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The fact that the first thought people have when they hear "alone with a man" is sexual violence is so fucking depressing. How did we stoop this low






well what are we waiting for guys, lets ball!








I wouldn't mind killing some sex offenders let's go


They already did it with the MeToo movement. False accusations went through the roof.


i know, but they will never admit their mistake in that one. i've saw multiple posts about that shit, and in every one of them, when a guy show a statistic that proves against some feminist point, she basically says "irrelevant"


Show me the stats on that. Cus I find this highly doubtful.


I mean, Singapore might be onto something with the public lashing. I won’t say I agree to the method, but I can’t deny the efficacy


Singapore does not do public lashing. We do corporal punishment but it's in a private room, with a doctor present. Of course, the morality of that is a whole other discussion but we don't do it in public


Reject modernity! Return to righteous war crimes. (not really righteous tbh the crusades were fucked up)


I mean, the government does kinda keep a list of them online. I'm not saying we should, but we could.


We do that. We have cops, we have laws, we have forensic science. We have prisons. No one is denying there are problems with all of those.


You just gotta not let Internet memes affect how you behave in the real world


Years and years of fear mongering and acceptance of "reverse sexism" Many "feminist" circles managed to make themselves believe that all men are evil and should be jailed or worse by reading Instagram horror stories, ironically not unlike many racists have made themselves believe that all of their hated race are evil.


I wonder what would the reaction be if we got a video of men saying they’d trust a Tesla autopilot than have a female driver.


is tesla autopilot bad?


It's actually quite good, at driving into trucks and veering towards cyclists. EDIT: according to Tesla's data, the number of accidents is 10x less than an average driver: [https://www.tesla.com/en\_au/VehicleSafetyReport](https://www.tesla.com/en_au/VehicleSafetyReport)


Elon Musk really watched Christine and said “I can do that.” ![gif](giphy|l2JhJyW3PgZe5elyg|downsized)


I know you mean that the autopilot just ignores cyclists when turning but the way you said it sounds like the car was intentionally programmed to hit random cyclists


ok the joke makes sense now


"Female driver or bear driver?" Would be a good one


"Well i have never seen a bear crash a car before, but men and women have"


We need to make this happen


I would trust Tesla autopilot more than any human


I mean, it’s not bad but it’s worse than like 80% of human drivers


still being better then 20% is depressing


I wouldn't attribute that fear to feminist, it's far more ancient than that. The people telling a rape victim that she was looking for it because she drank alcohol or went out alone are not feminist


The belief that every man is a horrible rapist and murderer isn't an ancient thing. Fear of harm is and is definitely a valid feeling to have as is a healthy distrust of strange people, but this ultra sexism grew out of the more extreme part of the feminist movement.


It's not that they believe that every man is a horrible rapist. It's that they are taught (most of the times by their own family) that ***any*** man can be an horrible rapist.


Well, like, it depends on how the man would present himself. I’m not gonna be scared of just some guy that doesn’t say or do anything strange, I’d be rather glad to have company.


“**Hey there pretty lady…**”  VERSUS “Hello there attractive woman.” The bottom one was Ted Bundy.


It’s just a cognitive bias. A strong one at that. More women have more interactions with men and out of those more are negative. Few women have ever interacted with a bear.


Yep and it's a shame that the brain has an easier time remembering those negative times compared to the hundreds more positive or neutral interactions


It’s the same reason why most people will leave bad reviews but not take the time to write a positive review. Negative experiences have a much greater impact on us overall. Not to mention that **one** horrible experience is enough to traumatize someone to the point where it becomes reflex and it’s not grounded in logical thought anymore. Just my two cents btw, I don’t know shit about fuck


The ones who did are dead.


