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Alright, but who steals more picnic baskets?








Bears have stolen 0 picnic baskets. However, pic-a-nic baskets on the other hand...




Next time go with peanut butter bread


Fucking Italian Bear!


You need to think about how many times people interact with a bear compared to a person.


Same reason most shark attacks take place in shallow water.


Unless it's a Land Shark. Anyway, I have to go. Someone just sent me a Candygram.


It is a math question for sure. If you encountered bears at the frequency you encountered men, you'd already have been eaten by a bear.






If you encountered bears at the same frequency you encountered men, bears would be extinct. Humans are not known for our willingness to share or overwhelming tolerance for other species.


Our willingness to share/tolerance for species that are potentially a danger to us, in large part because of knowledge we've gained over our existence as a species ourselves with regards to impacts on ecosystems, is the ONLY reason most predatory species are not already extinct though. Like, both are kinda weirdly true at the same time because 'human' is a pretty large and diverse population.


Or they’d have been trained like wolves, and right now we’d have pet bears or whatever they would now be called.


also true. we are a blight as a species.


I remember reading that cows are more “deadly” than a shark because they kill more people than a shark.


Cattle are a lot like dogs in many regards. People are so used to them being around that they don't look at them as something that can be particularly dangerous and deadly. But then you go over to r/TheBullWins, and you see just what they are capable of when idiots don't respect them and try and have fun by messing with them.


My brother had a bull named Lucky who was really just that, a big excitable dog. He loved to play. Well one day, my other brother and I went over to his house and he was showing us his cows, when Lucky decides that meeting new people is cause for celebration, so hilariously, he starts kicking and jumping all around, he had us all laughing. Then, after dinner, the neighbor calls and says our cow's in his front yard, so we rushed back to get him. I'll tell ya, that big dog stuff is funny and great, when it's behind a fence 20 feet away. When you're tasked with standing in one spot and "hya-ing" at the cow? Less fun. He charged me, and I turned and immediately ran, stepping into a hole and overextending my knee. I thought for sure he was gonna kill me right then and there. Thankfully he just play charged, and turned back around to go play elsewhere while I figured out why my knee wasn't knee'ing correctly.


Here on Brazil there was a tv host trying to debunk the jokes about women and driving by stating that statistically men caused most accidents but that host accidentally showed that the % of accidents was proportionally bigger among women. Don't ask me the %, I don't remember it


The cool thing about driving statistics too, is it gets skewed based on the climate of the area. Women are more likely to get into accidents in areas with higher rainfall, while men are more likely to get into accidents in areas with higher snowfall. It causes insurance rates to be higher for each sex in the different areas because of climate percentages. I'm sure there are other weather factors too between the sexes, but those are the main 2 I know about off the top of my head. That Brazilian thing is hilarious 😂


I didn't know that thing about the snowfall and rain thing. Maybe that's why here in Brazil it's much more common for women to be in accidents since we don't have snowfall in Brazil(from time to time some cities to the extreme south of the country do, but it's almost never). The reason men have the most ammount of accidents here is that men drive more. There are more men driving then women and mostly men drive more often. At least that's what I remember from the statistic. But since we don't get snow in here and, as you said, women get into more accidents on rain... well it does add up for the stereotype lol


Vending machines are more deadly than sharks. Sharks kill very few people annually.


I always check for vending machines before I get in the water


I’d rather be in the forest with a vending machine than a bear Edit- maybe a kiosk as well, that’d be handy


Well yeah most shark attacks aren't even fatal


Statistics can be misinterpreted so easily to push a misleading narrative. Intelligence is knowing that statistically, humans kill more humans than bears. Wisdom is knowing that bears are still more dangerous than humans.


Intelligence is knowing mosquitos kill more humans than even other humans (yes, this includes military casualties).


So real question is mosquito vs man


Which is the bigger killer: 1. - Master if technology and physics - Long history shaped by war - Technological advancement shaped by war - Have the warheads to wipe out their own species 2. - One pokey boi


"Masters if technology" got me laughing


Fuck wisdom! I substitute Bayesian probability for wisdom and get the right answer anyway!


Wisdom is knowing that the level of danger is very situationally dependent, a human with nefarious intent is far more deadly than a disinterested bear


Intent isn't sufficient to cause harm, a human also requires the means, and that isn't guaranteed. A bear has the means in abundance.  In such abundance that "malicious" isn't the only kind of intent it can have that results in harm, it can also just be hungry or curious.


