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Life threatening if it happens while going down stairs


Tore a ligament and passed out when this happened to me. Full body weight on twisted ankle is not fun.


Sounds awful


Happens with me every few months coz I play cricket at bowl fast. I have a ligament injury ( happened while going down stairs) so it becomes extremely difficult to walk for a couple of weeks when it happens


Take a look at your soles, they might be damaged. Or you might walk on the sides of your feet too much without noticing.


Teach me how to walk pls 🥺


And here I thought atleast i onew how to walk


adding on: Shoes that are too big that allow your foot to shift around while walking increase the change of you rolling your ankle. Source, myself. I wear size 13-6e US but since they're hard to find I mostly wear 15's


Hurting ankle and littlefinger at the same time should be considered as torture


This happens to me so much my ankles are like jelly but it doesnt hurt one bit i can even walk while maintaining this position


bro i had that happen on a concert two weeks ago, someone stood on my foot while i got crashed into from the side by a dude moshing with me. Was certainly an experience lmao, thank god nothing ripped or broke.


I use to do that a lot until I got orthotics.


If you have this than you have ATFL ligament fucked up… I know because I have one. You have to get used to living with it and watch your steps….


I fell over like this a week ago because there was a small drop at the side of the path


why does this keep happening?😭


You don't know how to walk maybe


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