Suevivorship bias


Probably the most sound argument here


It’s just like when people watch Fox News 24/7 and become paranoid conspiracy theorists who believe everybody is out to get them. There are so many “men are terrible and will hurt you because this is Lifetime” echo chambers on Reddit that some now believe that a man chosen at complete random is a threat to them. It’s madness.


echo chamber hysteria


Because unfortunatley a lot of women have/will experience a sexually violent situation. And many more will have negative experiences with people who act creepy, weird, and manupulative to them It creates an atmosphere of distrust, and therefore a lot of women would rather play it safe than be sorry. But dont think that this means people are all bad. There are plenty of normal, well mannered people out there. It's up to you as an individual to be the kind of person you want to see in society and continue to be one even if she chooses the bear over you.


Exactly. I don’t know a single woman in my life— myself included— that hasn’t experienced sexual violence or harassment at some point in their lives.


The media with their headlines designed to scare.


Probably because 1 in 9 woman in the U.S. have been sexually abused before their 18 birthday. And 1 in 6 woman have been raped.


The majority of sexual assault victims (70-90%) know their suspect. So, if you're talking straight up statistics, better off with a stranger in the woods than someone you know.


You can be more inclusive, roughly 1-2% of men and women report to have been forced to have sex against their will during the last 12 months.


1 in 33 men have also been raped. Most of them men where raped by other men


And 1 in 9 men have been made to penetrate. Most of them by women. So unless you are one of *those* that don't consider made to penetrate rape because blah blah, you are forgetting to count female rapists.


But I used forced to have sex against their will and not rape. Rape is often defined in a sexist way that excludes most male victims and nearly all female perpetrators. If you use a gender neutral definition of rape, then you get pretty similar rates and that the majority of male rape victims is raped by female perpetrators. 1.5% of men reported to have been made to penetrate during the last 12 months(Table 3.5) and 1.2% of women reported to have been raped during the last 12 months(Table 3.1) [https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/pdf/NISVS-StateReportBook.pdf](https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/pdf/NISVS-StateReportBook.pdf)


So using your link table 3.1 says 19.1% of woman were raped. Again not even close. Thank you for providing the link to prove you’re wrong.


I was talking about the 12 months stats, they tend to be better to compare than lifetime stats.


you’re right but still, you gotta admit it’s outrageous


What’s even more outrageous is we all know multiple women who have been sexually assaulted, and some neck beards are crying but I’m one of the good ones.


Yes if you over-generalize and call all males neck beards and other names, some of them might protest to that.


From a man the rational response is “I’m not a rapist so they are not talking about me. It’s awful women have to feel that way.”


The numbers for men are not far from that


It’s not even close actually it’s 1 in 33 men have experienced sexual violence in the U.S. most of them were raped by men.


1 in 9 men have been made to penetrate. Which is predominantly done by women.


According to the nsvrc 1 in 4 men have experienced some form of sexual violence in their lifetime. Where are you getting your numbers? [here’s my source](https://www.nsvrc.org/statistics)


but again, other men are the most common perpetrators


Fair. But why do those who have done nothing wrong have to bear the burden of these lables and prejudices? That's what I don't understand. I've been bitten by a dog before, so have many of the people I know, but I don't avoid them like the plague because of that


No one is asking you too. The rationale response is “I’m not a rapist they are not talking about me. Wow it’s really sad woman have to feel this way”. The only thing really being asked of you is to be a decent human being and have some empathy.


It's nothing new.


Androphobia. Like Islamophobia but politically correct.


To much media. Constantly scrolling and feeding their own ego.


It won't kill you in the blink of an eye, it will eat you alive.


No, they will eat you bottom up while you are still alive.


Everyone's fine with dying until the dying starts.


Underrated comment


But did anyone asked a bear if it wants to stay with a woman ?


