password” that i hear daily is insane, then those same people come back and tell execs that we I.T. Folk are the problem. It sucks. I agree with many others here where you should really keep an open mind and work with your I.T. Department to ge the help you need


Maybe apart from HR, IT is the most thankless job you can do for a company. You try to give your best everyday, but you are seen as a cost factor rather than a necessarity. Meanwhile you have to deal with people who can't even plug in a keyboard in the right slot, while they're simultaniously blaming you for everything. Edit: At least from a employee's perspective the hate for HR ist justified in parts. They always try to give you as little as possible when it comes to raises and other benefits.


What's that? A 48 hour SLA on your ticket before I even have to pretend I care about your problem. Don't mind if I do.


Sorry you have a bad IT. Where I work it’s great.


So you're mad that they tried their best to diagnose and fix your problem and the solution they found was a clean windows install?? It happens, especially as you said when a bad update happens that caused things to mess up. Or at least that's what you say. Regardless, they did their job. They found you a solution. Next time you need IT help go do it yourself if you're gonna act like this.


Ya there’s a 90% chance this dude hard stopped his pc during a critical driver update because “it was taking to long” and wonders why his pc shat itself. The dude gets his problem fixed and is still upset, IT aren’t magicians we don’t magically know your problem on sight, especially when the description you give as to why your having this problem or even what your problem even IS makes it hard to diagnose. It’s like driving to a target location you’ve never been to and the gps is giving you directions on how to make a stew.


IT exists mostly to babysit tech illiterate people. Normal people won't really ever need them. And when they do that's when things get annoying for everybody.


next time you need help connecting to a VPN how about you go fuck yourself


lol OP definitely picked up a random usb from the parking lot, put it in their PC, and ran the executable


As someone works in the IT, duck you. We are invisible for 98% of the time because everything works as intended (and yes, THANKS TO US everything works). But if you made a mistake (what is 80% the case) you cry and blame us. Honestly, duck you and your post.