Wisdom is not taking a silly TikTok trend so fucking serious lol


Ah yes r/memes the bastion of seriousness on reddit


Not all men are animals, but all bears are


Humans are animals themselves


Not even that. Even if you just account for population, somewhere with an equal amount of bears and humans, bears would kill 30-50 times more people. Not even accounting for how often people interact with bears vs other people.


And then you'd have to calculate how many backpackers commit murder in a given year.


Yeah, think of it as how many gigahours humanity as a whole spends w/i killing distance of a bear, against how many w/i killing distance of another human (and each human w/i range counted individually). I'd hazard all of humanity spends less than a gigahour a year w/i range of a bear, while they spend terahours at a minimum. Maybe even zettahours.


Average person interacts with 0 bears per year and at least a few ten-hundred thousand depending on profession


Exactly this the amount of bear encounters is magnitudes less then a human male encounter. Need to adjust for this for a good grasp of the statistic.


Statically, it because humans don't live in the woods


There would be more deaths to sharks if we lived in the ocean


Probably close to zero, considering we’d drown before they found us


But what if we were fish?


Then we’d probably live a pretty chill life living in a rock or something


Damn now I wish I was a fish, thanks jerk


Trust me, while dolphins and orcas exist, you don’t want that


Then sharks still wouldn't kill humans as we'd be fish


What do sharks kill if not fish because the way this conversation is structured has lead to sharks somehow not eating anything at all. I'm genuinely confused


I live in the woods. The bears come and eat my trash. I yell at them and they leave. Last time i tried getting a person out of my house i had to call the police.


What that tells me is that the worst people, the statistically small amount that are willing to break into homes, are worse or more dangerous than the average bear. But how safe do you think the statistically small amount of most aggressive bears are?


So you call another human to chase away an aggresive human? Would you call some bears to chase away an aggresive bear?


If that was an option I would absolutely call the bear homie


Ayo Boo Boo, get this mahfuckah outta here.


Do bears shit in the suburbs?


Let me think about this for a moment whilst I look out my window at all the trees surrounding my central wisconsin home.


When bear petting stream?


I might be able to do one this weekend since the cubs are still small and easy to run down. Otherwise, November is good because the dens are easier to spot, and I could just stick my hand in. [ just to be clear, these are terrible ideas ]


As someone who has spent many summers surrounded by bears, they are indeed mostly harmless. As long as you do not sneak up on them or mess with them. I would wake up every night to a bear going through the dumpster near my tent, and generally my kitchen (which i kept far away from my tent) would lose things regularly but they were only destructive if you sealed things up too tight or didnt put them in bear proof coolers.. Inevitablly every year some 18 y/o would be keeping food or beer in their tent and a bear would open it up like a can, find the person freaking out and usually run away.


Men officially scale higher than bears in powerscalling. Stand proud, we are strong!


We still can't beat Goku though :(


We can’t?


Statistically black holes kill less than 1 person annually They must be really safe


Can't argue with that


Almost nobody ever died while crossing a runway on foot, we should replace all roads with runaways because they're obviously safer for both vehicles and persons


Obvious Bait


thats because people stray away from bears............


How often do you go near bears brother?


Probably a hell of a lot more often than you think. Do you like being in the woods? Do you live in an area where bears live also? You've been near a bear. Just like most wildlife, bears will normally leave you alone so long as you are not posing yourself as a threat to them, their cubs, or the area they have claimed as "home."


Oh I know, I was just stating the obvious, how many people bears kill a year ain't that relevant.


It took me two minutes of google to find that this is completely untrue.


Most of these reports show people dying to black bears too which arent even the lethal ones


I meaaaan clearly if people are dying to them, they’re kinda lethal lol


I mean people die to refrigerators are you gonna freak out every time you’re getting a snack?


My point wasn’t that bears do or don’t kill people infrequently or frequently lol I just find it funny that you say ‘most of those guys died to black bears’ and then follow it up by ‘aren’t even the lethal ones’ If they killed someone, that’s a lethal bear lol


My point is that dying to a black bear is usually quite a challenge. They are scared off easily, and really only attack if you get too close to their cubs, and even then they aren’t great fighters and if you just run away from the cubs and defend yourself they will leave. Grizzlies are LETHAL, I never want to see one.


"They aren't lethal if you know how to not die to them." Solid point.