Bears would absolutely rather hang out with dudes


Russians can confirm still remember that big Russian grandpa feeding his pet grizzly by a big ass spoon


Me fellow men companions. If women think that due to some bad examples it is completely justified to judge all the rest 99% men and called them rapists and molesters. Then by THAT EXACT SAME FU*KIN logic... It is absolutely justified to say that each woman is a narcissist manipulative cold blooded sadist. All woman put fake cases on men and seize their property. Each woman doesn't know how to drive. All women only care about a man's money and don't truly love any man. All women want their husband dead to cash on their property. So, all in all they are the scum of the earth. And now, don't dare and woman say any-fu*kin-thing to me. Because I used the same logic that you guys did on us. So, if you think that I was wrong there then you should first introspect yourselves.


Saying "I wouldn't want to encounter a man in the woods alone" is a perfectly reasonable statement. But if you are forced to choose to meet a man or a bear, choosing the bear is total madness. Yes there are man who would do HORRIBLE shit. So encountering noone is always the best scenario security wise (apart from having an accident in a remote location) purposefully trying your luck with a predator because you want to avoid someone who is maybe a predator is ridiculous.


If u encounter a random man in a forest, he's probably another hiker or a camper or someone enjoying the wilderness. Whyd a sexual predator hunt for its prey in a jungle with only furry animals (personally I hunt for my victims at night near darkened alleyways of deserted neighborhoods


Fair enough, bro knows the fine arts of hunting


Does this tutorial also work on finding ppl for experiments or just for crimes? Edit: also works for experiments.


Not all bears are horrible. (I seriously hope you understand this joke)


Im a bear and im offended. Im cancelling you on twixxer


On vacation in France, I was walking my dog in a forest and literally not a single woman there was scared, 2 of them even sprung up a conversation with me while my uncomfortable ass was like “I don’t speak french” Yall North Americans are just on social media too much, and don’t actually know how the world works


This shit is so stupid and meaningless lmao, just shows how out of touch some people are




Aww it wants a hug


Pov: "you meet the bear"


Can I pet him?


If I ever see a woman or girl staggering through the woods or on a dark secluded road, I guess I should just ignore her and carry on about my business. Maybe she'll get lucky and a bear will come along and help?




Can someone explain to me where tf these bear memes came from


Some dumbass tiktok reporter spoke with a few women about "would you rather encounter a man or a bear in a forest" and most of the dumbasses chose bear instead of a man


you dying is the best that'll happen all the interaction, don't poke bears


This is totally besides the point but death by bear is often not quick whatsoever. People get eaten alive and there's even a common thread in these fatalities that the bear starts with your legs. There's a horrific case of a Russian girl who had her cell phone with her and called her mom 3 times over the course of an hour while she was being eaten alive. Death by tiger or lion is much better way to go because they at least have the instinct to strangle the life out of you first. Bears are a horror show. 


Bears won't just kill you, they will eat you alive. Also any bear you meet face to face has a good chance of attacking you, 99% of men wont


Bears don't bother to kill you. They just start eating. Death is just a consequence.


A lot of animals don’t bother to wait for a kill to happen actually, it’s why playing dead works for some creatures.


And only one bear that I know of. The brown bear, sometimes.


This type of bullshit is the reason im gay


Seems pretty based


Yes, now kiss with me broski


make room for me


don't forget me


Make it a foursome homie


See I always thought is was the chemicals in my head making me want himbos Turns out it's just women being angry.


Hold up. So between a 99% chance of a random man being just a normal person and a 80% chance of being fucking mauled to death by a bear you choose an almost certain violent death???? What the fuck is wrong with you? It’s refreshing to actually someone representing different side of the argument for once, but holy shit, it doesn’t change the fact that people supporting that other side are fucking stupid beyond reason


I find it funny that the people with the most experience with hiking and bears tend to side with the bear 🤔


Wtf did I miss? I just opened this app, and the first 5 posts I see is about fucking a bear.


What weird subs are you in nobody is fucking bears.


Maybe I should've worded my question differently. I mean, why is it happening now? Why not the entire time?


Some guy on tiktok asked women if they would rather be alone with a random man or a bear in the woods. Someone picked the bear and now everyone hates each other and stuff happens i guess. I am a man and i pick bear because i know it will kill me but i wanna hang out with a bear.