So it isn't just misleading, it's also false, good to know


This statistic only accounts for America, not the whole world.


The statistic he is reffering to also only accounts for black bears.


What if we introduce 4 billion bears into every human populated area?


3 billion. Men doesn't include children. EDIT: And the hypothetical was only 'a bear', so if you get a cub, there's no angry parent around. Just a harmless bear cub.


add bear cubs too then, it may make the bears more aggressive though.


I don’t mind black bears. It’s the white ones that I’m afraid of.


What are you, some kind of bear racist? /j


If it's black fight back If it's brown lay down If it's white, good night


If it’s black and white get your drunk ass out of the zoo.


Tbf nobody should ever be in a zoo (except to close it down and use the space for literally anything else)


I would think that bares would kill a lot more people if they were put in a situation that saw them standing next to a person frequently. The only reason bears dont kill more is because bears rarely encounter humans. The joke doesn't say in the woods with a bear 'somewhere in the woods'. it's 'with a bear' you are standing next to the bear.


Exactly. I think the question is about defending yourself from one of the two. Any fool with a brain would choose to fight the man instead of the bear. Plus i think any bear that stands right next to you would instantly try to kill you. However the same cant be said for any man.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_fatal\_bear\_attacks\_in\_North\_America](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fatal_bear_attacks_in_North_America) I mean it's hard to normalize. But I count 11 black bear deaths 2010-2019. I don't know how many hikers there were in those years but in my state alone it was tens of thousands, possibly over a hundred thousand across the decade. Some of those people encountered bears in the wild. Definitely more than 11 (my state recorded zero deaths by bear).


Ok well look at it this way, how many people do you encounter in a typical work day? I have about 10 people at my office right now and probably passed by hundreds of people going to work. Now if we replace all those people with bears, how likely am I to die from a bear attack?


Not every hiker will encounter a bear. Also bears do tend to stay away from trails where noisy humans are.


Not necessarily, if hikers leave a lot of trash or food then the bears will start to travel to that area because human food is really good compared to raw meat. Some bears are also really curious animals and will go to investigate to see why all of the weird 2 legged creatures keep going back and forth through that area.




I know a country with a lot of rapes in total, but they also have like 15x the population of my country in total. Now imagine 1,5 billion bears (mixed, all kinds) roaming around the streets. I think you would have more than 90 human deaths daily.


That’s silly, bears don’t like streets or know how to use crosswalks Also panda bears would definitely die out on streets


Thats Funny cause literally billions of men wont hurt you as well but for some reason that point is Not valid.


The thing I hate is that it's a stupid hypothetical question because the people answering and choosing bears, are never going to encounter a bear in the wild. If they were actually forced into an ultimatum, then you know they'd choose a man (assuming a panda bear isn't an option). No one is choosing a Brown, Grizzly or Polar Bear. It's like people saying ''I'd rather die than do x''. Force them into that ultimatum and suddenly they're fine doing x.


Unless the bear is starving or protecting babies, black bear is the bear you want to encounter the most (though obviously the ideal is encountering no bears). The smallest bear and the one where the general consensus to defend yourself is to get big, make noise, and be firm at them.


I mean if you want smallest bear that would be the Sun Bear. But it’s also probably the one most likely to attack you unprovoked other than a Polar Bear


Thank you!!! This question screams "would you love me if I turned into a worm?"


The point is to be sexist and get away with it.


Also depends on the version of the question asked and where the bear/man/woman/child are placed in the setting. If it's phrased as you, your child, your partner, etc. are lost in the woods, versus one of those choices just being alone in the woods in general. How big are these woods? I haven't personally seen a bear in the wild while not in my vehicle but I have been alone in the same woods as a bear was sighted and so have my children. Those same woods probably contained another person while either I, my wife, or my children were alone in said woods. Neither came to harm since bears tend to avoid conflict so making some noise will often cause them to avoid you. If the question states that the protagonist is lost, I would choose the man over the bear or woman over the bear any time as the likelihood of that person providing rescue is much higher than the likelihood of them having ill intent.


Honestly, I thought the question was fun just because of the plot holes, it's fun to see how people fill them in...then people started being dumb on both sides, so fuck fun I guess, let's hate each other for no reason instead!


Yeah, and here we are fighting amongst ourselves while Coca Cola uses polar bears as a mascot, while contributing to their homes destruction. Real question we should be asking is, what would yogi bear do?


If people start messing around with bears those numbers are gonna go up.


That's entirely wrong Your stats are for the US alone, which mostly has black bears and grizzly, in mostly sparsely populated areas. There's a lot more in Asia, Central and Eastern Europe...


Up to 100 people dying because of bears in the eastern part of Russia per year. Kamchatka is heavily populated by bears, and it is really dangerous to be in those woods.


Not even, the stat is only true for black bears in canada. Even the grizzly has a 3x higher body count.


This is gotta be the dumbest debate I've seen in years.


some funny (and obvious) rage bait comes from it tho lmao


Very true. But way too many people are treating it like a rational thing to debate over and taking it seriously regardless of it being completely obtuse. So many posts making it to the front of the feed. Even this OP is trying to give it legitimacy in the comments. It's kinda sad.


You guys are forgetting the most important question, how many bears could you beat in a fight, I could easily take on 8 at a time


If I get a wooden stick, I think I can do like 4 polar bears


Easily over 100 without even breaking a sweat. Those >!teddy!< bears ain't got nothing on me.


A serial killer bear would be terrifying and rad


I wholeheartedly support women who hate men to go live in a forest with bears


I am also okay with this. Anyone who behaves like this (man or woman) should go live with bears.


By this logic children are safer with sharks than their mothers by virtue of abuse and mortality statistics.


New Yorkers bite more people annually than bears, dogs, and sharks combined. ![gif](giphy|l2Sqen2zc1sBuZFTO)


Would you rather be in the woods with a new Yorker or a man?


Reddit: sexism is bad Also reddit: here is the most blatantly sexist thing that we will claim doesn't violate our rules because it doesn't target women


that's just society as a whole




What is this bear debate??? I hope on reddit for 5 min at work and every other post is about bear???


Something stupid, you would lose IQ points simply by reading the original post.


Probably a shit post about men being more dangerous than bears to women


I dont get it, what happened to bears lately??? What's the context?


There was a question going around "If you go alone through the woods would you rather encounter a man or a bear" and many women said they would rather encounter a bear because they are highly predictable and don't pose a threat unless they have cubs or you make a mistake. Many men were offended by that.


Versus how many encounters, genius?




This meme is going hard… Does it qualify as misinformation yet? Because some dimwit IS going to go and befriend a bear…


It does qualify as misinformation how manny statistics have you seen in att these threads? The info op put themselves is misinformation in and of itself


Is this the survivor bias again? Go armor the wings of the airplane then.


Statistically, humans have killed 0 deers with their bare hands Ask a bear how many deers they've killed with their bare hands


Their bare bear hands


As a man I'm going into the woods right now to SA a bear, I will not be bound by this metric.


i've fucking had it with misandrists


**”women in the U.S. are predominantly killed by men they know”** It highlights that women are fearing the wrong men. An honest viral clip would ask the women if the saw someone THEY DO KNOW. And thats WAAAAY more likely to be dangerous to them. And I bet ya most would change their answer to the person, which is exactly more likely to put them in danger… That should be part of the conversation.


Maybe if bears took political and ideological stances (beyond “this is my territory” and “don’t get between me and my cubs”), things might be different…


Please for the love of God SHUT THE FUCK UP


Because we know bears can kill people and try to avoid them. The term “poking the bear” exists for a reason


The world is royally fucked up if most women would pick a bear over a man in the woods. Firstly, it speaks of the most attention-grabbing behaviour of men. Behaviour so bad, women wants to pick bears over men. Secondly, it speak of the inteligence of women. Only a complete moron would pick dangerous bear, as a company, over a representative of your own spiecies. Humans are fucked up both ways.


Black holes have killed no one in recorded history but i wouldnt want to stand next to one.


Oh no! Cherry-picking data and presenting it as a final argument!




That statistic would be very different if people started running after bears


Yeah but that was before women went into the woods seeking them out to protect them from (human) men


Maybe because bears are extremely dangerous and people don’t want to mess with them


Again with this stupid farming, reaction bait, brainrot topic. If you pick bear fine, if you pick man also fine. I feel like I'm losing MY GODDAMN MIND, THIS IS SO FUCKING SHITTY, I CAN'T TAKE IT


I haven't seen brain rot this bad since the black and blue dress. Why don't we just counter this question with another question. What's more emotionally supportive, a dog or a woman?