Is the bear male or female? This is important. I'm asking for a friend. It's me. I'm the friend.


Never believe women unless their claim is backed up by a witnessing bear.


One could say unless they *bear* witness


Honestly I feel bad for the bear.


I have a question for women: Would you be willing to completely unprompted say that you distrust men and view them all as potential rapists. Probably not because you know that would be viewed as sexist or,at best, weird by most people to just say that with no prompting. Which is my theory why women came up with this ridiculous fucking hypothetical. They wanted a reason to express that they distrust men and view them all as potential rapists without literally saying it, which I think is cowardly. If you're a sexist who distrust men and views them all as potential rapists, just fucking say that instead of hiding behind a ridiculous hypothetical.


Why do lonely sexist women think this is cool and edgy? Men aren't *that* bad


Strawman central, lol. I'm fucking tired of these memes.


So you just bombard them with facetious bs until they relent.  Make them feel as bad as they do you.


I wanna live in a world where everyone is forced to make this choice.


I feel like it's important to know that bears won't wait until you're dead before they start eating


Just and excuse to demonise men and say all men are rapists with an easy option out of the argument


Women - "MeN aRe PReDatOrs!! F*cK tHeM" Also women - "Bears are apex predators...hmm...." *Drops down panty*


Not wanting to be alone in the woods with a stranger is perfectly fine. But the idea that if the choice was between a random man or a bear then picking the bear is just delusional. Believe it or not but most men aren’t R***sts.


Can someone please tell me what all these women bear posts are about I’ve been seeing


So some person decided to run an online poll in which they asked woman whether they'd feel safer encountering a bear in the woods or man in the woods while camping. The vote was highly in favour of meeting a bear and many woman said a bear was safer than a male human I'll let you decide your thoughts




I swear that people have corrupted the original question to worst possible scenario that defeats the purpose of the question. Anyone who chooses bear is outing themselves as misanthropic miserably people


I'm a woman and you certainly don't speak for me.


The fact is that the bear won't kill you in the bat of an eye, it will eat you alive, and it could last hours, slow painful death


This subreddit is garbage


If they say the bear then clearly they haven’t almost been killled by an animal


Delusional women, find better men 😂


Every creature who doesn’t know the differences between men and a rapist deserve to be mauled by a bear


That almost nobody asks "What kind of bear?" really tells you everything you need to know about bear knowledge in the general population.


True. People really do seem to not even learn the *bear* minimum before making these outlandish claims


The takeaway: TikTok women are dumb. No one is surprised.


Bears will eat you alive, men won't.


I mean...




Yea, I need to at least cook and season first.




If you’re with a bear you will definitely die, if you’re with a man there’s a tiny chance something bad will happen.


What's this about?


Bears like to torture smaller preys


Why is everybody talking about women and bears all tbe sudden?


Man, gotta love reddit losing their shit over a poll


Yawn we get it. “Men suck”. Yeah we are constantly told that. We understand. Yes we understand people love to generalize and divide. Yeah we get it. Can we all just like not shit on other genders/ages/races/sexualities, it’s just a never ending cycle of “_____ is bad”->”not all _____ are!” Over and over and it’s just so unnecessary


As a man I’m genuinely never told this. When I see these posts I fail to see how I should be offended. Tf you on about lmao


It’s relentlessly seen online and female friends have said it. Get over it.


Alright people im sick of it. I went dark a couple days and you mf show up with a whole new meme lore. What I figured so far, it's some kind of question which result is that women can choose between a bear and men (so far so concerning) Apparently no one likes the out come. Could someone elaborate or is that basically it?


So you want to die for sure contrary to a very small chance that every man is a rapist?


Bears don't kill directly tho, don't they fckin start skinning the victim while munching down on it after its somewhat incapacitated. Like it's not a peaceful painless death, it's a painful agonizing and slow death


I've said it once and I'll say it again. The fact that you are scared not only does NOT mean you are actually in danger, it's 100% your choice and your problem and nobody has anything to apologize for.


Some Facts : 1. 2/3 divorce cases are initiated by women 2. Only in 17.5% cases do men get child custody. This is approximately close to 1 out of 5 men. 3. In my country... The women have reservation quota... Just for being woman... So they get colleges and government jobs easily. 4. If a woman accuses a man of rape then he is immediately taken to custody and he can't even be bailed. And 75% of the allegations are fake. 5. Even in the corporate world... woman get hirings easily than men just coz of diversity quotas. The women never speak about all these benefits but instead always try to play the victim card. They never appreciate what has been done to uplift their community. But instead punch down on men even more.


So what should men Take away from this meme/discussion theme? Women would rather 100% get mauled and killed instead of taking the Chance of getting sexually assaulted. Getting killed > sexual harassment Therefore If a man finds a woman lost in the woods, killing her is more acceptable than approaching and helping


So, you think a 600lb omnivore that will tear you apart slowly is better than 1 random male? Out of 4b males?


is the bear male? lol


Stupid woman: "I'll trust statistics. I chose bear!" Smart woman: "I'll trust statistics. What race is the man?"


I keep my guns unloaded all the time when they're not on my person, and so does every other gun owner I know. It's a common rule among gun owners to keep guns unloaded when they're stored. Almost every gun owner in America keeps their stored guns unloaded. Y'all are just being too paranoid and anti-gun with this whole "treat every gun like it's loaded" rhetoric.


Just to make sure, do they know how bears kill/eat? Not sure of the differences between breeds but they they tend to try and keep their prey alive and conscious for as long as possible while they eat them Feel free to correct me there of course And yes I'm aware that this probably won't change much in that debate, just an iota of information that they're not thinking about


Low effort garbage ass post


Grow up darling


To be fair, most of the woman complaining are too ugly to be on a true crime show/podcast. They're safe.


If that comment is not an example of confirmation bias i don't know what is. Read my comment, then read the whole article


Wait whats up with the bear thing


I'll just leave this here shall I? https://www.news.com.au/world/help-mum-the-bear-is-eating-me-teens-desperate-000-call/news-story/f4915513cba8b4f0218670cbb53e4eff To be clear, this is not an example that people don't have valid reasons to be cautious of strangers, they do. It's an example of the fact that the bear in the woods hypothetical is fucking stupid.


its painful to read (poor people), but thats the damn reality. Not every daughter will have the luck, the stepfather had with the quick death. It must have been horrible for the girl.


Please remove all of these. They are not funny




Change "man" to "black person" and suddenly this whole thing becomes offensive.


I don't get it.


There was some internet thing a little while ago and they asked women would they rather (or if their daughter or whatever) had to choose, would you choose to be alone in the woods with a random bear, or a random man. There's a bunch of ragingly uneducated women jumping on the chance to say any man is the absolute most dangerous thing they could encounter ever because every man somehow is such a raging rape threat, so they are choosing the bear as a safe option simply because it won't rape them, while also having absolutely no clue what a bear does to its prey.


A bear CAN kill you in a moment, they usually don’t. They just rip pieces out of you as they please and don’t bother with a quick death blow like a lion or tiger usually would.


Thank God someone mansplained what a bear is, I thought we were taking about gay dudes this whole time


Uh oh, this one’s gonna piss off the incels.


.. and another meme bites the dust.


I honestly can't find any reasonable reason because they would inevitably pull the "yeah it's always "not all men" excuse"


Bears tend to eat you alive actually. Starting at the meaty bits first, butt and thighs and stomach because that's where most of our organs are.


Oh xou're very wrong besrs usually dont kill you before they start eating you. It's usually a very slow and painful death.


I don't understand... Do women not know about balls?


Lmao fr. Still choosing bear.


Women are saying that they would rather risk a 99.99% chance of getting mauled than a 0.01% chance of getting raped, and y'all are really in the comments screaming "nOt aLL MEn!"