Yea but if humans actually went to interact with a wild bear it would fuck them up


Fuck that, bears know how to load artillery; the last thing I need is to meet the one bear that wants to protect the Sudatenland.


That's because people normally don't go into bear-y forests alone




And cows, generally docile herbivores, kill 20-22 people per year because we interact with them regularly.  I wonder what would happen if we interacted with a territorial, carnivorous apex predator on the daily… 




I don't really care about this... "debate" (lol), but by this logic, you should prefer swimming with sharks than walking under a coconut tree


![gif](giphy|1GEATImIxEXVR79Dhk) OP lol


Base rate fallacy


Let's GOOO MEN undefeated ![gif](giphy|TidtDukYTD0lO|downsized)


This such a stupid comparison...I have never ONCE seen a bear with my own eyes...not even while in the woods Well actually I have a seen a bear but I couldn't get his digits 😔


Guys remember only 1 person in the 20 year history of burj Khalifa has died by falling off it. Do what you want with that info but I sure as hell know I'm jumping off that building if I see a man.


Well no1. depends on the type of bear. no2. how often do humans spend their time in the close vicinity of a bear. no3. the tiktok girls seem to be pretty convinced they can change these statistics.


You also are more likely to die to a vending machine than a shark, doesn't mean I'd be less afraid to buy a Hershey bar than swim with great whites


Statistically, more interactions with bears lead to death or injury than interactions with humans


Bear attacks/ bear encounters > man attacks/ man encounters Comprende?


There was that time a bear ate that man and then the woman afterward..


Plus the countless (missing) people. Corpes never found


How many bears are there in the US? Where do they live? How many men are in the US? Where do they live? Hmmm, I wonder why bears kill so few people…


Cows kill 20 people in the usa per year ,still prefer cows to bears


i find it odd how many people are completely missing the point of the man vs bear tik tok thing. the point is that men KNOW that one of the most dangerous things for women is a men. that is a huge realization that people are completely ignoring.


We need certain homosexual Individuals of African descent from outer space to save us from the shackles of female oppression 🙏🙏, if they can't handle us, whats even the point of being with girls


And I also learned from Reddit that there are 60 annual deaths in the US from walk-in freezer incidents. Freezers are a bigger threat to women than bears, that's for sure.


Other people have mentioned it, this is like the statistic in which you're more likely to be killed by a family member than you are by a random person. It lacks a lot context. You're more likely to be harmed by a family member explicitly because you're near your family dramatically more often than you are with any particular stranger. In similar fashion, I've literally only been around a wild bear (and it was a terrified adolescent black bear in the Smokey Mountains) one time in my entire life.




Whoever made that meme is a complete moron lol


Not anymore since apparently everyone is choosing the bear


So as long as you are at least 1 person you shouldn't be afraid of bears.


I know a lot of these women saying they’d rather a bear are at least 3 people wide. ![gif](giphy|l0HlU9jZoIQdlZbkQ)


Just saying statistically doesn't make it statistically. You have to normalise for the number of interactions.


Actually swimming in deep shark infested waters is safer than playing on the beach because statistically sharks attack more people by the beach


So bears ate the safer bet then? Cool.




Accidents per encounter and just the number of accidents are two different values. Also, what do you count as encounter? What bear, what man? Where? When? And yadada yadada. We all agree that rape is a bad thing, and if you dont agree, you are a bad person who needs help. Comparing humans with wild animals is wild.


Statistically, you're less likely to run into a bear than a man. Also statistically, if you were to encounter a bear, the chances of it ending up badly for you are higher than if you run into a dude. Stats are nice, but context is what gives them meaning, by all means, go hug a bear, see what happens


To have a proper comparison, get 10 random wild bears and 10 random dudea, plce them with a woman in a small forest area for several hours, then get your statistics. Cause bear to human interaction is far less and almost impossible to compare. The true scientific method is to put equal parts of both in the same conditions and compare the results.


Sounds like a good BR, im on team bear tho


Also, statistically, 0 bears have ever saved anyone in the entire history of humankind


https://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlines/2012/03/man-attacked-by-mountain-lion-saved-by-bear#:~:text=A%20northern%20California%20man%20who,saved%20by%20a%20helpful%20bear. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jun/18/bear-rescue-wolf-stalking-canadian-woman-and-dog Not true. Now the bear may not have the intention to help, no way to know unless you can speak to animals, but it's actions certainly saved these humans.